(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

62% should be fine to find a good spot, and no nothing you missed just look for other miners and start scanning their spots... Waypoint it and come back later the areas are persistant just takes some time for them to "refresh" and the closer to the outpost the more likely it will get over mined out of ease and proximity.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Train up your scanning skills.... and don't use a syntec scanner they are worthless. If you right click on your scanner mod information it should tell you the accuracy. If its low then you might have a hard time finding stuff....

Another way to find stuff is to look for miners and take a universal charge go sit beside them and shoot it off. Now you know what they are mining switch to a tile and scan it to see how much damage they are doing to the minerals lol

Another way thats alittle more intrusive is to cargo scan the miners...  also with the influx of players alot of the more popular areas are going to get overmined fast.

All for one in terms of corp managment is best for most corps in the game but really true for a small (5-10) account operation.

First get your true Indy guys Reputation up with one of the Faction Alpha islands. As reputations plays a big part in all steps of indy. Next I would say as Agra said Feed all your kernals to one player but as Norrdec stated make sure you know this persons true intentions. If you have the people I would have a dedicated CT person and a dedicated Factory person/people. Its not hard to make the prototype or CT but if your looking to streamline it all the way and lose as little nic in the process you will need to specialize people.

Fall back on to the All for One again.... Miners Mine/ Mission runners run/ Combat alts farm.... Wheres the end product for all of them going. Minerals -> Indy, Nic from missions -> heavy Tax to corp wallet, Kernals from NPC -> Research, Indy -> End product -> Market/upkeep of own corp.

Yeah sure every one wants their own NIC pool but when your a small close knit group you keep everyones nic in a pool in the corp funds.

Being Alpha only will limit you to your choices of End products... Probably only T2 max and Assaults mass produced and E-wars and Mechs when you gather up the required mats from either purchase orders or Ninjaing as Farming to recycle is not viable. Ammo would be a start but its been stated that you need a very dedicated indy toon to make a living off ammo as the start up will be a nic sink and end product vs mats to make will be very lopsided until proper skills are inplace.

I would suggest playing the mats market to "get started" check the price of Raw vs manufactured goods. You may find it easier to stockpile and sell to make Nic early then to produce T1 items or light bots and see marginal returns.

Hit me up in game if you need a hand with any thing as our corp is also a small selfsufficient corp.

Thanks as a former eve player who's been in Perp for the better part 7 months I was really lost to what CCP had done. Other than offering monocles at prices higher than i pay for my RL contacts.

Friendly Bump Go FOOM

Crushall wrote:
Syndic wrote:

This has nothing to do with politics. smile

CIR is awesome. Got me pew pewing in minutes!! And as a noob and ex-EvE dude, I appreciate all of their advice and guidance on all aspects of the game. They rock!

Special thanks to Syndic.

You missed some of the brown stuff.... no not there  ^There ....    its on your nose!


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

New map project abandoned as I can't support my Indy and run around scanning bots for 2-3 days. Sorry sad


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Think out side the box use an ERP and dual rep if you like the wild side! I've found more fits for my Artimis then I did for my tyrannos. Only thing I don't like is the mid mounted missile point... Oh well I can live with that

not to far of a stones throw..... No?

Funny this strangely reminds me of Afghanistan, America helps out "oppressed people", .... Time warp  ...America goes in to re-establish a government.... Hope you NeX guys keep your word and return some of that ammo to sender. Loved the Arkhe swarm video btw....


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Few extras plus some things that don't quite match up

Nos/vamp -> drainers
Neuts -> Neuts
Damps -> suppressors
counter ECM -> ECCM
________ > Evasive
DCU > ______ Active hardners?
_______ > ERP?
Tracking comp/target painter > Weapon Stab


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

7/10 looks cold and would bump you up more if you hadn't shaved the uni-brow


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yellow Mech pilots will tell you if they are farming NPCs they will use auto cannons If I can lock it I can hit it and with skills dumped in to autos you can produce massive damage... Couple it with the yellows critical hit chance and the no accumulator to run them(autocannons) you have a passive resist (mech) with all the active tank accumulator you need. If you had a Mk2 Artimis you have more slots to fit all kinds of things. I only switch to my Lasers now if i really need to snipe and have my energy transfer on stand by.


