(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

It could be interesting if teleporting required some sort of player made consumable.

Considering the fact that many would be intereseted in being able to teleport. It would give another thing for industrial players to build.

Join AXE for a good time in a mature and cool headed corporation. Settle in our well established and durable corporation.

No compulsory events, neither minerals nor money donations will be required of you.

Join AXE the corporation that puts P.O. where it belongs, ie on the game shelf.

Could we not have a sort of Spark Carrier Bot, seeded in all stations. A concept similar to the shuttles in Eve. The type of bot which has no other purpose but getting around. Something like a watered down Arkhe with no item slots.

Example of a need for a spark carrier bot.
If you have 3 insured bots, each with less than 6 U of cargo space in one station and wish to get them all to another station. You’re doomed.
You’re current options are:
1 Cancel insurance (throw money out the window), package them, and take them to said other station with sequer.
2 Cancel insurance, sell them, go to said other station, pray they have that same bot for sale, and purchase again.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:

... SNIP!

But paintjobs first, I think we agree it's the most important feature atm, with terraforming & nullsec being close 2nd most important. Preferably by the end of tomorrow.


I would have put new player experience improvement and mission balancing on top of the priority list personally.


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:

I too think this travelling is cumbersome. I realize people don't like eve comparisons, but why not? In eve with autopilot ...snip!

We Perpetuum lovers like to pretend this game is completely different and in no way comparable to Eve, but I’ll pick up on what you said and do so anyways.

In Eve online even manual piloting can be done simply by pointing and clicking at entities in the landmarks window (or the overview as CCP calls it). While traveling, you can keep busy by sifting through any menu open in almost full screen. All you need, is to keep that margin of a landmark (overview) menu accessible.

Can you get around P.O. simply by using the landmark window? Only exceptionally is the answer. Merely getting around requires almost as much attention as combat itself (without being nearly as stimulating off course).


(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Make purely decorative plants traversable or implement a sort of “auto-go-around” system.
Additionally; “iron out” the map. By that second part I mean remove the micro patches and single tiles of non traversable land which are scattered around.

I don’t find traveling fun, and I’m not the only one. To kill time while I travel; I chat, I sift through the market to find that good deal, I read through the various extensions etc…

When I close the market window or the character sheet, frustratingly, I sometimes find that I’ve only crossed a fraction of the distance I set out to do because my robot is stuck in a three tile funnel of non traversable land that seems somewhat out of the place in the open plain I set out to cross in “run lock” mode.  It’s even more annoying when I stuck in something that is there to make the area pretty.

While it is theoretically possible to steer and sift through market or chat or read the character sheet, practically it’s not. Every couple of seconds, having to minimize the window or interrupt typing or reading then resuming after having made that 5° turn is an exercise in patience.

In a nut shell, if my robot could avoid by itself the tiny obstacles scattered around, in my opinion, it would already go a long way to reducing traveling boredom.

If you close the assignment window, devilering missions is faster.

Proceed as follows.

Enter the outpost where you must deliver your transport mission.
Open the assignment window.
Bring up all your accomplished missions BUT DON'T turn them in.
Close the assignment window
Turn in the missions.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Can I have all your stuff?

Ral wrote:
Alexander wrote:

Don't train ANYTHING above 5 for the first month unless you know what you're doing or it's Nav 10.

That's probably good advice past the first month as well.

In the first month of the game you may think that you know what you're doing but in fact you don't so just don't train extensions beyond lvl 5

Gobla wrote:

Sometimes when you see 95% of a robot it's still not enough and you miss. Yet sometimes when you see less then 75% of it you still hit.

The “look over the shoulder” trick works well with very obvious obstacles. The type that you would be able to notice fully zoomed out with a slightly oblique perspective, once you’ve a bit of experience.

I also noticed that sometimes I’d hit a molehill in front on the target, and at other times I’d successfully hit a robot in partial cover.

Account trading will probably happen “under the table”, until there is some or other “official” mechanism that permits one to reach similar ends.

