(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

CenDre wrote:

DIZI is the only one who is understanding what I have said.

Many of us understand DIZI and you, the thing people argue with you over is that you both think....

"I was able to play EVE despite it has same PvP problems" quoted from DIZI.

This is a PvP game, it does not have these "PvP problems" it is a feature of the game that is a big draw for many, as several people have said, this is a niche game, it and EvE cater to the more hardcore players that WANT that PvP experience.

You say; "Not a single PvP orient game out today has attracted more than a few thousand die hard pvpers. Where are those games now or will be soon. Broke and free to play."

EvE is quite successful, most reviewers compare many other semi-or full PvP games to EvE because it is successful. EvE has a higher retention rate than most other games, because so much of the content is player driven (which means mostly PvP and conflict driven). People have a hand in what happens and the game history rather than running scripted PvE instances, missions, and content over and over until they are mind-numb.
It does not have the numbers that WoW does, it never will, it WANTS to be in the niche it is in, Perpetuum is looking for a similar niche.
Do not even try to make the "WoW has it right, these companies should all try to be like WoW" argument either. You can get a cheeseburger at McDonalds, but there are other restaurants that sell cheeseburgers, not all should mimic McDonalds. McDonalds is not right for everyone, all the time, neither is WoW, and all the other generic will-inevitably-get-boring PvE games out there.

You and DIZI are coming into Mexican restaurant, demanding a 99 cent cheeseburger then you wonder why people tell you you are in the wrong place.


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Who is number 1?
You are number 6.
I am not a number. I am a free man!

Doomviper wrote:

Why do care bears flock towards pvp games trying so hard to convert the game mechanics into carebear land ???

There are hundreds of pve only games to go cry about fairness. There is a reason there is competition for resources and a reason there are skills to increase locking speed. 

SERIOUSLY!!!!! Go away

This has nothing to do with carebear vs PvP other than perhaps some of this is done by PvPers going back to the newb areas for the farming. Not everything in the world is about carebears hating on PvPers, or the reverse for that matter. In most things i totally agree and have seen it happen in other games, even EvE where carebears lobby and get things made more fair, or less hardcore. I do not see how this suggestion has anything to do with PvP though.

If that is the way you really feel about it, then maybe the PvPers ought to be restricted by standings in the PvP areas like EvE? No, i don't think that is a good idea for anyone.

Newbs do not have the points in lock speed because they are newb and just started, should they create toons then sit in station for a week to get enough points to ......oh, wait, the higher level toons are in mechs that get big bonuses to lock speed, that wont work.....
Oh, maybe they should go run another mission? hmmm, often (not always) most of these areas are swarmed with these larger mechs, so that wont work either.

So i guess these newbs should do what you say and go away to other games.

I have said before that i totally agree with your (and others) views on this subject anywhere EXCEPT where the newbs are running their first quests. You piss off the brand new players or get them frustrated and they will happily take your advice and SERIOUSLY, go away, to other games for good.

There is no real way you  can mess it up, you may have to lose a bit of time getting things where you want them, but the toon is never really gimped.
I love the system the way it is, if you learn something you take some time to learn it, then move on to learning something else, if you spent a semester taking underwater basketweaving in RL you did not gimp yourself, you just wasted the time (unless you want to become an underwater basketweaver i guess) and can still learn more later.
Having a reset of any kind would just encourage the "flavor of the month" builds that are so common in other games, or having people decide to respec on a whim. Many here i think would not like that very much, but we will have to see what others say here.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Azerin Kane wrote:
Zhyntil wrote:
Doomviper wrote:

Um, u do know this game has one server and in this server there are players from many different countries and speak many different languages?   

Don't be so naive.

