(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:

I can only say what I notice. I notice 10-15 F-navy coming into TS and asking for opportunity to kill M2S throughout the day. I get killmails of suicide bombers blowing up M2S there. I hear plans, suggestions, ideas revolving around killing and griefing you repeatedly. That doesn't tell me they are quitting the game or demoralized in any way.

I don't know if you are just pulling this stuff out of your backside (as you often do), or whether this is actually true. If it is, I find it appallingly cute, and welcome all the little F-Navy grieflings to the dark side.

It's much more fun here.

@Nid the reason we own so many outposts is partly that they have no value compared to the potential cost of holding onto them. It's currently just a way to measure e-peen. No-one actually tries to take them from us, apart from a few attempts on our outposts on the island of Hokkagoras (this has been M2S' home territory since release). At the moment we're engaged in trying to prise Brightstone and Darnachov outposts from clutches of F-Navy and CIR respectively.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:


1. Prior to the original Norhoop war, you quite deliberately invited us into a temporary NAP to outnumber the Norhoop alliance which you couldn't handle alone.

Nope, when Infestation (M2S + allies for any newbies reading this) and Domhalarn (CIR + allies) joined up together, our numbers roughly equalled those of Norhoop in the intrusions that I attended. I think one of the early morning intrusions we turned up to (Uria) we completely outnumbered them, when only HUN logged on to defend.

Syndic wrote:

2. F-Navy was initially hurt due to bad decisions. Since their new leader stepped up to the plate, they've quite obviously united their efforts and turned the tables and have proceeded to bomb you into oblivion, achieving the biggest heavy-mech destruction in the history of Perpetuum nearly single-handedly.

They seem to vacillate between threatening to quit and vowing to stay in game and grind as much as it takes to fight us, with more of the former than the latter until the other day. Which is why I phrased it as I did. "Bomb into oblivion" implies they defeated us beyond hope of recovery - actually we lost a squad when they made a suicide run with the contents of their corporate hangar. But if they are going to stay in the game and put up a fight, I'm glad to hear it. Win-win, as it were.

Syndic wrote:

3. Soviet Novastrov is not headed by CIR. In Soviet Novastrov, every CEO - including me - has exactly 1 vote regardless of the size of their respective corporation, and all decisions are made by the majority online at the time of the vote.

I don't actually know much about the other CEOs, but having seen how CIR operates previously I'm quite willing to believe that CIR leadership is suggesting the strategies and the other CEOs are just nodding and casting their "yes" vote.

Syndic wrote:

We were quite happy to be left to our business and enjoyment of the game, however as always we seem to be dragged into wars by corps not intelligent enough to learn from historical lessons.

This is where Styx thinks you lack ambition. I think you would be perfectly happy to dominate the server, but you don't want to come across as the evil empire. So you just waited for M2S to be the aggressor.

Syndic wrote:

4. CIR didn't instigate any NAP. [...] We accepted the offer from RG & Norhoop because it was the best decision for the future.

I'm happy to be corrected on this, I can actually believe that RG suggested it.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

Camp, you don't post often enough big_smile

Well when I go to work these days people keep expecting me to do work! I can't believe it. Really cuts into my forum posting time hmm


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey Nid smile

Let's call it an ideological war with two major power blocs and a handful of independents.

On one hand, we have M2S who want pvp and don't care what we do (trolling, griefing, harassment etc) to get it. The one thing we will refrain from is deliberately trying to outnumber our enemies, because we see ourselves as highly skilled and well organised. While we care about the success of the Perpetuum we aren't going to spend all our time trying to make the server a better place for everyone. Because we're playing a game of survival of the fittest. As an example, this week we have camped F-Navy in their own outpost, causing many of them to post that they are quitting the game. Despite this, we don't see our role as instigators of 'interesting times' as detrimental to the server, whereas we do despise the blob mentality.

On the other hand we have Designated M2S Enemy of the Month. Formerly that was the Norhoop Alliance, who have now been replaced by the Soviet Novastrov alliance, headed by CIR. CIR's stated preference is for skirmishes, not intrusions, and by declaring that they would go to war with any corp that signed up to take their chosen outpost of Darnachov they pretty much guaranteed the course of the current conflict. Because, of course, that's exactly what M2S proceeded to do. CIR then instigated a NAP with the remains of the Norhoop Alliance which allows them to bring considerably more numbers to the field than M2S. They care more about projecting a morally just image than M2S, but are just as heavily into the metagame.

Since both sides consider the other's behaviour 'dishonourable' and not in the best interests of the game, the war is becoming one of survival, and will probably continue for a few weeks more.

I will be very interested to see how it turns out.

In addition to the power blocs we also have a handful of smaller 'pirate' corps such as 62nd, FOOM, nWAR who are not directly involved. In a way it's the smaller corps whose activity I'm most worried about, because their chosen pvp (roaming) isn't very rewarding at the moment, partly due to low game population, and partly due to lack of incentives for players to live on beta islands.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Friedrich Psitalon wrote:

Being primarily North American and ranging across the continent, our ops tend to begin around 02-03:00, give/take. We've done this on three occasions, now, and discovered exactly the same problem all three times:

No targets. These islands are a tomb at this time of day. You have to - quite literally - arrange a fight in order to get any targets at all, and arranging a fight when you're the new guys has a bad habit of getting you impressively dead.

