1 (edited by William Bonney 2012-11-05 19:17:29)

Topic: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Greetings Player of Perp,

I hereby invite you to take part in an In-Game Event I am calling "RIDE the Ring."  This event is open to any and all people who log into Perpetuum, and has "registerred" to particiapte within 2 days prior to the race.  The details of the race is as follows:

1.  On Sunday, November 4th, at approximately 8pm EDT, is about when the race will begin.  At 7pm EST, any Racer who has registered will be invited to join a squad, and given a T4 Light Weight Frame outside of the ICS Alpha Terminal on the island of Attalica.  You then may enter station and equip it, put it in your hangar, I don't care what.  It's yours to do with whatever you like.

2.  All racers will line up at 7:45pm, if you not at the starting line at that time, you will be removed from the squad and disqualified from the race.  It doesn't matter if your computer crashed, your client went off line, I don't care.  If you are offline at 7:45, you're out.  You must be in a regular Light Robot, no MK2's, no EWARs will be allowed for this race.  Again, ONLY M1 LIGHT ROBOTS.  Those are Yagel, Promotheus, and Castel. If you are in something else at this time, you will be removed from squad, and disqualified from the race.

3.  When I give the command in General chat "Regulators, Let's RIDE!!!!," that is the command that the race is on.

4.  The goal is to "RIDE the Ring" in which you travel any way you are able (without using any form of Mobile Teleport Devices) to Tellesis.  Then Daoden, Shinjalar, New Virginia, Hershfield, and then Back to Attalica.  The first player to enter ICS Alpha Terminal wins.

5.  I will have a Race Staff member, who is not elligible to  participate, on every island.  They will attempt to keep up with the racers in the fastest Robot they can.  Their job is to monitor the racers, and to ensure no one uses the teleport beacons.  If someone magically jumps from one side of hte map to the other, we "should" be able to tell.  Let's try to keep this honest and fun all, I really don't care for controversies.

6.  You are allowed to fit your robots any way you want.  You will be in a squad, so anyone using a Nexus Module, will be helping out those who are close to them.  You are allowed to kill each other in any way you deem you can.  You are allowed to dock up at any station other then ICS Alpha while the race is going on (if caught inside ICS Alpha you will be DQ'd).  You are not allowed to use Spark Teleports.  That again, will result in a DQ.

Rules:  Including the ones previously mentioned.

1.  Every participating In Game Character must be a Trial Account.  You are allowed to be in a Player Corp, but you are not allowed any outside assistance from your Corp that would effect the outcome of the RIDE.  You are not allowed to use T4P on your robot build.  Sure, .50 Kg may not seem like a lot, but it's still an advantage, and since this is my event, my rule is if we find a T4P on your robot, you will be disqualified.

2.  Every player who shows up to ICS alpha as a Trial Account, will be elligible to take part in the race, veteran and new player alike.  You MUST enter with your Trial Participant.  Trials cannot respond in this section of the forums, so please send me a mail in game, or a private message here on the forums or speak to me in game if you have any questions.

3.  I would like to say "only one trial participant per person" as in no multi-client/boxing, whoever that one is giong to be difficult to enforce.  As how would I know?  Going to go by the honor system here, and hope that having more then one will slow down your Computer's load times, or cause your attention to be drawn away enough that you'll get beat, but I dunno.  So please, don't use more than one character, I'm asking respectfully to honor the "idea" behind the race.

4.  I would also like to say "It's every man for himself, no team play allowed,"  but again, there are ways around that as well.  So again, trusting the Perpetuum community to be honest, and use this event as intended, having fun.

5.  No Navigation Nexus Modules will be allowed for the race.  The staff of the race will scan every squad member prior to the start.  If you are found with one, you are Disqualified.  During the race, the staff will scan the leaders, if they are found with one, they will be Disqualified.  When you are DQ'd, you are removed from the Squad.  If you leave the squad on your own, you will be Disqualified.

Prizes will inlude (but not limited to)

1st Place:  One I.C.E.  (Integration Cycle Extender)
This is a Syndicate-issued warrant that can extend the validity of a Perpetuum account by 30 days.
To use it, right click the item and select "Activate". This item works on previously subbed or Trial Accounts.

2nd Place:  One Mk 2 Mech-sized robot of your choice fitted fully with T4 items.  You tell me what you want installed, and I'll make sure you have it.

3rd Place:  One Mk 2 Assault-sized robot of your choice fitted fully with T4 items.  Same deal.

All prizes will be awarded Wednesday, November 7th at 8pm EST at ICS Alpha at an in game "Awards Ceremony."  If you are unable to attend, you may still receive your prize by getting in contact with me, Willam Bonney, in game and arranging it.

