Plex is a win for nobody except the guy with the highest limit on his VISA and the RMT'ers.

Look at the other game and how the DRF came into all those Supers.... Plex for isk. Bought supers from NC. NC RMT'd all the iskies.... It all started through the Plex system.

RMT bot accounts in Eve-- It is cheaper for them to Plex those accounts then it is for them to actually pay for them. Plex maximizes RMT profit plus you can't track 10000 accounts subbed via Plex like you can if they subbed with a credit card.

CCP tried to use Plex to curb buying ISK not to make it easier for people to maintain subs. Plex was a piss poor reaction to the RMT problem Eve already had. The decision to add Plex to that game came and bit them in the arse when the RMT'ers used it against them.

CCP rolled out the MT store as a way to create a Plex sink because of the massive stockpiles that were sitting in hangers as well as sucker some folks into buying $1000 jeans. CCP saw a ton of profit from Plex however all those Plex were sitting in hangers while they had spent all the profits designing 2 other games. CCP claimed those Plex as profits when the original GTC were sold. How many $$$$$$ were just sitting in hangers while CCP didn't see more profit yet still had the costs associated with the game?

Plex may seem like a good thing initially but there are way too many pitfalls associated with it down the line.

For ease of argument just go to the old eve forums and search the old Plex threads(better yet use Chribba's eve files instead it is better...).. Every argument is there.For and against.

Ville wrote:

The perfect scenario is simple, player A purchases a GTC the GTC is converted to an in game code, the player sales to The market and then player b redeems it.  It might not be that loyal vet paying for his account out of his own pocket but that guy who wanted an easy million to buy more bots to pvp in.

Plex is the foundation of Pay to Win/MT/RMT systems Ville.

Some see the link and some don't. That is the problem.

Easy millions=Easy mods,bots and resources in a game where even the slightest of advantages can turn a battle from a loss to a win....

Ultimately Plex starts the game -- Who has the bigger credit limit!!!!!!!

Inda wrote:

I dont want to attack, Scyylla what do you think what Perpetuum need?

I dont like plex but thats all, if with Perpetuum will succes maybe I will accept.
Btw, what I said dont think plex can solve the main problem, that also just a bit influx to game not more.

The major issue is the population. The main solution would be to advertise the game more to drive subscriptions up. This has been discussed in more then one thread so I won't rehash the subject..

Adding a slippery slope MT/RMT driver such as Plex won't do anything to increase subs. If you put Plex in the game now, I am sure the number of accounts would go up slightly as people add ALT accounts and pay for the subs via NIC (if anyone was willing to spend more RL $$$ to buy gametime and sell it for in game NIC that is). At this moment what does NIC really do for you that you need to make several hundred million by selling game codes? Answer--absolutely nothing! So, adding a Plex system will do nothing to increase the player base of the game.

Back to the ALT accounts:
Increasing the player base by adding alts that are subbed with a plex system is not growth. Those alts will actually hinder the market as players will be less dependant on others. Slowly but surely NIC becomes devalued as minerals sell for almost nothing (too easy to pay for a mining acct or 3 with NIC now). As minerals sell for nothing, mods drop in price.. Etc...Etc... Etc..... Before you know it, those alt accounts don't exist anymore because it is too much of a pain to get the amount of NIC needed to sub them. My favorite part--- it is insanely hard to PVP with 6 accounts so most of the ALTS stimulated will be alpha carebear toons or worse----corp paid for, gate scout accounts that collect EP.........

Inda-- I know it wasn't meant as an attack. You reserve that for Beta!

GLiMPSE wrote:

Look at how the industry is swinging, gaming is becoming a place where players spend time but the recent trends in the ability to convert your success in game into real life benefits (diablo 3 will showcase this) and oather games have started to work towards this as well... adds a completely different and enticing element to the 'addiction' of video games.

Your knee jerk reactions to shooting this down are pretty ignorant imo.

I invite you to go play those other games if that is what interests you.......

We don't need a Plex like system here... Look what it did for the other game--made it so much easier for the RMT botting group to dig their heels in.

