(35 replies, posted in General discussion)

1 problem and 1 potential problem.

The problem is every non ewar loses 1% accumulator capacity per level of spec ops, which for thelodica pilots is frequently trained despite not even using ewar bots. I doubt thelodica combat bots had too much accu to begin with, and most likely Kains and Mesmers used it aswell. The EP is now wasted unless refunded and we need a replacement for this accumulator.

Gonna have to agree with him here... One of my Theolodica toons only trained the Spec Ops skill up for the accumulator bonus.. Guess its time to use ewar bots.......

Dark Fenris wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

It would be really nice if it could be permanent, but for that it would still need a lot more work to be fully automatic, without the need for dev interaction.

The whole tournament thing will be a bomb, like all others of its type that don't put restrictions on what can be used (as far as fittings) - so the wallets will always win.  It would take screwups of monumental levels to loose to a less bling equipped group.
The T4 cartels will take the tournament unless T4 is available to all irregardless of their wallets.

Another Toggie armchair QB........

You lost the ability to smack the tourney when your corp failed to join it....

Drahkar wrote:

Glad to see there are no good arguements against making sparks/relations more sandbox.

According to some posts here, it sounds like the playerbase would support the idea of any bot beyond light bots requiring a license to pilot, which you would gain by grinding a few hundred missions. This would be fine because "you can just use the light bot instead" and "this is just people not wanting to put effort into doing the missions required to pilot bigger bots".

Ridiculous and pathetic.

Yes, I agree your ideas are ridiculous and pathetic....

There is nothing wrong with missions the way they are or the way they are heading. They fit fine into the sandbox. Open your eyes and quit being a lazy free cheeser. Perhaps the free cheese mentality is what got your corp into trouble last time?

Ville wrote:

I like sparks the way they are now.


Everything else is just someone wanting to go farm for a couple hours and buy relations instead of putting the time and effort into actually doing the missions....

Drahkar wrote:
Zigzagman2 wrote:


I thought The Older Gamers implied mature posts on the forums, amongst other things. As far as I know it's something like "older than 24" not "older than 6".

The thing is-- Zig is right...........

Even your own corpy disagreed with you.


(85 replies, posted in Events)

DEV Zoom wrote:

From your client's viewpoint the audience won't exist.

If someone uses dirty tactics like emails or chat messages to disrupt the matches, and this really affects client performance (which it shouldn't in theory), then I suppose we'll have to ban them from the game according to the EULA - and have a rematch.

I really <3 you!!!!!


(85 replies, posted in Events)

DEV Zoom wrote:
Scyylla wrote:

Ok... I have to ask this.....

Considering there is an audience area, are the servers capable of handling 300+ people in one area without having a negative impact on the people fighting in the tourney?

Also-- Will interference (not the audience interfering but the electronic kind) be an issue near the audience viewing area?

The audience area has will have the following effects:

  • Vastly increased signal masking and signal detection - this means that the audience will be able to see the combatants, but the combatants won't be able to see them.

  • Locking range nerfed to hell - you won't be able to lock even the tile you are standing on.

  • Your accumulator will be dry as a desert.

  • Your interference emission will be close to nothing.

Scyylla wrote:

Also-- Need all private chat and in game email blocked for tourney. I know how some of them former eve goonies work.....lol

If you want to go sure, it's recommended that you turn off all toast messages for the duration of the match. I believe those could be the only things which could be annoying.

Thanks for the answers however:

Can the servers handle the load of everyone being in one general area or will the hamsters die and cause us horrible lag while pew pewing it up?

Spamming convo's and emails during a tourney or big fight is a tactic that most people from the other game know. It has the ptotential to lag a client to death if enough people do it at once. Imagine if your client got hammered with 100+ convos at one time followed by 100+ emails. In the other game a team actually lost a tourney match and was eliminated because of this tactic. I don't want to see something like this happen to any team.


(85 replies, posted in Events)

Ok... I have to ask this.....

Considering there is an audience area, are the servers capable of handling 300+ people in one area without having a negative impact on the people fighting in the tourney?

Also-- Will interference (not the audience interfering but the electronic kind) be an issue near the audience viewing area?

Also-- Need all private chat and in game email blocked for tourney. I know how some of them former eve goonies work.....lol

Bumpage as the matches have been announced


(85 replies, posted in Events)

DEV Calvin wrote:
Alexadar wrote:

*Teams will gather around the DEVs at discussed coordinates at T-5 minutes
*Teams will enter mobile teleports into the arena at T-3 minutes

This means we should reach a certain point with mobile teleport in 3 minutes?
Or dev will put a mobile teleport near our squad, and we will just push a button?

We will go to your gathering area and deploy a mobile teleport for you.

I <3 U

and Zoom too


(85 replies, posted in Events)

Can we get a heads up on where the TPs will be, privately of course, so we can reduce the spy factor to nothing....

Nothing worse then having a rat reporting bot types and such while you wait for a trip to the arena.


Ville wrote:

Call we all agree purgatorys new name is whinatory?

Yes. Yes we can.....


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mara Kaid Pirate of Nia wrote:

What was the reasoning behind not letting the owner of the outpost take their own sap? That didn't make much sense, especially when the timers can be determined that far in advance.

