(23 replies, posted in Q & A)

You already have a 15 day trial, facebook.
Making a completely open "Try as many times as you like" trial just shows how desperate you are for new players. The game isn't ready for sudden influx's and you're still losing a lot of older players. Either get the tutorial right and be ready for an injection of people or keep trying to build up slowly and sort out why people are leaving the game.

I understand you can't give a free light robot to every new player but honestly when a noob joins and doesn't get help from another player the game is completely ruined and you want to quit. Another change like this and you'll cut off ALL new players from starting the game and it will be down to friends inviting friends.. Which has ended!

If you want to get player feedback don't always listen to what people are Q.Q'ing about. You need to come up with your own ideas. Pitch them to each other and then pitch them to the player base. Even if you make a "Buddy" system that might work better than a trial right now. The market is terrible because there is no NIC changing hands in the game. All the NIc is held by the few rich players and you don't start making a "good" sum of NIC until level 4 and 5 assignments on beta island which most players will never see because of the terrible PVP balance.


TL;DR Bad stuff is happening.


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

I love the colours but I wish we could sort windows. I would love to sort by tier in a storage window. With separators between them.

Nice idea but setting specific limits wouldn't be very fun. If each robot had some form of "Value" towards a total required to capture an island (Even if the story line was just to show Syndicate you have an army powerful enough to capture the island and hold it) then give larger robots many many more points towards it this could work.

Then when an enemy tried to capture your island they have to first kill your army and score "Points" until they've killed enough while also showing that their army is large enough in "Points" to control the island after you're dead. big_smile

Alts and scouting alts are differently. As a rule of thumb you have one character for each area of the same and possibly one character for each subsection but that's less needed. Most people will want at least one alt this means.

Scouting alts are characters created on your alts account as a pure set of eyes. It's a boring job and all it does is stop PvP happening. The Arkhe could have it's sensor range nerfed for a start but that wouldn't change anything.

Best solution is a way to get onto island NOT at an exit. Being able to jump as a squad to a defined location. If it requires deploying "Beacons" or something like that on the other island as long as it can be done from an ewar that's perfect. Infiltration could be a new role in the game and would make PVP roaming a lot more fun. Rather then neeing scouting alts you'd want to have mechs and light robots using detection modules. This would give a reason to use Masking modules.

Masking modules suck. They always have and they got nerfed with the detector modules. They're near impossible to keep stable and I'd like to see multiple sizes of them. Smaller modules that use less AP but only mask a smaller surface size. Making each tier of the module surface size related would mean that mechs would be able to run their modules and ewars could run theirs. It would be easy to run and would increase your speed (Mech ones could even be 750kg if the balance guy things maskers need to be heavy) but light ewar (The best thing to run a masker on) can't even run them without being totally useless in PVP.

If maskers can't get an increase make them LIKE a nexus but not a nexus. Make them area of effect based. So that one Masker can mask many units. This would increase interference of a roaming gang but would mean that a detector would also help a lot.

This would all be optional but would mean that PVP would have more options and right now that's all we want. Even if it's just more X counters Y counters Z.. it's better than nothing right now.

TL;DR - Remove scouting alts from gates by allowing direct location teleporting. Make masking units sized or area of effect.

Mk2's are rather useless but some of them are very powerful. I can't say which ones are overpowered because then everyone one used them and it would be a nightmare but they're not exactly balanced. This is due to their Mk1 counterpart not being balanced however.

They're expensive and they can be ganked just as easily as any other robot being you WILL lose it at some point if you use it. It's not worth it without an armour increase.

Wow. That translation error is weird. It could be a client issue but I doubt it somehow. Why on earth does the Arbalest NPC have all those parameters? Are they meant to show how much better a Rank 3 NPC is versus a standard NPC?

I R Confused! Devs? Explain? D:


(33 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Gargaj. When can has? Plox.


(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

Items possible to find in a cache:

T0 items are great for getting newbies into using gear they wouldn't normal fit (Testing out new setups is the best way to learn). It's also not worth much so PVPing in T0 gear is even cheaper in some cases than T1 gear. Maybe we'll see more groups of people running around the beta island. Teach them a few tactics. Most players who already have a lot of T1 gear won't need the T0 but they can recycle it at least.

T1 items in caches are a great idea as sometimes you get an items that would normally need prototyping. This saves a lot of time and lets prototyping characters focus on making tiered gear rather than standard items.

T3- is an area I have an issue with. For players with T1 or T2 gears it's meant to be great but it's not. It has higher fitting costs and an increased weight. 9 times out of 10 a player fully T2 fit would do better than any player fully T3- fit due to speed and fitting ability. While it might be nice for a small select of people I would still favour T2 over T3- due to the speed issue. Either more weight or more fitting cost than T3 but not both.

Fragments are a nice litter item to add to caches. They make it look more realistic. I like them.

Cortex's. They're very very common and I can't see people ever needing as many as are available right now. By the time it comes to using the heavy mech cortex we'll have so many we'll probably accidentally crash the market with them. They'll be worth less than Level 5 Decoders pretty soon. Light robot Cortex are probably going to be in more demand as they're harder to find. I'd like to see the higher level caches container not only heavy mech but also light and assault cortex as well. This would overall increase the rarity of cortex's at a higher level and would help the over supply issue.

CT's. Awesome awesome awesome but most are crap and won't ever get used. Haha. I have more 25% Laird Mk2 CT's that I know what to do with. Can't trade CT's which is a pain and it would be nice if you could. I understand they're meant to have a limit number of runs but also having a low percentage is a bad idea. Some people might be willing to use them at such a high material cost but I'd prefer to see one time use CT's with a higher percent in the 80's. That would make CT's care more valuable but reduce the cost of production. It would level out. At the moment you're looking for around at least three times the cost to make a Mk2 Robot is not more and when a standard fit Mk1 robot could kill a stupid Mk2 or a small gang on Ewar could do the same I can't see people using them. Mk2 should have had an armour increase of at least 25% or something. For now they're for E-Peen. They're slightly more useful than a poke in the eye. If don't mind them being a little expensive for what you get but at the moment we'll stock pile them and stomp them around to look sexy but nothing more.

Line wrote:

- You can fit stuff even without required extentions (already noted here)
Confirmed. This is a slight issue and probably isn't good at all for the server.

- Chat-members count doesn't renew correctly - it's just growing and growing and growing. Already noted too but it seems even on correct exit it can not renew from time to time.
This has been reported a lot since it appeared. If you close the client it doesn't tell the server you've left chat channel but if you log out it does. Probably an attempt to make the game look busier than it is.

- From time to time (hardly to track what causes exactly) you can get "server error" message. Got it when tried to scan for arties and when tried to dockup.
I mostly get this at teleports. Looks like something messing up server side. Hopefully not to do with making the server calculate everyone's recharge.

- Graphic artifacts appeared. like transparent walls from your bot, or like a little sand tornado (dunno about last one, maybe its how it should be)
Sand tornadoes are a new graphical effect. They make a ghostly sound too! The other thing sounds like a graphics card related issue. Screenshots would be a good idea.

and as an additional - you can get 2-3 molecular instability. on 3rd one your controls starting to act in strange way. how to get: get close to teleport, select it, press "use" button, select a target to jump, select teleport and press "use" button again, repeat until jumped.
This is awesome and shows yet another reason why testing a patch is a great idea. big_smile

It has to be a "In good faith" trade. Join corp, take CT and get kicked from corp.


(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:
Alexander wrote:

Level 1 caches are 100m
Level 2 caches are 50m~
Level 3 caches are 25m

These are the ranges you have to scan from them to active them. I think the shorter range scans should increase your accuracy and the longer range scans decrease your accuracy. With level 5 extensions and a T4 scanner you always have over 100% by a long way.

wrong, if your not in an argano or termis.
Any other bot gets only 84% accuracy with a T4 scanner and lvl5 extensions

Some of it do it right and use a shield tanked termis. Others use a speed fit cameleon and struggle to find the last location to trigger it.


(2 replies, posted in Q & A)

Is it packed? What happens when you right click and go to sell? I've heard of a bug where opening the market and trying to sell the module for where doesn't work with certain items.

I remembering this happening with some ammo not long ago as well.


(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

Level 1 caches are 100m
Level 2 caches are 50m~
Level 3 caches are 25m

These are the ranges you have to scan from them to active them. I think the shorter range scans should increase your accuracy and the longer range scans decrease your accuracy. With level 5 extensions and a T4 scanner you always have over 100% by a long way.

It's a little weird their is no dialog message. It's also weird that your corp wallet doesn't have enough NIC to repair a single items. :S


(6 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The recent patch is more of a stepping stone rather then opening up new opportunities. The modules you get are pretty crap and in most cases T2 is better than T3- due to their weight. When speed is one of the most important factor a slowdown of a few KPH versus a minor increase and huge fitting costs isn't worth it.

The only good things about the cache is they give standard items that NPC's don't drop. One less reason to prototype but that's pretty much old hat now anyway.

Some caches are worth too much in my opinion and others aren't worth the time and NIC it took to find them. I like the idea of NPC's dropping flawed and standard items and caches containing standard items more frequently. If NPC's dropped these flawed modules more frequently than they drop T1 modules that really might help the market.

Good idea. smile

It may be 4% but applied with Hungarian math.
This can be seen with almost all extensions. Some extensions give a larger increase the higher you train them and others give a diminishing return the higher you train them.

Fitting tools for the win. Mk2 robots are amazing is cost means nothing to you. The CT's are a pain but that's the hardest part.


(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

I agree that scanning is a lot of fun but there is no need for most of these items and thus no new markets have been created.

My suggestion to stimulate the market.

This would be nice but the issue is the moment you hit the deploy button you appear on the terrain. Aborting a deployment would suck you back into the terminal, which is a little unfair.

If you deploy before you are ready then it's really your own fault.


(2 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

This is a chat bug but it is very annoying and should be fixed ASAP with a quick hotfix.

Artifacts scanning is like reading but the spawns aren't very hard unless they're observers.


(1 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

The only way that could happen is if you deleted the local.gbf file or it failed to create one when it patched. This is possible.

Sorry it hurt but I am sure you could have removed your headphones before your ears popped.

Settings were getting changed and it was in the patch notes. This should have alerted you to the fact that the sound setting could reset. It could reset at any time much like any media player could start at 100% volume every time you open it.

The Devs make every effort and the settings reset issue seems to only have effected a few people and not everyone. That's good at least.

Less Q.Q and threats of suing and more being a man.


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Beta islands are amazing. Observers everywhere. Spawns. The loot is crap but that's to be expected. One can had about 15 million worth of stuff in it and another had probably 100k worth of stuff. Both were level 3's.

Lots more to find and as they're instanced you can find them all day long. Yeha!


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

I love most of this patch however I would have liked to also see:

  • Remove NPC kernel buy orders

  • Add NPC bounty for each kill, taxable

  • Decrease the number of static spawns and increase the number of roaming gangs designed to stay together and work as a team

  • Make artifacts findable by everyone. With a maximum of 10 per island at any one time and have 1 respawn every 10 minutes until there are 10 again.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

We have many of them and fit our robots with them. Farm more. I am sure it's in the kernel stuff.