This is not Eve
This is not Star Wars
This is not Diablo 3
This is not WOT
This is not COD
This is not (insert whatever other game you want to try and compare perp to)

This is Perpetuum

Lemmings follow their leaders off a cliff. Guess you want to run with the lemmings Glimpse.

GLiMPSE wrote:

If it hasn't already been said yet, implement a plex system, it will stimulate the economy and will motivate people to stay active.. This will also help break up communism in the game and lead to more of a real capitalistic and market driven economy as it's affecting peoples real world pocket books how much they make in the game.

Would it be to little to late? Maybe, but it's the right move.

Not just no but HELL no!

The introduction of Plex in the other game was where the slippery slope of MT began.... Keep it away from here.


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:
Scyylla wrote:
Eng Daniel wrote:

I think is better something to control the minimum units left in plant to not kill them.

Thats called paying attention.....

thats called spare time harvester comment.

with maxed harvesting extension and nexus support - your already occupied with moving your helio into fieldcontainer faster then your cargo fills, locking the next plant becaues the one you have locked atm is empty in 60s max.

im not at maxed extension yet, and already harvesting 14U helio / min with t1 harvester...

Actually Anni I harvest quite frequently. I have no issue dragging and dropping in a can.....

If it takes someone more then 2 seconds to drag and drop their cargo then perhaps it is time they stop using their foot to control the mouse..............


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Eng Daniel wrote:

I think is better something to control the minimum units left in plant to not kill them.

Thats called paying attention.....

Celebro wrote:

I don't see the game play logic behind a wafer thin tank of the scarab. I know it hovers but it still carries 3 times the volume of a lithus cargo and its a larger class bot. I think it should have more base tank than a lithus specially if it going to cost around 200-300m to build/buy or we are going to see tears and whining if a few lights can take this one down. Oh, It has 2 guns slots...why?

The only way that will happen is when someone is stupid enough to haul stuff around beta or lets the autopilot get them around alpha....

Common sense and actually being at the keyboard--- priceless

Devs--- How about some extension info??? I need to know how much I need to save for this puppy!

HUST wrote:

Dev's WTF with Zenith?
Demobilization throu out the mountains? It's so kind of joke?

Pls, fix this damn situaton,  thx

They have once. Zenith is fine now unless you would like to have them revert it back to when a Zenith could demob you from across the map..........

Btw-- any bot with a S Demob can get you throughout the mountains..........

Baglodush Kemory wrote:

Not so good Idear.

Set your Beta Base as home. Sit in an arkhe on Alpha and go to a nasty span of NPC and you are on Beta.

No risk there.

The opposite is true too Bag.

Suicide on Beta and get to alpha. No risk travel back.

Line wrote:

Troll 'em back! BE A MAN FFS!


Leid Wolf wrote:

thx for supporting my point

The only thing you should expect with a topic such as yours is NEGATIVE feedback. I am also quite happy to be the one that delivers the negativity to this thread as I don't much appreciate you suggesting that the Devs need to actively condone discrimination based sections of the forums...

If you want constructive feedback please do the following:

Post a topic that isn't complete garbage
Take your white hood off

Leid Wolf wrote:

Well, who said you will be excluded from this area, or otherwise, why should I be one of those persons ?
Look at the topics in this forum. How many of them are positive, constructive?
The few that do, disappear in the flood of negativity.

Discounting the recent rage quitting topics most topics contain debate---for and against---positive and negative...... well unless the topic was crap from the get go......

Excluding anyone from providing feedback (positive or negative) is complete crap much like your topic.....

Leid Wolf wrote:


IMHO there has to be a place where a player can vent it's anger.
But as it is now, every post is quickly burried by troll comments.

That only happens when the thread is crap from the start.........

And a big -1 to the idea of having elitist forum sections that only certain players can post. Your opinions and input on the subject of Perpetuum are in no way shape or form superior to mine.......


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

To the Alt who is afraid to post with his main:

You have absolutely ZERO right to know what punative actions or lack of actions that are taken against someone else's ACCOUNT.

Since you like to think of it in terms of real life think of it this way:
From here on out I want your bank and credit card company to inform every other customer they have of every late fee,prepayment penalty,deposit and over the limit transaction that you make.

