(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

afaik the first live player account was that of a former beta GM that doesn't play anymore - subbed isn't the issue here, he was just the very first to log in roll

I think the "highest EP-count" should be measured by the whole day of Perp going live at least, not just the first few minutes - there aren't that many players that have been subbed since then, but even less that were subbed and didn't take a gaming break.
Cheers for those that are still here! big_smile


(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

a proposal that leads back to early beta - there we had proto bots with better parameters, the slots were the same if I remember right (MK2 have more slots) ... either way too long ago for me to be able to say what exactly was different, can only say I liked them.

Protobots in the current system would need to make a double system for robot production: REing of protobots and REing without them. Now, protos are needed in higher tiers to even be able to produce CTs, for robots there's no need for that - this is what I like and whats also good and necessary for the current gameplay. REing bots without protos needs to stay because of various obvious reasons.

Re-introducing protobots would leave another question open here - we don't have that many new bots to research and for production they just aren't necessary - so there would be no other use for them than their slightly better perfomance.
Compared to a MK2, which can fit more modules, the price-performance ratio will still be worse for protos Protos still would be more expensive and have less overall performance than MK2s, so who in their right mind would use protobots with just a fitting bonus?

Black Metallic wrote:

And EP - yes.  A very simple way - figure out the average EP on the server.  Give the starting players 15-20% of that and let them go to town picking what they want.   Perhaps a 5-10k bonus for doing all the tutorial missions?

Just a question - did you read this topic through? Additional EP (in whatever way) is everything else than simple if you still want to have some balance.

EP-wise (is closely related to op):
More additional EP at this point is negative for everyone atm:
- For the vets (called vets because of their high EP / faithfulness over a great timespan) that paid hard for their every EP
- The new players getting bored because they reached important achievements (like more expensive bots) too fast and that in a time based sandbox game (not a run-through-game with a set average of playing hours)
- For the DEVs loosing subscribers after just lets say 6 months because theres nothing new to reach and players get bored; or they might collapse because of overworking and fast developing buggy new content just to hold players in game, ... thats where the vicious circle doesn't stop anymore unless the game is dropped
Feel free to add this to every other argument you can find in this topic here against EP-boost.

For the town picking part (since thats not connected to EP-boost), partially thats in the new agent-creation.

Though I somehow would like to have a syndicate starter isle/bootcamp for tutorials and arkhe fights (and hell yeah a real nian to fight at the end of it) where you can teleport to any alpha1 you like after completing it. With this the nervewracking arkhe spawns at alpha 1 can be replaced by t1-t2 nians. For tutorial means there can be static ore spawns in bootcamp, syndicate crap variant of lasers, EM, lauchers to be bought /rewarded with - going along with the idea to choose your starting faction after completing tutorial and trying out the different weapons... (Sadly I never found the time to open a new topic for this really old idea hmm )

Other than that most of your ideas are already discussed in own topics, best to read those through and comment on them.


(16 replies, posted in Balancing)

Sadly I can't continue our cynism roll, Kaldenines... A "sad but true" argument was placed here wrongly by someone...
Trying to justify this opinion without thinking of the DEVs issues/workloads is really sad but true. Same for still trying to find arguments for Devs liking multi accounting after they already shared their opinion -> look here:

B2T, sorry but can someone explain me why a fit without sensor amps should be necessary to gain the maximum possible optimal EW-range? A weapon is always restricted by its own parameters and the abilitiy of its owner - but even if the owner is a master of his arts, a pistol won't ever be able to shoot farther than its own parameters allows.
If the issue here was that even with the right modules fitted (on the bots specifying on the issuing modules here) the optimum range can't be reached, I would undoubtly say, yes you're right, that needs a change.


(6 replies, posted in Balancing)

I don't think NIC-farming is the issue here...
I'm a little lazy to calculate it completely through as indy guy but let me have a look at it with annis data:

laser con / missile pro:
- 2,5x minerals for laser ammo to get the same damage as missiles (not DPS!)
- ~27x more accu consumption on lasers (72 AP/s vs 2,67 AP/s)
laser pro / missile con:
- cycletime: 2s vs 4,5s: laser shoots 2,5x times faster

First Conclusion:
mineral amount would balance the speed out, but theres still the high accu consumption.
first conclusion cause I don't know whether you want/need to take range and other things into consideration here too. With range (290 vs 180/360) you still won't be able to get a balance here. Please add if I missed something.

Second conclusion: still nothing to do with income or NIC


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

its not just on beta / gamma, even on alpha side there are lagspikes - mostly near/in static spawns.
They came up the same time as the issue with the lag lines and got even worse over the past few months.


(16 replies, posted in Balancing)

Kaldenines wrote:

What you speak off would not encourage people to use multiple accounts so it's a big no no.

