(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

HereticZero wrote:

Life-time/No-Sub/Free-to-play account means more players. 

P.S. I'm back.

Oh *** son, I had massive amounts of fun killing you at moyar. Should be awesome.

Rage Blackout wrote:

I was about to buy reaper of souls D3 expansion, when I saw this I was so put off by it..  i dont even want to give blizz any money now.



I hear you on that one, but I must say, the expansion is amazing and made the game good, like LOD made d2 good.

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:
Jasdemi wrote:
Ville wrote:





Syndic wrote:

Just including the booster in the steam-price would be pretty good for new players and for sale numbers.

Agreed, and a great idea. All other subscription games out there come with the first month included in the box price. 30 days of premium access with the purchase of a new account on steam.... Get-r-done!


(107 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think a lot of *rose colored glasses* are going on here. The old intrusion system was dumb. I know you remember M2S signing up to every intrusion for weeks and weeks and never even showing up. It might not be great the way it is now, but IMO it's better then the old system. And people *** about the old system a lot which is why they changed it anyways. Having the fate of your station on the hook every 3 days for a 1 time shot when the enemy outnumbers you doesn't sound like much fun to me.


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Burial wrote:

T2+ and T4+ gear to Syndicate Store would solve the shininess issue. T4+ could be for sale there at 500-1500 tokens each and T2+ perhaps 50-150. Since those items are non-manufacturable they wouldn't be breaking industrialists backs either.

I like this idea.


(99 replies, posted in Bugs)

Martha Stuart wrote:

@ Devs

This is not one of those situations where we talk this out and debate back and forth.  Let me lay this out.  You have a game breaking glitch that has effectively negated a huge portion of your game.  This is not Beacon TFing, or spark tele, or gamma, or any of the other major changes you have planned that require careful thought and time to get right. 

This glitch has broken your game.  Shut down the inter island PVP flag and then fix the problem.  I don't care if it takes 6 months.  But you need to squash this glitch right now and fix it later.  This is game breaking.  i don't care if haulers and un-flagged bots can do it.  But entire fleets cannot be aloud to disappear into perfect saftey whenever the tide turns against them.

It's just another tactic. It can be countered by 100 different things, and to be honest, watching people jump out on an armored teleport and this are nearly the same thing.

@ Cassius - Maybe, maybe not. I'm not afraid to lose bots in pvp. I wouldn't have flagged on a gate with you guys if I was. I was being told on TS to blow up on ya'll.

Stranger Danger wrote:

I think its a great idea to reset Gamma. 

Also I think the changes are good (I hated 100 foot sheer walls made from dirt it was stupid) so long as they supplement the loss of vertical walls with structure walls that can be destroyed. 

Just make sure to do the reset just before steam launch.  I will come back for sure when that happens, and look forward to building another base, without 50 hours of vertical wall terraforming.

The old Gamma sucked.  Make impenetrable islands that would take days to terraform into and were boring as hell to defend (granted the 5 vs 5 base wars was part of the problem...but having a terraform war was lame)

Also hows the population in game looking?  Been bit by a nasty ARPG bug but will probably be in the mood for sex robots come fall...how far off are we from steam here?

Which ARPG?


(99 replies, posted in Bugs)

Cassius wrote:

Smokey, I crash sometimes as well when I use teleports, or enter terminal, or whatever. You were PvP flagged and your heavy was almost dead to a group of assaults.

Maybe no conspiracy on your part, but why did you not restart your client?

And Ville, Merkle gonna hide fleets at tps now? So far who has used this exploit? Or more politely said, who has benefitted from this unintended side effect of allowing externally flagged PvP jumping? Not our side.  And tell me since Peanut was aware of this for awhile, when exactly did he report it to the Devs? Oh right, he didn't. Why?

Its clearly not an intended mechanic. I will never use it. If I crash while jumping, in any situation, you can bet your *** I will be relogging as fast as my comp will let me.

In the immediate, please restore no external PvP flagged jumping, as it was before. Jita stated it simply, declare it an exploit and ban anyone who uses it. Inform anyone if they crash while jumping, unintended, they need to relog in immediately or they may be accused of abusing mechanics. Just make it clear. And figure out a fix in the meantime.

I did.... Crashed, restarted, asked in TS if it was safe to log back in, they said yes you guys had already moved off the tele, so I logged in. Had about 1/3rd armor left started repping and running down to where everyone else was.

And, the old saying.... Almost doesn't count unless it's horse shoes and hand grenades.


(99 replies, posted in Bugs)

-1 for not being able to jump while aggressed. Gives who ever is attacking the advantage every time. Like someone else said, there'd be no escape. Why bother with armored teleports if all you have to do is shoot the person wanting to jump.

Bad Idea. Sorry I don't have any suggestions as to how to fix it, but that's why I pay you $30 a month.