I understand why this isn’t a priority currently for the Devs.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Upgrade your social status, join a corp, get in a group and do missions with friends. This is an MMO not a single player game, getting into a better community will help you more than getting into a bigger robot.

Kvoth wrote:

I might be wrong on all counts, but as a newbie trying the 15 day trial, that's how I feel.


  No story in a clearly interesting game world
... snip!

  Speaking of speeding it up

  The grind starts immediately (and lasts forever?)

You put your finger on it. The first moments of the game feel like driving through the trafic to get to your pillow stuffing day job. I ranted on that as well when I joined.  http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/post/20383/#p20383

In a sandbox game, things such as traveling and grinding are a bit inevitable. It’s also impossible to write a novel quest line long enough for players that play for hours during several years.

These are all ugly truths that need not be thrown at a new player’s face on day one.

What we need to is a quest line long enough to be impossible to clear during the trial period (of the average gamer), that gives the new player a sense of evolution, a sort of goal. During said period he’ll settle in the community and find a corporation, acquire the impulsive syndrome of “I need the next shinier robot” and maybe even get a of blood in pvp.

As far as the traveling time is concerned, anything that could compress it, would have a significant impact on the rate at which money is earned and pvp is done. Basically the entire balance of the game would be upset.

I started playing the game when the old tutorial system was in use. I found it really good. Compared to other MMOs it was relatively fast paced, the most pertinent information gets across and the player isn’t drowned in information. At the end of said tutorial, I knew how to play the game and had a large choice of missions ahead of me. As is were I considered it a strength in this game.

Considering how good it was I’m surprised that they tried to “improve” it.

I understand that they could be grinded for cash and the grave consequence of loosing the first light bot. Though now it seems that people are completely confused.


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

Natasya wrote:

And the beginners experience is : Drive around in a sequer.

Wonder why the population wont go up ? Perhaps the new players are not only turned of by a complex game ....

They’re free to do other things but it will pay less and be more dangerous and involve even more mind numbing traveling.


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

With the way mission payout was increased and the extra tutorial transport missions added in, it seems like the devs are pushing mindless transport missions even more into that “top money maker” spot.

Before someone says it, yes L4s combat missions in full a full pvp zone pay more. Though they are high end mission, you need to grind L2 and L3 for proportionally little pay.


(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:


After barely escaping from the Ewar demob,
the pack was too big to clear solo.

I just logged back off frustrated.
And again, all the packs were too big to actually 'clear' solo.

Have you thought of teaming up with some friends? Look at Cobalt's rant about him being a fighter and not wanting to aquire industry skills. Send him an invite next time you go artifact hunting.


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:

actually, for me - combat and mining missions - the travel time makes 2/3 of the whole mission time, but is the least paid part of it.

You’re not the only one to have noticed this aberration. The travel time for a combat/mining mission is the same and often longer than the travel time of transport missions.

With transport missions once you’re done with the long haul, you get paid. In combat/mining missions, once you’re done with the long haul, you only get to start harvesting/fighting.

In my opinion a simple solution that wouldn’t completely offset the balance of the game would be to increase the amount of minerals that need to be harvested / robots that need be killed / sites that need be scanned. Currently we have missions that send you from the center of the map to the beach to kill just 5 robots.


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

Travel time is also danger time.

If you reduce travel time you reduce risk and exposure.


Good point in favor of a system with long traveling times.

Your flare idea isn’t bad. We could also have the mining/combat time of the mission increased to offset a travel time decrease.


(4 replies, posted in Q & A)

Is it possible to transfer a character from one account to another?


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

There are several approaches in my opinion which could address this issue. All have advantages and disadvantages which can be discussed.

