(8 replies, posted in News and information)

In my opinion; even with all the dedication and skill in world, moving a server base and getting it running in a day seems optimistic. To avoid frustration, I wouldn’t make plans to play Perpetuum on the 13th.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Kerry King wrote:

nothing new to add to thread , but getting slightly irritated at the fact a paying subscriber cant login sad  so really the people who were here before this mass influx of players are getting the bad end of the deal here

You can actually do something else for a couple of days instead of rushing home and spamming the log-in button.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Rodger Wilcoe wrote:

While it is inconvenient, I'm personally not phased about it too much. You couldn't have foreseen such a rapid influx of players.

If anything it has helped identify a potential bottleneck and hopefully overall is a "good" thing in the long term.

I apologise for being part of the "problem" having recently created two accounts myself wink

New players is what this game needed most. You're not a part of the problem, you're a part of the solution.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

I’ll take a few days off the game, leave room for the newer guys to play and get hooked. DEVs thanks for keeping us updated and having suggested some kind of compensation. It’s the best one can do in these circumstances. Get some rest and make us a server in due shape so we can have a good time with all the new comers.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

I also found the beginning very tough. As you said ammo is expensive. Recently with all the new players the mission spots are camped.

You could run transport mission for money while the spawns are over crowded. When you’ve some money. Think about buying yourself a sensor amplifier, it will boost your locking time.

Remmember. For a kill to count towards your mission, you must be the first one to shoot the robot. A little green circle will appear next to the npc’s icon if it belongs to you. A yellow cross will appear if it belongs to someone else. You win nothing from destroying someone else’s target. So spare your rounds for your own prey.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Seeing as how you’re not doing industry and don’t seem interested in PVE. You have nothing to loose continuing with your current avatar and doing a reset much further down the line when you actually know what is going on.

What I recommend that you do is to continue playing as you were for at least one month, (I recommend two). Learn the game. You benefit from having a good farming race, you’ll be able to get wealth and gear more easily than if you were blue (Nuimquol) for example. When you decide to reset, you give your gear and NIC to an alt or a friend, and recuperate it after resetting.

You are referring to the combat mechs and heavy mechs of the yellow race (Thelodica), which are long ranged slow tanks indeed. Remember that mechs and heavy mechs are not the only robots in game. With the current common tactics speed is king in roamings operations and also in intrusions (fleet battles). This will only hold true until an FC who’s smarter than the current ones will find a good way to pitch the paper thin armored Kain (blue faction, fastest mech in game) in a head on fight with a Seth.

TL DR: You ain't seen nothing yet, don’t waste your reset, wait two month before you use it.


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

To help the players from EVE who join Perpetuum. I made this little dictionary to translate EVE jargon into Perpetuum jargon.

Some of these “translations” are only rough approximations; others are simply the figment of my imagination.

EVE -> Perpetuum

Security status  ->  Does not exist
Concord  ->  Does not exist
Jita  ->  ICS alpha terminal on Attalica or Truhold Markson Terminal on New Virginia.
Named modules  ->  Tech II and III
Tech II  ->  Tech IV
Capacitor  ->  Accumulator
Civilian quality gear  ->  Syntec gear
Clones/jump clones  ->  Does not exist
Implants  ->  Does not exist
ISK  ->  NIC
Missions  ->  assignment
Overview  ->  Landmarks
Null sec  ->  Beta
Empire space  ->  Alpha
Low sec  ->  Does not exist
Standing  ->  relation
Skill points  ->  extension points
Skills  ->  extensions

Station  ->  Outpost or Terminal
Gate  ->  Station (official term), teleport (vernacular term over voice and chat coms)

Noobship  ->  Arkhe
Frigate  ->  Light bot
Destroyer  ->  Assault bot
Cruiser  ->  Mech
Battlecruiser  ->  Heavy mech

Light artillery  ->  light Auto cannon
Light auto cannon  ->  no equivalent in Perpetuum
Medium artillery  ->  medium autocannon
Medium autocannon  ->  medium machine gun
Light rail gun  ->  light EM gun
Light blaster  ->  no equivalent in Perpetuum
Medium railgun  ->  medium EM gun
Medium blaster  ->  medium guass gun
Light beam laser  ->  light HCL laser (need ammo to fire in perpetuum)
Light pulse  ->  no equivalent in Perpetuum (need ammo to fire in perpetuum)
Medium beam laser  ->  medium HCL laser (need ammo to fire in perpetuum)
Medium pulse  ->  medium LCL laser HCL laser (need ammo to fire in perpetuum)
Light launcher  ->  light launcher
Rocket  ->  No equivalent
Medium launcher  ->  Medium launcher

Other gear
Afterburner and MWD  ->  Does not exist
Gang assist module  ->  NEXUS
Capacitor booster  ->  Energy injector
Capacitor recharger  ->  accumulator recharger
Capacitor batteries  ->  auxiliary accumulator
EANM  ->  Universal armor plate
Nanofibre  ->  lightweight frame
Sensor booster  ->  Sensor amplifier (often called an “amp”)
Secured can  ->  field container (warning last 20 min if untouched)
Web  ->  demobilizer (exist in short and long range variants) also simply called a “demob”

Undock  ->  Deploy

Factions (very simplified exceptions inside™)
Amarr  ->  Thelodica AKA Yellow
Caldari  ->  Pelilstal AKA Green
Gallente/Minmater bastard child  ->  Nuimquol AKA Blue

edit: readability. Note arrows can't be bolded.

