I think eve DOES warn you actually.

In the first place it makes the price green if its above market and red if its below,  and if its more than double in each direction it gives a pop-up.

But this is just a luxury feature, I think a whole expansion could be dedicated to market improvments lol:cool:

Hugh Ruka wrote:
Syndic wrote:

long post with setups

now finaly something ... pity you ignore the robot bonuses on all but the assaults (hey troiar has actualy energy drain bonuses you know ?).

what do bonuses matter, or even energy draining when you have no demob in your team?

Just because a bot has a bonus, doesnt mean you should roll with it.   You need to look at your entire squad not just focus on what bot has what bonus.

Thats the trouble with telling people about fits.. its taken way out of context.

yea, and tuners are almost always worthless too.  Just not worth the extra weight.

Hugh Ruka wrote:

that's not my point. stating the fits are bad is easy. but taking one of them and showing how it can be better (and why the choices were made) is a lot more helpfull than just posting a fit.

Give away sovereign secrets of the mighty novastrov empire?... er, no. mad

but really though, its just experience when certain fits just begin to make sense.  So the OP is correct, just keep going out there and fighting, sure you'll lose a lot of material things but you'll gain a lot of valuble experience. cool


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alfredson wrote:

You're making it sound like a conspiracy...

you make it sound like a conspiracy by calling it a conspiracy,  I called it exactly what it was, a problem.

Take your tinfoil hat elsewhere


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Smokeyii wrote:

i.e the Devs already knew,

Fairly certain the Devs knew a long long time before anyone said anything in general or on the forums.

Its just seems to be a very large problem with this dev team to communicate and let us know that a problem is in hand.  Thus they encourage such threads to be made because the only time they bother to acknowledge something is when a whiny *** [female dog] like me makes a thread about it tongue

Shame that it has to be forced like that, maybe its just a way to increase forum activity, which is fine.. I could find plenty more wine for my cheese cool

Id be more inclined to think that the devs dont have anything else planned for it currently.  But it is an extra resource in the database, so its just a 'potential' tool for any bright idea they may or may not have down the line.

its just like when you buy a second computer,  you might get it just to run videos on your TV, but you COULD use it as a second client or anything else down the line big_smile


(131 replies, posted in General discussion)

Tax IS a consideration, but I doubt that bares much impact.

I've a marketing alt which has loads of buy order and sell order slots, along with good relations and reduced tax.  but its still not profitable to do any kind of arbitrage trading
So really, there isnt much benefit to spending EP on those marketing skills.

so with very few characters spending EP on marketing skills, and very few people doing any kind of serious buying and selling the market is just not worth it.    And decent items which do go on the market are marked up really high.   and thats only because there is no market history and noone knows their true value.

I beleive that all characters should start with a lot more buy/sell order slots. and have the marketing skills more related to be able to doing remote marketing.

Then have the relationship bonuses actually means something, so that mission runners actually get some benefit from having good relations.  Maybe remove the tax skill alltogether and have tax relieve purely relationship based.

When the 'energy credits' system comes in, also have some kind of reward for getting involved with the market..  you could adjust it over time as the market grows.  But right now, it needs a very big carrot to get it moving.


(131 replies, posted in General discussion)

Corps dont sell much because there isnt much need for money once your completly self sufficient.  By now I'd imagine that with nothing much really to spend their money on corps could buy the entire market several times over.

So as soon as there are more NIC sink's corps will start looking for other ways to make money.

I guess the ability to pay an amount of nic to raise the stabalisation on SAP's in the coming update is meant to be a NIC sink, but I doubt any corp would ever pay those fee's


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

AeonThePiglet wrote:

it isn't good trolling.

  I disagree

we make a good team, I bring it down, he lifts it up... makes for better drama big_smile

Thanks for sorting this out.... next time,  do it faster!

<- never happy yarr

yes, basically you wait until your gun cycle time completes, switch off shield, fire, re-activate shield.

Its kind of like waiting until your in LOS before firing weapons, and when you do fire, you switch off your guns immediatly(space bar).. because with the eb and flow of combat when the next cycle hits you simply dont know if your going to have LOS or not. (incidentally, this is why ROF in pvp is a very important extension)

It does take some rather precise timing with the shield thing, as well as watching your LOS, but with practice can be very effective indeed.


since this isnt a 1vs1 game


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Prices of t1 stuff is usually determined by the costs of the materials + production. 

so with them not having the most valuable materials in them anymore, along with them being easier to produce, theoretically means they should nose dive in price as the supply out strips the demand.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siddy wrote:
Snowman wrote:
Siddy wrote:

You do realize that this will just take up DEV time.

