(188 replies, posted in News and information)

Arga wrote:


If the equipment standard was T2-T3 I would agree with you, but its not.  Let's be honest here, if you aren't bringing T4, its a trash fit.  As a new player coming into this game, they not only face a resource gap, and EP gap, and an equipment gap.  New players are not going to be able to buy T4 gear all the time.  They wont be able to afford it.  But if you give them the goal of say, if you grind it out for 3 months you can get your research done for the corp.  they now have access to good gear which will swing the odds a little so they are not at such a major disadvantage. 
So long as T4 is the standard loadout, it has to be obtainable for new players with in a reasonable amount of time.  it cant be some way far off goal, or people wont stay.


(188 replies, posted in News and information)

The problem I see with this whole idea is, the Vet corps will not have to deal with this.  I assume that all the Vet corps have all been stockpiling kernels (and now, Saving EP too).  I have been, and I know that many others are doing the same.  The second this patch drops the Vet corps will first max out personal research, and then dump all their excess RP into the corp.  I don't care what kind of multiplier the DEV's implement.  Do to beacon pits, Observer timers, and the fact that we have known that this patch was coming for months, and have all been stockpiling kernels.  This multiplier will not matter to us because we have more kernels than will ever be needed to finish all the tech.  This will not be the case for new players/new corps.  They will have to grind all of the kernels, or join one of the major power blocks. 

On the topic of power blocks,  yes, they are very detrimental to the game.  There needs to be many many different corps.  If they align into major power blocks that is fine (Which they will do) so long as there are lots of different corps in a coalition.  But this 2 party system we have now doesn't work.  Ask any American how well a 2 party system works for its government.  And by making it so that the Vet corps get the research instantly, while the new corps have to grind out the research for months, if not years,  that just further separates the old guard from any new players that come in. 

The system we have now is basically this.  If you aren't T4 fit, you are at a disadvantage, because everyone else is T4 fit.  So long as the de facto standard is T4, then the new corps need to be able to get there quickly.  And no, the new players wont be able to buy T4 with any regularity, because as demand goes up, price goes up.  So the more new players we get the higher the demand will be, the more the Producers can charge for their products.  Not to mention that the more players we get the more PVP there will be, which then further increase the demand.  On top of that, even if you are T4 fit, but your skills aren't maxed or closed to max, you are still at a disadvantage.  But, by getting the new corps to higher grade equipment sooner, they can mitigate the equipment disadvantage, and then it just becomes a question of EP / PVP experience.  Or, somehow we find a way to lower the standard of equipment to T2 and make T4 the really special stuff.  This will not happen of course, because again, the Vet corps don't produce 20 T4 items anymore, they produce 300  T4 items at a time, and have been hording equipment for months if not years.


(188 replies, posted in News and information)

Complexity is the multiplier that is added to the EP requirment for the next level.  ie  how fast the EP increases for the next level of said skill.  Long range targeting for example is relatively cheap to max out.  Spec Ops skill is a level 9 skill (I think)  and it it requires huge amounts of EP to max out.  So if the proto skills are fairly low level it wont be to bad.  If they are above level 5 then its going to be a massive investment in EP. 

From my point of view this is not the way to do it.  Adding EP sinks into the game is the wrong way to go.  This just further increases the gap between new players and Vets.  If you want to go indy, it is already a daunting task to get a high level indy toon for just mining/production.  Now you are gonna add more EP requirements to add in protoing?  Not to mention the huge grind people are going to have to do just to get the kernels in the first place (Thanks to the beacon nerf)  Which the vets wont have to do, because they already have it done.

One of the biggest challenges STC faced in the beginning was getting good equipment.  We had to buy almost all of our equipment off of the market, which made it not only expensive, but also not reliable.  There is still a huge difference between a Vet rolling full T4 and a new player rolling full T4.  The new players need any and every advantage that they can get to even the playing field.  Making it that much harder for them to get the good equipment will just make it harder for them to PVP and lose equipment.

we didn't take kara after Dana, we took Initia, and you had nothing to do with that.  We took initia because BKK couldn't hold there OP with a 3 man corp.  again you had nothing to do with it smile  nice try though.

LOL is that what lemon told you?  I know you have delusions of grandeur but dam man, that takes the cake.  Lemon was the one trying to take Karapyth (He succeeded).  And I'm not sure if you know that the modest fee, as you call it, is not a fee, its called extortion.  Well played btw.  From what we hear, the gear you extorted out of RAWR will fuel your corps PVP for the next year.