Oh, i do not have problems with other languages, countries, etc. I often run with speakers of other languages, and never mind it if they are not real good at English, in most cases they know English far better than i know their language, and many know it better than most English speakers.
I was talking about the horrible use of one letter words, blatant misspelling, lack of punctuation, forgetting spaces for several words in a row, and other things from English speakers, Most people that have English as a second language (even if they do not know it well) will not use u, r, ez, etc. for words, will at least try to use spaces between their words. I usually do not bother commenting, but anyone that knows the word pretentious and uses it properly either knows how to spell properly and is misspelling purposely or is just lazy.
Sorry, should have left it alone, their statements speak for themselves.

'Tis the age of internet memes and "leet" speak my friend, I fear there's not much that can be done except to remember that when all other lines of communication fails, it's time to drop a "umadbrah?"!

I need sleep...

LOL, me too, night!


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Doomviper wrote:
Zhyntil wrote:

The English language is taking a big hit on this thread.........

Um, u do know this game has one server and in this server there are players from many different countries and speak many different languages?   

Don't be so naive.

Oh, i do not have problems with other languages, countries, etc. I often run with speakers of other languages, and never mind it if they are not real good at English, in most cases they know English far better than i know their language, and many know it better than most English speakers.
I was talking about the horrible use of one letter words, blatant misspelling, lack of punctuation, forgetting spaces for several words in a row, and other things from English speakers, Most people that have English as a second language (even if they do not know it well) will not use u, r, ez, etc. for words, will at least try to use spaces between their words. I usually do not bother commenting, but anyone that knows the word pretentious and uses it properly either knows how to spell properly and is misspelling purposely or is just lazy.
Sorry, should have left it alone, their statements speak for themselves.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

The English language is taking a big hit on this thread.........


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

CenDre wrote:

Here is my definition of the three play styles I think are relevant to this thread:

PvP style = people willing to go out and fight and lose bots every single day without end. .05% of gamer population

Semi pvp style = people that prefer the day to day safety of the Alpha islands but on occasion will venture out to the Bate islands but will run from fights if attacked. they accept the cost of possible destruction. 5% of gamer population

PvE style = people who never pvp, don't want to be attacked and do not accept the cost of a lost bot lightly and prefer the safty of the Alpha Islands 100% of the times. These people never want to be blown up by other players and will find other games to play as a result. 94.05% of gamer population.

Where do you get your numbers from? They seem suspiciously like, mmmmm, a guess of what you think or want them to be......this game, EvE and a few others would have highly different numbers using these categories you made up. I mention EvE in this because a large number of people here are from EvE or used to be players of EvE.

.05% of the population is PvP? are you seriously saying that there are only 0.3 PvP players in this game? and 30 semi? There has been a peak number of users of approx. 600 according to several sources.
Get a sense of reality, don't spout off made up numbers, at least try to stick close to some semblance of truth, and then you might, just might, get a bit of credibility. I highly doubt it though since you are ranting about how bad PvP and PvP players are in a PvP game.
Maybe this is not the game for you, perhaps Hello Kitty online or SecondLife is more your speed.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

CenDre wrote:

If you were on the beach ready to go swimming and have a great time and a life guard told you there were great white sharks out there feeding and they would never go away, it could be one shark or a thousand all they know is som one saw a guy get eaten alive...... would you jump in.

Disclaimer first: I am a carebear so far, i cart stuff from terminal to terminal making money off what i buy and sell, this does mean that occasionally i need to ask for help to get out to the stations on the outer isles to drag ammo and the like out. I do have a combat account, i go out and blow up NPC mechs, mission run, etc. but have not really wanted to go out to the outer isles yet. I do the same thing in EvE and love it, except there i have two accounts that are both merchants, neither account even has weapons on ships, lol.

There is a big difference between us in our flabby bodies going into the water with sharks, and working with others before going out into a PvP area.....
If you do not ever want to interact with others (which you said at least once earlier) and think there are a lot of other people here that feel the same i fear you are mistaken.
For one this is an MMO, perhaps more than other MMO's (other than EvE) the whole idea is interaction with others.
Secondly when you started out, you did not immediately rush out and take on star mechs did you? Did not swim with the sharks until you became as bad as they were?
You were barely able to handle the drones they sent you out against, same as the rest of us. Then as you learn the game and pick up some skills you fight tougher and tougher bots. The same has to happen with PvP areas, we all need to learn ways to get in and out relatively safely, what not to do, etc. You evolve in the game where to some degree you become a shark that can handle the other sharks in your pool.

