are we still getting the 30 period to reduce level 5 skills as the blog says, and will you make an effort to directly inform all accounts holders who may not read the forums?


(100 replies, posted in General discussion)

Either way. there is simply no excuse to treat players this way.  Silent treatment never produces any positive effect.


(100 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've a theory.

When developing at some point they may have said to themselves;

"This project still needs 12-18 months worth of development before its ready, but rather than wait this long to release it, we'll release it now but with very little market presence to deliberately keep player numbers low.   That way we have 12 months worth of feedback from a live environment"

So, their focus is not to develop with the purpose of trying to retain subscriptions because officially, the game isnt released yet and there is zero pressure on them to attract subscribers.

When we point out that they are failing and sub numbers are dropping, they dont care about that.  They are not interesting in developing features with the sole purpose of attracting or even retaining players.

Its like going to the bank and saying "Im going to open this business in 3 years"... but opening it 2 years early, you have the funds and no demands to perform and can do what you like.

In their eyes, they are not failing even if they only had one player, it doesn't matter.

I've many years of experience in business, and this is the only situation I can come up with that would explain their apparent total lack of interest in player numbers or subscribers.

At the moment, its just an experiment, a test server, a 'not-for-profit' project.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

the most valuable thing in game are pilots.  No pilot is useless.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

Triglav wrote:

What eccm changes??0.o
What's fotm build?

Carefull, if questions such as these are answered here, then there would be no need to include them in a podcast tongue


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

+2.0  yarr

Arga wrote:

That blurs the line between shareholders and customers.

I never said anything about shareholders. :S

Whenever you pay for anything, you expect something in return, your investing whatever it is that the expected return has cost you.  be it time or money.

If you dont receive what you expect, you either accept it or question it.

I was simply pointing out to the op that we've been asking, in every possible way, for nearly 12 months with no comment.

As for why they would discuss such a subject with us.. well, thats the way every commercial 'for profit' business operates.   So whoever is bank rolling this project is obviously not concerned about the short term profit return.

As players we too are investors who seek a return in the form of entertainment, which comes from players in a sand-box MMO.   Some players have as many as 10 accounts subscribed for nearly 12 months.  Which represents extra ordinary faith, trust and loyalty that their investment in this product will see a return.

Common human respect and decency normally dictates that such loyalty deserves, at the very least, a few comments on the matter.  A discussion is not nessesary, required or demanded.

But apparently a few words of reassurance on the matter is not something we are owed.

I dont think the issue is that they are not on the market, Direct trading of exotic goods is certainly an acceptable and recognized feature of any sandbox game.

But, by excluding them from the market in this game means does mean that information on said items is unavailable which i'm not yet sure how I feel about. 

Having an 'unknown' element certainly does make the world more interesting, but wide-spread ignorance of available content can also have a damaging effect.

At this point I'm apathetic since the games future is questionable, dwarfing this subjects relevance.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

yea no plans for a plex yet.. but there is a cash shop on the way which will make you feel right at home wink

DEV Zoom wrote:

They are deliberately missing from the market smile

Because noone would want to buy them anyway? lol

"ohai guys one of my guns does 0.02 more dps than the other 5! - I'll sell it to you for 30mil! "


(100 replies, posted in General discussion)

its just a cheap and nasty way to give people more to do.

"What you've done everything in the game and there's not enough players to provide pvp content??...OK, here you go, grind these for 6 months"

The new modules are rubish and the drop rate means that you'll never be able to devise an army based on them.

It does however provide an easy way to farm resourses.. which is great if you actually need resources roll

MoBIoS wrote:

I really would like some feedback from Dev´s.

You and anyone who has ever played has asked in some form or another ever since release.

Lemon wrote:

@Snowmans Post: Good analogy but the length turned off most readers and was to complicated for a majority to comprehend the meaning behind it. Not to mention you lost all credibility when insulting the Dev's

Since DEV Zoom ranted at us first, my post was aimed at him.  So I dont concern myself with how other readers interpret it.   

However,  Im rather suprised at how well the readers did understand it.

Apart from those "readers" who dont seem to realise how insulting and dis-respectfull DEV Zoom was to warrant my response in the first place,  If you look at the replys from the readers compared to DEV Zooms reply.. I think you've properly under-estimated the readers ability to comprehend a simple analogy.

I've way more respect for this community than this DEV appears to have.


(26 replies, posted in News and information)

DEV Zoom wrote:

To forego some unrealistic anticipations, it's probably the best to tell now that the patch tomorrow will be a rather small one. Mostly fixes (disconnect, highway speed skips), some smaller feature improvements (selection on radar, doubleclick for take loot, free camera option, etc.) and a few obligatory balancing changes (just a few really, we tied down one hand of Alf).

The good news is that you won't have to wait another month for the next patch, as we're wrapping up the new level2 assignment pack and a new NPC AI.

You see?   now that wasnt so hard was it?  Did it hurt?.. Did writing this take too much of your time?... no.  You dont need to give us specifics, but generalizations like this which help manage expectation is all we really want.

If you were to make more regular posts like this then maybe we wouldnt need to make wild speculations and then you wouldnt have to spend half your time running around on the forums doing damage control.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

those ad's have been around on for ages now.

I dont think its that they dont work its just that they dont produce much market awareness.

Paragon wrote:

Achievements are sawdust in the content meatloaf. Tossing out cookies for reaching arbitrary milestones is just... dumb. If you have to do something, just keep track of a bunch of gameplay stats and let us decide how impressive someone's odometer is.

Id actually use a different analogy...


For restraunts and most food establishments, Coffee isnt their main product... however, its very cheap to buy where customers are willing to pay a high price.    Its got margin.

Acheivments are like coffee... cheap to produce, and not your main stream product line,  but has a lot of margin in it, a lot of use.. people will consume it in vast quantities and will be satisfied (to an extent)

For me, any game without acheivments is like going to a restraunt that doesnt sell coffee which I like to drink at the end of a good meal.

MoBIoS wrote: … ch-better/
double post, question has been asked.


You wouldnt make a very good forum moderator would you?

I noticed that with the new site you've removed the old sign about Avatar Creations looking for a publisher.

does that mean you have a publisher now?  Or maybe in the middle of negotiations? wink

If so... very exciting time big_smile

only trouble with the background image is that now when Im browsing the site at work, its like.. 10x more obvious that I'm on a gaming site.

Wish there was a choice to turn it off, just while im at work big_smile

Btw,  will there ever be a Dev tracker?

I like achievements!

It gives you something to do when there is nothing else to do.

In addition,  there should be titles, and badges  for skill related achievements, exploration, distance traveled, market activity.

I love things like these, they give you a sense of progression and purpose, inbetween wars..  and they should be a fairly simple thing to implement.  Well, more simpler and less time consuming than putting in full blown PvE content.

As for rewards... well, I dont really care about the reward.  Just having the achievement and being able to display that achievement is reward enough.

Yes, all very nice and professional looking! yarr

Alexander wrote:

The issue being once they're ready to leave the nest they keep getting pushed back into it.

What do you mean by this,  how are they being "pushed back into it" ?

If you mean that they are dying repeatedly, and running back to alpha.. well,.. its not gona help going back to the nest, they need to stay out of the nest and learn to adapt.  There is no experience to be gained in "the nest"


n1 cool


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Spawns like that are intended for small groups and challenging solo.

So if your struggling to solo, move to an easier spawn or make some friends.