(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)


  • Nian high Tech/Tier base (why should the natives have a crappy base?)

  • Tech decreases with distance from Mainterminal

  • Nian Buildings can be seized or destroyed

  • Syndicate Basic Base, like current Alpha1 mainterminal with a few guarding towers - main core will stay even if everything else got shot down; maincore = lvl 1 facilities

  • Terminal can be upgraded by capturing, building or upgrading existing MPCs

  • Tents: little portable homes, with masking for one person

  • Mining towers have mining auras (speed/accu), strength according to their lvl


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Now it gets an own topic - even if it ends up as a entry used for search wink

The original idea was separate from the little story here. It was an idea how I would have liked to see Alpha 2 islands. When they introduced you had to conquer this second batch of islands first and I really hoped NPCs would try to actively take these isles back (ie Nian invasions instead of just some roams).

For the newer parts of the siege islands there's just a little problem with this - since the terminal is situated in the middle - it is hard to get a small base/outpost for players with enough room for base improvement there too (active use of MPC on both sides in mind), so it became the idea of a new island.

Basics / Original Ideas:

  • two bases (Nian | Syndicate) build up with buildings from PBS

  • active Nian fights in offense and defense

  • Build, Upgrade, Take control, destroyal of MPCs

  • Alpha Sieges and Beta Sieges

  • use of TENTs

  • bigger islands to roam (at least two combined)

  • main idea: agents from all corps lay down your internal wars - the syndicate needs you to fight off the Nians

For more overview I will add the details according the following
Index in own posts:

EDIT: added links to index


(6 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Celebro wrote:
Arjha Shanoo wrote:

starter island was another idea of mine... that one has even an own topic since a few days ago...

One way on another I like most of your ideas, but no sand out of the sandbox please.

First, thanks for this comment smile
This quote is from another topic. Since its linked to this topic I took the freedom to post it here.

For the sandbox part - as it is right now, alpha islands have nearly no sand in them - you can't upgrade outposts, can't build MPCs or terraform anything. There's no free PvP-zones and for PvE-part there's "too much boring orange spawns" (Quote from trial player not too long ago).
The starter island takes away the basic static stuff (Training/Tutorials/...) to make more place on alphas for sand.

Its basic idea was originally directly linked to the Alpha Siege Isle idea (how I would have imagined at least Alpha 2s), bigger islands for TENT usage and in its Beta variant the revival of original police towers for resting zones.
All in all, just the first steps to more sand and at the same time PvE-action at alpha.

starter island was another idea of mine... that one has even an own topic since a few days ago...


yep kinda like my suggestion - just that mine has NPC-MPC action too in it (= alpha siege island)... Hmm right now I only find thehastened background story that I wrote about it:
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … ge-of-nia/

Here again a short summary of the idea NPC Siege Island

  • island "splitted" by syndicate and Nians, both have a base at one end of the island

  • Syndicate's Basic Base: basic Terminal (all facilities like mainterminal on alpha1 > only lvl1!) - may get attacked by lower NPC waves but won't degrade any further

  • Nian Base: High Tiered MPCs, complete range; are actively defended by them

  • Defense: Defense towers on both sides (Syndicate/Nians) to deflect some enemies, getting less the farther from terminal

  • Player can build and upgrade the Syndicate Base according to Gamma's MPC, sabotage/destroy or take over Nian buildings

  • Upgrade to Nian AI: active enemy defense and offense (nearest player NPC gets regularly attacked until destroyed - path starts at attacker group undocking from Nian terminal; if Nian buildings get attacked reinforcement undock from Nian terminal and rush to it quite aggressivly; attack rate decreases with distance from their base; enemy force strength too)

  • side addition for PvPer's: instead of pure alpha siege, add a "beta" siege with police towers as safe zones around players MPCs

  • main idea: agents from all corps lay down your internal wars - the syndicate needs you to fight off the Nians

EDIT: found my first post: http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/post/70393/#p70393

the new tier system that i read about is mainly about production - there was no word about the linear improvement of the parameters of modules...

about pvp - who gives anything about pvp if your first two weeks are annoying hard and for non-EVEler just too hard to understand? No one will - because they long before entering pvp quit the game.

I dont want to make things easier - just have a learning/gaming curve instead of a steep wall at entering a game.