More time to shoot people!

Seriously, the way I look at it is this:

An intrusion is an event where a hostile force intrudes on an outpost held by a corporation. The purpose of this intrusion can be to weaken your enemy or ultimately remove them from owning an outpost. This is done by capitalizing on SAPs (whether it is task related or destruction related). The less SAPs that are taken the stronger your enemies facilities become.

As an outpost holding corp it is your task to defend the points which your enemies can use to weaken your abilities within the outpost. The outpost holding corps are defenders, not intruders. Completing your own SAPs would be like destroying the foundation of your own outpost.

From a pvp perspective:

OMFG!!!!! Corps that own outposts will actually have to have a presence on beta!!!! More people on beta=more pew pew for everyone.

This will also let smaller corps be more involved on beta now as well. Smaller corps and even solo players will have the ability to be a royal pain in the arse to outpost holding corps by completing SAPs. A small corp can roam beta and know that the chances of finding someone are pretty good as any corp that holds an outpost must have a presence on the island to avoid losing SAPs.


(85 replies, posted in Events)

Can we have the match times and brackets please?

Some of us have to plan creative diversions to get out of things like work and the wife's birthday! yarr

Line wrote:

5% is a joke, make it 30-35% at least if not 50%!

And another thing - everyone who have assets were already warned in the blog and all.

Not a joke...

Think of it as a devlish plan to make a large portion of outpost controlling corps spend quite a bit of time on beta after the patch. After all, we just want people on the islands to kill right????


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

The one thing you keep coming back to throughout your post is the fact that you have to wait for EP. Everyone of us is still waiting for our EP. That will not change.

You played Eve for a few years. You should be used to waiting to be able to use an item or ship. Unless you were one of those people who would rather buy GTC,convert to PLEX,sell for iskies and then go buy toons off the character bazaar.........

The thing to keep in mind is-- Perpetuum is a young game. The small team that has made this game possible are actively working to add content based on the feedback of the player base.

* Good things come to those who wait!

Annihilator wrote:

can we somehow reduce to topics about int2.0?

blog comments,
and this: http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … rusion-20/ ?

Missing information in Blog:

what about the npc faction relation?
what about non-owner corps with access to the outpost?

how will their facility effeciency modified?
Will whinatory being able to refine at the best refining rate ever again without an own outpost?

HAHA!! You said whinatory!


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Burial wrote:

Even thought the update is said to come out 1st of December, I think making this thread will show the developers what we think about scanning out intrusion times.

You’ll be able to scan for intrusion times in the same manner you scan for artifacts. Your trained ninjas will have to get relatively close to the target outpost and use a new geoscanning ammo specifically designed to find out when then next SAP will open. The scan result will tell you the time, with some random inaccuracy depending on your geoscanning extensions, and the remaining time until the SAP opening. Naturally, outpost owners will only have to step out and do a scan to know the time of the next event, but they will also have to be on the lookout for spies trying to scan for it.

In a nutshell, It means that a single enemy sneaking up during the time most of the people are offline can get the time when the next SAP will open - very easy. If I understand correctly, outposts will not be at 100% stability very often, witch is not all that bad considering you need 50% for docking control.

What do you guys think?
With the SAP loots, wouldnt the owners of the outpost do their own SAPs just for the phat loot?

Dude... Please quit at playing forums.....


Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

not sure if this has been said b4 but. why not remove internal TPs from beta & place more HWYs on beta islands. this could slow down travel times across the islands to a certain extent & add more tactics to the game?

On the flip side allowing the players to build the HWY network could be a handy trade off.

i know not much info but was just a thought ide throw out smile

Want more time to logoffski your miners when someone hits your island? smile

DEV Zoom wrote:

We have modified the rewards:
http://blog.perpetuum-online.com/posts/ … comment798

Sorry Zoom but you caved to the whine that is Purgy....... Rewards where fine.....

The Omen wrote:

To Agra's comment.
TOG will not be entering this comp at this stage.
And if we did win the prototype prize we would seed the market like we are currently doing with many other Tiered items and bots. Anyone can approach us for prototypes now and if we can make them for you we will.

Now for the Comp issues....
The way the Devs have the current rules for any mods to be fitted will only gain the strongest corps an advantage the other corps cannot possibly achieve.
To make it fair on everyone, weapons/fittings should be limited to T3 at most (as Serpens from CIR mentioned in the blog). That way everyone has a fair chance of winning by skill not by current tech that some can't fit due to huge Corp resources and advanced tech.

T4 is not the I-Win button........

It is tactics and team work that will win this tourney. Anyone that pvp's will tell you tech is nice but they would rather have an experienced FC and a solid team over tech any day....

I forsee a page full of locks!


(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Burial wrote:

I am wondering, why there currently is no mod that gives a burst of speed, like afterburner. I think it would give a nice new dimension to PVP and PVM.

What are your opinions?

// In b4 Dev Zoom finds identical thread and puts it to sleep.

How about you save him the trouble and use the search function next time?:)

Sid from mining wrote:

It was, he just wants your attention to point out that the 3rd price will ruin his empire smile


WTB fraps of Purgy losing one!