But that's exactly the intension of the DEVs - a multiplayer game not a "One player - multiple account" game.

Sorry for being offtopic, had to let it out...

A minor request here of lowest(?) priority here:

In keyboard settings its hard to distinguish between terrain only windows, terminal and general windows. So all kinds of windows are aligned here: Radar, modules; mails, help; missions, equip <- just to name a few of each.
Since its a little confusing I propose a little tweak.

My Ideas:

  • divide the windows section into terminal windows, terrain windows and general windows (favorite)

  • Write before/after each windowname terrain/general/terminal


(10 replies, posted in Open discussion)

to be honest, I thought "Okay lets have a look at it and then translate it for you all + post the translation text here" but I got somehow pissed of in the first two minutes after the introduction by the shallow presentation and comparison of the first steps.

To sum those two minutes up: EVE has a high tech starting point and even the first "Sims" game which is now about 12 year old is better than Perpetuum (he really did say that at the char creation).

To get a litlle into detail, he praises the countless possibilities of char creation in EVE there, complains about bad char creation in perp (see above). Then he goes over to compare the tutorials, where even explanations as sound were added (okay that is nice but not necessary) - and its so complex that even a mission row extending the tutorial leads to each of the possible professions in EVE - to the perp tutorial where hes just happy that it isn't in chinese. Apparently the tutorial stops after showing you how to move, shoot and mine...
Then complains about crappy translations in Perp, while at least in EVE those passages are still in english (ok now all currently active perp translators may have an evil/sad laugh here) - while still not mentioning that Perp too advances its tutorials over two assignment rows but he does the terminal tutorial without even MENTIONING it as that. fuuu fuuu fuuu
This was were I stopped watching.

My facit: Too much aggro in the first few minutes by such a shallow comparison that effectivly praises EVE to heavin and flushes Perp down the toilet.

Edit: If you still want a translation, I will try my best to not run amok while doing so and post it here afterwards hmm


(117 replies, posted in News and information)

Annihilator wrote:

BoyC - please add ICE to the feature list.

/bump - theres a lot that like the game on steam but cant/dont want to pay. So ICE listed with the other features may help here - even if its listed specially as "side feature"

since the ideas mentionend above can cowork quite good too, I'll continue the collection in this post. If you also have some ideas please post them and I will add them here.

  1. Bound to startercorp for (nearly) eternity: <- this idea works instead of G) Freelancer's choice - attention: stEVE-system like
    Once you have chosen your megacorp, you will stay in this one even with creating/joining a player corp. That means if there's a reason to leave your current corp you will end up as member of that megacorp again. Exception: If your standing to your startercorp became negative, you won't be able to reenter that Megacorp or at least not until you build up a new good standing.

  2. Additional parallel assignment: <- bound to 1)
    With your choice you can take on +1 additional assignment for all missions given by your megacorp from the get-go. Example: ASI-Agent (without parallel ***. ext. skilled) can accept 2 Asi-missions or one ICS and one Asi, but not two ICS-missions... This is bound to point 1) because like this it won't be an advantage of NPC-corps to player corps.

  3. Addition to negative mission standing: <- bound to A), 1)(partly)
    Your startercorp awards you with reduced negative standing if you run assignments for other NPC-corps, but their negative standing amount per mission is increased for every mission you run for your startercorp. (Last part only if most players like more "hardcore"). With maxed Diplomatics + specialized relation Ext., negative standing at other corps may completely vanish

  4. limit NPC-offers to corpinternal of startercorp: <- post #6
    the factional unlimited buy and sell orders from NPCs are only available for members in that faction right now, the non-factional orders are available for the agents of all startercorps

more meaning to combat + logistic standing, more sparks and with more sparks a sorting option (indy/logistic/combat, maybe second sorting for factions)


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

Party lol

my first three thoughts:
1) Giga TV?
2) overhyped feature vids with DEV comments and loaded with action that invites disappointment once youre in game?
3) Gremrods podcast "Incoming Transmission" with DEVs invited and the 24h DEV/GM ingame coverage

N0 Clue wrote:

I just believe that seeing the people, and hearing them speak about what Perpetuum is, and where they have their intentions of going in the future

That point was covered in a nice way with the podcast. This and the 24h coverage (I know i know its hard to do so right now) gave a really good feeling to the game and its community and you always knew that there was someone on you could poke with your problems. For the world-of-mouth this was already sufficient, many new players that time came and stayed because of the 24h coverage which is quite rare for any MMO.

Videos are always a double-edged sword. If its about representing the game itself they are good, but the DEV-team will still be felt as from another world. This rift is disincentive to players, so it needs to be bridged somehow (like with meet&greets, podcasts, online presence, daily news,...).

