(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Now thats funny as hell.  Just wandered in to see if the game was still running, and Anni is up to their usual antics... lol


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

=How soon will it be before we can expect new equipment and game play expansion?  Please tell me that's on its way even if its just in the "talk" stage...

Soon(tm) no doubt... ^^  Hell, I'm gone for a couple of years, and come back and the same Usual Suspects are up to their usual antics... ^^

Annihilator wrote:

We will see in december how a AAA F2P game will work out: Firefall

I will try it out as it offers things i like: twitch based, scifi, cellshading, action big_smile

I'm *really* looking forward to Firefall myself.  It looks like a great game. If they can live up to even 2/3's of the basic ideas in the various videos, its going to be a blast.

Wildstar is another one you might want to check out.


Edyth wrote:


All they do is make more over powered junk everymonth to make you buy the next installment of mwhahaha.
That and they normally end up filled with 12 year old E-thugs.

Be nice, the typical Goonie has to be at *least* 13 mentally... ^^   It looks more like an FPS than anything else at this point. I may check it out, as I generally have no problem with FPS PvP.  I'm just a total CareBear when it comes to MMO's. ^^


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

You can't stop the speculation!


No one expects the Perptuum Speculation!

Groan... You beat me to it!! ^^

No one expects the Perpetuum Inquisition!



(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

The Goonies have hacked chat again, and kicked all of the GM's out...<grin>  I've noticed the absence of the GM's too. Perhaps they are on vacation or some such?


(66 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sundial wrote:
Wraithbane wrote:
Arga wrote:


Market analysis!

Don't forget to take into account the miners with (5) accounts and millions of NIC and 1000's of U's of ore that stopped logging in because the demand was too low to sell and the risk was too high to mine.

Maybe they'll come back, but unlikely since the demand is still low.

Thats exactly the problem with some of this nonsense. The game barely has enough players to keep the economy semi functional as it is.  We don't need to be driving players off, just because some of the PvP types start howling about "Risk/Reward". 

Where have we seen these antics before?... ^^  Damn CareBears hide in high sec and run L4's and mine!! There is no risk for their reward!!!... Of course, the howlers could also do that if they wished to... They just want to ruin others play experience as much as possible.

Do you not agree there should be varying levels of risk/reward?

If you do not, then you do not want game balance.

I wrote my complains from a perspective that AFK/Macro miners should not rule the markets for the lowest prices. Look at the price of liquizit for instance. Give miners who are more alert and is willing to take more risk more options, and keep those macroing/AFK miners on alpha 1 where they belong. I beleive if you are actively involved in your mining you should have higher returns / better options. AFK miners should NOT be on equal ground with legitimate miners.

I started these games with UO. Almost every time I hear the word "balance" it translates to something like Rock; "Nerf paper, sissors working as intended"... ^^  Or some version there of.  The ETERNAL quest for "balance" is an ever shifting illusion.

Its much like the DarkSide... Once you start down the NerfSide, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will... ^^  It usually ends up with something many call the Ghostcrawler Syndrome. Thats where the Dev's spend **WAY** too much time with spread sheets and data mining, rather than on what makes a game or a class *FUN* to play.  Huge amounts of Dev time and talent then gets chewed up by the literally endless nerf/buff cycle.  Its especially bad in PvP games.  But World of Warcraft, under the reign of error of Ghostcrawler has it even in PvE.

As I've always stated, if mining(ore or asteroid) wasn't so inherently, mind numbingly boring that most people have to do something else, while doing it, this wouldn't be a problem. For years, I've proposed making it a mini game (Like bejeweled perhaps) that would not only be entertaining, but would reward those who get more skilled at it. The idea of making it more "challenging" by having random NPC's roaming around and ganking miners, is both short sighted and lazy.

Short sighted, because a player driven economy NEEDS as many materials producers as possible. Lazy, because its a lot easier to just spawn some bots and have them roam around, rather than taking the time to design, code, test and apply a mini game approach. But the mini game approach would deal with the boring aspect as well as the AFK and botting problems.  But as with most such things, its all up to what the Devs decide to do, and what they have the time/talent to create.


(66 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:


Market analysis!

Don't forget to take into account the miners with (5) accounts and millions of NIC and 1000's of U's of ore that stopped logging in because the demand was too low to sell and the risk was too high to mine.

Maybe they'll come back, but unlikely since the demand is still low.

Thats exactly the problem with some of this nonsense. The game barely has enough players to keep the economy semi functional as it is.  We don't need to be driving players off, just because some of the PvP types start howling about "Risk/Reward". 