Again, I make a plee to the Perpetuum community to have fun with these event, and help keep it for others who are attending.  Play by the rules and you can win a free month of play.  For those not participating, I ask you not to interfere with the Racers.  Please, watch and have fun with it too if you like.  If this event gets popular, I will attempt to host this event once a month.  If you or your corp would like to donate modules or NIC (in game currencty) to aide in this event, you are welcome to do so.  I am not too high and mighty that I won't accept charity.

I also am asking for volunteers for staff members during the race.  I will be conducting informal "game character" background checks for those who volunteer.  I am also personally asking some players who I know to be apart of the staff, I have done so already.  If you are not choses to be staff, do not take it personally.  I will choose people I feel I can trust not to abuse some sort of system to allow someone else an edge or advantage.  If it turns out I am wrong about the person, well, that's my fault.  I've been screwed over before, but I don't live my life expecting that, unable to trust people (especially fellow gamers).

If you have questions or concerns, please reply and I will answer as fully as I can.

Oh, and "Rules of the RIDE event may change before the race takes place."  I might have forgotten something, or not known it, that could alter and give someone an advantage over another that I did not anticipate.  If this occurs, I will adapt the rules & conditions accordingly, to fit my vision of this race.

Good Luck to any and all RIDE! participants!!!

Edited to add:  Navigation Nexus Modules have been banned.  Read part 5 of the rules section.

Edited to add:  Specific names of the robots allowed for use.

Staff Announcement:  These are the players who I have spoken with in game, and they have agreed to be apart of my staff, to help the Event be a success.  It's tentative of course, because some weren't sure of their schedule, so it may change from this time, until next week:

Azyre - Axis Inc (AIC)
Phalanxx - Hydra (HYDRA)
bobo1994 - Pretty Hate Machine (PHM)
Annihilator - Bunkerkinder e.V (BKK)
Reynava Mohric- Immortal Legacy (IL)
Slouson - Brotherhood of Steel (B.O.S)
Cassius/Brutus - Statecorp (STC)
Warblade - Hyrda (HYDRA)

Warblade is the only player who has volunteered so far, thus why Hydra has two, and will be used as an alternate for Phalanxx.  Thanks for your interest and support all.

Edited to modify:  There is no longer a registration requirement.  Hopfully I'll have enough T4 LWF's to cover it

A BIG thank you for all Staff who, even though we only had three racers, seemed to have just as much fun with it as the racers.

So thanks again:
Hydra - with Phalanxx and Warblade
Statecorp - Cassius/Brutus/Atticus
Axis Inc - Azyre (who also let us jump on her TS so we could have VOIP)
Brotherhood of Steel - Slouson

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

I would like to participate

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Got you down as Vagabond, I need your trial character's name 8-)

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Good initiative William, we need more players like you in this game smile


Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Thanks Celebro.  I was here a while and was starting similar, had to go, but now I'm back,and back at it.  Hope everyone enjoys it.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

nice idea. i will try to be in there as well, but have to check if im free around that time.
but just for reference: could you use server time insted of your local time in the future. would make things way more easy for most of us.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

I can try, I've been out of practice for over a year now, so I am indeed rusty.  And I also posted this on a few other gaming sites, as well as FaceBook (and paid the $7 "promote fee, twice actually).  Trying to get more outside attention.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

basically, give them some free advertising, especially since they Greenlighted, that means "GO!!!" already

Do some advertising, sell your game....

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Celebro wrote:

Good initiative William, we need more players like you in this game smile

Sparking to other games

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Someone who plays for the community of the game, then for himself/Corp.

At least that's who I try to be.  I like leading guilds to train/teach them what I know of the game.  I like answering questions in help, and chit chatting about "nothing" in General.  I want this to feel lilke a video game we're playing, FOR FUN.   I think a lot of gamers forget about the fun aspect of things.

So, I do what I can to remind them.  I'm not the best at it, I'm sure.  And I'll probably annoy as many as I entertain.  But at least I'll have fun doing it, and well, that's what it's all really about anyhow.  Me having fun 8-)

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

sounds interesting, will you have guards at the teleporters of each island to check if the participants really raced through?
If so, i propose a little rule to simplify this: let every every participants write something (doesn't matter what) in local chat next to those gateguards.

12 (edited by William Bonney 2012-10-26 17:07:12)

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

There will be "staff" or guards/monitors of the race, that will be tracking for me, yes.  Some really great folks, and when I have a couple more, will  post on here who all has agreed to help make the event great.  I am giving a few a little while to make up their minds.  Some folks told me maybe, we'll see, so wanted to give them 24 hours.

There wll be guards, there will be other players watching to make sure the event goes as intended.

And I'm still taking volunteers 8-)

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Edited to clarify, I had meant Sunday the 4th, not the 5th.  I'm terrible with time, and I apologize for it.