Possibility one.
Allow players to “teleport” between active robots in different locations. There’s the balancing issue which needs to be considered. How many active robots could one have? Wouldn’t this overly facilitate “call to arms” when defending or attacking Beta etc… This option would decrease the traveling time between your Alpha carebearing cash grinding bot and your combat pvp bot on Beta, but not so much the travel time in missions. To reduce the actual travel time between a station and a mission zone we could imagine the implementation of structures (player or built or not) which act like miniature stations. Which’s sole purpose is to allow you to dock up your robot so you can teleport to it later. Let’s call these structures “garages”. These could be spread out around the map or built by players closer to mission zones.
So a typical mission would run as follows.
A Pick up mission in station (as we do now).
B Teleport to garage with combat robot that is closer to mission zone than the station.
C Do mission and return to garage
D Teleport to station to turn in the mission.
Unfortunately this system doesn’t help at all though to perform “destroy and recover” mission types. Garages if player built would have to be destructible by npcs to prevent them from being built too close to spawns.

Possibility two.
Waypoints as mentioned in this thread.
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … el-paths/”
We place waypoints as we travel along, create a pathway with the waypoints. Select the pathway way we want and click go! Off course what to do with all the plants? Honestly would it bear dire consequences if all plants were ethereal? Though this would help gold farmers as mentioned. To resolves this problem, this mechanism could be functional only in Beta, but then again who really travels afk in a full pvp zone?

Possibilty three.
Let us build highways. Burn the ground, bring down the hills, fill up the valleys and pour the tar! Traveling from a common place to another becomes as simple as putting your bot in the right direction and hitting move lock. What will happen though in the longer term is that we’ll have terraformed all the islands into plant less poll tables.

Possibility four.
Speed bonus for pvp flagging.


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

We all thought of it “Snap! Getting around sure is tedious”

Compilation thread on the topic of traveling, autopilot , pathfinding etc

Traveling time is a hot subject as can be seen by the number of threads relating directly or indirectly on the topic. Herein as an introduction I’ve created a sort of review on this issue.

In this Q&A session (http://forumsbetaarchive.perpetuum-onli … qa-results) the DEVs mentioned there wasn’t anything coming our way to relieve us of the mind numbing traveling in the short term. Despite that this is in the interest of the game itself since people dropping out because they don’t want to do all the traveling is bad for business.

We’ve people grinding teeth on the forum about this subject and it’s a safe bet that for every poster than complains about travel time, there are many more who think the same but don’t bother voicing their opinion.

Here are some of those who took the time to say they’re unsatisfied with travel instead of just quitting in silence.
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … e-terrain/
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … ral-speed/
Here are the impressions of a new player who put the travelling issue as number 1.
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … ew-player/

Here are some of the ideas that have been posted  in the forums on the issue of traveling:
This one is about the implementation of active speed boost module.
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … st-module/
Here is a thread on waypoints.
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … el-paths/”
Here are some ideas in the feature request section posted by myself.
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … -solution/
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … -solution/
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … ravelling/

Interestingly as can be seen by this poll at the moment this thread was written most people play Nuimquol. Seeing as they’re the fastest faction, we could see in this phenomena a symptom of the travel plague.
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … lising-in/

Post here your solutions to making traveling less boring without upsetting the entire context of the game. Post your opinion on the subject of traveling. Is it fine as is or does it need improvement. Finally fill in the little poll.


Edit: added links to travel related topics (2011/4/11).
Edit: added a link to travel related topic (2011/4/26).


(0 replies, posted in Open discussion)


poll test


(5 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I’ve encountered this « npc rushing back to spawn point » and it’s very annoying.

On the mission “Neutron 3” you have to engage green npcs in a tight hill pass with unleved terrain. Said npcs don’t have much trouble firing at the player seeing as how missiles don’t need LOS. On the other hand it’s almost impossible to get a clear shot with direct fire weapons. The only practical way is to corner the npc against impassable terrain. Though shortly after being backed up with nowhere to go, said npc just “warps” back to the spawn point.

Using terrain to trap an enemy is not an exploit it’s a strategy.

Make it possible to select which channels can make the minimized chat window blink.

Help and general chat channel are fun to be in and very active, but they are not as important as the Beta-island intel channel. When my chat window is minimized and it starts to blink. It could be because someone is reporting an invasion of foes coming my way, or because someone asked what button to click to leave the terminal. Only one of these situations is worth having a flashy icon.