Where have we seen these antics before?... ^^  Damn CareBears hide in high sec and run L4's and mine!! There is no risk for their reward!!!... Of course, the howlers could also do that if they wished to... They just want to ruin others play experience as much as possible.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:

hypothetical question:
what if tomorrows patch would remove roaming observers from Alpha islands?

a hell lot QQ from Wraithbane, Cobalt and Hunter "wha wha wha nerf wha wha kernel wha wha"

Hey Anni, I resemble that remark!! ^^  I have no problems with SO's. If I'm farming in one of my AB's I'll just go get one of my mechs. But I can see how they would be a serious PITA for a miner.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Klit Oriswood wrote:

cmon now! we all know the npc ai was something everyone was nagging about! even thou it wasn't in dev blog focus it was something we all knew it was wrong! now, with a few more hundreds of hours of work we'll have one of biggest coplaints in perp sorted out - so hold on!

"WE" paleface?? ^^  I can't remember making even one complaint about NPC "AI".  Let alone "nagging" the Dev's about it.  The perpetuum Dev team is rather small, and thus their time/talent pool can only be spread so far.  Having it applied in this fashion is very much akin to the old saying, "If its not broke, don't fix it".  If I wanted more "challenge" in my NIC farming, I'd seek it out. 

They have an almost endless list of things that should come first, before they start messing around with NPC "AI".  Doing that right is very much a highly detailed series of fields, many of which have little over lap in gaming.

With each new sequence of changes in the PvE part of the game, Perpetuum is becoming more and more border line, from my perspective.  At a certain point, its simply not going to be worth the time and effort required. I'd hate to see that happen, but I'm not going the same route I did in EVE.

I spent almost six years there. The last year, hoping things would get better. They didn't.  So I walked away from all of that time and effort.  At this point, I doubt I'll ever go back.  I'd hate to see that happen here.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rad, that was an entertaining story, thanks for taking the time to craft it.  But be prepared for the ADD brigade to ignore it with a TLDR... ^^


(54 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes!! We need more of that!! But lets not stop there... Lets start spawning multiple grand observers from different Nia factions! Also make sure that they have *high* resists against *all* damage types, and also use all of the EW abilities! Think of how cool and challenging that would be!!... (wipes excess sarcasum off of keyboard>... ^^

This falls into the class of things covered by the old saying; "If its not broke, don't fix it".  Random spawns already existed. Those who wanted such things, could seek them out. It was a matter of choice.  Now its not.


(20 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Outlaw wrote:
Neoxx wrote:

Lets move the server into the center of the Atlantic Ocean, because thats right in between the 2 main subscriber bases!


that will be iceland but there internet there kinda sux

Kinda?... ^^  CCP has EVE's data center and its super clusters just out side of London, because the internet in Iceland would be like using two cans and a string ^^  I doubt Hungry is quite that bad, but Eastern Europe is not nearly as centralized as Germany or even France. I play on the WoW European servers (in Paris), and I seldom have any problems at all.


(37 replies, posted in General discussion)

3 Sounds like a good approach.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

Since the patch, I'm seeing a crash of the client, every time I exit the game. I exit by clicking the X in the upper right hand corner.  I let the reporter send in all of the details.  I'm using Windows Vista 64 (SP2). Nvidia driver

Segreto wrote:

O.o   damn, was stuck in beta limbo for an hour.  website said 'standby mode' thought the whole game was down.  It was a strange thing.  The game pushed me into a terminal with no name and nothing in it.  I had a ghost outline of my bot and a deploy button.  I hit deploy, and then my game stuck.  Weird thing.  I was not even near a terminal in the game.

I got that a couple of days ago. Discon in the middle of a fight, I quickly logged back in, the terminal display came up, then I was back in my bot... Then it disconned again.  Switched to my DSL and logged in... Discon. Logged in again and managed to get back to the terminal in one piece.  These disconns are getting WAY out of control. The game is becoming unplayable.

Well, after the recent increase in disconnections I've started doing some research on this. I have two connections. One is a 22/4meg from Comcast cable, and the other a 1.5/800k DSL from Qwest.  I'm in the western US, so my DSL tracert shows that I'm 25 hops away from the server.   The main source of the packet loss on the most recent TR was PL was around 40-50%.  This was hop 20 (of 25).  Whois claims its in Washington DC, and belongs to PSInet.

Why no tracert for my Comcast cable connection?  Because Comcast in its infinite "wisdom" is blocking ICMP. No doubt its a matter of "Network Security"...Or some such BS. ^^ If there was any other option for broadband out here, believe me, I'd have taken it years back. Unfortunately Comcast has pretty much a monopoly on that in this part of the country. 

Any way, these disconnections are getting out of hand. Not to mention, its VERY annoying to get auto disconnected, when one is trying to come back in fast, in order to save ones bot. Something really needs to be done about that.

0110011100001111001010001 wrote:
Doek wrote:
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

yes YES OMG YES!! *jizzes pants*
lol dude that would be so awesome smile tho the devs might want to hire body guards See See Pee  may try to get em whacked if they do it big_smile

Yup, affiliations with the mob and all that.