This is partly why M2S has been so aggressive with intrusions.

I have also stopped going on roams recently because it feels like such a waste of time.

It's a combination of islands being really easy to scout, teleports and outposts (i.e. safe gettaways) being in easy reach when on beta, low population during US timezones, and not enough attractions on beta.

Just reiterating what's been said already - give outposts benefits for owning them. Then add in upkeep costs.

The intended benefit is the EC system...we just don't have it yet.

Arga wrote:

knowing people are online isn't knowing where they are, and its probable that you could have a friend in an 'enemy' corp, I think the game shouldn't limit who's on your list based on what your CEO sets.

I wasn't suggesting that at all. If you add someone to your friend list it should send them a message to say "So-and-so wants to add you to their friends list...do you accept?" If they press yes, they are added to your friends list. If they press no, they are not.

Got nothing to do with corp or relation standings.

Knowing who is online is crucial information. People are using this all the time for intelligence.

Also @ DaOpa, sorry for hijacking your thread, I think your suggestion would be a great idea.

Should this tell you when an enemy agent is online?

And should adding agents to your friends list require them to accept your "friend" invite, thus reducing the use of the friends list for spying?

I'd actually say 2-3 hrs per day, as an average across the week. Which is kind of low for me.

Most of the time I either run missions or do artifact scanning on my industry alt. Occasionally I log into my main combat character and some pvp happens.

There is a reason that three pvp islands created three main powerblocs in the first few months of the game. If there had been two islands, two powerblocs would have been created.

A single island is the default self-sufficient political unit because it's defendable and scoutable, assuming you have sufficient active players. You cannot have competing corps actively controlling different outposts on the same island...or at least not for long. It's not a sustainable war for anyone, particularly given the lack of benefits outposts provide in comparison to the cost of defending them.

More outposts and less islands will just encourage political centralisation.

If you want to support smaller corps moving out to beta islands, you need to add more islands with single outposts.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

This is what the devs should be putting in the game. Awesome!

I would love to have this.

But apparently this will require the devs completely hacking the UI. So we won't see it any time soon.

Another freeware program you can use for vector images is Inkscape. Works pretty well.


I think it needs to be something that takes a short time to capture, so you're not sitting around waiting too long.

Anyway I support this idea, if it can be made to encourage small squad pvp. I like the timing Glimpse suggested for them being vulnerable for 1 hour every 22 hours.

Does this mean that at some point there will be the possibility of creating advertisment space somewhere within the game world that can be rented by trader, people offering service or corps? smile

Yeah, I mainly go to mmorpg.com for the games list because where else am I going to find out about new games? Except I wish they would include more filter categories, particularly ones for theme park vs sandbox, 2D vs 3D, browser vs separate client, FPS/RPG/RTS, FPV vs TPV etc, open world vs instanced.

I can't remember where I found Perpetuum...it was either mmorpg.com or via people I knew in Mortal Online.

I wouldn't ever use either their reviews or their forums as a basis to decide whether to play an MMO or not. But PO having a higher profile with them certainly wouldn't do any harm, whatever reservations people have about the quality of the journalism and the community.

Some of the columns are interesting - I really enjoyed Sanya Weathers, and was disappointed when she stopped writing for them.

Grim Faust wrote:

I think you know it was kind of a *** move to destroy the research char.

Basically, I think this sums up why TBA is more suited to M2S than AXE.

It also highlights the poor design of the prototyping process, since it makes corps very vulnerable to key player inactivity, and encourages them to share accounts. I'm pretty sure AXE is not the only corp that had a prototyper more than one person in the corp could access. This is a game design flaw more than anything.

I actually agree, this would be a nice feature.

But the one thing I didn't like in GW was the fact you couldn't identify who was drawing on the radar.

There was always some kid who thought *** were the last word in humour, and insisted on sharing this fact with the rest of the group. But you couldn't kick him if you didn't know who it was tongue

DEV Zoom wrote:

Beer flavoured cookies?

I was going to say no. Just no. Even if peanuts are involved.

But then I discovered such things do exist. As do beer and pretzel marshmallows.

I promise to send some when POS/terraforming is released.

I'm impressed too. Cookies for all devs.

Or perhaps they prefer beer?

I can't believe that you put in so many links and completely forgot to include your theme song...


It would also tell people not in a player corp who owns what. I have no idea why this information is not made available to them.


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I would suggest adding spaces instead of commas or decimals, since that would avoid both Euros and Brits/Americans getting confused over a different convention. I think they have already done this in some parts of the game.

100 000
1 000 000

The increase for the 360 days sub is an extra 5 pence per day. And also since I already bought 365 day subs I don't really care. Next year I probably won't even remember this ever happened.

Edit: but reading the other posts, yeah, they shouldn't advertise an expansion as free if they put subs up on the basis of it...even if the cost is negligible.

I thought you were already married?

Wait...don't tell me...your wife is Glimpse...