I think that instead of planting 50 plants all at once, they should have just staggered 2 loads of 25 over a 12 hour delay. This would easily provide a split distribution over both ends of the globe.


(13 replies, posted in Balancing)

The plant cap sucks a lot. The amount of spawns either needs to be bumped up or the cap needs to be bumped up. Trying to find plants on some of the new alpha's and beta's is ridiculous. I think we should get the ability to plant Helio and Tri, just like Noralgis. Of course, the incubators would be cheaper for Helio and Tri.

Whatever the case, we need a fix here, because plant harvesting is aggravatting when it's so sparse and in such little quantities.

I have a great idea that would benefit the community, F-Navy sharing their killboard coding so that we can get a few more rolling. tongue

Alexander wrote:

There is a select all and deselect all, just right click.

You mean you can check and uncheck all the check boxes in the repair window by right clicking?? Didn't know that, thanks!

Alexander wrote:

The problem is I can't shift select multiple items so sorting the hangers by damage percent (Already sent to the client due to the client showing a damage symbol).

You can't shift select, but you can ctrl select individual ones so you can skip ones you don't want. But I agree, having them all pre-sorted by repair status would be nice.

If you're just looking for the lightest damaged items so that you can repair them, you can sort the recycle window's columns so that the least damaged items are on top and just repair the topmost ones. The main problem though with tons of items is that there's no 'check all' or 'uncheck all'. If you could uncheck all to begin with, sorting and repairing would be a lot easier.

The OP changes are an interesting way of making people pay attention to them more, but they wont solve the issue of small scale PvP not really existing. Why doesn't it exist? Because the main 'event' in this game is based on a set schedule, which in a sandbox( sorry for being blunt ) is absolutely STUPID.

We don't have a lot of people in game, this is true. But making people flock to OP's more with PvE benefits will likely only attract gankers and pirates. Sure it creates a facet of PvP, but it's not one that I think is intended. People living around these outposts are probably farming bots or mining, they're not hugging the OP's like the features want them to, to PvP.

We're still lacking small scale PvP objectives. I've said it before, we need some sort of POS system that's 100% controlled by players. Meaning, they can be attacked at any time and offlined to negate their benefits. Giving people the choice of when they want to fight will create more PvP situations. Granted, you will also probably need to give incentive to offline an enemies POS's, but that's something further down the road in balance.

OP's are interesting and all but the event to take them is static and boring. We need interactive PvP, we need objectives that have real-time effects that can draw people to them at any given time.

Until this happens, all we're going to have is over-crowded intrusion events and roamers looking for easy kills.

The whole idea of making the first free and extra ones costs scale up, makes me wonder how they'll stop people from just creating holding corps for each outpost to make it free all around. Maybe there's an easy fix or concept im missing, but just a thought I had while eating my lunch and reading posts. >.>

Gaulois wrote:
Grim Faust wrote:

The dev's saw fit to just white wash the culprits and I'm fine with that. Better late than never. Maybe now the game can start to grow.

The only problem I see, is that the devs are once again punishing exploiters (that's good), and a high numbers of innocent people as collateral. (that's very bad)

I think it's much more detrimental to the game than just deleting the exploit results and punishing the exploiters.

It would take a considerable amount of time for them to pick through everything and determine whom did what. Is it possible? I don't know, no one really knows how much they'd have to comb through. But I'm sure it's no small feat. But that's not the only part that's important, it's the affect those people had. I'm under the impression that a lot of people who had legit assets had those assets removed. It sucks, but again, how do you pick apart what those people would have had given that those cheaters in close relations had not been cheating?

I don't know if their wipe was something final, or if perhaps they will review the situation further after they have time to review logs. It would actually make sense to just wipe everyone related, so they can at least put the server up and not have those people affect anything else in the interim. As opposed to just taking the server down for who knows how long and affecting the players who had no part in what transpired.

