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@tharrn: risk vs reward doesnt have to do anything with having a collateral for me, please explain it for me
okay thats a good point for collateral, khader khan, thanks.
for the part of just "throwing it into a hauler" - and dont mind - if it doesnt get delivered u either have to transport it yourself or put up a new mission.
Since the mission could also be created on terrain you yourself at least will have two risks for contractors:
first, having to haul it back yourself nonetheless - second, if the mission times out and your not near the starting point you have to hurry back before your missioncontainer vanishes and rescue your stuff.
The risk for agents taking the mission could be the typical player driven assignment problem - a kill trap.
So the risk maybe low but there certainly is some.
A question that rised up by that would be more like which punishment will the accepting player get for aborting the mission? in npc-missions you get negative standing...
to be honest i dont like the idea of a collateral prepay system since its a huge disadvantage for new players - they have to invest when having nothing though they want to run missions to build up their wealth. So theres a workaround necessary.
I already wrote that those material boxes cant be opened by anyone else than the mission contractor, of course recycling them shouldnt be possible neither.
Remains destroying them and keeping them even if mission timer runs out.
Possible solutions here: disable the destroy option for them or if per coding possible/easier (dunno) if anyone hits destroy or still has the box when the timer runs out, let it be "teleported back" into the missioncontainer.
It's been long since the last discussion of player side mission system. With PBS/Terraforming and the old question of Soloplay for newbies in times of low playerbase it is becoming more and more of a question how long to wait for those assignments.
Implementing such a system would be a lot of work outs that add to the already big enough workload of our DevTeam, I know.
Nonetheless I somehow like to have a first step to those agentbased assignments in addition to the upcoming Gamma-Islands. First step of that could be those boring hauling jobs - a job for both new players and veterans.
Here my idea how it could work. Please post a comment what you think about it, where problems might appear or what you like to change.
Assignment Windows upgrade:
> adding a tab/button to create a mission on terrain and in station
Mission creating:
> opens up a window, where u can drag the items that shall be delivered into it to convert them into a dataconsole/material box;
units would be the same as the items dragged into, maybe an additional option to divide its units into smaller parts;
delivery location can be chosen over a dropdown listing terminals and outposts, later eventually player build stations - minimum of NIC to pay depends on distance;
evtly. enable setting of the terminal/outpost where to accept the mission, if no special choice available in the mainterminal of that isle;
setting the mission timer: set the time the mission will be available (will be overriden if count of material boxes reaches 0);
Lvl settings: maybe per personal standing to contractor, the choices all(lvl0?) - neutral(lvl1?) - friendly+ (lvl5?) < no influence on minimal NIC-Count;
NIC-Costs: NIC-Costs can be set at the calculated minimum or freely above;
the minimal NIC-Cost u have to pay will be defined by the distance of delivery and of its total units;
NIC will be payed out per box, if theres more than one the defined NIC-reward will be divided into number of boxes;
pay-system for contractor would be similiar to market systems buy orders;
material box:
> items can be taken out of cargo, private storage and fieldcontainers, at creating the box the items will vanish out of those and be formed into one or several even-units boxes (stacking);
Opening the boxes: unpackaging can only be done after mission runs out by the contractor and noone else (maybe like lootcontainer system where an unknown to all password is required for alien-access)
in case of being in terminal those boxes shall be reserved=unusable for the contractor until mission-timer runs out - if the mission ends with boxes being left he/she will be able to unpack them into its original state (like unpackaging a robot);
in case of being on terrain, I would suggest that the boxes are dropped into a separate missioncontainer (for each mission), the accepting agent can take out as many boxes as he/she can carry;
> if all boxes were delivered, container will vanish;
if there are still boxes left in it after mission timer runs out, it will have a timer like the fieldcontainer (a few mins, reset with activation) to enable the contractor to save its content but also to hinder container staying behind for too long
delivery: accepting mission grants you to enter the location and to deliver them - that does not mean u gain automatically access to the facilities or other station options there too!;
Pay out: each agent will be payed out by the number of boxes they delivered;
delivered boxes will automatically be put into the private storage of the contractor;
assignment window for applicants: in the assignment the number of remaining boxes and the original sum will be shown so that more than one agent is able to accept the mission if theres a lot to haul;
contractorname is, of course, that of the agent creating the mission;
Type = Transport - what else?;
remaining points
what happens if agent carrying the boxes dies during the mission or aborts it? will the package drop with certainty or be transfered back to the missionbox?;
other rewards like items possible?;
... hmm got even more detailed than I initially thought
hm let me estimate it with a litte calculation: 2-3 hours per day for 14 days would be a sum of about 72 hours, right? which would be the three days we got.