(132 replies, posted in General discussion)

@tag you only have 3 missions until you gain enough rep to open lvl 1's (.21 rep opens) each Corp has 3-6 lvl 1 missions. At rep 1.01 you will open the lvl 2's at the outposts, and your over all rep with the conglamrate effects your indy stats.(recycling refining factory ect...) I would suggest picking one of the 3 Alpha islands as a "home" and grinding rep on them until you open a few missions up.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Check to see if your Anti Virus has a firewall mine does and it has a custom input to allow certain things free access while blocking the rest. I can keep my Windows FW down and the AV one up. And play PO all day.


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

other pay no mind to the troll and no there is no "low sec" from what I heard it was attempted but syndicate control is hard to make in to a police force like it is in eve with the concord. But you never know the more people flow in to this game we could see big improvements and a few more islands.


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Jasdemi wrote:

This game hasn't improved a bit since release. Not sure if I should waste my time here ...

Obvious Troll is.... FAIL
Go troll else where.

Welcome all you new EVE vets you will find many other EVE vets are already here.
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … eve-online/


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

This post is dedicated to all those who have posted up that something needs to be changed with anything up to and including; My Bot, Enemy's Bot, Alpha, Beta, Mods or Last patch.

First we will start with my favorite quote that has been posted http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/top … extension/

Alexander wrote:

Stop trying to bend the game to your will and start changing your game play to suit the current modules. smile

This game for all interested parties is still quite young if we view it in terms of time since release or in terms of stable online #s. As a previous stEVE pilot, guild wars, and wow player I can tell you that none of the MMOs I've played were perfectly balanced. How many people walked from these games that are seeming to reach true "end game" walk before the last expansion or big patch. I know I did the only MMO I play now is PO.

This game is still growing if it becomes a 1/4 of the size stEVE or other sandbox mmos are we are likely to see the game come in to balance. There is literally a post in every corner of this forum pleading with the devs about why the game is imba or someone/thing is wtf pwn op. Why is this that we have these threads? Have we all suffered a lemmings curse that we blindly follow the next straight in to the darkness? Multiple posts of assaults imba now, really has any one but the few that have posted up tried a detector, Mech squad with weapon stabs? Next someone with post up something is imba op and the rest of the masses will blindly follow. Passive sheild tank drake ring a bell, yeah its op but it is really imba no its not its been around for years now.

In the Past 3 weeks now I realize there are about 3 people that I truly believe can post up something about balancing with out a personal twist/ reason or other motives. They are Alexander from M2S, Annihilator from BKK, and I hate to say it but Arga from PIE. (don't let that one go to your head Arga) When these people post up on a balancing issue thread they 99% of the time they have the games true balance in thought. I can not even claim to have posted unbiased posts on threads.

The devs and GMs are like the Parents and we are the children in their house. Yeah some people got away with some things and they got smacked. Now your brothers and sisters are killing your favorite toy with theirs,(don't cry to mom and dad) get a new toy or kill theirs/ steal the idea and build your own toy to counter. Some of us are failing to see the big picture that this game is still a lot of fun even if your bots not the lemmings FOTM. Its a sandbox build a sandcastle or go to your corner and play in the water. 

An old saying sticks with me in life, If you do something that does not make you happy at least 85% of the time why are you even doing it? This game has its down falls but from the time I log in to the time I log out I can say I was having fun. Regardless of how they balance this game I will continue to adapt and play. 

Stop crying to the devs about IMBA and play the game your not a dev or a gm you have no true rite to claim a fix for imba(you can merely suggest) . And FFS please keep your IMBA posts in the proper forum.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Cost of repair vs recycle yeild =/= market price vs mat price... some things are just damaged beyond resonable repair seems to be an ok thing to happen. Alot of items especially cargo scanners and chassis scanners are made with Espitium(sp) thats made with Epitron which makes them expensive.
If any one knows the calculations it might help.
Also repair items are color coded White yellow and Red. White is slightly damaged yellow is medium damage red is pretty well destroied.

You may want to look in to recycling and selling mats it could be a better way to make nik then to repair and re-sell.


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

Line wrote:

Let it be 100 ppl running on island all day trying to find each other.

Isn't this already true on Beta? Lets ask TeamAB how long were you solo roaming the one night and saw nothing 3-4 hours? I won't quote as it was said in general chat in-game. We already have ppl wondering all night seeing nothing but ghosts and NPCs.

This to shall pass as the Devs have stated that there will be 2 assault classes normal speed normal detect and slow speed highly stealthy.

I think if they are adding these things to the game now whatsfurther down the road.... (Like OP wants to know where are we going?) Will we see another Mech dedicated to stealth or a H Mech with Ewar bonus? The further we think this out the further we are getting tangled in to the paper rock scissors as was stated before.