PS send me a PM with any addition you deem necessary in dictionary. Participators will be listed in the OP.

Thanks to Kazimir Casus for the help.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Corporations provide for own members first. Surplus and unneeded gear goes onto the market. Have you ever heard of such a thing as excess of weapons and gear in combat zones?

Yes the market is baren. It’s there for you to colonize. There are countless people out there who need gear and cannot get it anywhere else than from the market.

Opportunity for you maybe?
Welcome to the game.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think it’s exiting to have new players in game, let the trial players get on.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Greetings and welcome to all the new players.
The sudden influx of player and the appearance of the mega corporation NEX is an interesting twist to the game.

Server issues.
As much as I need my Perpetuum fix day after day, I can understand the lag and temporary population cap applied recently. Imagine if from one day to the next, your income and work load were doubled. You’d be glad, but you’d need some time to gather yourself to face the challenge.

Trial accounts and new players.
By all means flood in, stay, trial, try, experiment but mostly stay. You didn’t “break” our game, you isolated and pointed out a technical software default in the relay thingy machine.

We at 62nd look forward to interacting with you as well as helping you with your questions in the chat channels and forums. Many of us being former EVE players, we’ll gladly translate the various Perpetuum terms into ones you’re more familiar with.


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

There’s a lot of teeth grinding about the recent modification to plant harvesting. It inspired me this new role in industry.

Industrial support robot.
Let us imagine an industrial class robot, which acts as miniature mobile field container. A robot into which harvesters can directly unload their cargo. This robot handles the shipment of plants from the harvesters to the field container, wherefrom regular haulers (Sequer or Lithus) take it to station.

This “open top” hauler being slightly redundant with the traditional ones should have an added benefit to be worth while. It could have bonuses to: the harvesting nexus modules, signal masking value of nearby units, signal detection.

Password protection on folders within the corporation hangars.

Line wrote:

And a possibility to put them somewhere on your robot (only one)

micro transaction possibility here?

Celebro wrote:

... SNIP!

I still believe PVE and the new player experience is in more urgent need of a fix before OP ownership. This will bring in more players, with double or triple the numbers online at peak time will make pvp more likely and interesting even with no outpost ownership.

New players need catering.

What discouraged me when I started playing P.O. was the fact that the grinding starts from the moment you end the tutorial.

The second thing is the travel times. Getting around really feels like driving your car to work.

These can be accepted by people familiar to the genre who suspect that there is something better afterwards. Not everyone is willing to go through a long boring grinding phase to get to the good stuff. Most people want to have fun from day one.

Make a linear mission system. Bring the npcs closer to the station. Auto deploy a teleport beacon back to station when mission is completed. Currently the new player is offered a menu of 10 missions to grind. He spends more time walking than fighting or mining. He can’t even go pour himself a drink while all that senseless walking is being done.

No matter how boring they are, I know that grinding and walking are pvp fuel, so I accept them. To the new player grinding and walking are the only things he gets ie the worst part of the game, right from day one.

Good journalism is objective journalism.

The events surrounding M2S have forged Perpetuum’s political AND economical AND military situation.

Simply censuring this would be like making a review on world war two without mentioning Germany, the atomic bomb and Normandy.

M2S has had its assets and knowledge base removed, they have been punished, they have served their time, and they have paid their debt to society. There is no more witch hunting to be done.

Yes it’s in the past, and that doesn’t justify not talking about it. Discussing this with maturity and objectivity is the best way to put it to rest. Simply pretending it didn’t happen is hypocritical and will only fuel further rumors the feeling of vengeance.

Why arbitrarily prevent Styx to coming to speak at the podcast? He has shaped the game, and given an interesting twist to the way things are. He has single handedly affected the game more than all the CEOs you’ll invite combined.

Aside from the breach Styx discovered, nothing of any consequence and hence of any real interest has happened.


(25 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Some lore and fluff. Because we all need it. Robot description.

The light bot.

Vastly underestimated, the light bot has nothing to envy from the other robots in the arsenal. Readily available and easy to replace, it’s platform of choice for the rookie agent and the veteran pirate.

The light bot has outstanding spotting skills and stealth. In most combat situations it will see the enemy before being seen. This vastly underestimated edge coupled to the fact that it can outrun what it can’t destroy, gives the light bot pilot the luxury of choosing his battles.

When the odds turn against the light bot, thanks to its quad leg configuration and low centre of gravity, it is capable of fleeing through rough terrain, valleys and trenches which are not traversable for the bigger chassis.