(99 replies, posted in Bugs)

My client crashed.

I thought I'd log in and be in terminal, and surprise... I wasn't and I got to *** merkle's cam with mah mighty seth of doom.

Sorry Hunter, there's no conspiracy here.


(235 replies, posted in Balancing)

Just remove the whole goddamn thing. Seriously. If you can't terraform a *** with the words "Inda's Fault" then what's the point? The only reason to live on gamma is you can mudwall your island to safety. Everything else is better on beta. My *** factor is really low for gamma. I'd rather live on alpha. At least I can mine epri if I lived on beta.

Hunter wrote:

DeV's officially told about that. It will be possible regiester 1 account on steam and use others through old system.

Ahh, ok must have missed that post. Glad it's been addressed.

Brutux wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

Well, Mongolia Jones' slots idea, but to specify and expand a bit:

* Your 10 target slots become 10 "slot credits"
* Different terminals/outposts cost different slot credits:
   - 1 slot: Alpha 1 terminals and outposts
   - 2 slot: Alpha 2 and Beta main terminals
   - 3 slot: Beta outposts and Gamma terminals
* Teleport fee would depend on range to the target, could be in the range of 10,000-5,000,000 NIC on an exponential curve

And I have to talk to the guys about this, can't tell any dates until that.

Terrible idea. You are trying to fix PvP and you are punishing industry and everyone else.
I have 7 sparks. They are:

3 stations on Imidero

My blood spark is to another Gamma.

My sparks on gamma are for industrial uses, mining, harvesting, etc.
This is a game of conflict. If you wish to stop Gamma expansion by a Corp it sgould be stopped by guns, not mechanics. This is a game of empire building, and there is a reward for those players who continue to play the game for the long haul. Your proposal shifts the focus to the casual player and hit and run PvP. The casual player doesn't need to play this game month after month.

These limits royally screw the indy player. And, once its implemented, you will see it do nothing to fix the root causes of why the game is stagnant. The Epi change was the first and best step in the right direction but it wont be apparent until stockpiles run low.

I guess 50 total pages of people stating "its a broken mechanic" has finally convinced the Devs its a"broken mechanic".
When it wasn't. A simple 5 minute cooldown, nothing more, would have sufficed and eliminated most of the arguements of it being OP.

I don't argue my position on this from a political standpoint, nor from a position of what I currently have or have access to. I think this is wrong and bad because you are suggesting a change that drastically affects a much larger area than what you think you are correcting. People forget what travel was like before sparks, and before Gamma, I mentioned in Gen Chat if I want to haul items from Hersh to Imi, its 45 minutes. I spend 45 minutes of my game time every time I want one Scarab of goods moved, and at least half that time is in an area where I can be killed, Isn't this enough of an opportunity for my enemies to kill me if they so choose? I guess not.

The limit of 10 sparks is perfect. A 5 minute cooldown would be enough. Blood sparking only to current set home base, This is all that would be needed to balance SpT. 

You guys want players to invest in this game. You will make it so the best way to play is casual encounters, That defeates the point of building bases, taking saps. Living in the game. Is this what you want?

I agree with Brutux, and I think the sparks are mostly fine the way they are with the exception of beta. There's no need to "fix" the sparks for the rest of the game, but only on beta, and a 10 minute undock timer would do that. I can see from a developer's point of view that any mechanic that limits anyone from being able to play as a bad thing, but IMHO it's the best solution. People will learn to spark to where they need to be on beta early for fights, and go make a sammich or rub one off or something.

Martha Stuart wrote:
Smokeyii wrote:

so because you don't like it the devs should change it right?

This is the exact argument your side is making.  "We don't like that the enemy alliance can defend all of their Beta's so we think the DEV's should change it.  We liked it when we could do it, but now that it is used against us its broken and overpowered".  Sound familiar?

The only person who's argument is even remotely unbiased is Arga.  But my major gripe with his arguments is he is arguing against a system that he has never used or lived under.

I was pointing out that now you guys are complaining about something and using the same argument you used with the "Oh we should change cause you don't like it."

It's not about you guys being able to defend your outposts. And btw, I wasn't around when spark teleports were implemented, so I never used it against you guys. Besides, what I've been arguing for is a pretty descent compromise for everyone. 10 minute undock timer on beta only. Everyone keeps their sparks to gamma and alpha with no cooldown. No cooldown to spark to or from an outpost on beta, but also no instant undock heavy mech pwnage squads either. You must commit yourself to an outpost for defense. You also must commit yourself early.

It works the same way for everyone and we'll have to live with it same as you. The biggest thing I've been against is sparking anywhere instantly AND being able to undock a fleet of heavy mechs instantly. Now you guys can show how mature you are and agree that a compromise is needed here. This shouldn't hamper your ability to defend the stations you have if you can still field the fleets, but it WILL stop people spark ganking, which is the part I feel is overpowered.

so because you don't like it the devs should change it right?

