I could type a wall of text to point out the epic fail in this op but I will limit myself to a single descriptive word to sum up what Kampf really meant:


Nova Davion wrote:

2.  Pay for XP, not Play for XP

Just because I learned of and played this game later doesnt mean I dont have the right and commitment to play hard to level up with everyone else and enjoy the full spectrum of the game.  As it stands now, sadly, that is exactly the case.  Time played will NEVER catch up to time paid.  I dont mind being the underdog.  In fact, being such a state is what drives me to play better and smarter, if only to be able to catch up to the more seasoned players.  There isnt this motivation for me in this game.

Should playing "harder" give you the right to be better then the people who have played this game since beta?
The answer is no.

I will tell you people either love or hate a time based skill system and often people coming from other games with XP based systems struggle with the concept. That is one of the transitions people have to make when coming from any non-sandbox style MMO. Sandbox style MMO's are a totally different beast then anything else out there and as such cater to a totally different demographic then games like WOW,DAOC,DDO etc... Sandbox MMO's rely on people who will play the game for long lengths of time that are measured in years not hours. Sandbox MMO's don't want the flavor of the month gamer. They don't want the gamer who totally abandons his current game for the next "hot" game after a month of playing. Sandbox MMO's are not a gimic and flash based game platform and as such have to have a different leveling model. Some like it and some don't. If you don't like the model then a sandbox mmo probably isn't the right game for you. No harm, no foul.

Some of the points you make regarding the mission system are known issues and the Dev team here is working on addressing the mission system.

Keep the feedback coming!


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alexadar wrote:

make. this. game. awesome.
or i will go to play steve




(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Interesting idea but not needed..

Maybe if the population increased by 10x-20x current levels. There are currently more then enough ore fields to go around.


(84 replies, posted in General discussion)

I am looking forward to I2.0.. It should add some interesting dynamics to beta. The best of which is the people who take the outposts will have to have a presence on the island.:D

I think it will also add a very nice dynamic for the small corps. Nothing better then running in and taking saps to reduce the indy capabilities of the owner! Guerrilla tactics ftw!


(77 replies, posted in Open discussion)

NewSpartan wrote:

play eve from 2006 , i was in founder corp of SOT , after disaster in fontein i play some time in pandemic legion
respect to GK guys was good days in fontein ;-)
im with diferent name here 
but that enough i thing
eve going to die soon ccp just killing it and good times in eve is over
i finish with eve
i want fresh start here

Welcome to Perpetuum from another former 2006 Eve player!

The fresh start here did a world of good for me and I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!

Celebro wrote:
Scyylla wrote:
Celebro wrote:

what about half price subscription fees for 1EP/2min or maybe every 3mins? Could add incentive to fully sub once you are hooked.

In any case never free, and the 1ep/min cap must never change for a full subscriber.

Dude.... Just Dude........

This is for you:

Got any better ideas, please share, or just explain why my idea is bad. Maybe we should half EP rate for the troll of the month. big_smile

If I have to explain why your idea is bad you are a bit denser then I originally anticipated....... cool

Celebro wrote:

what about half price subscription fees for 1EP/2min or maybe every 3mins? Could add incentive to fully sub once you are hooked.

In any case never free, and the 1ep/min cap must never change for a full subscriber.

Dude.... Just Dude........

This is for you:

The indy beacon we popped last night that spawned nothing but Golden Mechs and H Mechs was quite yummy!

Mouse Tiger wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

you cannot see which spark other player have installed ?

Which is good, you should not be able to see their spark, or extensions

+1 to you Mouse!

Triglav wrote:

- would it be possible to "trickle" the downgrade tokens as 1per 144 minutes instead of 5 per 12 hours?The ratio remains the same, but it's a bit more fluent this way, and it's sometimes better to wait for that "1" more than knowing you have up to12 hours wait for the next batch.

