(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I opened up the network profiler.

When I get N/A lag displayed, but before I start rubberbanding, the red and green squares flash as normal.

Then when I start rubberbanding, the red square disappears or begins to flash very slowly. The green one flashes as normal (so long as I am inputting something such as movement).

While the rubberbanding is happening I also notice one of the 0 indicators flicking on and off to 1 repeatedly. It's the one at the far right, FQO or something.

I agree that hauling missions, particularly on alpha, are too easy. The amount of effort, attention and risk involved are minimal. They should be set up in such a way as to be attractive when combined with other missions rather than being their own day job.

I also agree that having some minerals not available or much less available on some beta islands would make the game a whole lot more interesting.

Some of the problems discussed are due to alliances being largely self supporting economic and industrial entities - this makes the market turnover very slow. The rest of the population isn't big enough (yet!) meaning solo industrialists can't make a lot of money.

I don't think NPCs should be taxi bots. It should be players providing a taxi service. It's more sandboxy that way. Not sure how you would work this though.

Another problem is that the auto-follow doesn't work well if you are really afk.

First, different bots have different passable terrains, so the following bot can get stuck on plants or surprise bumps. Even if they have the same terrain, a careless pilot can lead his followers straight into a bush by curving round it too closely. Styx is terrible to follow for this reason.

Second, if there is any packet loss between the server and the client (a common occurrence for a lot of people) the following bot will stop and won't follow until approach is pressed again.


(190 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Hey there, how's things over there in the alternate universe?

P.S. Look to the current situation. Who is hanging around on alpha right now? Hmm? wink

Arga wrote:

I think it goes without saying that one or both of them must be drunk, but I'll say it incase they are too drunk to mention it.

I think they are both regularly drunk, so that's no problem.

Jelan wrote:

Now thats a good idea, a Jelan/Jita anchor/co-anchor role

Yes! Yes! I vote for this. It should be like an agony column, with Uncle Jelan and Auntie Jita.

It would be FANTASTIC.


(48 replies, posted in Balancing)

I wasn't planning to post in here because I haven't actually tried out any MkII robot, and haven't specced into Pelistal at all, so consider this a question rather than an argument.

If the Tyrannos Mk II has one extra head slot and you fit a CPU booster in it...doesn't that render the extra headslot a bit pointless? Because then you are back to the number of headslots that the MK I has.

And that's leaving aside the argument of fitting CPU boosters on combat bots at all.

Regarding the time of the trial, instead of making it 15 days you could make it based on hours logged in. So it runs for 12 hours or something, but that's based on actually being logged in.

Uncle Mo wrote:

Any bot that has its armour reduced beyond 50% shall suffer a 25% reduction to its top speed and rate of fire.

Stacks the odds of the fight too much against whoever does the most damage first. If you've managed to do that you already have an advantage, why stack it more?

Uncle Mo wrote:

If a bot (PC or NPC) suffers more than 75% damage to its armour in less than one second, that bot has a 25% chance of exploding due to catastrophic failure

If a bot loses 75% of it's armour in less than one second, that means it's being focus fired and will probably die anyway so a 25% chance to blow up doesn't add anything.

Uncle Mo wrote:

Anytime a bot receives a 'Critical Hit' from an opponent, it will have a 5% chance to lose acquisition of any targeted bots. [...]
Bots using weapon modules against targets while moving should suffer a penalty to their 'to hit' probability

I don't support anything that adds more RNG to combat. Stuff that increases a player's tacitcal options yes, but not something that adds random elements that you have no control over.

Instead of thinking of ways to make combat more realistic, think of ways to make it more tactical, or to increase the opportunity for players to demonstrate skill. Game balance and mechanics should always come first, and realism second. That's not to say you can't build system that's realistic, but don't compromise the simulation by adding in more RNG or mechanics that don't actually enhance gameplay.

I like Glimpse's suggestion to allow trial accounts to buy from player sell orders but not to put up their own sell orders.

I actually agree that allowing trial players to *buy* from player sell orders but not put up their own sell orders could work. It would give trial account players more things to do without allowing anyone else to exploit the trial.

No probs...er...handy hints to benefit the opposition are clearly my forté big_smile

I added a summary of the discussions so far to the OP.

  • Landmark Refresh - It's very, very buggy. Most of the time the corp of someone who's just come on my landmarks will not be displayed, sometimes the standings colour, their name, bot type. Friendlies often bug out and appear on the landmarks when they shouldn't.

  • When attempting to move more Units that a cargo allows, the system rejects the transaction. Could we have the option to fill the cargo and have the exceeding part back in its container ?

  • If i scroll up in a chat window to read back chat, don't have it auto scroll down every time a sentence gets added

  • Opening a PVP loot container should flag you for PVP, or at least give you a 1/4 or 1/2 flag. (Should give a warning similar to turning your PVP flag on from the robot info UI)(Not UI Related but i'd like to mention it anyway.)

I concur with all of these.

Kari wrote:

Abilty to have multiple squad sub-leaders that could invite people to the squad, maybe in addition to sub-groups and some sort of squad ranking system.

Kinda off topic in regard to UI changes, but related to my last idea - would be nice if in terms of subgroups, if we could have a way to manage more that 3 nexus's between them, for example having Ewar nexus only affecting an Ewar subgroup...

In That Other Game don't they have some kind of hierarchical squad system? So you can have sub-squads making up larger military units. I think it would be an excellent thing to have here. It would help with nexuses, dividing up remote repairs and so on, as well as tactical movements on the field.

Tiger Tiger wrote:

If a single target is locked, or is being locked, it should automatically be the primary target.

I would actually prefer not to do this. Secondary locking someone, but not primarying them until the last minute is a tactical decision best left to the player. However, I do think if you click on someone's icon and then press primary target, it should start targeting and automatically primary once lock is achieved.

Legedric Warstrike wrote:

Target squad members using the squad window

I added this to the OP because it got 2 votes. But can't you double click on the player in the squad window and it will target? I haven't rr'd for a while, but pretty sure this works...can someone confirm?

With regards to the icons/los issue, there are 3 solutions. One is to implement a los indicator. The other is to have keybind options available. The third is to have all the icons displayed as another moveable window on your UI, and pressing the arrow icon in the top right hand corner toggles this on or off.

NPCs are basically there to farm stuff from - kernals, plasma, modules, or whatever. Making them too hard to find is irritating.

So I can see two ways of doing this that makes it fun instead of irritating.

1) Have NPCs roaming as suggested in Jita's OP. Rather than having them spawned by a scanning system, have a mini game of tracking them down using a signal detection module that works by the same principle as artifact scanning. Because they are moving you also have to take their movement speeds into effect. But you could also bump into them by accident. As for miners - currently NPCs all ignore you if you don't activate any modules or move, so what they need to do is switch off their modules and sit tight until the NPCs pass. Or even have decoys that they can drop on the ground like field containers, and only work on NPCs - put them a little way away from you so when a roaming NPC gets too near the miner activates the decoy and hope the mob gets pulled in that direction.

2) Have static NPCs, but roaming a much wider area, as well as static ones spawning to protect buildings, as suggested in Alexander's post. Again, this wouldn't interfere much in with miners, but it would make the mobs a bit more dynamic.


(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I get this problem a lot too. When it strikes, it makes the game virtually unplayable.

What are your top five small changes or additions you would like to see made to the UI? I don't mean anything to do with balancing or major changes to content, just little things that improve how you play the current game, such as clicking on things or keeping track of things.



  • Sortable storage and containers - 4 votes

  • Add multiple marker circles of specific sizes around waypoints, rather like the marker circle on the radar (as described below) - 3 votes

  • Revert back icon selection to row in top right corner (adding keybinds to toggle things on and off seems to be the best solution in response to Dev Zoom's post, or alternatively have the extra icons as a detached window themselves that you toggle on and off. The issue seems mainly to be lack of an instant LOS indicator) - 3 votes in favour of previous arrangement, 2 votes in favour of current

  • Some way of keeping track of which targets you have applied your ECM/ewar/rr modules to, available both on the targeting computer window and the landmarks list - 3 votes

  • Multiple distance markers with customisable colours - 2 votes

  • Relationship status displayed on player dots on radar - 2 votes

  • Option to get back old mineral overlay (the cubes) - 2 votes


  • Landmark Refresh - It's very, very buggy. Most of the time the corp of someone who's just come on my landmarks will not be displayed, sometimes the standings colour, their name, bot type. Friendlies often bug out and appear on the landmarks when they shouldn't.

  • Fix "random sorting" in assignment lists etc.