Trying to follow the trail of a butterfly effect is practically impossible. In our case, the effect this cheating had on the market, player base, warfare and the culprits financial success. You don't know what it caused, hindered, ruined, increased, decreased, it's a huge black pit of possibilities.

The dev's saw fit to just white wash the culprits and I'm fine with that. Better late than never. Maybe now the game can start to grow.

It's not like leaving the cheaters alone was going help the game either.

If someone got busted for cheating, of course there's going to be bias. Why spare cheaters the shame? Everyone who didn't cheat deserves their say and I doubt there's anything positive to say about cheaters. When you're competing with others and someone tries to take advantage of an exploit to beat you, that's just downright shameful.

This is a game, people need a dropkicking for trying to ruin others fun by such loathable tactics.

I don't think we really need to know who the culprits are. That's really discretionary and up to the Dev's. However, knowing how many assets were removed would be kinda interesting to know. Not important, just interesting.

Makes me wonder who we're not going to be seeing in game anymore. I'd like to say it'd be interesting to see the rants, but I'm sure if they're banned they can't post on the forums anyway.  roll

I don't see higher tier goods being on the market in abundance for a while. Most corps can't afford to be selling what they manufacture as they're using what they manufacture in terms of higher tier goods. Also, not every corp has all their research done, so that adds to the lacking amounts.

In time, more will become available as more people can spare to sell it. The game is too young anyway to have all that stuff on the market in healthy proportions. Some corps I'm sure can afford to sell random modules, and do, but that some is a very small % of the server.

If anything we can fill the market with T1 items, and that's something I'm looking in to myself personally. It's not hard to build up good quantities of T1 goods and for now, that tier should be good enough for newer players. For the time being if you want tier gear, well, you pay the price or join a corp and take part in their internal markets and production. Most corps *ahem* are still caught up in the arms race. During an arms race, it's not really prudent to be selling off your advantages.

Syndic wrote:

Disagree completely.

The game needs more PVE features, more fluff features that will give players something to do on their own and in their own time. At the moment the choice is grind plazma, grind ore, or look for artifacts. Thats a very poor choice - and its already showing that its not keeping people in-game. What numbers came back after the expansion, have mostly left again.

POS only caters to the existing players who are involved in the game. Lets face it, to a new player Perpetuum is just plain BORING.

While PvE will help, it won't keep around long term players. If there's lots of corps interacting and there's heaps of combat and news of such, wars, territorial skirmishs', that's the sort of thing the newb is going to read up on and think ; 'Damn, I want to be a part of that.' It will keep them in game and give them a common goal to push for, reach end game and make a difference.

Right now though, end game is not like a plateau you reach and wallow on in all it's glory, it's a cliff. One that a lot of players have already fallen off, never to return.

I think some sort of POS' would get people on Beta's if they had a function. If they did something for you that you can't do on alpha. Maybe they mine for you? Maybe they offer you better refine rates? Quicker factories? Who knows. Something though, that you can't get elsewhere.

How will that open up PvP? Simple, allow them to be put offline by enemies. If your enemies dont like you, they can go suppress your structures by attacking them ANYTIME they want. No silly intrustions or schedules, ANYTIME. This will open up PvP in my mind because the element of surprise will be there. You can cause trouble when it's convenient for your corp. You'll have to watch your own structures as well. It will make holding Beta grounds more interactive. You could even add some sort of bonus' for offlining someones structures. What that could be is debatable.

Either way, it would give everyone something to do. You'd have incentive to be on beta. You'd have incentive to roam and fight other POS' and defenders. You'd have incentive to guard and you'd have incentive of successfully offlining other players structures.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

I really don't know what's going to stimulate that notion to be completely honest. I hate to draw back on this subject, but it's quite pertinent as it's pretty much in relation to the only war (sadly) on our server. Most people think M2S' previous insurance fraud pretty much gave them an amount of resources that can't really be touched. Even by M2S' own claims, they're pretty much filthy rich. You don't just grind someone like that down. It's at a point where it seems like nothing short of catastrophe for them will change this situation. Something to the ends of social engineering, a huge corp theft, some new patch making their wealth less important. Who knows? What's certain, as long as that stigma of their warchest exists, our server is pretty much going to be in a deadlock until either M2S disappears as per previous noted situations, or everyone whom opposes them finally gives in to attrition.

