Topic: Corp posters

Was thinking today about new players and how it would be neat to have corps put up posters on the terminal walls, so when you hit the terrain you can see what corps or recruiting or any type of message, even put the corp image on the outpost they own.

just an idea!

Inner Ring Excavations
Kciredor Nov --- Mining and Industry
Skao Nov --- PVP, when i get another account.

Re: Corp posters

Not bad idea. I think It would be fine. (But low priority)

Energy to Earth!

18.01.2014. [12:57:58] <BeastmodeGuNs> after that i remembered all those warning about 1v1 you lol, and i found out why xD

Re: Corp posters

I can already see the trollface.jpg on Koykili walls big_smile

Re: Corp posters

Like I said for the post about billboards, as long as I can tag the image then +1

*shakes spraycan*

Re: Corp posters

Oh yes, must be able to tag the pics, and to add more, how about spray paint to do some graffiti on enemy outposts and just add some color to our world.

Inner Ring Excavations
Kciredor Nov --- Mining and Industry
Skao Nov --- PVP, when i get another account.

Re: Corp posters

One of the bottlenecks we have with that is that right now we don't have the option to create a texture out of a corp logo - not a particularly big issue but we haven't written code for it yet. Once that's done we can consider placing them on robots, terminals, teleports, decoration, etc.

[14:15:15] <Freya Sabbat> ...Dear god, the Devs are as bad as us

Re: Corp posters

So, if I produce say.. a bunch of Laird MK II's with my PIE logo on them, I can sell them and get some free advertising!

Re: Corp posters

DEV Gargaj wrote:

One of the bottlenecks we have with that is that right now we don't have the option to create a texture out of a corp logo - not a particularly big issue but we haven't written code for it yet. Once that's done we can consider placing them on robots, terminals, teleports, decoration, etc.

Sweet! Would love to see it.

"...playing a game is the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles."
Bernard Suits, 1978