I can't believe that the guys who own nearly all the beta stations are complaining about having to defend all the beta stations... oxymoron that?

Oh... wait, yes I can it's Line afterall. I got 99 problems but defending a beta outpost aint one!

Don't bring up the fact that you have to sit around for an hour to hold an outpost as a reason for wanting to keep sparks the way they are. The only people to blame for ya'll having so many outposts is ya'll. That's not a valid reason.

Besides, an undock beta timer after spark teleport still allows you to spark around to your outposts for defense as needed, you just need to be there early if you want to undock when the sap goes live. That isn't too much to ask. The one thing it WILL prevent everyone from doing is sparking over and instantly undocking 10+ heavy mechs.

@ Line - most new people don't even make it to the forums, all that's left here is a bunch of us bitter vets. Who else is going to look out for new people entering the game? This isn't even an argument about what STC/DOY/Dream and the rest of us do, it's about what's best for the community and the game. I, for one, would love to see about 5,000 more people playing this game, that way maybe I'd get to shoot someone other then you guys every once in awhile.

But... you guys hold onto your pettiness as long as you can. We can spin around and around laughing gaily over the side of the cliff, so long as you're doing the leading.

They change the rules in football (American) all the time.

We get that you like your OP tactics, and your argument that we should just use them to is invalid because we do. We're not asking the devs to nerf YOU and YOUR alliance, we're asking the devs to nerf EVERYONES overpowered beta spark teleports... including our own. Maybe you'll cut your nose off to spite your face, but I don't want to see new people getting 20 heavy mechs dropped on them from spark teleports.

Shadowmine wrote:

@DEV's : Please close thread as issue is now resolved.

Uhh, no... it's not.


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

HeavyMetal wrote:

Hell hath Frozen over........., I WILL be re-subbing  as well verry soon....:cool:


Hunter wrote:

Basicaly this is a next one attempt to shift the balance. @ your point DeV's must redistribute PvP to provide advantage for you. You think that you deserved to be winners, and pay for this should our alliance.

It may look fair for you, but personally i totally disagree with that.

You're really off base there Hunter, and in fact I'm starting to suspect that YOU are the one that's afraid of having an advantage taken away. Like I said before, we BOTH use it, the difference is we understand how overpowered it is.

It's not about who's stronger or who's not, it's about 10, 15, 20, however many people being able to be completely spread out around the world, and INSTANTLY be able to form in one place and undock. We've used it to get kills. You've used it to get kills. It's overpowered.

Think about it from a newer corps perspective, you roll out with your gang of assaults and lights for a sap. Intel says there's 1 guy sitting under the station with a detector. He sees you, knows there's 5 assaults with a couple light ewar support. He says in alliance chat - we have x coming in with y. You spark over 10 guys, undock in heavy mechs, *** face and slap each other on the back about how awesome you are.

And that's what you consider fun pvp. There's no preparation, there's no logistics besides what one person can accomplish with one trip in a scarab, there's no power projection or even a need to form up to protect what you have. 1 person to spot, the rest of the gang can host a circle jerk until the call to spark comes.

If anything it sounds to me like you're the one that has something to lose, and so a reason to fear the change. We've used it just as much as you have, it's what let us get these kills http://www.perp-kill.net/?m=related&id=254972 the difference is, we know it's overpowered as we use it.

You're assuming that the 4 man corp that decided to try their hand at mining on beta didn't just decide to say screw it and quit the game.

Any new population that comes in is at an extreme disadvantage, as a lot of the existing vets have over a million EP. Fixing spark teleports and whatever else isn't going to change that. The very best solution is a full wipe and re-launch. I'm sorry for you handful of vets that'll cry oceans of tears over that, but I'd gladly wade thru them for a REAL chance at keeping 30-40% of the people we hope will join with the steam launch.

Epriton on beta is a good thing. It's meant to be rare and valuable. It's neither when you can sit in a walled off compound on gamma and mine it till the cows come home.

Detectors should be removed from the game or nerfed a lot. Why is it a good idea to be able to see stuff from 4000m? Stealth masked assaults should be added. I'm talking mechs and lights will only pick them up @ 200m. That will make the target painter role and module a needed and valuable asset for pvp.

A beta only undock timer after spark teleport would solve many of the problems that people associate it with being overpowered, while also maintaining the guys that're defending its reason to stay the same, by allowing them to spark to Gamma/Alpha with no cooldown or undock timer.

tl;dr - Best options - full server reset
         Next best - beta only undock timers upon spark teleport, nerf detectors, add stealth assaults.

I came on the forums with the intention of making a topic with the same sentiment as Inda. I agree, this is a great change for assignments!