14 (edited by William Bonney 2012-10-27 23:31:34)

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Edited to add:  Navigation Nexus modules have been banned from the race.

15 (edited by Arjha Shanoo 2012-10-28 09:56:04)

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

another question: which light bots - both Ewar/combats or combats (castel, promi, yagel) only?
(There's a big speed difference, so just to make sure)

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Basic Light Robots, no mk2 versions, no EWAR.

The bots you receive from the new player tutorial.  I don't care where you get them, but new players have easiest access to those.

So that's the Castel, Prometheus, and Yael only.

I'm aware of the speed differences of the Light Robots, but did not want to exclude trials that started "Thelodica" and just have a Promethes.  It is inentioinally structured to keep things as "fair' as possible, and base things on skill of driving, and not the speed of the robot.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

In details part two, always said:   You must be in a regular Light Robot, no MK2's, no EWARs will be allowed for this race.  Again, ONLY M1 LIGHT ROBOTS

I have added the names of the robots now for clarity purposes.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

wait no, think i added the "no Ewars" to the statment, but the "regular" comment should have been suffice, regardless, added for clarity too.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

This is sad and nice.
Sadly that there are absolutely no mass event mechanic in the game.
...But this is nice to see player's desire to organize such events.

good luck William

The theory of mutual interests
Why the crybabies wins?
Где Ханя - там победа (с)
DEV Zoom: No need to speculate...

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

First, the praise for the initiative.

Now, the questions to you for thinking.

William Bonney wrote:

1.  Every participating In Game Character must be a Trial Account. ...

Why only Trial?
Since the Nexus module is forbidden, and there is no extensions that affects to the speed, each player, whether he's old 1 sec or 1 year, has the same speed in the identically equiped robot.

Creating a trial acc. just for this race, takes a name that no one can take for someone future active acc. (...)

William Bonney wrote:

6. ... You are allowed to kill each other in any way you deem you can. ...

The race is on alpha islands. To shoot, ECM, demob. on the opponent, it is necessary that bot sides engage PVP flag.

Participant in the race is the fastest if fit only LWF. Why would he want to turn on PVP flag, because each armed rival is slower, and therefore loses the race?

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Why only a Trial:  Ease of seperating who is staff, and who is not.  There is a method to my madness.

Yes,  you are right, you must flag for pvp for that to take effect.

See, that's your choice not to put anything but the LWF on.  I'm putting as few rules and restrictions as possible, so the event is as I intended.  Just because it slows them down, I'm not going to tell them not to do it.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Staff Announcement:  These are the players who I have spoken with in game, and they have agreed to be apart of my staff, to help the Event be a success.  It's tentative of course, because some weren't sure of their schedule, so it may change from this time, until next week:

Azyre - Axis Inc (AIC)
Phalanxx - Hydra (HYDRA)
bobo1994 - Pretty Hate Machine (PHM)
Annhilator - Bunkerkinder e.V (BKK)
Reynava Mohric- Immortal Legacy (IL)
Slouson - Brotherhood of Steel (B.O.S)
Cassius/Brutus - Statecorp (STC)
Warblade - Hyrda (HYDRA)

Warblade is the only player who has volunteered so far, thus why Hydra has two, and will be used as an alternate for Phalanxx.  Thanks for your interest and support all.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Hunter wrote:

This is sad and nice.
Sadly that there are absolutely no mass event mechanic in the game.
...But this is nice to see player's desire to organize such events.

good luck William

Who knows Hunter, maybe they'll add something in game for me, if these events I am doing become successfull.  It does market "Player Driven Content" so I don't see why they wouldn't.

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

+1 for your race BUT few questions:

William Bonney wrote:


6.  You are allowed to fit your robots any way you want.  You will be in a squad, so anyone using a Nexus Module, will be helping out those who are close to them.  You are allowed to kill each other in any way you deem you can.

So, what if some guys turn on pvp flag and kill all race drivers? Its not impossible!

Every participating In Game Character must be a Trial Account.

Well,your rule,but give me just one good reason,why? Just one!

25 (edited by Arjha Shanoo 2012-10-29 13:23:46)

Re: William Bonney Invites you to RIDE the Ring!!!

Rabus0 wrote:

So, what if some guys turn on pvp flag and kill all race drivers? Its not impossible!

it is - if you yourself don't turn on your PvP-flag or try to shoot the flagged one. Why? Because the necessary isles are alpha ones and you can't shoot a non-PvP-flagged player (if happens otherwise it would be a bug and a big exploit too...) But if you really want to run through PvP-zones, your fault.

William Bonney wrote:

... to Tellesis.  Then Daoden, Shinjalar, New Virginia, Hershfield, and then Back to Attalica....

Edit: Just one reason for mentionend rule? Okay, here you go: Same amount of EP - no one has an upper hand because of maxed Speed Nexus Ext. with this.