Brutux, I wonder since when you are ingame that you have no idea how hard it is to start out roll

My thoughts and experiences on this:

  1. T4 LwF - for new players a must have; only later with lots of game experience more you have the choice with plates, before that point, you're only thinking "Why am I so ** Slow"
    (Anni's request here is old as Perps hell - not to remove them but have for the first tiers T1, T2 a percentage and for T3, T4 static numbers; just a change of the current linear tiered system -> for me that idea's double thumps up)

  2. Sensor amps - necessary for combat because of two reasons: locking time and locking range; before you get your first standard one you have 15s locktime - too long for any noob; locking range is absolutely necessary to not get killed by the first NPC group. T4 is again the best out of the best - Anni didn't you say you did NOT wanted to mention the flaws of tiered system? tongue

  3. If you don't have enough range (ie sensor amps), repair module doesn't help you that much, in the time your module needs to cool down the NPCs dealt already a much greater damage than you can heal with one cycle (Not 100% sure if Anni meant this negative new player experience)

  4. See 2) for combat; there's even a negative side for miners/harvested in that one - as new player and as vet that hasn't put points into accelerated targeting;
    first one, normal players target + lock the first tile/plant they find and activate both mining lasers (if thoughtful enough to equip the second one before), the source is often emptied with the second cycle - no new targets were locked in mean time, so player has to do that now <<< waiting 15s just to activate your modules again and in worst case just to find out you had a noise fuuu;
    for vets - we just mine/harvest faster than we can even lock groundtiles/plants...

  5. should be obvious: lost time to be able to use sensor amps, weapons and the most important here, the repair module again - for new players this lost time means death

  6. see above

  7. obvious, each question about cargo extenders in chat makes this even more obvious

  8. obvious (to gain money for t4 equip and to be able to buy a new, full fitted bot as spare or replacement after death)

  9. demob: damn, accu empty, can't repair myself > ESCAPE! < Oh noes, too slow because of demobs fuuu = death; ECM: yeah finally I locked my enemy - Ugh whats that? My locks gone?? fuuu (see 2.)

  10. obvious (no nic for ammo, your ammo normally doesn't drop from NPCs you can shoot down the easiest, building ammo yourself is more expensive than just buying it, vicious circle= ran out of ammo>no income>no ammo at all unless someone helps you out)

These really are discouraging elements and facts, not just whining from a vet. A short while ago I tested the gaming experience of new players with a trial account - even with my knowledge how to use stuff and skilling the right extensions it was still annoying.

All in all, him listing those doesn't mean that each single one of them has to change nor that he wants every single one changed - just two good and wellbalanced (no band aid fixes!!!) changes may already improve this whole negative experience greatly.

About the change from linear tier system mentionend at the LWF part - this would help the t1 market too


(4 replies, posted in Q & A)

bleu wrote:

I could be wrong but I thought there was talk of those being held off for use on bigger boys in the future

none of the artillery, melee, aoe weapons were limited to bigger bots;
never read its development has been on hold until bigger bots get implemented either...


(43 replies, posted in Events)

Rabus0 wrote:
Arjha Shanoo wrote:
Rabus0 wrote:

So, what if some guys turn on pvp flag and kill all race drivers? Its not impossible!

it is - if you yourself don't turn on your PvP-flag or try to shoot the flagged one. Why? Because the necessary isles are alpha ones and you can't shoot a non-PvP-flagged player (if happens otherwise it would be a bug and a big exploit too...) But if you really want to run through PvP-zones, your fault.

William Bonney wrote:

... to Tellesis.  Then Daoden, Shinjalar, New Virginia, Hershfield, and then Back to Attalica....

You didnt understand! If you will be allowed to shoot on other members in race that means that some guys who is not in race can kill you all!

This is an event from a player for players - Game mechanics won't change for this....


(43 replies, posted in Events)

Rabus0 wrote:

So, what if some guys turn on pvp flag and kill all race drivers? Its not impossible!

it is - if you yourself don't turn on your PvP-flag or try to shoot the flagged one. Why? Because the necessary isles are alpha ones and you can't shoot a non-PvP-flagged player (if happens otherwise it would be a bug and a big exploit too...) But if you really want to run through PvP-zones, your fault.

William Bonney wrote:

... to Tellesis.  Then Daoden, Shinjalar, New Virginia, Hershfield, and then Back to Attalica....