As someone pointed out before there are plenty of carebears that go into the PvP areas for whatever reason and we have learned to swim with the sharks

...yes, i am carebear, if attacked in PvP i will run before using my measly weapons to hide shaking behind the legs of the nearest friendly bristling with guns lol....

An interesting thing to note, PvPers do sometimes need carebears (and the other way around). If the fighting gets hot and heavy, ammo supplies start running low, guess what? I can come running in with a load of ammo, they can blow me up, or let me in to start selling, if they do not like my prices i will not be welcomed back (other than as meat), if they blow me up, i can embargo them, or hurt them by playing the market (if they put in remote buy and sell orders i could do much better with that last though, lol)

I agree that more space would be better, for a few reasons, but mostly because the paths between alpha and Beta Isles are few and narrow. I am waiting for an enterprising large corp to decide to blockade between them, it would not be overly hard.

Nevo U MND wrote:

Would be a nice feature if you could (at least) view the market while out in the field.  This also would function as an item database tool players can view out in the field. 

Perhaps a skill set could be added later that would allow players to buy and sell while out in the field as well.

Just a suggestion that I haven't found anywhere else.  Liking the game thus far!

Actually it should (not 100% sure) be easier to just let people have access to the market outside stations, then it would not have to be in another format, I would love to see this and skills such as remote buy/sell, remote buy/sell orders, etc.


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

First, it is a game, get over it.
Second, it was launch day, launch day is notorious as being a bad time to do anything important.
Third, they are working on it, are giving back more time than was lost, get over it.
Fourth, get over it.

Steeldragonz wrote:

with the new squad changes, all players in the squad tagging[dmging] a single mob get credit for the kill now.

Ah, thank you. I did not know they had changed it, great news!


(10 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Gobla wrote:

Anyone else can't help but look at some of the Perp robots and see other robots we all know and love ( or hate )? Share them here with pictures big_smile.

Argano = Wall-E

Castel = Destroyer Droid

Haven't found any other really good ones yet but I'll keep looking.

Actually it would be the other way around, Perp robots being based on other designs rather than Perp robots being used in media.

pr1est wrote:

The long-term solution  is stop complaining about something you could easily do yourself if you got there before them. I run a yagel, i target in under 8 seconds, and i hold down areas by myself targeting 3 at a time and tagging. I've had people do it to me as well and yes, it is frustrating, but go somewhere else IS a viable solution to the problem.

"Oh noz this assignment is being camped."

"I guess I can go farm something else til it clears up and make some NIC"

Farmers are part of MMO's. It really does suck that they are farming assignment spots, but for the most part unless they drop data its hard to tell.

Have you read what people are saying?
I know of at least three people that have already left due to this very issue, and there have been days where i got sick of it and went back to DDO and/or EvE, it is sadly making me spend less and less time here, since it is affecting my and mu friends enjoyment of the game.

To simply state go somewhere else is NOT a viable issue when most or all of the first tier areas are being camped in this way, you even acmit to seeing it and doing it.....alone. I have seen one-two pilots lock out an area while three smaller mechs sat watching on the edge of the field, were these smaller mechs fans watching the game? little groupies wanting scraps?
Where else should they go? Go try to fight 1st stars?
As i have said before; If it was about higher level areas or anything in the outer islands i would agree and say tough, that is what the game is about, fighting over resources, go somewhere else, put up with it, or put your ammo behind what you think is right.
What ends up happening though is newb A goes out on first mission after tutorial wanting to try out their brand spanking new Prometheus, finds the quest area..........full of larger mechs and containers all over.......
"oh, there is a bot i need to kill! hmmmm, what do i do now, ok, lock....oh, it's dead already, there another, wow, these guys lock fast......
30 mins later said newb logs off not even getting one kill, they may or may not have dropped the mission to try another area which is also farmed.