  • If i scroll up in a chat window to read back chat, don't have it auto scroll down every time a sentence gets added squad window settings arent saved, you always have to re-activate it between playing sessions

  • My pet peeve is that the squad window settings arent saved, you always have to re-activate it between playing sessions. Also, if I want to turn the distance OFF then it should bloody well stay OFF.


My list:

  • The target list should not re-sort itself (or allow an option to prevent it doing so). It should always be sorted in the order in which I targeted my targets. Alternatively any other way that gives me some way to keep track of which module is being applied to which target (e.g. ECMs, sensor suppressors, remote armour repairers etc)

  • Remove waypoints by right clicking on them on the landmarks list

  • Add multiple marker circles of specific sizes around waypoints, rather like the marker circle on the radar. This is to help with triangulating artifact scans. So you select a waypoint, right click, set waypoint marker range of e.g. 3241m and it appears on the map (or the radar).

  • Sort storages by name, type, faction, level of repair etc.

  • Relationship status displayed on the player dots on the radar, as well as just corp and squad.

Please add your own list as per this template:

  • Item one

  • Item two

  • Item three

  • Item four

  • Item five

And then feel free to comment/agree/disagree with items on other people's lists.

Arga wrote:

So sure, T1 to T4 at this time is not a terrible gap, but T2 to T7 will be.

This is an interesting point...how much of a gap should higher tiered gear create? Should it be like extensions, where optimum efficiency is at level 5? So in a year do we want to see the majority of people running around in T5 gear for pvp on beta, whereas T10 is so expensive it's not worth risking so you only see rich industralists swanking around it on alpha?

This is something we should be giving the devs feedback on now.

Styx wrote:
Crepitus wrote:

Some people have posted defending this saying "not everyone is supposed to be in t3/t4" -- of course .. so you can have fish in a barrel or keep them in alpha amirite?

Styx wrote:

Not every corporation is supposed to have T3 / T4 research

There's a difference between using T4 equipment and having the research. Sure everyone can use it, they just have to buy it from the players and corporations who put the significant amount of effort in to get the research.

I don't keep a close eye on the market but I check it every so often. A couple of months ago T4 equipment was not widely available on the market. Now, however, there seems to be a lot more of it.

So what we are going to see is a trend where small/new/alpha corps or solo players are always going to be behind the curve when new tech is patched in, and it's always going to take a couple of months for them to be able to catch up even if they just want to buy their top tier gear.

I also think corporations who operate during the morning server time will have an advantage, because they can sneak onto islands usually dominated by EU/US folks and mine, use the outposts, do missions or farm NPCs with little risk. So unless the current beta corps come to dominate all timezones, there is always going to be an opportunity for non-beta corps to trickle beta resources onto the alpha market.

That would just be tasteless.

Alfredson wrote:

Would love to pick up an fragment telling a nice quote from an ingame player, or a battle that had happened months or years before. A nice way for us to leave our mark in this game.

While I like the idea of quotes from players, I think this is better left to the corporate dialogues section. Automated recordings of events with only facts (e.g. such and such a corporation took over such and such an outpost) would be less open to abuse. But this is recorded in the corporation management section anyway, for those who are interested.

Some kind of in-game player record would be in keeping with the vision of the game, just not sure how you would implement it.

Kciredor Nov wrote:

Great Idea

Need some hieroglyphics throughout Nia and the like, maybe a alphabet of some kind, would be cool to actually see some "alien civilization."

Actually that would be awesome.

You could even get random scraps dropping sometimes from NPCs. Or maybe the key to it drops from NPCs and the documents are found via artifact scanning.

Go for it!


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

DEV Gargaj wrote:

One of the bottlenecks we have with that is that right now we don't have the option to create a texture out of a corp logo - not a particularly big issue but we haven't written code for it yet. Once that's done we can consider placing them on robots, terminals, teleports, decoration, etc.

Sweet! Would love to see it.


(34 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

While not necessary (since it's not very dark) I would love to have some headlights at night.

Although I don't use this much, I think it's a good idea.

Also how about being able to bookmark a list of favourites?


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

I agree with Tiggus' post. I don't have a lot to do. If I need a robot or money for extensions I just need to ask for it and lo! my corp provideth. I occasionally log in and do some mission running to grind up my faction ratings. And I'll log in for pvp events or when I think there might be pvp happening.

The other day an M2S pvp gang spent half an hour hanging round a teleporter to Norhoop while chatting about random stuff on TS. What have we come to?