I think we should sit back and enjoy a "buffed" assault while its here. When its gone the gripes about the nerf will appear we should get a decicated gripe forum.

I think there should be a GTFO mod but it should prevent you from fireing weapons and using any e-war/ engineering mod. It should be a pure 15 sec I'm running away mod if in 15 sec you can't gtfo your gonna get re-tackled and poped!. This will encourage station hugging oh wait we can't have that either! So if you use this mod you will have instabality for 45 sec.... fixed that too.

Or even better while im feeling trolly lets make a perma mod in each bot thats their Racial mod have it be their bonus so were all equal untill we hit that mod with the uber cool down, like it give 30 secs of increased DPS, 900 more armor, increased rep rates, boost to suppressing or a white flag that pops outta your arm as you run away.

TL;DR   Bottom line
Seems to be were asking for End game of a game thats still IMO in infancy.


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

All respect to lemon for bringing up the unbalance.... but it would have never had to been brought up had he not posted about being *** by 5-7 assaults. He gave up his weakness in his own Mech set up to post this whole thing. I agree they are a touch to fast but before you go nerfing their speed lets look at it, Whats the top speed of a speed fit kain vs a full fit waspish?

I may have even been a factor in this when I said in Incoming Podcast that the Assaults weren't viable... Fredrich posted up I was insane... I replyed with they can be caught and killed with any thing that sees them they are now glorified arches parked on TPs cause they still couldn't run, I said on air maybe we should see that bonus to mech damage back.

If the dev's had given assaults back their damage vs mech bonus and not speed buffed what do you think the out come would have been.... Still Alex would have killed lemon.... I think nothing personal lemon, but you need to give Alex more cred than you have he probably had you scouted and worked out this plan way before the assault buff even happened, he just needed the right bait to pull you in with.

The OP I again went back to. "Highlight."

Do you want players to have to use tactics to beat a enemy? Stress the importance of counter fitting? Or are we just going to eliminate any extreme fits because groups of players are unable to counter fit.

Are you really asking this in a sandbox brosef? Seriously I won't even bring up stEVE comparisons but man listen to yourself. Fitting to counter someones extreme fit is the game, you've been figured out by one group doesn't mean they shared info keep that fit but build one to counter the ones that countered you. You shared that info on the forum with us. Thanks we all know if we see lemon moving slow bring Neuts!!!

again original OP

And I am only pleading we don't dumb this game down.

Again sorry lemon the only thing that has been dumb about the whole situation is when you posted your weakness to the whole server ever wonder why Alex has that Nohope logo over his mods in his videos. I think the game as a whole just got more interesting alot more fits are viable in game as a whole. Maybe next time you go down it will be to 5 sequers all ECM fit cause you wont shoot them (battle badger?)when they are right under you.

You got your answer from the devs this is a sandbox and Mechs even with extreme fits can be countered. There will never be a true king of the hill.


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

AgY wrote:

And discussing changes on the forums only leads to muckraking because some people are not interested in real balance. All they want is a personal advantage. (thats how we got this assault mess)

Who exactly did this "personal advantage" QQ'ing? I remember a whole thread on how assaults were gimped to the point that no one even thought of taking one to Beta. Dev's admitted to overdoing the balance on them (and ECCMs) and have presented a down the road fix... Seems like this thread is gonna get the No entry(lock) before to long as it no longer has a topic seeing how the devs presented an answer to the OP's question. The rest of this post has turned in to a whine fest. Cheese any one?

Guys lets move on before this troll under my skin gets free.

Problem with fitting a NPC with a shield is they "have no accu" so you could never "kill the sheild"... Other than that I'm all for have tons of random mobs spawning solo or group it would add variety to an ever dulling playing field.


(106 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga you forgot your TL;DR

Arga wrote:

CIR has spoken before about wanting to be Independant, if that's the way they want to play it's OK with me, but don't try to change the game to support that model.

Beta corps working WITH alpha corps = Win Win

Balance doesn't mean give one side everything.

There fixed it for you. BTW QFT
I don't always like your posts Arga but you hammered this one head on... Small Alpha corps would probably bend over backwards to help Beta corps if it was a 2 way street.

Ralph Law wrote:

Well, its not end of the world but it is about 25 mil of my quite limited wealth.

ok point taken if you really spent 25m in the past 48h on incubators i would be a tad bit pissed too. Geo cache incubators should be shown in a log where we picked them up in to our cargo, or placed them in to personal storage in a terminal/op