(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

we dont need neuting ammo. with that the shield will be useless.

what we need is a change in the shield mechanics.
this is just one idea to it:
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … nclusions/

too bad we know the devs dont like this and have made their point about it quite a few times.
we all want it. the devs dont want it... too bad...

the problem is the players will always organise outside the corps in a allince. if there are features ingame or not. but it would make it for the players much more comfortable and with the look at pos and big land masses way more easy.
personaly i think its a must... but as mentioned, others dont see it that way. too bad these others make the game.



(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

the reason why you dont need diffrent harvesting charges is because there is only one type of plant on a tile while there can be multible ores on a tile. so you need diffrent charges cause the miner would not know what mineral to extract. for the harvester it is clear that there is only the plant that stands on the tile. so no problem.

what you do is asking for a general increase in harvesting. i think that the harvesting ammount is ballenced with the rest so i dont see this comming.
on the other hand we can reduce the general harvesting amount by 10% and give you your special charges that gives you the same bonus again...
the only change will be that you have to have your diffrent charges. but no more gain. so the whine will be great again.

think of the big picture. not just what you want more.
the system is ballenced as it is. no harvesting bonus needed i think.

sorry but thats a


(44 replies, posted in Balancing)

the intresting thing is that this comes from the most shield users... the more i have to give hunter credit for it.

but i have to agree in general. the shield mechanik needs a general overhaul. dont has to be the way hunter showed. but something must be done.


Annihilator wrote:


the existing three combat factions already lack diversity due to one robot per class and faction...
yes, please expand that to four combat factions...

this is not about when or how this es beeing implemented. its also not what else has to be done first.
of cource there are other things that this game needs way more urgent.

anyway, your argument that the existing races need more diversity is no argument in any way against this. it may be that this issue should be adressed first, yes...

its just an idea that stands in the room... thats all.

"It has been over a year since the terran sparks have first arrives at Nia and took contol over the nians.
It has been over a year since the syndicate has taken the first outposts from the nians.
It has been a year since the terrans have started to produce nia's technology to increase their power on the planet.

but the terrans have not stood still in that time. their scientists and engineers have worked hard and finaly came out with the first human robots of their own. master pieces of human creativity. their newest weapon arsenal is more than capable to be a match for nia's military power. the newest tanks, robots and mech calibration templates stand ready to be manifactured at nia and so bring our own technology to the battlefield."

just a small idea.
why should we terrans not get our own robots skill and our own tanks/bots/mechs. new skill new toys new designs, new fun.
i would like to see bots specialised in firearms and maybe even a new "canon" weapon category additionaly to the existing firearms.
of cource from the design i would keep it a bit more to the "conventional mechs". but thats a thing that would come if this would realy become life.

DEV Gargaj wrote:

Why is this better than numbers + colors? neutral

its not better as numbers and colors. in fact the numbers and colors are better. the only thing that is needed heaviely are more security levels. just as it was asked for in various other topics.

give us 10 security levels and all is fine... hmm

Mark Zima wrote:

I like radar linking and there should be penalties for using it. Having to fit special modules seems to be a good option.
Except I don't want to make distinction between transmitter and receiver. Anyone who had fit the linking module should be able to see shared radar.

indeed. and where is the problem with that?
but i woulf prefer it without any modules.

well can be made quite simpler.
its called sight (radar) sharing when you are in a squad.

and you eaven have a good reason for it. interference! robats have interference. that is basicly comunication. so all bots communicate with each other. the more on one spot the more information. (yes i know the devs have a bit diffrent explanation) so why not share that data with the squad?

would be a nice feature...


(65 replies, posted in Balancing)

i do not want to downgrade the win of the chaos. that was a excellent plan and it was excellently excecuted. sure a deserved win. no question. and yes it was the spider tank and not the shield only. they might sill have lost if the shield cycling would open up longer.

yes you have to sacrifice dps. but what is dps? you only need enough dps to kill your opponent. in this tourny it doenst matter if it takes long, as long as you are perfectly save.

besides there is not only the shield issue. there are other issues as well. but i dont want to get too deep int this right now.

the problem i see atm that this is too strong against too many things. the only thing i can imagine to break this is heavy ecm to permanent jam at least 3 of them and then neut the last one dead and kill it with minimal dps. but of cource that would be a very risky build if they would just decide to change tactics.

i will still stay with my oppinion. the shield cycling is the problem. the shield can stay strong. if the cycling will not work as it is atm.