Edit: Just one reason for mentionend rule? Okay, here you go: Same amount of EP - no one has an upper hand because of maxed Speed Nexus Ext. with this.


(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Celebro wrote:

I would be more inclined to change the need of lower tier items to make higher ones, or allocate 20 lines for each tier should suffice.

DEVs have already "ideas" for that - perhaps now in development?

EDIT: ...there was someone faster.... though mine links to DEV Zooms answer tongue

instead of the long requested self-destruction?


(43 replies, posted in Events)

another question: which light bots - both Ewar/combats or combats (castel, promi, yagel) only?
(There's a big speed difference, so just to make sure)


(2 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Both together - NO GO. One of them yes.

To the first: Restrict Homebases even further?
This will aggravate any PvE player if Alpha 2 is blocked.
+ To ensure a longer PvP, homebase is possible on the PvP-isles, it was intended that if you got blown up, you have another immediate chance to participate in the fights and don't need to run miles to get to the warzone just to see that the fights are over. With homebase restrictions and time penalty it's good as it is.

I like the second suggestion better.


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

thats exactly why I want a tutorial/trainings island from where to start out together and where you are able to choose your alpha 1. the faction separation stays intact, is even enforced (no arkhes on alpha 1, pre knowledge of the factions strength,...)

a renewed alpha cycle is not necessary with this.


(43 replies, posted in Events)

sounds interesting, will you have guards at the teleporters of each island to check if the participants really raced through?
If so, i propose a little rule to simplify this: let every every participants write something (doesn't matter what) in local chat next to those gateguards.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

@zoom: just to make sure - you checked this with the options a new player has? i.e. took an arkhe, at most a std. geoscanner and no extensions, with no insight where currently an ore field is so far?

I did check this problem under those conditions a few weeks ago - it was quite hard to find that X - because of the low accuracy I wasted over half an hour (don't know if that was before the patch that changed the range of X). Once I took Argano or a highet tiered geoscanner it worked fine enough, but you dont have this choice in tutorial.

It's not really a bug though...


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

You just made me post my overdue bootcamp topic with the two arguments friends playing together / weapon choice big_smile

Offtopic - PS: sorry, just noticed I didn't answer on that other discussion yet (what was it again) - need to find the time to toggle and sort the patchlogs again fot that sad


(6 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

First of two long overdue topics from me - ideas that are already older than 1 year, can't say even that anymore exactly.
Okay, here we go with the first one: the "Syndicate Bootcamp".


  • - Island to learn about the games basics (= tutorials + evtl. trainings)

  • Connects to alpha 1

  • Divided into (2-)3 areas: mining/harvesting, combat, terminal/teleport/PvP-arena

  • Gives you a chance to try out all basic weaponsystems (SynTec lasers, missile launcher, ...)

Connection to alpha 1:

  • - re-entering bootcamp only through free sparkteleport

  • two choices: abort tutorial by pre-teleporting or run it through

  • if aborted: you can sparkteleport to your alpha 1 island of choice but don't get any freebies from bootcamp. If you re-enter the bootcamp you are able to start/continue your tutorial -> see next point

  • if tutorial is completed: tutorial freebies (standard items), NPC loot, materials; chance to use the teleporter behind the terminal to teleport to the alpha 1 of your choice; possibility of item transfer from bootcamp private storage into the chosen mainterminal (depending on your island choice at leaving bootcamp via teleporter; only one way)

(2-)3 Learning areas:

  • Terminal + Teleporter:
    learn the basic movements, how to target and lock sth., use of terminal facilities;
    Teleporter accessable after completing tutorial; sparkteleport in station to jump tutorials;
    little PvP-arena: loser will teleport out, no loss of the bot/equip, small group PvP

  • Mining/harvesting:
    Small dynamic ore spawns (ore/plants defined by tutorial) but restricted to this area to learn the use of different geoscanner ammo, achieve mining/harvesting basic skills (the knowledge how it works - no extensions)

  • Combat:
    Arkhe fights (normal ones, factional ones, ewar) to learn about combat and to try out the different weaponsystem; "endboss": first real Nian! a light bot Nian that may drop t2 items, missionrelated: will only spawn once for you

Cheap SynTec variants of turrets, launchers and ewar:

  • only available at bootcamp (if tutorial is completed can be transfered to the chosen alpha island)

  • try out different fighting styles on the different arkhe spawns (PvE) or in the arena (PvP)

Tutorial/Training system:

  • Mission rows with Auto-PopUp (Stage choice if there are some left + status on active ones) by entering bootcamp terminal (freebies according to current tuts + training)

  • Megacorp Training missions: you are provided with the SynTec weapon (freebie) of that faction and get the task to destroy some of the according factional drones -> rewards you with positive standing towards that megacorp

  • "Endboss"-assignment: light bot reward - you may choose your combat lightbot

Side-thoughts and reasons for this ideas:
Character creation system and bootcamp: even with the preset character you might want to try out different styles and invest your EP accordingly after this
Arkhe spawns on alpha 1 not necessary anymore -> more place for real spawns (maybe re-introduction of t0 Nians?)
Evtlly. Limiter to orange spawns (still can only see them as band-aid-fix which waits for a better solution)

All in all, just one idea to improve new player experience in PvE/industry and giving new players a chance to train for PvP. An idea thats already old to the gaming world but I always was delighted by it.


(6 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

do you mean instead of fieldcontainer?
in this case: a fieldcontainer is really cheap, has unlimited space and holds for an hour without interacting
>> a stash like this would be a complete nerf even if you can pick it up again
if its not instead but next to it - why would anyone use it when a fieldconti is cheap and better in every way

otherwise a feature for ninja mining/hunting purpose that mainly consists of these points would be the "tent" (last time mentionend in this thread)

... if you're so worked up about something please make a new topic - in general/open discussion something like "Hear my wrath" or "stress-reliever". Like this it seems you wife had her reasons to "cancel" your subs, poor her... Btw. ever heard of rhetorical questions?

Even so, some of your points are valid in a way and according arguments have each their topics where they are discussed. PvP and PvE changes take their turns, now its the turn for PvE again after gamma has been introduced.

Furthermore, since you only use the player conglomerate topic right now to vent your anger instead of keeping it as a serious feature discussion, I beg to the DEVs please close this topic for good. You trolled your own topic, so I can't see it anymore as a serious request from you.

You're going on and on about PVE-changes - just what "major PvE-changes" did you read of? Industry and orefields? This is again player driven content, not for opportunity gamers and new players.
In fact, it may look like a lot has happened on PvE side but those were only minor changes like rebalancing, AI improvements (?), NPC band-aid-changes,...; the big patches were about PvP - still no action to PvE yet.

Atm. Perp is a hardcore PvP-game with just too less players for good wars and industry/market, there are enough PvP possibilities (gamma islands with MCP + terraforming, intrusions, player driven PvP events,..) - but theres barely real PvE content that holds you ingame for longer than let's say a month.
In a sandbox a nice PvE is the basis for a working PvP. PvP-changes alone didn't bring in new players nor hold off older players from leaving (even the contrary at times).
And what would you do with an alliance feature if there's not enough players to make good use of it?

So putting the whining aside,
DEVs already told us that they're working on PvE content after Gamma (+ its hotfixes, hope that part's done now). Maybe there will come some small improvements inbetween like before, but this is necessary too for a stable and fun gameplay (concerning connection, lag, bugs, ...).

Nonetheless, an alliance feature is afaik still on the To-Do-list of AC (not cancelled but postponed).

not yet
here's an older topic for this with DEV answers


(17 replies, posted in Balancing)

I'm sorry -1 for Celebro:
like anni said it's just a band-aid-fix, fast and easy implemented but also won't be taken back when better mechanisms come ingame; the other point is if you increase cargo now (again the what everst time didn't count it), it won't change that much, players will still moan about cargo and want cargo increase

before that I want a follow-hauler-bots/pets as band-aid-fix that automatically takes modules and maybe fragments out of your cargo once its deployed; plural for at least two of them: one light carrier, one heavy; extensions could be coupled with NEXUS-ext. like basic squad managem. 5 for the light one, adv. 5 for the mech one (10 basic for assault, 10 adv. for heavy) or introducing a new robotic spec ext. if thats easier.... For all those that want to see new bots - Here would be a chance!

still annis points are the best solution until now - and different cargo types for let's say ammo, materials and the rest should not be that hard to implement.