I'm not going to speculate the results of either side. That's just my opinion from the sidelines.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

From a tactical stand point, if we were at war with 62nd, we might have stuck around to fight you. You're right as you said before, we might have been able to take a few of you down and caused you more in financial loss than you would have done to us even though we would have been wiped out. That's a small victory in defeat and a good tactic in a long term aggression.

Last night was nothing like that though. We just wanted to have some fun, toss the ball around with you guys. You brought the NFL all star team in comparison to our college team. Let's face it, the fun in competition is the winner is indeterminate, anything can happen. When the outcome is certain before the game begins, it's suddenly not all that entertaining anymore.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

What happened last night was a one off thing. When we go roaming, we go roaming to attack anything that we encounter.

During the end of our roam last night, we thought we'd try something different and offer 62nd an arranged skirmish. They knew what we had, we asked them to bring some friends and we'll have a showdown. They brought a lot more than we could manage with our squad, so the fight dissolved and both parties went home with nothing to show for it.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mara Kaid wrote:

I wasn't mad, just a bit dissapointed.

You were afraid to loose assaults and ewars / lights to mechs. We've lost countless on beta, and given we only had 5 mechs, you would have taken down at least 3 if you focused your fire. I estimated a 2:1 advantage on your side in numbers, and firepower.

From your view, and sayings it seems when people fight you with less mass it's ok, because you've "just started", but if people fight you with "equal mass/firepower" it's heinous, because on that specific fight I decided to use mechs instead of lights to compensate for the 2:1 disadvantage. It's like you think mechs are a huge space between lights, when they aren't. You need to go kill some with some lights, it's very doable.

Another point, previously I decided to let you have a disadvantage, and outnumber us 5 to 15 and when we died you said good fights. So what's a good fight?

But this time instead you threw up your hands and said you were "outgunner/skilled", total bs, we've taken on outnumbered/outgeared/outskilled fights countless times. Even though we loose ships we've killed twice or three times our value going down. I wish you would have had the same spirit. You would have killed 3 mechs easily, and the ewar you could have taken down. Your value in kills would have been at least 2x,3x your fleet worth.

We're not afraid of losses, we all fit with what we can afford to lose as going on a roam in to beta we expect to meet resistance of unknown proportions. Which for new pilots usually results in death.

You brought a force that would have clearly killed ours. CLEARLY. Which you also just noted we'd have lost. But you think the factor of us killing a couple of you would be amusing to us? Our FC is not stupid nor does he expect us to all lose our bots, just to let you guys wipe us off the map.

This was an arranged fight. Do you ask your weekly tournament entrants to fight the odds? No. Why? Because they wouldn't show up to hand you their NIC and leave with nothing. That's exactly what you asked of us last night. Maybe you would have lost some mechs, who knows. We don't really care.

When the outcome of a battle is unknown, that's when it's fun. It was up to your corp to bring what would be considered that fair fight you wanted. Instead, you brought a force you knew you'd win with and that we also knew exactly our fate when we saw you.

If you call that sporting and fun, I'm sorry, but our views very vastly.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mara Kaid wrote:

Contact the giant zerg, and so long as you come out in proper fit bots that they don't loose so much, or you don't threaten them, well you'll get a station or two! Just ask RG how this deal works for them.

If you do threaten them, well ....

Just like fighting FOOM. If I bring 5 guys in assaults vs 15 assaults/ewars/1 mech and die fast it's a good fight. Like nwar brings 2 assaullts vs 10 assaults it's a good fight.

However if I bring 5 mechs vs 15 assaults and lights, its a BAD fight for FOOM.

You see as long as you play the dumb deer , you're fun to play with, but bring an equal force with skill and it's over.