So rather than a video, I'd like to listen to a podcast of the DEVs (like every 2 weeks; doesn't always need to be about the game, can also be about exploding toasters; maybe even with a "mailbox" where a few questions of players are answered cool; that can be downloaded from the official website).
Just like you said:

N0 Clue wrote:

Nothing is better then Verbal Communication to it's people!


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:


If Bots need food to live then we can stave the F*****s out the old fashioned way yarr

Im voting Roman style Siege warfare.

according to the mission of Passat VII they really do need food in one way or other, already wondered what kind of food is meant there that the Nians even need warehouses big_smile


every player DOES have that chance if they use it or not is their own decision roll
edit:+ you neglected the help/assistance point of corpmates, theres also the use of corpstorage and others those are a big advantage to soloplay in starter corp even without beta/gamma access...

Jasdemi wrote:


If I'd get bonuses being in a starter corp, why I join a player run corp which gives me no bonuses?

What do you normally expect in a Player Corp and which boni do get in one:

  • help for corpmembers in nearly every situation: research, combat PvE + PVP, industrial, production, missions, last but not least equipment/bots/ammo...

  • higher facility lvls possible than just the alpha options

  • max standing (10!) if you are in the corp that owns outpost/gamma post or are at least allied to one

Player corps do still have advantages to all those even with ALL those boni for starter corps mentionend above.

It's already been in lots of topics: starter corps don't have anything in for players other than deciding where to start from. Once you're in game, there is neither an advantage of being part of a megacorporation nor a loss at leaving it or running missions for the opposing factions.

I already posted some suggestions here and here to give them a bit more meaning and perhaps to bring back the megacorporations link to the Perpetuum Project. There's a lot more ideas to be found at strolling the forums.

Here we go with a collection of ideas to "revive" the factions.

  1. Negative standing at the opposing factions: <-- only one not related with being in a starter corp!
    Back to the roots, originally when you ran a mission for one faction you got negative standing at the other two. The "relation"-extensions still remind on this, the higher you skill them the lesser your loss.

  2. Syndicate Auras:
    Similiar to outpost buffs; they provide a geoscanning buff and maybe a light autorepair buff to help new players who are still in their starter corp to get better through training and first steps after it. These buffs take effect on all areas of alpha1

  3. Standing Bonus:
    A non-mission related static standing that adds to your mission one in each terminal/outpost of that megacorp. It is only added in facilities of your faction, so you won't be able to run lvl3-5 missions from the get-go. Purpose: Make facilities cheaper to use and reduce time on production + RE

  4. Additional reward boni:
    Like NIC-incentive (increase NIC reward by x%), ammo/charges rewards, token amount increased by x%, ...

  5. Standing loss:
    At leaving the player corp you loose naturally aura-support and all boni, maybe you even loose a certain percentage of your mission standing

  6. Police towers:
    Nerf machines and outlaw shooting positionend near outposts and the terminal: If your standing drops under a certain point like under 0 they "nerve" you in their own range like t4 interference emitters (example!); and under -10 standing (= outlaw) they first warn you to leave their range within a few seconds, then if not done so shoot you down

  7. Freelancer's choice:
    By leaving a player corporation you normally end up as freelancer - enable the choice of coming back to the starter corp. Of course, the trust needs to be rebuild, so the standing bonus won't be as high as before, other measures may be buff effects and add. rew. boni are halfed (if both of them would be implemented, why not) - this could be undone by running a certain amount of missions

some side thoughts and backgrounds:

  • Syndicate aura: it counts as one indy + one combat buff - if you don't like auto repair please state another combat buff that would help newcomers; aside from that I prefer a buff solution to having only orange spawns on alpha1 - if you are already in a player corp, they should be able to help you with the aggressive NPCs either way...

  • Freelancer's choice: Norrdecs post in the geoscanning topic gave me that idea - thanks!

  • Police towers (PTs): were ingame in beta to give a few "safe zones" within the isle - it shot down everyone with an aggression flag that came into their range. Back then the whole perp world was open PvP. They were quite nice but the earlier AI was troublesome and let tooo much place to exploit them - with current mechanics they should be able to get a comeback; but for this you would either need to revert alphas back to open PvP with maany PTs (:/), new isles with semi-PvP (nice one but perhaps later - too much unnecessary workload:/) or to find another purpose without crashing their nice flair (idea listed)

+1 as additional option this surely would be nice

Lupus Caeli wrote:

Checked this out in Telesis - daily DFI H5 assignment was offering 275 000 nic reward.

Updated Relations->Industrial Specialization Extension one level (+2% to nic and rep).