- now that we have more, better (looking) and ... more... plantlife, let hmechs and mechs (or just hmechs) be able to stomp (trample) the plantlife. Doing so should slow that mech by x % for y amount of time.

- also allow us to lock and shoot plants!

+1 for locking and shooting plants.

*add a feature where the plant cannot be shot if there is an active harvester being used on it. That would remove the griefer effect.*

Purgatory wrote:
The Shade wrote:
Purgatory wrote:

What about all other people who trained level 10 skills and were still able to reset their characters? Oh you missed that didn't you. Some of us can't reset our characters because we've got too much research, and possibly too high standings grinded.

You COULD have reset your characters. BUT you want all the benefits you reaped when you were highly industrial with the ability to now completely change your character without losing ANYTHING. This is unfair to everyone who had some for thought and spread there EP out to be able to do more then one thing.

As they say you want the milk but do not want to buy the cow

I COULD have reset my character, and thrown away a year worth of research progress. Except only a fool would do that, so I had no choice, i've never had the option to reset this character.

Oh, you had the option. You just chose not to use it. Nobody put a gun to your head and made you get level 10 in extensions. You wanted it, you waited months for it and you enjoyed the benefits of it. It is nobody's fault but your own that you regret that decision now.

Oh and Purgatory-- At least use the full quote and quite being a butt hurt little baby throwing an emo temper tantrum because the spoiled brat that can't get his way....

Scyylla wrote:

Hmmmmmm..... There was never a restriction that said if you have researched kernels you can't reset.. Matter of fact, it was YOUR choice to keep your knowledge base, standings and the extensions you had. Nobody forced you not to reset......

Most corner stores have the cheese that compliments your whine.... Go get some buttercup!

Perhaps you should add some diapers to the grocery list and maybe some hemorroid cream to sooth your butt hurt.

Celebro wrote:
Scyylla wrote:
Ville wrote:

Celebro - All other MMOs on the planet do this.  They give free days to past trials/older inactive accounts.  The reason they do this is to try to drum up the population.  I personally would not like 15 more free days because I as a Perpetuum support feel that this game needs all the help it can get so my $9.99 + $0.16 for international charges help keep the developers a float and potentially helps the game.  Asking for 15 free days might save you some $ but it may slow or hinder development.

So In my opinion +1 on this idea and do not extend this to all acounts.

+1 from me as well!!

Celebro--- If you don't think that the active players will get a benefit from this then you need to go beat your head against a brick wall until you get some common sense or until your out cold on the floor so we don't have to suffer through any more of your terrible posts begging for freebies......

Where did I say there where no benefits to the active players Scyylla?

I support the devs move as a way of trying to get more players into the game that will be good, but paying customers should get the same treatment. Most actives have been paying for a beta game for close to year, give something back!

Edit: And not only inactives are getting 15days for free, active trials too.

You numpty..... They are providing the game for your subsciption fees.....

Obviously you are part of the something for nothing/entitlement crowd. Go back to the free cheese line if you want hand outs......

Purgatory wrote:
The Shade wrote:

i like the new system as it is. It makes sure that the people who super specialized and reaped the benefits cant just now re-do everything. I mean you knew what you were getting when you maxed out this skills in the first place so why should people hace sympathy for you and let you change everything?

What about all other people who trained level 10 skills and were still able to reset their characters? Oh you missed that didn't you. Some of us can't reset our characters because we've got too much research, and possibly too high standings grinded.

Hmmmmmm..... There was never a restriction that said if you have researched kernels you can't reset.. Matter of fact, it was YOUR choice to keep your knowledge base, standings and the extensions you had. Nobody forced you not to reset......

Most corner stores have the cheese that compliments your whine.... Go get some buttercup!

Ville wrote:

Celebro - All other MMOs on the planet do this.  They give free days to past trials/older inactive accounts.  The reason they do this is to try to drum up the population.  I personally would not like 15 more free days because I as a Perpetuum support feel that this game needs all the help it can get so my $9.99 + $0.16 for international charges help keep the developers a float and potentially helps the game.  Asking for 15 free days might save you some $ but it may slow or hinder development.

