Absolutelly agree with both of last  Kalsius´s posts.
Do not focus on the vocals only. Since outpost´s intrusion have alrdy been bit tweaked and doubt any more change would fix any better the current situation. A system of POS, even simple one; with mining bonuses, or alike as has been mentioned too; may be imo a good solution to drag more ppl into beta islands and make them stay there, giving again a real utility of living in a beta outpost since you would be living closer to your POS in order to defend it properlly.
The cost/risk issue its the one that should be balanced very carefully; its could be like the incubators where you can pay some cash and defend or supervise your plant untill you have reimbursed the cost, or simply plant it there and go by later with higher risk, having a chance of getting a bad result. Just make it a little more complex, like relation dependant or extension, with high costs and a chance of dying by itself or not being productive-efective (ofc only from market, no crafteable).+hf all

Hi there ,)
To your military account; i would restrict all non fighting extensions to those u strictlly need to be efficient as backup for your miner. Sometimes even cheaper to just create alter with some starting extensions and more related atributes (hence more cheap extensions). The combat characters seem to be the more specialization-demanding ones imo.
For your indus- miner; no sure how much EP need to be a uber repairer but mining at least dont take much EP if u stick to lvl 5 in relevant extensions; industry on the other hand takes loads of EP and mats so might be a bit harder. The mining bot by excelence its the Termis, much more productive than Argano but quite a pain in the *** to fit and make acc stable; so its quite interesting to jump to mech industrial robots asap.
Mineral yields seem to be much higher in the new 3 alpha islands, but might be too soon 4 u to move there as no assignements will be avaliable 4 u there yet.
I roll Asintec too, little behind in some aspects but we will get some Love one day.
Finally miner/repair & fighter/hauling pretty good combination. see u ))

fuking lulz too;
kernel drop was fking unfair, seeing some of you now asking for an "improvement" its hilarius.


(10 replies, posted in Balancing)

Again, as nobody made any valid counterargument.
Why, if i am in a corp i can choose to sell my mats ie to my corpmates ,. even with lower inmediate profit but i can not buy from a corp at my choice.
@ Guns, your 101 thing its plain wrong. Some other factors interfere in market besides price and we all know; proximity and timing are some, and politics could be also one if we had the tools.
@ Arga i dont agree either, the grieffing its now; where lots of products dont reach public market and those who do are generally more overpriced than before; hence newcomers are forced to compete on a market with no buyers (as your old corp can surelly suply much cheaper) and buy at more expensive prices. If i had the choice i would buy from small miners, corps even if it would be more expensive.
This alone might seem insignificant to you, but along with the kernel nerf its absolutelly killing market. Now its almost impossible to compete. Also last patch, making corp buy /sell orders EP free, its making this problem even worst. Where its the counterefect of leaving the public market? why individuals and small corps are in such disadvantage again? if i wanted to make money in market i had to sacrifice some ep, now people can save their ep´s and still get advantage from market.
I liked anonymity on market, you removed it parcially benefitting big corps again; hurting game ultiamtelly; remove all anonimity and give cookies for all.


(10 replies, posted in Balancing)

Hello all,
I feel like making a small rant about this very feature so here it comes;
Lot of ppl asked for this change, i see how their lazyness got heared and have no much else to say, besides that this feature hurts badlly a alrrdy weak market.
On the other hand this change should have some kind of countereffect. And i mean by this, that if Big Corps, want to be autosufficient kudos, but at same time the rest of players should have the right to leave them out of the market, remove anonimity in market so the rest of us can also choose who to buy; that would bring some little balance. Personally i liked how it was before; pure market pvp. With the corp market thing some prices rised without a explication and a lot of others are dissapeared form public market; this only good for those who dont need more help. I dont want to buy products from corporations who have such respectable tactic as its not helping the rest of competitors buying their products, killing the market at same time and making new players even more hard to compete.
ps: we can test if some of you that dont agree are the same ppl who said kernel nerf would have no influence over kernel comerce.:lol:

Fighters might lack a personal motivation for fight (??!! ?), but if you ask your corpmates they surelly have preferences on what kind of outpost they would like to be refining, recycling or porducing their goods. They surelly have preferences based on reputation, ore or kernel proximity and things alike,such preferences are put in order to get higher beneffits and lower costs from producing, so you can eventually outproduce your competitors and kill them all. Like any other game, its pointless unless u want to play it, or two dont fight if one of them does not want to.
Population and retention seems a problem most niche games have to face soon or sooner, to me it is not in a point where its gamebreacking; i see some healthy corps and new ones with new roles appear every week. Market could be better, but here the problem i think its the corp buy/sel orders whic has damaged badlly the market, along with the kernel nerf, wich destroyed all kernel market, these where bad changes and should be reverted imho since only beneficed the wealthy and made the gap for new players even larger. Moar accesible and moar publicity pls.