^  these kills took place less than a month after STC joined the game.  The first one less that 2 weeks after we started playing (During lemons seige of Dana)  And that's just me, not counting every other player in STC at the time (There is plenty more if you would like me to post them).  Using velvet gloves?  You either don't understand that phrase, or have paranoid delusions.  Not sure which.  True, history is written by the winners, but it usually only takes effect after all those who remember it are dead. 

Again, I'm not faulting your guys for Attacking STC, it was an easy way for your corpies to pad there stats, and we enjoyed some of the fights, znd its not your fault, you were not even there during most of this.  But my whole point on this is that, When new corps join the game.  It doesn't help the population when things like this take place 2 weeks after they start playing.

Syndic wrote:


I think RAWR would beg to differ.  Secondly we didn't get pulled into M2Ss war.  We were constantly attacked by lemon and what is now PHM/Police, after playing the game for less than a month.  I forgive you for not knowing all this, because this all happened after your temper tantrum at the devs.  Lemon who repeatedly stated that he didn't attack newb corps, proceeded to take 3 STC outposts: Dana, Initia, and Kara.  This all happened because Lemon and Eharmony could not win against M2S/Hun or RG without the rest of the CIR fleet.  So they picked targets that would be easy to kill.  Anyone else see a pattern here? 

That being said, STC wanted fights, we wanted PVP, we were in it for the long run.  Most new corps are not this resilient, plus, we came in when the player population was much higher, so there was more things for us to do.  But please, dump the "holier than thou" BS.  You and Dom alliance banner of "we are mercenaries" was a very thin veil to cover you guys doing whatever the hell you wanted to, to whomever you wanted too.  And after, you just claim, "Oh we were paid".  At least 62nd had the balls to say "we are pirates, deal with it".

And yes, we do need to be a little bit nicer to new players, and new corps.  That is the only way this game will grow.  I'm not saying don't attack new corps or new players, but I am saying don't grind them out of the game.  there is a difference.

@Ville  Just because you change your name and flag, doesn't make you different.  Enron did the same thing, they are now called EOG resources.  Their simple name change is considered one of the greatest marketing stunts in history.  It doesn't, however, change the past.  Nice try though

Vroom wrote:

The flip side of Merkles post is it will be the same vets pushing the markets that will fuel pvp for newer clans trying to get a foothold on a pvp island, you'll be showing up to SAP provoking pvp, ghankking Indys while selling them all the bits and pieces on the market.  Why would you do this?  Because you can and everyone loves winning and you'll justify not hitting SAPs at first as just "friendly" PVP then after the new clans blueball a fight a few times then you'll hit SAPS to which you mount a huge offensive to crush their morale and then they'll eventually stop playing and you'll justify this well they shouldn't have been there in the first place.  Replace SAPs with turrets or w/e for Gamma.  Of course you wouldn't want to start fresh.  It's the vicious cycle of perpetuum.  It's the way this game is designed.

Just to be clear.  "Everyone" doesn't grind new corps out of the game, "YOU"  grind new corps out of the game.  Isn't that CIR's and friends Stated mission?  Wasn't Syndic's battle cry during the second War to grind everyone off of Beta?  The problem you have here is the "If I do it, everyone else must do it" mentality.  Kinda how a person who steals, is always worried about getting there stuff stolen.  As far as I can tell, your alliance is the only group in the game that has ground anybody off of the server.  Which is rather confusing to say the least, because you and your corpies are some of the loudest when it comes to screaming the game is dead.  Which then begs the question of why is syndic and friends here at all if you dislike this game to the point where you try and ruin it for everyone else?

If there is a complete wipe, i'm not coming back.  I can understand why they would consider it and no hard feelings on my part, but that would be the end for me.  I have invested too much money and time to start over.


(30 replies, posted in Balancing)

You cant "Solve" this problem, because there isn't a problem.  If you increase the time it takes to raise shields, you would make green pilots completely helpless on the battlefield.  I don't see any blue or red pilots "Armor" taking to long to go back up do you?  Green pilots are already the weakest DPS'ers on the field, now you want to make then even weaker?  Getting shot by a Tyro mk2 is equivalent to some one scratching your paint job.  This change wouldn't affect all the shield users either. it would just screw over anyone who flies a Tyro.

Basically you want to screw over the Tyro pilots, but allow all the other classes who use shields to keep on doing what they are doing?  you want to make shields Fair, fine.  Make it so EWAR cannot be used with shields up.  That would put them on an equal footing with the Tyros.  Not to mention the tyros are about as paper thin as the EWAR bots are.


(163 replies, posted in Balancing)

Line wrote:

Beta ownership => tasty missions => lots of tokens => beacons and ammo => all the profits.

He who control the tokens, control the Universe. And will control even more with just few SynShop improvements.