So In my opinion +1 on this idea and do not extend this to all acounts.

+1 from me as well!!

Celebro--- If you don't think that the active players will get a benefit from this then you need to go beat your head against a brick wall until you get some common sense or until your out cold on the floor so we don't have to suffer through any more of your terrible posts begging for freebies......

Purgatory wrote:

The old reset system wasn't exactly fair on those of us who have too much invested in our character to be able to reset. I can't trade my research to another character, nor can I trade standings to another character. Anyone in this situation had no choice but to avoid the character reset system.

The new system has changed the game, now people like me, who went full industry, even spending ridiculous amounts of EP on level 10 industry skills such as +1 factory slot are in a bad place. Cross training is now viable, except we've already wasted masses of EP on level 10 skills that could be much better spent elsewhere (thanks to attribute removal).

Are people like me just going to have to accept with being screwed due to how the old the character reset system worked and partly the new one?

A good idea would be to remove the extension downgrade level limit for a 30 day duruation, thus giving people like me the chance to remove those unwanted high level extensions that everyone else got.

You knew from the moment you ate your first kernel that a reset wipes your knowledge base...... So a reset has never been an option for you. Your choice when you decided you wanted to be a prototyper.....

You also chose to max your indy skills for a reason. Whether that was to mass produce for a corp, make a huge personal stockpile or try and dominate the market with your wares you still made that choice. Now you want to be able to change everything but your knowledge base...... Nothing but a big QQ because you want to do something with your toon right NOW other then what you created him for. 

The only person that screwed you was YOU. Choices have consequences. Suck it up buttercup.


(100 replies, posted in General discussion)

Purgatory wrote:

Out of eight level 3 infestations, none gave a beacon. Not even a normal beacon, i shudder to think how many will be needed to get a "star" beacon. 100 level 3 infestations?

Pulled a low level beacon out of the first level 1 infestation I popped.


(25 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:

well, i hope they are growing fast... and later, they are cleared fast with grenade launcher... wink

They need to be removed or made passable and not effect LOS...


(25 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Three new plants effect passable terrain. In early growth they do not.


All three block terrain......


(25 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Alexander wrote:

What's wrong with the new plants?
I don't see how they effect LOS as they're no different than the current plants.

And it's nice to see some more variety.

You will have one more thing in your way that you have to shoot through unless you are 25m away from an npc....:fuuu:

Stealth nerf to all but green. Isn't it bad enough that a pebble obstructs 1/2 our shots???


(25 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The new plants need to go.....

LOS is already a PITA and now it is much much worse with the addition of these new plants. Please remove them. fuuu

Why have anything but missle bots if you want to have so much of the landscape covered with garbage that keeps the other races from shooting more then 25m in front of them??????:fuuu::fuuu::fuuu:


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Innsu wrote:
Celebro wrote:

don't expect it to be done.

I dont expect anything, but it would be welcomed by many people, even people that left because of them

If people left because of an NPC then they need to stay in hello kitty online tbh.

Arga wrote: … -employees

MSN News wrote:

Despite the cutbacks, CCP reassures "EVE Online" players that the space-faring game is in "good health," this despite the fact their subscriber numbers have dropped during the past two months. The loss came thanks in part to an uproar among the "EVE" community over changes made to the game and CCP's interaction with its players.

Does this qualify for tinfoil hattery?

Tinfoil hattery? No

More a55hatery from CCP yes. They just hit the part of the whirlpool where things get moving much faster and in a severe downward spiral....


(7 replies, posted in Bugs)

DEV Gargaj wrote:

I'll see what I can do with tomorrow's patch. It won't fix it, but I'll instrument the build up and work with Sundial (or whoever is on IRC) to debug it.