Jita wrote:

As it is currently Gamma will be in the same *** state as before and it won't be the aid to game repopulation it should be. I'm beginning to agree with the people who say it should have been binned and PVE content prioritised.

This, +100000000

Especially since we're, what, 4 months into the project with no end in sight, and the end we do see is looking rather dull. Time that could have been spent on adding pve content that could have a chance at retaining a larger number of players.

I KIND OF agree with you on the first part Celebro, but the second part I disagree. Gamma SHOULD have the best, and by far the best, exactly because of the risk required to build and maintain a gamma base.

Self sufficiency should be a main feature to gamma IMO, but the last iteration of gamma made it close to impenetrable.

Basically gamma should be an island you can build a base on, and be FAIRLY safe within, lets say 2km of that base. (I.e you can protect your investment and yourself with turrets). That doesn't mean wall off the island and make it to where it takes 12 hours of terraforming to get a fleet on it. For your risk (i.e billions of nic worth of base assets) you should enjoy the best ratting, mining and production. Seems pretty simple to me from a philosophical standpoint.

That's my point.

If the vets move to gamma and start fighting over that, their attention will be away from beta which gives new players a place to exploit for their own purposes. This is a good thing! They can get their feet wet on beta and should they desire use that to fuel their push for their own gamma. All good for the game.

Isn't gamma supposed to be "endgame"?

The economy was "ruined" as you put it by the fact that you could mine in complete safety forever and ever and ever. There's nothing wrong with a self sufficient gamma island, with the previous bonuses for building, PROVIDED THAT THE ISLAND ISNT' DAMN NEAR COMPLETELY SAFE>>> like it was before. I don't know, from my perspective why would I spend time, resources and risk my assets to move *** out to gamma in order to be able to build *** there? Much safer and time efficient to just ship stuff FROM gamma to an alpha 2 and do production there.

If people move to a gamma island, it gives NEW PEOPLE somewhere to move and still be able to aquire the same *** as gamma folks, except for colixium. So now, the bitter vets move to gamma, the new players move to beta, pvp happens, mining epriton happens, game is good. There's a logical progression there.

Look at this realisticly not from some lofty idealistic viewpoint of what could and should happen. There's MAYBE 3 groups of players in the game that will build bases on gamma, and one of them currently own's 9/10th's of the beta stations.

Considering that Dom has a not lockable npc station anyone can dock in, the fact that in the last week we've hit several saps, and bombed 50+ noralgis plants, and killed heavies on the island, I would say that you're wrong about it being "a turtle island without turrets."

Now, when I came back late last year, and jumped onto bergers for the first time, THAT is what I would call a "turtle Island", being that there were mudwalls lined with really scary turrets that locked at 1800m. For someone to get onto bergers and past that wall took serious effort with terraformers.

Any island I can jump into, freely walk off the gate and not get shot by turrets... well, that's just an island ripe for roaming.

The whole reason for taking epri off of gamma was that you could mine it from docking range of a base, on an island that took tons of prep work just to get on it. Fix those two problems and there's really no reason why epri shouldn't be on gamma, unless you're planning on adding another high end ore found only on gamma, or make colixium be required for all mk2 production or something along those lines. As it is, there's really not much point in putting billions of nic worth of base mods on an island you can't rat on or mine epri. Except for maybe one alliance so they can protect their noralgis farms a little better lol

Awesome Humble bundle up right now.


(21 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Syndic wrote:

Close the topic please, everything is fine forget I ever mentioned it.

Since apparently my other post disappeared, maybe I forgot to hit submit reply or something, but I must say, I love it when Sinny admits defeat.


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Syndic wrote:

Close topic

Everything is fine. lol

I love it when sinny admits defeat.


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The QQ is strong in this thread.


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Gwyndor wrote:

You aren't making more money on alpha than on beta when using bombs worked. You say you have been farming alpha but I have yet to see it and if you were making better money there then why were you doing beacons on beta to begin with? Your logic is not very logical.