I dont see how more terminals would make the game more fun; atm lot of them are almost unused (mostlly on Beta islands and i could guess old alphas). If u had only 2 facilities in each outpost ppl would live in those with the facilities needed, just like now and would only venture out in case they needed something from outside, like now. I liked how new islands have less outposts, makes harder to big corps to control all their territory; M2S may own 70% of outposts, but cant control 70% of territory; also mining, npc farmand scout gets more complex. With current playerbase last thing we need imo its more territory or personal outposts.
I say go gerrilla, find a god outpost ,. set a ninja base and have fun. No need a hugecorp to handhandle you through beta islands; the only *but* its u need to have some foundings to make that risky enterprise profitable.
I think main issue now with game its political imbalance, and how playerbase tend to get sucked by the WIN guilds in most mmo´s, no ofences ofc.


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Hi, im not a lot into pvp; but i ride thelodica and i see what u mean but in a diferent way.
Problem with line of sight is huge disavantage and gets explioted everytime, but there are some situations Seths or Arties can be quite deadfull, so defender ambushes and opefield only fights its our place for now if u ask m.
Any LOS tweak would be welcome thou.

Line wrote:

also you can read a book, or watch tv, or even wash some dish - your wife will be happy


Mr Styx u may be a little biased here since kernels have no more utility for your corp. This game nor any mmorpg belongs to megacorps, its called sharing and ppl learn that as youngsters, why would newcomers or med to small sized corps have to invest more time to feel the "progression" wind in their faces, than your well timed and adverted gang did (no ofense).
I say if there was an issue with knowledge base being too common, there might be other options than giving again such disadvantage to big corps (drop rate to 70%, change spawns, drop % of knowledge learnt and so, .,)

I agree with OP, revert drop rate mayb no back to 100% but if u ask me i dont think we had a significant issue with Kernels; the where hard to get and expensive, unless you are a dedicated 100+ players corp, in which case no matter how hard and grindy you make it they will still cut through your grind like butter.
Mayb Kernel thing was not perfect BUT changes like this in a long term MMORPG 6months from launch alrrdy,  promote imo the possible imbalance betwen the megasheep corps and medium-independent industrialists even more.
Devs need to slow game for those who completed the game no for those who are way behind lol, or gap will just increase.
Every game the same; we have a very vocal group of professional players who never get enough satisfaction, and some devs allways fall keeping up with this ppls desires or idea of their game; in the meantime paying customers with same rights but less time get screwed and loled; pls get back to real.
ty 4 ur time:D


(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

I dont rlly mind about buy orders on Kernels, but lowering drop rate to 50% is way too much a imbalance imho

nice read ., ethical discrepances at most, or also "Rookie Dev team meets Mmo shark".
Seems Devs had a naive behaviour on this subject, but good comunication can fix all, and its good to hear some apologies (rare response to a common situation).
Players where told insurance was legit, and some decided to prove how wrong Dev´s where, get used to that. Some ppl play games to find their flaws, they are entitled to do so, but imho Dev´s works is too to perma balance game and even make adhoc rules to correct imbalances caused by large escale frauds. Insurance had no problem at all itself unless u make it you main activity in game, why do so, because you gain more billions? pls, ethical issues indeed.
life working as intended


(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

aww,. no very constructive 2cent Jelan
by we u reffering to the 250ish semis alts online?:D
If we had more things to do mayb more ppl will log., each mech with it own honk easy feature and might be fun for ppl. Might dislike some of us and knowing their resons is interesting too.


(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Pls Devs, and comunity ,. how about a small sound we can make when crossing mates. Give some fluff ,.sand or whatever , we never know what comunity will enjoy.