Your post is confusing. Are you mad about last night? The other night before that? I don't know.

When we engaged you the other night with our '15 assaults/ewars/1 mech ' You came looking for us after you saw we were heading to beta and you knew what we had. We didn't go looking for you, we were looking for fights in general. Anyone we find when we go on roams, we kill. If it just so happens we meet an enemy and we lose, we don't care.

If you're mad about last night? Your buddy Immortal Death was farming on a Beta island. You guys of all people should know that Beta isn't a place you're just free to do as you please. If you go out on Beta alone, you're on borrowed time.

After we killed Immortal, we offered your corp a fair fight. We stopped our roam and told you where we were. You knew what we had, where we were and you had our attention and invitation for a good time. Instead of bringing something when you actually had a genuine opportunity for a fair fight, your corp brought 5 mechs and 2 light ewar (some of which were MK2) to deal with 8 assaults and 4 lights with low EP and T1 gear.

Then when we leave your corp starts whining in general about how we ganked immortal and that we had no right to leave in disgust. We didn't choose to gank him, we encountered him by chance. Our arrangement with your corp afterwards wasn't chance, both parties knew what was about to go down and where, yet your corp grossly ruined that  opportunity.

You always trumpet on these forums about fair fights and all about how 62nd wants things to be even and then last night you go and do something like that? Your corp just lost a great deal of respect last night. Maybe you don't care about what we do or what we think of you, but you should chew on that  before you post again about your ideal 'fair fight'.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

No one can stop blobbing. Even with mechanics as such that we have, the blob will always exist. A blob doesn't inherently mean a stack of players all on top of each other, it means overwhelming numbers. These can be split in all directions of the compass to negate clustering, which is what bot explosions and interference actually affect, clustering, not blobs.

You can't stop people from grouping up and playing together. It's just not going to happen. A game mechanic isn't suddenly going to make a bunch of people not want to group up for a common cause. If there's a majority and they don't like you for whatever reason, they'll attack you with all the numbers they can muster and why shouldn't they? This is a strategy game and you strategize to take as few losses as possible, while inflicting the maximum amount possible on the enemy. This can happen to anyone. Anyone can blob anyone. If you suddenly find that you're the target of a blob, it's because of something you did. Don't go blaming game mechanics because more players than you have a common cause. Saying that a majority should comply with your minority is completely nonsensical.

Don't take this explanation as a support vote on my behalf either. I'm simply explaining a concept, that will always exist. Blobs are a tangible form of democracy, it's one notion vs the other and the minority typically gets squashed.

Find a way to deal with the adversity your views put you in, or you're going to have to face the odds every time you step in to the open.


(7 replies, posted in Localization)

If I were to make changes, I'd partially take from what Gremrod said;

Area changed to Survey - It kind of stipulates that you're surveying to see if there's something around. It makes sense because there's no real accuracy, it's just a general sweep to see what's up and if the area is worth pursuing.

Tile changed to Density - Using this, you probably already know what mineral is in the area and now it's just a matter of finding out the density of the vein/cache or whatever you'd like to call it.

Universal is alright as is, but Multi could work just as well. You don't know what's around, your range with it sucks. It's kind of a shot in the dark at everything.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

The only people we've met with consistancy within our corp ops timeframes is 62nd. They seem to be around a bit. We've bumped in to a few other roamers, but they're typically not forces with enough pilots to compete with our numbers we bring. I almost feel bad we have to gank them, but they're targets ( and pretty much the only ones at that ) of opportunity and we don't go roaming to shake hands. Granted 62nd did have enough last night, but what happened with them is another story.

We're having fun. We'd be having more fun if there were sizeable groups to match our pilots gear and skill. Which is not to say we're awesome with a billion EP and T4 heavies, but rather medium-ranged EP pilots with assaults/lights. We'll keep expanding and doing our thing. Hopefully others will as well and the game will grow up to be a bit healthier and more attractive to long term players.

But, don't you like having a beacon next to you that screams; 'I'm right here, come kill me!'