I don't want your ACCOUNT number. But I do want to know every time you violate your limits and what the penalty is........

Much like I have no right to this information you have no rights to the actions of the Dev's in regards to someone's ACCOUNT.

The decisions the Dev's have made in regards to specific players is their business. If those players choose to share one side of the story, then that is their business. The Devs are doing the right thing in regards to any information regarding a player's ACCOUNT----- Not disclose it!

Inspiration wrote:

Crap is you opinion

I share the same opinion......


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Cool Britainya wrote:

For a patch that was meant to revolutionise pvp... it has... its killed it...
30% of the beta population has gone.
And thats only within a month.

Not so much.....

Beta has been MORE active with the new system. The killboards have been overflowing since the new system went live..

The only people that have left beta were some of the squidies that would rather rage because they have to actually BE on beta for more then a fight they could take days to prep for.....

TLDR----- QQ elsewhere or Hello Kitty Online -->


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)


Eng Daniel wrote:

This is just an idea that catch me.

Is about mixing SAP and football. There are many questions about the easy of conquer the SAP.

Maybe add some fun by placing the ball (SAP) and a fixed goal. The players have to shoot the ball to drive it to the goal, the ball roll over the oposite side of shoot.

Can be more or less complex, like, there is infinite time and the ball have a shield, like the bots, and after depleted the shield the ball is destroyed. The ammount of shield can be calculated with damage taken before.

Close topic... Lack of content....:lol:

MoBIoS wrote:

Alliance features where requested befor implementing I.2.0. Which is mandatory for this system. Without it, its a fail.

While alliances are nice they are not mandatory for I2.0........

Your narrow minded view is the only fail thing so far.......


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Piss poor forum trolling for a rage quitter......


(102 replies, posted in General discussion)

poKK wrote:

Seriously 011001110000111100101000

Why so much rage&troll if you really don't care of me ? : D

Thought you quit?????

Quit at quiting...... That takes talent!


(35 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jetblack wrote:

i suspect the new intrusion system will force a major change in life on beta's.. where before corps/alliances fought for survival... it will now force these people to actively defend or leave beta's... the demand for actively assembling defence forces 3-4 times a day inall probability outside their normal gaming hours to defend a sap for a yet still a pointless outpost... will be too high given the very low population of beta inhabitants.

Beta's will effectively become a roaming culture only.

time to cry

Remember that works both ways. Will an outpost holding enemy be able to constantly attack an opposing forces SAP's? What I see this Int 2.0 causing is a reduction in the blob warefare as a whole. It encourages small scale pvp on an almost constant basis. A very good thing.

Annihilator wrote:

well, the whole topic is crap,

Stopped reading here as that pretty much sums everything up!

Not happy about a nerf to the ole Theo toon but it is what it is.....

We will adapt. It is part of the process. Games always change. You can either adapt to the change or get steamrolled by it.

Mongolia Jones wrote:

Is it, should it be, okay for one or more of my alts to change corporations temporarily, after the matches have been announced, so that I can play in multiple matches in the tournament?

The reason I ask is because I heard that this is what some people are thinking of doing, and frankly it is a good idea.  There is a corp of lower EP players which my corp is friendly.  Since I have two very strong, high EP pvp toons I can switch one alt (Pit Fiend) to the other corp, vastly increasing our chances of winning.

Also it is more pew-pew fun for me since I am playing in more games than normal (of course at the expense of another lower EP player... besides he/she can go easter egg hunting with the other children tongue).

By doing this it is possible for me to be part of two winning side->1st and 2nd place positions<- since both of the corporations, if they win all matches up to the finals, will only meet in the finals bracket.

Nothing in the rules says that you cannot do it......

Outside of all the conspiracy stuff... People jumping corp might actually give them a chance to participate in the tourney. The most that can currently be in a match is 10. That leaves a lot of people on the sidelines.... Who are we to say that someone who really wants to participate can't?

FFS! There is a corp in the tourney with only 1 actual player. I bet he would love some help.
There is another corp in the tourney with 4-5 players.. I bet they would love some help....

*This tourney isn't about alliance epeen. This tourney is about corp epeen and robot explosions.....