so now, why just 2-3 hours?
the attacks weren't over a whole day mostly just about two times a day with one weaker (about one hour) and one heavier with each normally under 5 hours, over time only the "evening DDos" (servertime) stayed
after the first week we didn't have a daily attack anymore and it decreased, same with the time the ddos took
with this in mind the pure estimation of it justifies those three days already.
Its also a refund for every account, not just the ones who tried being active during those weeks, which I would estimate as less than the half of active subscriptions.
I do think the given refund was enough and we can be even happy we got it: though we older player know about the courtesy of our dev-team, you can't naturally expect it from every game developing team.
As (mostly solo) missionrunner I'm used to click too fast on "Accept" - even when I really wanted to share it with my squad.
Since it happens more than 7 out of 10 times for me, I somehow like to have a feature that grants you to switch from Single-Accept over to Squad-Sharing even after you already have accepted the mission (and of course before u completed it).
... with inactive accounts there I meant those with active subs but not playing after one month; the point with the EP-retrieval to hinder those masses of bought EP is under Problems... 50% of the EP back max 30 days payed for back sub and when you pay for at a 6 month new sub..or other may encourage some to come back and not feel like they are soooo far behind
thats one of the things i had had in mind making my little list before.
Of course, the general idea is hard work with only small benefits - and no one ever said to implement it asap - but some of its negative points can already be reversed just by putting up the right conditions.
Takeo Prime wrote:If a guy buys a years sub and never plays for 11 months then come on and places all that EP, he has not effected any game play that whole time.
-> an inactive account that had subbed just once and comes back can spend masses of EP at once; same with those guys that ragequitted, tried to misuse gamemechanics, maybe even tried to destroy the game/community... if they had a years sub - they could come back anytime without any punishment;
players that had been loyal active players that began out the same time as them (maybe couldn't afford a year) put their everything into the game but because they couldn't immediately continue their sub for reasons whatsoever are "penalized" with less EP than the inactive account -> so why not reward them by giving them the chance to buy a little bit of their absence time back;
Celebro wrote:Developers could use the extra cash and some players would actually not feel left behind.
EP buyable in general, EP extends over the time of your subscription;
only already player that had a sub can buy back EP for a certain break time between their subs -> already gives the first two limitations: trials can't buy EP, EP-payback limited by unsubscribed days in between subscriptions
player leave game until a patch comes that fits them and buy back the lost EP of absent time;
limit payback days to a maximum and also the unsubscribed time - for example: limit is set to 30 days EP-payback (my initial post), if you don't resubscribe within those thirty days no option to get a payback; why a maximum of thirty days? normally big game-changing patches come only every two months.
Problem that may result: "Oh, I just bought back the EP, resubbed for a month, vanish again, then buy it back again";
minimum timespan where the account had been continuously subscribed (without a day/second break) to enable the option (had set it previously to 6 months because a normal player wouldn't count as new anymore then) - example: player has subscribed for 6 months, got his last paycheck two-three weeks too late, therfore wasn't able to resub immediately, then subbed again and bought back his lost time, next time possible would be only after additional 6 months of continuous subscription
"no risk whatsoever.." - others sub for a year unknowingly if the game runs until then;
option only available if resub for more than just one month (like 3 or 6 months), evtly penalty because of the lower risk - why? to gain the possibility to pay for absence time the player has to take another risk before with subbing over a longer time;
> still, of course the risk is lower than the player who paid for a year
Problem: less full-year codes bought?
Who buys one year-subs and why? The main points of one year subs is the discount and the big resubbing stress less, isn't it?
So topic price: buying back EP costs you something, at least for 30 days a full month without any discounts -> result: player has to pay more than for a years sub;
topic stress: having a month break from the game, you won't only have to resub (buy/pay code, redeem it) but in addition to that also activate and buy the lost time back = double stress
Still remaining Cons: (sry, dunno a comeback to them )
Atticus wrote:Buying back potential lost EP, even at a premium or penalized rate, does go against the fundamentals of the game.