People that cannot see the problem here either are mentally deficient, or hate this game and want it to fail. If you piss off enough newbs, they will leave, they will tell their friends which are other possible newbs, this also inhibits people coming to look because their friends are here. I refuse to recommend this game to others right now because i know that they would not like this, i tell them it is a good game, good potential, but they aren't there yet, wait a while.

As i have said before it will end up with a group of old-timers sitting in their empty outer islands blaming everything but themselves that the game is dying before the plug is finally pulled.

Does this mean dumbing down the game, or catering to the newbs?
Perhaps, but it is not something that has to change the whole game, or affect anything beyond the first week of play for many. There are many easy ways to fix this, one of the easiest being to move the the things that are being farmed to other mechs in other areas. If there is nothing the old timers want there, then they will not farm there. This is just one suggestion, there are probably many others that would work, many would likely be better than mine.

The only stupid thing to do here is to ignore the problem.....

CenDre wrote:

My impression of squad missions

Nic splits equal parts to all members.
mission rewards like ammo do not split at all only the person accepting the mission gets them.

If everyone in the group takes missions for the squad it all equals out. the only advantage of doing missions as a groups is the time factor. YOU can run more missions burn more ammo than you could alone, which means more nic in a shorter time.

At Asintec there are 3 destroy/recovery missions close to the terminal and each other. you can run all 3 in a group of 2 in about 15 min. If both of you take them as squad you are getting the same reward as you would alone but 1/2 the time. So you are making 2x the nic and ammo rewards.

Not exactly, you each need to get kill credit for the full amount of kills in the quest, which means each of you have to tag and kill ten kills each for a ten kill mission, total of twenty for 2 people, thirty for 3 etc. It would take you the same amount of time or longer to run them together.

Bartlebe wrote:

Working as a group can drastically increase your productivity, profit and fun factor.

Try building up a respectable pile of higher end bots by yourself. It'll take ages. With friends, not long at all.

If you accept missions as squad, it actually takes longer to gather since it shares the reward with everyone in the squad, that was the point of the thread, that there is no incentive to being in a group other than the "fun-factor". I still group when friends are about, but "accept as squad" on missions is plain useless.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Riggsville wrote:

not having a fit or a tantrum - so the attacks by the Perpetuum Protectorate aren't needed

would just like to know why this hardly necessary nerf became a priority considering everything else that could and should be dealt with (and now with desync - whoohoo)

and yes i play with friends - real life friends - fortunately friends that don't come with a group-mind mindset (heil!)

certainly future recommendations for Perpetuum will include a warning about the community

Low hanging fruit...They probably saw that the economy was being flooded with NIC at some department head meeting, also noticed that the number of these missions being done was also very high, realized that they could make a very fast and easy tweak to the NIC in game by adjusting the rates. On the other side of the coin, it would have been a good move to have set the amounts on these missions high at the beginning to get money out into the economy quick and it was planned to change these prices from the start.
Either way, it is not worth this much flaming, whining, and crying over something that most agree was too high in the first place.

Note, i said most, not all.

Melia wrote:

In most games about half players thinks that free PvP ganking* is not best idea.
Maybe someone from that half can explain how?

* opposite to consenual PvP where both sides willing to fight

If you go to the PvP areas you are consenting to PvP.
Open PvP means exactly that, not "oh, wait, i wasn't ready." Or "Why do you wanna pick on newbs! You have to leave us alone!".
If people do not want to be ganked, they should team up, take precautions, or simply not enter. This is part of the draw of games like this and EvE, it is not the neighborhood playground where people need to enforce fairness. Other than issues of gaming the system from outside, all is fair in PvP.
Some hints on the PvP areas, never pilot something that you can't afford to lose, never take it personally, and at least try to have fun with it, if you cannot follow the above, then this type of game is not where you should be.