In addition to the fact that there is no limit to number of light bots that an entity can field, this attack scout’s competence as a skirmisher make it an opponent to be feared.


(16 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

When emptying a field container or a loot can, filled with a large amount of very small items such as ammo or ore which’s total volume is greater than your cargo capacity. It would be handy if the game automatically calculated how much of the item can go into your cargo hold.

Gaulois wrote:

I like the Idea of skills acquired through eating kernels. You should probably create a separate topic for this.

Admittedly I derailed a bit off topic here.

I totally agree that kernel research needs improving, and that a specialty choice is a very good idea.

I’ll go even further than that, my dear industrious bees, and I’ll kick your hive by stating this obvious flaw in the kernel research system:

Currently only industrials can get a PERMANENT increase in ability (ie knowledge base), if they farm, grind, beg, steal or borrow kernels. The more time they spend playing, the greater their PERMANENT ABILITY (ie knowledge base) gets.

On the other hand, poor fighters can not obtain in anyway impacting way a permanent bonus of their own through playing, grinding, begging or stealing etc… they could eat the kernels they farm themselves but to what use is that? Someone whose specialty is breaking things doesn’t care about building things. 

The brave fighters, hard kernel gatherers, sweat and blood of the industrials’ “knowledge base”, for their work, receive a paltry sum of NIC, from the producers who’ll in time sell tiered items back to them with exorbitant margins.

Yes! A specialty choice when eating kernels is a good idea, but I suggest two schools.
1 INDUSTRY, as is the current system.
2 COMBAT, as I’ll describe here below.

You’re a fighter and you choose to let the industrials work for kernels themselves and keep the kernels for you and eat them with the COMBAT specialty. You start to receive PERMANENT combat bonuses of your own.

It doesn’t look good to call it the “PERMANENT combat bonus acquired through grinding day in and out”, just as the industrials’ permanent manufacturing bonus is called “knowledge base”, we could baptize this “Kung Fu Mind Power Base”.

So the “Kung Fu Mind Power Base” permanently acquired through eating kernels with the COMBAT specialty kernel eating choice; grants with time and many kernels; bonuses such as:

1)    Seeing how many players are on the island/ map quadrant / adjacent area. Not necessarily who or where, just how many.
2)    Seeing if there is Noralgis or not and if yes how much on the island / map quadrant / adjacent area.
3)    Can see trails of robot and maybe even identify the type and the amount that went past recently.
4)    Remotely (roughly) locate an agent on Nia.
5)    Become temporarily invisible to NPCs, dissipates if shooting locking repairing or scratching.
6)    Magic missiles and magic bullets, when you’re out of ammo you can load your Kung Fu Mind Slugs, (which are sub par to normal ammo made of titan and polynitrocol, but better than nothing).
7)    Self heal when out of combat for a prolonged time
8)    Discount when buying ammo from npc orders for a limited quantity of ammo

I'm supprised that Jelan, the biggest mouth of M2S, has not made comments on this yet.

On a side note we ought to add "Not taking the DEVs for fools" in this thread :

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … surviving/


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

Perpetuum-less friday nooooes!

An item or piece equipment that can hamper a player’s ability to dock and/or use a teleport.

Another to counter the effect of the first.

I find that the omni present stations in Eve are a weakness in the game. Station also represent safe havens and have a negative impact on PVP. If there is a station around every corner it will be very easy to avoid small roaming gangs. The only PVP that will occur will be the massive intrusions.

From the perspective of a PVEer I agree with the fact that getting around feels like a job. Stations closer to missions could help with this issue, but it’s not the only solution.

Well funded, equipped and trained, there’s seemingly no limit to the amount of man and machine M2S can throw into battle. You’ll have no luck with them. On the other hand I understand that the Norhoop Alliance is having trouble keeping its enemies off its land. Perhaps you should try to contact them. They need battle worn commanders and veteran shock troops armed to the teeth, not greenhorns in T1 gear.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Light electronic warfare bots seems to fit your description pretty well.

All factions have electronic warfare robots. Pelistal (green) are mostly adept at energy warfare. Energy is necessary for about everything in game and this team specializes in depriving your enemy of it. Thelodica (yellow) and Nuimquol (blue) both have light electronic warfare bots too. Each is good at tampering with the enemy’s targeting systems in its own way. 

While light electronic warfare bots benefit from a comfortable amount of innate stealth, their own sensors are pretty limited, making them poor reconnaissance units. Enemies won’t see you until you are on top of them, but nor will you.

On a side note, you can’t jam and enemy to death nor destroy a robot by draining it’s accumulator, and no amount of EWAR  has ever made your cargo filled with minerals, so your electronic warfare skills will not help you to farm ore or loot npcs.

Considering the complexity of electronic warfare my advice to you is to stick to your current avatar for at least one month (I recommend two). Then based on the experience you will have acquired make a new avatar by using the character reset function of the game.