  How can that be anyone elses fault but the devs?

Yes, the bug is not customers fault, but i think there is article somewhere that prohibits of exploiting such phenomena. Ignoring that article and going on regardless, however, is fully on the customers shoulders.

I think you've mis-understood me, or maybe Ive misunderstood your point.

It appeared like you were saying that dev's should NOT track down, clean up and punish exploiting purely because it takes time away from doing other 'important stuff', and that somehow the community should not make a fuss about it because it makes them responsible for such delays.

I completly agree that the exploiter is responsible for his actions.

If you really want to have this put into perspective, and I realize its an extreme one..

Our country, UK, right now is being laid siege upon by gangs of criminals.  why?  Just because they can!  It all started off in one place.. and the police and the government hardly did a thing about it... 

seeing that the authorities did nothing about it has encouraged it and now has spread to the entire country.

So, yes, you are right, those criminals (exploiters) are aware and are responsible for their actions  but if the authorities (devs) take a weak, indecisive "havnt got the time" attitude then they are directly responsible for the after math.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siddy wrote:

You do realize that this will just take up DEV time.

  How can that be anyone elses fault but the devs?

They've created the problem, un-intentionally of course, it's just the nature of development, but any extra time they must spend to clean up their house and correct bugs which have got in is in no way the customers fault.

Not only that, the instant they were discovered they could have spend 60 seconds making a sticky to declare it an exploit.... they did not..   so any extra crap they have to clean up is purly their own responsibility.

Unless of course they have already given up on the idea of making any effort what so ever.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

We are permanent and established residents of Novastrov.    Killing off observers and marauding caravans is a necessity to continue operations and for the security of members.

other users could also argue the same which is most probably why the devs have not yet declared it an exploit.

Our tech tree's are virtually complete from nearly 8 months of solid and honest work, having all that work reduced to meaning nothing is very depressing and de-motivating.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

so..  undocking timers get implemented.. but no dev knows how or why "we havnt changed anything"

observers and caravans are respawning and appear to be buffed... no dev knows how or why.. "we havnt changed anything"

With respect, Devs are clearly applying patches which implement changes that are going undocumented, or at least someone in the organisation is, is there anyone in charge there?

Doesnt really inspire confidence in those users who might be considering investing a considerable portion of their time, effort and money into this product does it?

Personally I like the chaos that these changes have caused, but reading experiences from people in general its clearly causing some major emotional distress, what angers me is the silence and lack of communication.

It took CCP 7 years to realise that actually, talking to their customers really does help, especially when things go wrong!  I  Just hope it doesnt take 7 years for Avatar Creations to realise this too.

<- i mad

Ville wrote:

This will help me refelect on my poor choices

I can help you with that tongue

John Rourke wrote:

I think the longer docking timers are a good move by the devs, making the triangle less viable and making the instant re-fit tougher on betas.

Dude.. your face

Snowman wrote:

everyone can understand that a docking timer is needed to protect database calls.  we get that.

*edit: There is no need for that really. - DEV Zoom

I think there is every need for that.   your obviously hiding something.

everyone can understand that a docking timer is needed to protect database calls.  we get that.

*edit: There is no need for that really. - DEV Zoom

Since subbing more than a month ago docking timers have gotton progessivly worse.

15 seconds, then 30 seconds then 45.. then a whole minite... now its even longer.. WTF!

now suddenly today all beta outposts have undocking timers... fine, but wtf, give us a warning or something??

Sorry to be *** about it but I think we deserve some kind of explanation.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

slugys wrote:

oh yeah btw, everyone should post more, the forums are not very busy. i enjoy reading about stuff.

Yea, people dont seem to post much.  I cant think of much to post that wouldnt get trolled or be seen as some kind of manipulation.

Probably needs more new players to post and ask questions etc, I like reading about new players experiences.

Sometimes the mmorpg forums on perpetuum are busier than these forums lol

But you cant make people post if they dont want to D: