(268 replies, posted in General discussion)

Campana , are you suggesting that if one of you get some money via exploit and then give all that money to the corp and corp members then the dev's should not have any means to get that money back? Those of you who were involved in this buisness should solve this matter internally in your corp.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Very nice smile. I just wish more islands came earlier. they don't need to be perfect, you can make them to that later.
also if we are already searching for artifacts what about scanning down teleports which would lead to smaller islands with some pve content and possible nice reward? ok i know it's not original idea smile, but still would be nice to have something like this.


(189 replies, posted in Balancing)

first of, russian forum --> that way
second: I hate that some people want this game to be a linear progression, you start with light, then assault then mech and finaly heavy mech, there are mmos with this mechanics they are not sandboxes tough.
As others said: 2-3 people when they know what they are doing will always be in advantage against one no matter if that one spent 5 times more on his bot.
also many makes dps comparsion but they forget that mechs have (compared to assault): better range(+they can actually fit range extenders), double hp!, and more slot to customize, either for resist, dps etc.

Behold, the new generation of mechs ingame (you can recognize it from the concept arts)

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7pd99 … ate-2_tech


(268 replies, posted in General discussion)

Now your words against the devs'. Which side has proof? big_smile 
I hope the devs don't try to tell misinformation in matters like this, they could only lose with that and could gain nothing.
If they think wiping the involved person's accounts is a fair punishment then do and say so. I'd not argue about that big_smile


(268 replies, posted in General discussion)

That picture proves nothing. The devs said they removed the money which was made from insurance fraud, they somehow calculated it. ofc they remove the money from missions if you spent the insurance money on buying resources or using for construction etc.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

This was mostly the devs' own fault. They were told to do something but ignored the issue so many other corp/individual started to use this, because if their enemies were using they thought they needed it too to be competitive.

Maybe small weapons on larger targets should have better critical chance because of better targeting of "vital" areas, and this higher critical chance is converted to extra damage.

Container wrote:

DEVs need to make Mechs and Heavy Mechs more useful in roaming PVP.
Increase their speed.
Reduce weapon size of medium weapons so they can hit small bots better.

No thx, no need for I win robots, all types must have their uses, lights assault and mechs. I agree that mechs' uses are somewhat limited and that needs to be changed but light robots should not go obsolete, diversity is good.

If they really wanted to have something train for just introduce the mk2 robots already. a bit more  hp,  +0.1 kmph speed etc, make them expensive in EP (mk2 lights and mk2 mechs would require a similar amount of EP, mechs still bit more..)
I really liked in EVE that all ship class was somewhat usefull in endgame, every ship was most efficient in its size range. 2-3 lightbots should be able to kill a mech, 1vs1 the mech will win as it should be.

Op is right, contrary to what people have expected from this new patch, it has made the world much SMALLER.

We want bigger world not because there is not enough mobs to shot at at beta, but peole need some chance to avoid getting killed while they are doing pve stuff, or just looking for targets in their power range whatever.
It is not realistic to expect that a solo player or every individual in a small squad would equip signal masking module-maybe they can be fitted on mechs without excessive sacrifices, but not on ligther bots.
For a roaming party however it is enough to have one dedicated scout in the whole party. With skills it is possible to detect bots from 2-3k meters (depending on target)- that's 4 to 9 times bigger detection area.
To counter this somehow the only way is that the other party should have dedicated scout too. Since one scout is enough then this mechanism just favors bigger squads even more and as I've said: makes the world a smaller place so introducing much bigger islands very soon is even more important.
I can agree that these new modules make pvp a bit more interesting, but on the other hand they hurt the game, because it favors those who are already in better position and makes avoidiong unbalanced fights much  harder.

Seems most of us agrees, we need more islands even if they are just barren worlds with a few points of interest.
Not having outposts is a good idea too, just make many entry points to the new islands, both from beta and alpha islands so they are more accesable. I think it's a good thing that resources are not equally distributed and the new lands could have more and less valuable regions: the more valuabled will be crowded and dominated by the large corps anyway, but smaller corps/solo players could find relatively safe spots even in pvp enabled area.

I had a similar idea: teleports which can be activated by some kind of fuel: you load in (so the activation is not remotely), the teleport activates shrotly and operational until it has fuel. It could add some strategic/logistic element to the game

We are talking about different things now:
1, I think safe islands should remain in the game because new players need a place to establish themself, their corp. Especially later in the game  a new corp wouldnt have any chance to take a hold in pvp area untill weeks or months and then they couldnt grow in an overcrowded small island.

2, I think adding more land may not be enough, but it is absolutely necessary for this game to grow. why would anyone want to go back and forth on the whole map? logical comparsion is eve, players don't fly through he whole map too often.
If we want the players to leave the alpha islands we have to give them at least some chance to survive outside-and on the other hand these players would give more to the pvp -ing pool, so those on beta islands wouldnt be as bored as they are now.

Bastian Croft wrote:

Do you really think stretching out the already thin player base even further is what this game needs?

It's getting thinner because players are getting bored -because the current land setup and alliance system makes pvp too predictable thus boring.

And the subscriptions have not run out yet, so the potential players are still here. The question is wether they will renew their sbus.
I believe we need at least 3 times more land we have now. what does it matter if the playerbase is  " stretched out"? at least there would be more meaning of roaming and small squad pvp-s. right now it's just getting a report from a scout, and either all docks up or assemble a megablob- it's not fun with some rare exceptions

BigCountry wrote:

This game is suppose to be a crush all command and conquer mmorpg.

Says who? i think the pve islands are fine as they are, we need safe zones for new players BUT we need to give them opportunity to leave these islands. Now there is only one way: to join an existing alliance, what they either can't or don't want to.
The solution is what me and others keep saying: we need much more land. places to explore to look for new resources, places to own, places to hide. Even if you would just copy the beta islands-two copy of each and put them into the game-> 3 times more land to play on. (Ok, I actually hope we can get better than copies smile ).
Ideally we need much bigger land, I say with much sparse resources which are not equally distributed (last patch is a good move in the right direction)


(6 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexander wrote:

This is what we logged into
Sometimes tells me we've upset a few developers.

So you are getting observer kernels handed on silverplate.. I guess they had been  autodestroyed so you just had to loot them smile


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

If the devs wanted to help someone intentionally they could have done it less plainly (gifting a few billion nics for example smile ) If they leaked information to some friends without thinking of the consequenses then they should look into now and learn from it. no point doing accusations tough, there won't be evidence anyway.
((I thought this new plant will be used for a new tier of equipment. If I had known that they would change the t4 items' cost I would had bought them up all.. as someone appearently did and making tons of money. smile ))

Don't be so dramatic, npc buy orders shouldn't had been there or at least should had been so high in the first place.
1, if it's harder to get money prices will go down too
2, kernels should be bought by players for their research, so try to sell them instead.

(Tough I agree that the game is not as pve friendly as eve (maybe just yet). To have everything the game could offer one should join a beta alliance-jut not Norhoop there are too many already smile.. wait I'm there too..)


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't agree with the op's conclusion. this patch in itself won't raise the market price. buying up everything and selling for higher price could work well tough.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can't try it yet ,but i guess 150 is the normal and 180 the heatX (also the medium compact missiles, ballistic remain unchanged)


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

* Change: Readjusted the ranges of small and medium missiles to 150/180m.

I wonder if they gona change it in every month smile

But very nice things overall smile

Yes, if the formula Recognizer showed us and what Annihilator is using is right, then the wording is bad.
Instead of saying this skill will reduce the cycle time by 5%, it would be much more precise to say this skill will reduce the cylce time by something between 0 and 5. much better smile
Because it will never be 5%, not even if it's the first modifier on the skill, 5% reduction is not calculated as

X * (1-0,05), but X/ (1+0,05) which is 4,76% reduction
The second 5% will be 4,36% and getting lower


(15 replies, posted in Q & A)

just counted that with max skills and prototype weapon tunings you would be able to get 95% cycle time reduction for weapons if it worked like you thought. That's 20 times dps increase smile


(15 replies, posted in Q & A)

Bonuses from different sources don't add up, so  they are working as in your second calculation. This way if you could get 25%  recharge time reduction from  4 different sources you wouldn't get instant recharge, but  1 - 0,75*0,75*0,75*0,75= 68,3% reduction.

(there are good things from this method btw, for example range extenders don't just give 10% bonus to the base range, but to your skill bouns to range too)

I don't think robots ever will be able to cross the water from one island to an other-seamlessly. But there could be a game mechanism for amphibious landing. You embark your squad into transports from a port on your island, and then the squad leader could choose a landing destination on any islands. Every islands would have 10-20 or so landing points, it would take 2-10 mins to travel depending on distance and would cost money or some special fuel.