1 (edited by Andrew Redburn 2011-03-09 14:36:04)

Topic: - Territorial control by factions gained through pvp -

Make a new mission type: Territorial control. Each faction hands out this mission and if you accept it, you are fighting for that faction and gaining reputation with it (possibly each npc starter corporation of that faction).

If you have accepted the mission, you can enter a teleporter that brings you to some new island which has several outposts. Each outpost must be conquered and can not be taken back for some certain amount of time (let's say 60 Minutes). If one faction controls all outposts at any given time, the battle is over and you can not retake the outposts for a certain amount of time. While the island is controlled by a certain faction, only people with positive standings can enter it and use the facilities there. These facilities and also the npc spawns/mineral fields, etc. should have an advantage over beta islands ... or wait! It could be beta islands you are fighting for :-). Anyways, if you accept a mission for one faction, no matter if you win or loose the battle, you gain certain amount of reputation for the faction you accept the mission and loose a certain amount (equal high) for the other two factions. If you participate in faction warfare and destroy bots fighting for the other factions, you gain/loose standing for each kill. You should also gain standing for each lost bot :-).

It would be of course player defended, probably you could add some base defence with NPCs if one side has lots less pilots. Maybe for each human player self destruct one npc robot. I would somehow balance it through the numbers that are able to join MAXIMUM and a requirement that you need at least a certain number of pilots to conquer an outpost.

Another option in regards to balance could be the allowed robot types. Probably you could offer a mission for each type and can only accept one at a time. Also if let's say 10 people accept for heavy mech, only smaller bot types are left at mission terminal. The teleporter would require you to use the correct robot type. That way you could prevent people from

I would go that far that you can not swap faction whenever you like but require a certain corporation reputation or personal reputation and also prevent working for another corporation if your standing is too high with another faction. The mission is not only for reputation changes but also to pay some NIC. As this can be seen as high risk mission, the gain should not be too bad either.


Faction reward could be faction items, bots, nic, discount on some stuff if you get higher reputation, etc.

With different Faciton warfare islands, with different advantages and on different timers there would be possible PVP action all around the clock.

P.S.: I know, similar ideas have been discussed already!

Re: - Territorial control by factions gained through pvp -

One more thing:

I like the game pretty much, BUT from logging in to having some action, there can be hours. You might even not get action, though rading some beta island. Also this would allow single players to join PVP at any given time without the need of having loads of people online at the same time in the same corp/alliance. If you have some faction fleet command possibilities in the game, you could make it easier for people to coordinate their attacks.

Re: - Territorial control by factions gained through pvp -

So, are the outposts defended by NPC's or players?

How is the offense and defense balanced? That is, what if you go in solo and there are 30 defenders, of either PVP or PVE?

In order to solve these issues for PVP defenders, you basically have to set them up as instanced battle grounds, but where the player chooses the faction. There is already alot of win swapping, but since there are no native factions for players, a single Corp could choose to play both sides and either all defend or all attack any 'random' player that joined.

Battlegrounds are good PVP ideas, but it would be something that would have to be developed from the ground to be added into the game, so I doubt that we'd see it.

If it was PVE defenders, than you're looking at instanced raids, which Akumaka had in another thread.

Re: - Territorial control by factions gained through pvp -

It would be of course player defended, probably you could add some base defence with NPCs if one side has lots less pilots. Maybe for each human player self destruct one npc robot. I would somehow balance it through the numbers that are able to join MAXIMUM and a requirement that you need at least a certain number of pilots to conquer an outpost.

Another option in regards to balance could be the allowed robot types. Probably you could offer a mission for each type and can only accept one at a time. Also if let's say 10 people accept for heavy mech, only smaller bot types are left at mission terminal. The teleporter would require you to use the correct robot type. That way you could prevent people from

I would go that far that you can not swap faction whenever you like but require a certain corporation reputation or personal reputation and also prevent working for another corporation if your standing is too high with another faction. The mission is not only for reputation changes but also to pay some NIC. As this can be seen as high risk mission, the gain should not be too bad either.

Re: - Territorial control by factions gained through pvp -

Nice idea in principle and I fully support anything which gives faction standing and 'picking a side' have some form of increased value in the game. However, placing restrictions like bot types, max number of players etc is poor from a design point of view. One of my chars is light specialised, if there is an event I can make and  its Mechs only I can't play sad

Also if my faction just so happens to have more players, I can't play because there is some arbitrary number which stops me participating.? The principle is sound, you just need to look at other poor mechanics like the timed intrusions which only serve to isolate players based on timezone or class or [insert thing to discriminate against here]. Planet side nearly got it right with their population balancing but 'fit of the month' killed it IMHO. Look for ways to implement the concept which is inclusive for both beta and alpha players which allows each to contribute their play style and you will have a winner!

"like Kalsius, a shameless carebear and jitalover" - Syndic

Re: - Territorial control by factions gained through pvp -

@Kalsius: I do not think of having separate Events for different bot types but have different bot types as mission requirement that you can controll the number of each type that are at a battlefield at any time.

A bit more detailed explanation:
You have 20 lights, 20 light ewar, 20 mech ewar and 20 assault,  20 mech, 20 heavy meach, 20 ewar mech and 50 of any type for mission "Gain control of zeta island for faction x".

That way you can make sure that not more than 190 in total are on each side for one battlefield. You also make sure, that you have a certain mix of bot types since you can not have more than 70 of each class max (20 specific mission requirement and 50 any bot) but also at least 20 of each type.

Of course there might be better ideas to balance teritorial control, but with my idea of handing out missions for certain robot types to participate you can as well make sure the nic reward is balanced to the risk a player takes (heavy bot vs. light bot vs. ewar mech).

Re: - Territorial control by factions gained through pvp -

Nice idea but setting specific limits wouldn't be very fun. If each robot had some form of "Value" towards a total required to capture an island (Even if the story line was just to show Syndicate you have an army powerful enough to capture the island and hold it) then give larger robots many many more points towards it this could work.

Then when an enemy tried to capture your island they have to first kill your army and score "Points" until they've killed enough while also showing that their army is large enough in "Points" to control the island after you're dead. big_smile

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