Topic: Just a few questions


A total noob to game and one of the migrating EVE players.
Started out as ..ehm..the yellow race (still struggling with the names), and browsing the forums here it seems as they are mostly PVE related and not much usefull in PVP due to hevy tank-slow speed.

As new i guess it's not all that bad as one need to run a LOT of that npc shooting and missions till get skill up and some decent cash.

BUT.... i dont much play MMO's for the PVE aspect. PVP is where my heart lies. So, should i maybe reroll another toon already and train up (maybe the missile) some of the other 2 races so in a few months or more when skills are bit more up to par and can go out and do some PVP-ing here???
ANd no "newbs can be usefull to" BS plz. Been there done that enough in EVE. Skillpoints isn't everything, i know and im sure if i was given a hevy trained toon  and went up against a longer time player here i would get smoked.... but that's where knowledge of the game mechanics and propper use of terrain and whatnot comes into play.
Just an general answer would be appreciated. Would just hate having to start a new one 3-4 months from now just couse didn't know so much from start  lost all that time startin from practically scrath

Re: Just a few questions

Seeing as how you’re not doing industry and don’t seem interested in PVE. You have nothing to loose continuing with your current avatar and doing a reset much further down the line when you actually know what is going on.

What I recommend that you do is to continue playing as you were for at least one month, (I recommend two). Learn the game. You benefit from having a good farming race, you’ll be able to get wealth and gear more easily than if you were blue (Nuimquol) for example. When you decide to reset, you give your gear and NIC to an alt or a friend, and recuperate it after resetting.

You are referring to the combat mechs and heavy mechs of the yellow race (Thelodica), which are long ranged slow tanks indeed. Remember that mechs and heavy mechs are not the only robots in game. With the current common tactics speed is king in roamings operations and also in intrusions (fleet battles). This will only hold true until an FC who’s smarter than the current ones will find a good way to pitch the paper thin armored Kain (blue faction, fastest mech in game) in a head on fight with a Seth.

TL DR: You ain't seen nothing yet, don’t waste your reset, wait two month before you use it.

I want an autopilot so I can chat while I travel. … -a-review/ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

Re: Just a few questions

Thatnks for the reply :-)
Wasen't aware you are able to do a reset wich is a great mechanic.
Will continue as suggested, there still is ton's of things to know. Barely even scratched the surface here. A indy toon is possibly comming up i guess, but that's in the future.

Would have just hated wasting 3-4 months in the future (as did in EVE) realising that the character and race you trained was alm utterly useless in PVP.

Re: Just a few questions

Be aware that you get 1 free reset (atm you still have to delete your character, saw somewhere that they were planning to change this), afterwards it will cost you 2 days ep to do so.

Re: Just a few questions

If it was even 1 for life it would be superb i guess.
Don't think i'll be the only one messing up the training and distribution of the points due to inexpiriece and knowledge of what the different "skills" are used for.
As the guy said above i will continue with this for a few months or so. There really is so much to learn.

Re: Just a few questions

The Devs are going to be changing the Reset feature, what exactly the new form will be is still a little vauge, but likely it will not require you to delete your character like you have to now.

Which is another good reason to wait.

On the downside, the new reset may not be a 'full' reset. If you are combat to combat, that's not a problem, only if you are thinking about going from Indy-Combat, because it may not change attributes.

Again, no exact definition yet, except that it will be changing in someway.