Again, I have to disagree.  If that were true, more people would be fighting over them.  And the missions really arn't worth it once you have made enough money/research/PVP ammo.  They need to be worth something to the corp, not an individual.  The only thing that is worth getting from SAP loot any more is Cortexes and Officer beacons.


(163 replies, posted in Balancing)

So basically the whole point of Gamma was to mine Epri?  The corps spent 10s of billions of Nic, and months of game time to be able to mine Epri in safety?  I disagree, you can run beacons, arty hunt, mine all the other common resources, gain a major production boost to non-speced indy toons, better calibration labs, refineries, recycling plants, etc etc.  Gammas aren't done yet, and when the new mods/bots get added there will be additional benefits.  I agree that Mining Epri in relative safety is one of the major benefits to Gamma, but its not the whole reason for them.  I see our gamma base more as an investment in the future. 

My whole point was that when gamma came out, it made Beta's completely obsolete besides missions.  Currently the only reason to have one is for bragging rights, so you can stand there a wave your corps flag.  Beta was where all of the fights occurred before, and should again.  They just need to be made important again.  How that is accomplished I don't really care, it just needs to happen.


(163 replies, posted in Balancing)

It seems to me, that the best thing for the game would be to just remove Epri from gamma, and make it a Beta only material.  This would make betas critically important for production. If Epri is only on Beta, it would force miners to mine Epri where they could be attacked.  This simple change would cause:

1) Epri prices up to where they should be. 

2) Encourage PVP, because miners are now vulnerable again, and must be defended or risk being killed.

3) Force more thought into logistics, because now not only do you have to mine the Epri on Beta, but now you have to get it off of Beta, to either Alpha or Gamma

4) Make Betas vital to a corp and thus worth defending or attacking.

This simple change would make roams viable again, because now you HAVE to defend your miners and Beta OP.  if you dont, your Epri supply gets cut off.  and the Roamers get to kill your miners.

And if you wanted to be really cruel, make Noralgis a beta only plant.  This would stop miners from planting 50+ pot farms, with no risk of losing it.  This would also cause the Norg prices to go back to where they should be, because now you cant harvest 10+ million every day inside your Fortress of Solitude A.K.A The Taj Mastuart.

This would also have the added benefit of making T2 and T3 gear more viable because T4 gear is more expensive and harder to get/produce.

Some of the Best memories i have of this game, are from the early days of STC when we had to Ninja mine Epri off of Hostile Betas, that *** was terrifying.


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

so you are saying that in a world of 7 billion people, there are not 5K people like you or me that would play this game?  most of the people that stop playing this game, do so because the population dropped to unsuitable levels.


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

At this point the steam launch is an all in situation.  If more people don't sub, the game dies.  if they do, it will succeed.  From a business standpoint, they have to develop the mechanics for a larger audience.  Interference, gamma bases, etc etc.  All of this must be developed and directed towards a large number of people.

According to valve, in may 2010, there were 20 million unique active accounts on steam (This number has only gotten bigger in the last 3 years, I just couldn't find the statistics for the current year) .  Hypothetically, lets say .1% try perp,  and lets say 25% of those who try it, sub.  .001 x 20,000,000 is 20K people.  25% of those people sub.  That's an influx of 5000 players.  Now, those numbers are hypothetical.  But they are also very reasonable.  This game needs to be designed with those kind of numbers in mind.  Because if its not, and those players do come, they game will be far more broken when the players show up, then it is now.  And if the players don't come, well you all know what will happen then.  We are currently in an "All or nothing" situation.  Because of that, the design of the game has to be towards larger numbers of players.


10K players is a stupidly large number of players?  I think you are grossly underestimating the number of people that play games.  There are currently 250K people playing Dota 2 RIGHT NOW (thats not total players, thats players currently playing, at this very moment).  There are 45K players playing TF2 RIGHT NOW.  I understand this game is not a AAA title, but 10K players is not a stupidly large number of players.  And this game is going to get a HUGE jump start in the advertising sector when it launches on steam (seeing how there was no advertising to begin with).  Think about how many people came into the game when RPS started to do its articles.  not to mention  the EX perp players that will come back to the game when the population grows.


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

I firmly believe a wipe and re-launch will not solve anything, and here is why.  For a server population of 200, yes Gamma is extremely over powered.  But this game, and its mechanics, can't be designed around 200 people.  Let's say the Steam launch brings in 5k-10k new players.  Lets just say that hypothetically, these players divide relatively equally among 5 power blocks.  10k players divided evenly is 2000 players per power block.  Now, think about the fleet sizes we will be seeing if 10K players do come into the game.  We wont be talking 40-50 bot fleets anymore.  Its gonna be 500+ bot fleets. I don't care how much terraforming you have done, or how many turrets you have.  There is not a single gamma base in this game, that could stand up against a 500 bot fleet.  This game has to be designed with large numbers of players in mind.  Just because Gamma is overpowered now, does not mean it's broken.