(65 replies, posted in Balancing)

well as i said. i see no problem that the shield tank is that powerfull. while the shield is active it can absorb a lot dps. and dps is not the answer to a shield. at least not when you dont have superior numbers.

i see the problem in the fast reaktivation of the shield. using the cyle time to just lower it for half a scond so that your enemy can not react to that. just set the module unactivatable for 10 seconds after it went down. that is no nerf of the shield tank. but its a nerf for ppl who hide behind shields and still want to shoot whithout the chance of retaliation. this has to be changed.

when we (remedy) shot at that icus in the tournament for 20mins i had no problem with that. that is a heavy shiled tank. and it can not kill anybody. same goes for the trojar. i saw no need for that "nerf". well the trojar still is good enough, and still very hard to shoot down with pure dps. as it should be in my opinion.

i only see a problem with shied down -> fire -> shield up. and all in half a second. add lag of the game plus a good reaction time of the player plus the next lag of the game and you have no chance to fire in that hole where you lower your shield so you can fire out. and exact that has to be possible. if you lower your shield you have to be vunrable. not for half a second or even shorter. it has to be for several seconds.


(65 replies, posted in Balancing)

the problem is not the shield. the problem is the cycle and the fast reactivation.

just give the shield a 10 sec timer to reactivate independent from the cycle and things like this will never happen again.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

its not effective to farm for them. even on beta with a good spawn you can count yours4elf lucky if you have one or two t4 items. besides each bots loot table isnt that small. so its nearly impossible to farm for what you want.

the better way is to farm your stuff aby buy the better modules on the market. if thery are avalible...


(102 replies, posted in General discussion)

Klit Oriswood wrote:
Syrissa wrote:

but if you play a little here and a little there then you can have your fun, and support a game that is not mainstream and most likely will one day be a good game.

People are supporting this game for a year mostly based on potential. "It's not mainsteam" doesn't mean anything, but the other part of that sentence is important. More and more people are starting to lose faith in devs and their ability to actually make this (as you say) beta product a good game. Considering how long it takes devs to implement stuff, how they tend to take sideroads all the time (read dev blogs what and when whas promised) and lets face it - terrible (worst ever in my experience) PR, it is not surprising that people are saying bb.

Potential can't last forever - time to grow up is near. If devs can't deliver major stuff that they promised they should employ new people, be honest about it and talk to their player base or people are gonna start to think that they are being sucked for their $$$ on "it has potential to be a good game someday" so that somebody can play skyrim or fap on porn while there's some money dropping in.

you just have a look how crap eve online was at the start. look at the number how long it took to get that up. they also were nearly bankrupt once. yes its a small game. and if they would intent to be ready then they would advertise the game more. i expect more ppl to leave in the next months.

besides you can easy say just empoly more ppl. do you know how little the income is this game provides atm. maybe the server costs will be payed with this. but surely you can not supply even a single computer scientist with this. they do this mostly in their free time. with a small team. you know that and *** around that you want more and want it faster will not make it quicker.

im not  fanboy. shurely i would like to see a lot of things happen earlier. i am self employed myself, and i know how much work is behind such things. so i do understand that these things will take time. if you re not willing to give them that time then just dont do it. nobody will stop you. come back later if you want, or just move on.

i doubt the game is more to the defs atm then a constant testing and providing at least a minimal financial support. if they would have to make their living from this then this game would be dead long ago.

you only see your point of view. you want your fun. thats ok. but i dont think you will have what you want in the next three months. this is totaly a speculation but you can count yourself lucky if it happens in half a year to a year. probably later than sooner.


(102 replies, posted in General discussion)

i told you before...

you play a payed beta game. face it or leave it.

i still think the game has potential. but it will still take some time till it reaches the point that pokk has pointed out. ok im no 8 months in game. but hell why not take it slow. if you want to play 24/7 for months in this game then i can imagine that it will get boring. but if you play a little here and a little there then you can have your fun, and support a game that is not mainstream and most likely will one day be a good game.

my 5 cents

i totaly agree with syndic (even if i dont like it).

the outpost ownership is for beta only. if you are too scared to go to beta then dont complain that you want the same als them. the risk vs reward ratio is already bad enough for players that live on beta. no need to give the alpha players more.

i dont like to compare these 2 games but ill do it again. look at eve. 0.0 space is 10-30 times more rewarding as empire space. compare that to perp and it will be hard to think that its 2-3 times more rewarding. which it most likely not even is the case.

not needed. you want control. go to beta. there still is enough room. just take one of the islands from novablob that are mostly totaly empty anyway.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

i can tell you for someone that is ingame for about 2 months that it is not a problem at all at beta.

of cource it will depend on what you wanna do.
there are very luctative ways even a noob with 1 week of skilling (or less) can do on beta.

if you want to kill npcs it will take a bit longer. around the time you can pilot a mech (3-4 weeks if you go straight that path) for group play. and even longer (2-3 months) if you can pilot a heavy mech for solo play.

but as i said there are other good things to do than killing npcs on beta.

finding a corp that will suit your needs schould be no problem.
there are corps for most languages on beta as well. eng, fr, ger, rus ... i dont know if there is spain ... well but you have to see...
if you need help with picking a corp that will be no problem at all. there is a forum part for that further below. you will need a subbed accout for it to post there ^^


(85 replies, posted in Events)

Ville wrote:

Did you really expect to fill it?

15 of 16 is what i call close to be filled...

agreed that 30 days is not a long time. im no seller in the big ways but i had that though too that this time is a bit short.

Norrdec wrote:

Dont worry, it wont be a tower, it will be  a skyscraper now.

with a big sphere and an antenna on the top pls... lol

Annihilator wrote:

what exactly makes this different from the endless times requested "Cargo extender"-modules?

just quick search result:
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … r-modules/
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … cargo-mod/

yes has been discussed before.
it is not that much a diffrence. more a variation of the cargo expander.

besinde your idea of 5-10% more cargo is of no big use.
what we would need it a double or tribble of the cargo volume. or even a destroyer mech transport with a lot more...

if you ever had a ore convoy then you know what we are talking about. 10% would not realy make a difference.


(84 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Gargaj wrote:
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

Has there been any start on coding pos's ?

That's what I meant - we're creating a codebase that already has those concepts in mind so we can eventually incrementally progress there.
(Did anyone think about the lovely ambiguity of the term "P.O.S." btw?)

i would prefer P.B.S.

the B stands for build the rest stands for player and structures ... the O stands for owned... so you could refer to the existing outposts as POS... thats why i prefer the B.

question to the tournament:
where is the "arena"?
how big is it?
how far appart will the teams be deployed.
how is the terrain? plain sight? buildings? hills?

dont take that personal... big_smile

but where is the reward for the vets when you give more or less the same to the beginners. in some kind of bonus where effective the results are nearly the same.

this is a sandbox. you can get good enough in a reasonal ammount of time. if a beginner has a problem that he is not as good as a vet then this is not the type of game he should play. then this the the basic principal of this kind of games. the longer the beginner is in game the closer he gets to the vets, but he may never reach it. he may surpass it if he specializes and the veteran is not. maybe he wants a more flexible char. then he has the chance to specialize and surpass him in a special field. but not in overall EP development.

i simply think the way you proposed is the wrong one.
besides it could be heavyly abused. creating trial accounts give them t1 fits.. get to pvp zones and be way too good because of your boni... no good idea.
again: this is sandbox. you have to work (or wait) to get what you want. there is no cheating to the front. that whats sandbox is, and should be.

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

And now i feel dirty not having trolled any 1 in this post sad

im realy suprised as i read your post obi. i never thought we could read such a post from you... compared to all that trolling we usualy see from you tongue

and yes i totally have to agree. if you compare it to the other game that i dont want to name here, its is similar as it is here.
there you need around 3 months of playing to get compedative in pvp. you still will not be at the end of the line, and you surely will not have the biggest and badest bot in the world, but you can do something and that at a good level.

the things that comes over a long time is to refine and max out your potential and/or the flexibility so you will be able to do more that this one thing.

thats the way it works. and that is totaly fine.
if you want the biggest and the badest things then i fear i have to say: just go to wow or any clone you want and get yourself a guild that will push you though the last high end instance and you will have all the shiny best pixel items you want in very short time.

put this is a sandbox and this is perp. it is ment that long term players are rewarded. if you like the game and then you will no langer be a new player in a few months. in a year a lot of players will allready recognize you as a "old veteran"... and other will complain that they can never catch up to you.

thats the way it is. you should look more for what you can do and how fast you can do that then complaining that others can do a bit more as you atm...

my 5 cents.