'Each level of this extension raises the amount of reward money and relation increase for successfully completed industry assignments by an additional 2%. Also, the extension will reduce the rate of relation decline towards any corporation by the same ratio per level.'

Checked the assignment again - reward still showed as 275 000 nic

This was also true for all other industrial assignments I have access to. sad

The description won't change, but you should still get more NIC than described at completion time.
I have headhunter and indy-spec. skilled and do get more out of missions. Though I can't say for sure how it is calculated atm, both extensions count for me. Example: lvl5 production mission at tellesis - written reward 300k NIC, I get ~387k at completion.

I also think its good that the description doesnt change. If you take a mission in a squad those reward boni are added after the mission reward being shared.

To start with, I really like the new geoscanner system with the directional geoscanner charges. It's a lot easier und much more understandable than the area-based scansystem before even with an argano. There's always a but - here it comes:

The accuracy of an arkhe with syntec scanner is really low - even if you understood the basics of geoscanning it is hard for a newcomer to find an ore field.
When you follow the arrows there's suddenly a turning point of the new arrows being up to vertically to the ones before. Here's the first "mistake" made - they scan at the point where the crossing may be with the result of only grey at maximum darkgreen tiles: there's no ore to be found, even in a 500m radius there's none. Okay, first raging over, next trial: now choose which arrows you follow, the first ones or the second batch that leads into another direction? -> 50/50 chance of having a lucky hit or getting into your next rage because the first experience repeated.

Why the necessity of having a look here? In your general trainings mission (3) you are asked to find titan ore. You have just one bot to do so. The helpcalls about this mission grew in the last days linear to new players coming into game.

  1. One suggestion I already read here in forums recently is to turn this into a solibdit mission - I really don't like that idea, it is good for tutorial purpose but the training should be the real thing.

  2. An older suggestion was to delete scanning accuracy for other scanning charges than tile-based and universal. But this might render accuracy extensions nearly useless.

  3. A crazy suggestion from me is based on my opinion to give startercorps more reason (like the standing bonus for the facilities): a Syndicate geoscanning aura. This will only be applied to players in their starter corps. With this one I see the least problems compared to the other two.

might be a problem - when is it night on a worldwide server?


(2 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

robot scalps ... for me its hard to not get a laughing attack whenever I read stuff like "make haste agent" or "fair reward". For the first you'd expect to have a timer shown and something "important" will happen (like a little enemy invasion as written in the texts even if its just 2 small waves of NPCs spawning and heading to terminal, not just loosing the mission), for the second one it feels like a sales representative telling you to buy the new super drug against whatever little problem for a "fair" prize yarr...

But the mission objectives really are somewhat irritating - some older missions have still listed each kind of NPC to take down and what to take from them, other ones just state the known "Reach location" where you can't say at all what awaits you at the target location or how long the mission will take.
In best case you have just reached that location that seemingly is just over the mountain (you had to run miles around that mountain to even reach it...) and find out that your bot isn't fitted for whatever awaits you there -> back to terminal to refit, back to spot kill a bunch of NPCs aaand being send to another spot miles away where the story repeats fuuu

so again +1

... giving new players suddenly a large sum of EP just to be "competitive" is for me like giving a child a million dollars...

there were already remarks by new players (ingame+in the forums) that already the 20k+ from kickstarters is a challenge to put to good use, those new players also said that 40k to start with are okay but they wouldn't really want more.
At first, I thought (looking at my earlier post) that maybe giving an EP-boost to newcomers may help, but players won't ever get used to slower EP-rate after that starting phase nor would they be satisfied with suddenly having to wait weeks and even months for EP after getting a bunch of EP from the start.

Beside that, with the percentages of max. EP its a hard thing to calculate in a good percentage (be it a bunch of ep or a boostlimit), atm. starting EP with kickstart edition is already 4% of max. EP. Doesn't sound much? Those 25% are already 250 000EP (more than 5 months of EP!). Most know that under the right directions a new player already can be competitve in their 2nd-3rd month -> ~75k EP would be 7,5% of max EP.
And thats just for the moment. Then what will you do in a half or even one year ahead? Lower that "start"-percentage or have it stay the same? With 300k EP you can already be more than "just competitive" at your specialized profession. With 600k EP some professions have maxed their extensions. Within a year those 7,5% will grow to over 100k EP and of course players will then have learned within their first month how to spend massive EP...
This whole thing about more EP for newcomers won't solve any problem, it will just delay it.. This game originally was based on a RPS-system and thats what needs more emphasize.

Sadly, this isn't only the case with the EP-question but also that for ICE. To start out and help playerbase grow it may help, but in long term I have to agree with Celebro - AC will loose their income from vets. So for this one it is still an Okay from me, but only for a limited timeframe.