Even with all the negative points and flaws that have already been stresssed, theres still a tiny interesting point there - though I would put something like an EP-retrieval option under drastic conditions.
Just in regard that a few people may had some important RL-troubles so they rly! weren't able to sub for a month I somehow can't completely deny the idea.
Though it has to be set under some harsh requirements/conditions, like:
- maximum of retrievable days: 30 days = 1 month of subscription (= 43,000 EP)
- only available if account had been subscribed continuously for at least 6 months
- option will only show up if u purchase at least 3 months gametime
- option available only for a specific timeframe like let's say 48h after redeeming the new code
- costs of the back-purchase: at least one month gametime + interest (10-20%?) or like 3€ per day
... still anyone could set himself as ceo with just spending a few days worth of EP - what if more than one person wants that position? (since there can be more agents deputy ceos too)
Would suggest an additional majority vote system if more than one agent nominates himself. Of course voting should then only be possible for active players. (If the corp is still running smoothly the vote system won't be necessary because only one will apply; if theres no unity u can still give your vote and if u don't like the results you can still leave the corp).
We all know about the Gamescon, Blizzcon, EVE-meeting and other Gaming events. I just started to wonder about a Perpetuum Event like meeting the Devs and your comrades (or fiends) in RL, having some minor events and of course, partying together.
What do you think of the idea of having a Perpetuum Meeting in Hungary and what would you expect of it? And of course, would you come to one?
Please share your general opinion and perhaps some event ideas.
To start with it, here would be my ideas:
- meet&greet the DEVs, discuss with them,
- squeeze intel out of them in exchange for beer
- Minigames and partying
- Roaming Blaha
ideas for Minigames:
- PvP with waterguns or Paintball
- quizzes (about perpetuum knowledge, movies and other games)
- watching perpetuum-battle footage together via projector in 3D
length of the Event:
- a weekend, 2-3 days
would you come:
- of course, no question about it!
looked through your build just now, so here are my two cents, if there are any question don't hesitate to ask:
You only have a month of ep to spend on, so orientate on one path for that! You can work on the others later on.
At the moment you have too many of them (<< khanatos.agent).
Research + Proto
Research is only necessary if u want to prototype, but will have the most effect at extensionlvl 8 from the beginning. Prototyping gets you some bonuses but it's a moneysink, since u will mainly sell massproduced items. Dont think of producing ammo with it, its not worth the materials.
=> only take that path if you have a second account to farm masses of kernels and/or if you are in a corp that already has some producers.
with producing you sell the items at market for income. For the beginning: to be able to buy the materials your mainincome will come from geoscanmissions (until you have enough money for a sequer) then transports. So 'Parallel Assignments'lvl3 (to take 4 missions at once) is a must have. Next step can be to RE ammo or standarditems and massproduce them for selling (doesn't need proto).
Reverse Engineering (RE)
is the necessary connection between proto and producer, but you wont really need more lines or more time at the beginning.
=> install the extensions if you have some EP left after some months
necessary for sell- and buyorders or less tax, get 'basic marketing' lvl2-3 optional; but dont put too much EP in Finances, there will be enough profit even without it; you can raise it later on bit by bit.
Since you want to produce to sell I advice you the massproducing path. Kernelfarming for Research+Proto would only pay out with a second pure combat account (not Agent!). Even so later on you will need connections to get prototypes or CT's to sell higher.
All in all it would look like this with pure industry attributes (ICS):
Basic Extensions: 26.943 EP
"Advanced efficient mass production" : 1,
"Basic efficient mass production" : 5,
"Basic extensive mass production" : 4,
"Basic parallel assignments" : 3,
"Basic robotics" : 4,
"Industrial robot control" : 4,
"Intensive mass production" : 4,
"Navigation" : 4
Optional Extensions:
"Basic marketing" : 3 = 398 EP,
"Diplomacy" : 5 = 5.460 EP,
"Navigation" : 7 = +3.135 EP
why the need of an arrow at minimap? the minimap/radar is dynamic: forward is always on top.
But I agree if u meant the general map, it can be confusing sometimes.
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