It's because they're not, and it's all just forum warriors pvping with devs.

All this talk about alpha is just a smoke and mirrors trick anyways, as still --- BY FAR --- THE BEST  --- nic per hour is mining epriton, with nora farms a close second, the first which can ONLY be done on beta and the 2nd which is much better on beta provided you can protect the plants.

Sindick is just mad that we've been blowing up their mechs on gates and there's nothing he can do about it. We don't own a beta he can come and take. We haven't been mining on beta, so he can't gank us there. They were called out on abusing plasma bombs and beacons, and since there's nothing ingame they can do to get back at us, they're trying to get the devs to nerf alpha.

QQ moar.


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I'm seeing a cycle here.

Everytime we gank their heavy mechs on a gate, there's a new forum post about farming on alpha.


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Oh noes! someone is making ~30 million and hour with 2 accounts that have over 1m ep ! on alpha!!!!


They're actually using their guns and mk2 heavy mechs! They're not using plasma bombs and arkhes to abuse *** like we did!!



(21 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

u mad bro?

-> Syndic's fault <-

This is the result of the orange bot change many months ago, so blame your lackeys for ruining yet another aspect of this game.


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ville wrote:
ChernoChiel wrote:

Hello Player Ville !

it makes me realy happy to hear this splendid news player Ville, this must mean that you do not hate me annymore ! and that your griefing words that you typed a few weeks ago on this forum that seriously ehurt my feelings where but a mere mistake !

its good to see that you player Ville have changed so much!

i wish you good and save travels on Nia!

Dear Player Cherno.
There is no hate towards you, never was.  I merely find you to be more annoying than any other player I have encountered in my perpetuum career.  With that said I just keep imaging you, Tamas, Jita and Lucian in the same team speak channel and giggle to myself waiting for the ticking time bomb. 

I hope all is well, good luck in your future endeavors.

They're getting along like champs. Jita and Lucian shared a room and kissed and made up, heavy mk2's were ganked and all is right with the world.

PVE content has been proven to be vastly more preferred by the majority of people who play games, and this game's pve content gets old and stale fast.

Besides, a lot of people who love PVE love to pvp part time, and even part time pvpers are preferable to stagnation.

This game has so much potential from a PVE standpoint. Remember the opening of the Alpha 2 Islands? We had to clear out tons of npcs to "unlock" the terminals. I had a great time, rolling out with RG and 62nd to clear out Shinjalar.

Incursions by npcs would be an awesome idea. Random events where the natives attempt to take back an Island, or two or three. It fit's in with Hunter's post about mutual goals as well... Maybe the NPCs are so strong most of the player base has to band together to force them back...

Islands with real time npc wars taking place. Band together with robots of your same race in order to win objectives.

Teleports that take you to another island (instanced probably) where you have to complete objectives with some sort of boss robot fight or a big fight against a walled off turreted npc fortification. Maybe even make some of them put a sort of beacon that can be hacked by enemy forces (players) and raided for further pvp content.

This game needs this pve content, as well as new shiny (super expensive bots most everyone will only use for pve -- that doesn't come from materials only found on pvp islands).  I've been saying this for 3 years. Maybe we'd be able to hit those 5000+ concurrent player goals I know this game is capable of... if only it had a touch more.

Problem is, Devs are too small a team to be able to implement anything like this in any kind of timeframe beyond years, and since moving the servers they're too broke to be able to hire more devs for that content. I don't mean this to be offensive to the devs, you guys have worked so hard on this for so many years... but realisticly it's just a pipe dream.

Probaly doesn't help much that the current playerbase is screaming for Gamma to be done either, but I doubt that's going to make much a difference with the population. (i.e I doubt we're gonna see more people playing once gamma is re-released than there are now.) I know a 2nd look at missions is planned after the gamma re-release, but hopefully, as soon as possible after gamma we can get some PVE love going in this game.

Big surprise those 3 post and make it about them.

The 3 biggest griefers in the game...