So everyone should get half a mil at finish of tutorial to buy a better mech?
The mechs you get at the end of the tutorial is fine to get started with, my point is that those mechs are what everyone wants to get out of fairly soon, combat trained toons and industrials.

Outlaw wrote:
Zhyntil wrote:
Outlaw wrote:

you should consider changing the reward and give money because ppl who dont want to combat are stuck whit a robots that dont suit for mining, if the reward is money then ppl can buy what they want from market

They get both actually, you get well over 100k NIC for finishing the tutorial, and the bots you get are not bad to start in any role. Any of the specialized bots (even combat ones) generally cost a lot more than what you get for money.

castel cost 400k from infinite order
argano cost 360k from infinite order

anyone that wants to mine is stuck whit a bot that dont needs and that dont help the economy because that put a influx of unwanted robots in the game

You just restated what i said, not sure what you are adding.......I said that any of the specialized bots (COMBAT and otherwise) were worth far more than the prometheus and other "starter" bots, even people that will be running combat will not really want a prometheus (and similar), it is just as useless to them as well, the starter bot is just to get you going. These bots can mine, harvest, or do combat acceptably, although not very efficiently.

Outlaw wrote:

you should consider changing the reward and give money because ppl who dont want to combat are stuck whit a robots that dont suit for mining, if the reward is money then ppl can buy what they want from market

They get both actually, you get well over 100k NIC for finishing the tutorial, and the bots you get are not bad to start in any role. Any of the specialized bots (even combat ones) generally cost a lot more than what you get for money.

According to a GM that was talking before wipe (forget who, and it may not be the same now) Accepting as squad only shares the reward, not amount of kills, etc.
I would not mind this if a group got a quest to kill 10 bots, then you go out and kill 10 for the squad, or even having to kill ten per person in the squad, but it ends up needing much more kills.
Before wipe i was in a squad of 2, we had to kill around 30 for each of us to get ten each, it was because the other person was a combat build, i was a merchant build with minimal weap skills. if they tagged it first or did more damage (not sure which) i would not get credit for the kill.

As it is it is pretty useless and yes, far as i can tell means it is better to fight solo than in a group.

serenekaos wrote:

I would like the option to show list view instead of large icons. Preferably sortable by column.

Or even scale the icons, at my resolution everything looks great (have good eyes, like the tiny text in the chat), but the icons in cargo and storage are absolutely huge, about 8 times bigger than the icons on the top bar.

I can see where a password would come in handy, you could have a can at level 1 that just one person or a squad could access without letting all the other 1's in. Not sure how important that should be on the to-do list though.

VectorX wrote:

I strongly dissagree with this. It would increase the time waiting between targeting objects, would eliminate the targeted objects skills etc. Just go somewhere else if someone is targeting in advance. Makes things a bit more twitch if there is competition.

Its whines like this that dumb down games.

You are not reading what people are saying, there are times when most newb quest areas are being farmed, going somewhere else at that point is not really an option.
I do not agree with the OP's suggestion, but they have a point,  there is a problem, and it will drive off new players if they are spending a lot of time "going somewhere else" or there is no where else to go.

i would totally agree with you if we were talking about something on a beta island or higher level spawns, but we are talking about the same areas that brand-new-just-finished-the-tut toons are trying out their first missions.
It can turn an interested newb into "f-this, going back to <insert game name here>" after trying several missions and finding nothing but a field full of larger mechs instapopping spawns within seconds over and over.
This will actually only get worse, as the people going back to the newb areas to farm will be in better and better mechs. One person can effectively "lock down" an area so that any newer toon will be out of luck, with limited areas that the newbs run, it would only take 4-5 people doing this on an alpha island to block all newbs on that island from doing anything.

Issues like this are what can kill games, no new players, no new money, no new blood, you end up with the old timers sitting around griping how newbs ruined their game until the plug is finally pulled.