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I know you haven't promised anything yet (if its even possible), and you have A LOT on your plate already. But I just want to say thank you.  you guys are some of the most responsive game DEV's of any game that I have ever played.  So again thanks for all your hard work.


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

If it is not to much work, is there anyway that you could add in sub-folders?  As in allowing us to create folders inside of folders.  For example.  I would like to have one Main CT's folder, but inside of that folder I could have a folder for T1 ct's, another folder for T2 ct's, etc, etc, all inside of that "Main" CT's folder.  My industry toon has so many folders now, that it clogs up my terminal storage. 

Also, is there anyway to add in a materials folder that would allow my factory to pull from that folder for commodities, instead of my main storage.  And, if possible, have a folder that the produced items go into?  When running 30+ lines and producing so many items my storage is HUGE, and requires a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom.  I know it's not a big deal but it would be much more convenient for anyone who does large scale mass production.

Edit:  Can we also get produced items to automatically go into a stack instead of individual stacks of 1?


(43 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

So if im wrong ville what is

Mass wasting?  yes water CAN play a part in it but NOT ALWAYS. 

Not from google,  From a book I had to read for my geo physics class.
if you'd like to read the book I still have the PDF, and will gladly email it to you?  in most cases yes, water plays a huge part in erosion.



(33 replies, posted in Balancing)

i'm just curious jaz,  why the need for 2 pc's?  Cant you just run 2 clients on 1 pc? 

My old system was a core 2 duo with an 8800 gtx.  It was a low end system, and it ran 3 clients perfectly fine.


(43 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

technically speaking, if a planet has an atmosphere it has wind.  And since we have fog on Nia, there is an atmosphere, so there must be wind.  And to further this point,  if there is enough water vapor to form fog, then there is enough vapor to form higher altitude clouds which would then generate rain.

Erosion is not limited to just water.  Erosion can happen from ice, glaciers, snow, wind, water, gravity, and tectonic shift.  So no, erosion does not only happen from rain.


(100 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

my point is, stop *** about it and take the 2 hours needed to learn about API's and some basic HTML coding.  Its easy enough that even you should be able to do it.


(100 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

you apparently don't have time to make a new killboard, but you have plenty of time to *** about it on the forums?


(100 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Anyone has access to the API.  Its not some special club that only a select few have access to.  You just need to know what your doing to hook into it.  Its really not difficult at all.  The API is just a standardized access point that allows other software to communicate with a specific system,  and in this case pull information from there server/database.


(37 replies, posted in News and information)

Thank you for all your hard work!!  Yay for 6 month sell orders!!


(100 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Crusader wrote:

Because STCs Morale fiber is so high!  I don't know if its because they're terrible at trolling or if they're all sensitive little Nancys that care about what the Internet thinks of them..  Lol!

It has nothing to do with moral fiber.  It has everything to do with common decency.  The fact that you cannot understand how calling people F****s, and N*****s, is not only rude, its highly offensive, doesn't surprise me in the slightest.  It seems to be a running theme in your corp to spew racist and homophobic remarks at people.  Seeing how ville doesn't understand how the term "Jew" and "***"  is offensive, I wouldn't expect you to either.  Birds of a feather and all that. 


The one thing you are forgetting is that EVE has an established player base of over 50K players.  Those players aren't gonna leave because of a few rude comments.  However, Perp has an established player base of 200 people.  This game is trying to attract new players, and comments like that WILL keep people away.  Tbh I don't really care about all the racist/homophobic stuff.  It doesn't bother me in the slightest, but just like all of you, I want to see this game grow and become successful.  Ever wonder why League of Legends has so few new players?  Its because they have one of the most hostile and hateful player base of any game I have seen.  But again, LOL has an established player base.  THIS GAME DOES NOT. 

And more to the point as a DEV,  an owner of a business, and product that you are trying to sell, you don't want sites like Perp-Kill turning your future customers away.  Don't get me wrong, I hope an offical, or officially sponsored kill board can go up, with comments only allowed to logged in users.  There were some hilarious comments on there, and I hope to see them come back,  you just can't give people the ability to post anon cause then you get what we had before.

Anyone else notice the similarity between perp-kill comments and the pre-pubescent bullS*hit that is spammed through the MIC on Xbox live?

Edit:  spelling