Syndic wrote:

The only thing that needs to be dealt with is the constant expectation that the Developers will intervene and change game mechanics because someone doesn't play the way you want them to play.

If I want kill mobs, I'll go kill mobs as I damn please. If I want to ewar mobs, I'll go ewar mobs as I damn please too.

Again, this isn't about you... it's about everyone. Remember when there was a bug for a day that the factory was producing prototypes? I reported it the moment I found out about it. Thankfully I wasn't the first person to report it even.

Can you imagine, a bug like that, and no one reporting it? These are the things we're talking about here. Keep thinking this is all about you though, it's pretty funny watching you squirm.

Gwyndor wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:
Jita wrote:

what I would suggest is that rather than take up development time creating imperfect fixes the devs just declare them as exploits with people doing it actionable under the EULA.

How much development time do you think would it take to actually enforce this idea? Detecting it, proving it, handling the reports, handling the aftermath of a punishment, etc.

I'll tell you: a lot more.

Quit being cheap and hire another dev or two or someone to do the heavy lifting. I don't feel bad for you at all because you are the worst about delegating. Just realize you don't know how to manage this wonderful concept for a game and sell it to someone who will do right for it.


Syndic wrote:

Whats abusing in-game mechanics? They're mechanics. You use them. Are you abusing in-game mechanics by fitting support items on a mining robot to be immortal while farming spawns? No. Everyone uses mechanics in different ways. You couldn't do it because we wouldn't let you, so you huffed and puffed and took your ball home to mommy.

Because doing tons of beacons with plasma bombs in arkhes is on the same level as using a indy bot as remote rep.
Again with trying to bring us down to your level.

And because I have to... again... i'll state...






(65 replies, posted in Balancing)

Don't listen to the hype about beacons, the best way to make nic in game is still by far located on beta as in Epriton mining and noralgis (which has more on it in beta then alpha, and if you "control" an area is safer to do) harvesting.

By far.

Most of this is corp spin -- CIR/77th got busted abusing mechanics which prompted a kneejerk reaction by the devs which nerfed ratting in general on beta, and will probably be fixed once the devs get around to fixing it better. Now they're trying to push for limiting alpha income by claiming everyone on alpha macro mines 24/7 and macro's beacons with 14 accounts. It's simply not true.

Because not wanting someone to ABUSE IN-GAME MECHANICS is all about you, right?

Do you really think anyone would have reacted differently if it would have been [insert random corp name here] instead of you? If you do, get over yourself because not everything is about you.


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Rage Blackout wrote:
Syndic wrote:

Because macroing spawns on Alpha is morally superior to blowing up beacons with plasma bombs. roll


Who's macroing spawns on alpha? No one that I know of. I have a combat and a RR repping it. Stop trying to drag us down to your level, not all of us are douchnozzles like you.


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Syndic wrote:

The abuse is still ongoing.

Alpha = No risk, maximum reward.

If I tried to do beacons on Beta this fast, I would lose half the containers to explosion damage.

Beta = Maximum risk, average reward.

This is why nobody is playing, because there's no reason to play. Just turn the bot on and watch TV, until they get bored of turning the bot on in the first place.

Maybe next time you'll think twice before abusing mechanics to gain an advantage. You screwed yourself over with all of this, and I personally think it's just cause. Dragging red mobs on players in alpha got them all turned orange, abusing beacons with bombs and explosion damage got that nerfed. Stop crying as you have no one to blame but yourselves. Can your ego not take doing something on alpha to turn a profit? I promise not to look down on you (anymore then I already do) because you're farming beacons on alpha.

You know, if this was Eve with 5000+ star systems and 5000+ wormhole systems, I guess I could kind of agree with the "Make sure no one is around" statement. As it is in this game, with people covering nearly all of the alpha terminals with alts, it's a little hard to move anywhere without being spotted. Add to that detectors on castels and it IS impossible if someone is watching.

You know, it's kind of funny that all of the game's "griefing" come from 2 corps, and they're allied. Fitting.