I love a good conspiracy theory in the morning.

I'm not interested in conspiracy theory... Conspiracy fact on the other hand... ^^ Have you looked at some of the recent history (last three to five years) of banking and other such activities in Iceland?...


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

MoBIoS wrote:

you hurt?

I'm surprised you didn't say "U mad bro?"...<evil grin>


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

Much, MUCH better presentation.


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Copine Callmeknau wrote:
Wraithbane wrote:
Copine Callmeknau wrote:

Oh it must be a real challenge to change 'T2A' to 'Random' in photoshop. I can see how it is driving away players and killing the game


So, what use is a spawn map that simply lists "random"? Thats akin to the old maps along the edge of which stated "Here be monsters".  Though in this context, its more likely that "Here be Goonies" would apply...<grin>

gj on reading half the thread

With misperception like that, you should run for public office.... ^^


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

AeonThePiglet wrote:

You're not supposed to be shooting green bots in your baph anyway. So stop that, durr.

Also, the jamming isn't tactical fun, it's annoying ***. I show up with a 700m range Artemis and get to play the oh they are coming run ok go back oh no run game when I could just be mining epi and making way more cash without the hassle.

So I just do that.

Good points Aeon. Any miscommunication is entirely my fault. I meant EM(Arb). I use all three classes for farming various bots, and some times transpose them.  I shifted my load out and target selection and tactics around. I managed to destroy the entire spawn, but after two waves had to retreat to regen armor and energy. The loot isn't worth the down time, so I'm crossing this spawn off my list.


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Copine Callmeknau wrote:
Wraithbane wrote:
Trayk wrote:

How many more spawn changes can we expect? I am waiting until you guys are finished before I update the NPC maps on the wiki. I just don't want to waste time scanning mobs to have the work wasted.

BTW, the Elite mobs drop t4 on occasion big_smile

after the first patch they all dropped the highest tier kernals, but after the recent patch it seemed the Might Arbiter Tyrannos (forget the name) got nerfed and only drops Arbiter Mech kernals yet the assault version still drops the Overlord Assaults. Why did you guys do this?

I totally agree with you on that. This game of musical chairs they are playing with the spawns is getting old FAST. At this point, its a waste of time trying to keep a decent spawn map current.  Its making PVE farming more trouble than its worth. Which is NOT the direction they really should be taking, if they wish to retain players.

Oh it must be a real challenge to change 'T2A' to 'Random' in photoshop. I can see how it is driving away players and killing the game


So, what use is a spawn map that simply lists "random"? Thats akin to the old maps along the edge of which stated "Here be monsters".  Though in this context, its more likely that "Here be Goonies" would apply...<grin>


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Trap Card wrote:

So what experience magically makes you able to judge better than anyone else?

"Better"? Having never made such a claim, I feel no need to defend the position.  I make my decisions for me. You make them for you.  My remarks in this context are based upon my personal experience and are simply my personal *opinion*.


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Trap Card wrote:
Wraithbane wrote:
Trayk wrote:

How many more spawn changes can we expect? I am waiting until you guys are finished before I update the NPC maps on the wiki. I just don't want to waste time scanning mobs to have the work wasted.

BTW, the Elite mobs drop t4 on occasion big_smile

after the first patch they all dropped the highest tier kernals, but after the recent patch it seemed the Might Arbiter Tyrannos (forget the name) got nerfed and only drops Arbiter Mech kernals yet the assault version still drops the Overlord Assaults. Why did you guys do this?

I totally agree with you on that. This game of musical chairs they are playing with the spawns is getting old FAST. At this point, its a waste of time trying to keep a decent spawn map current.  Its making PVE farming more trouble than its worth. Which is NOT the direction they really should be taking, if they wish to retain players.

OH ye magical one that automatically knows what is and what isn't keeping players, please teach me how to recognize what is and what isn't keeping players.

Because apparently nerfing something both adds and removes more people.

Certainly... Gaze within the crystal vortex oh unworthy padiwan, and thou shall grasp how experience spread over years and many games affords one insights into the mystical retention sequence... ^^  Or in more modern terms, its not rocket science in terms of annoying players beyond a certain point... Some Dev's take absolute delight in that. But unless ones company name happens to be Blizzard, a more measured approach is usually called for. ^^

Even AAA class games have been having retention problems over the last few years. Look at Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, and Aion as just a few examples. Notice I didn't even mention the disaster that Final Fantasy 14 has turned out to be?

There is a fine line between challenging content, and fustration. Crossing the line acts like a DOT process. Eroding players enjoyment of the *service* one is providing, tends to be counter productive. Once in a while is natural of course. But if it becomes a general trend, even a monster like WoW starts to lose subscriptions. The difference being that WoW could lose a million players a year, and it would still be around in a decade. ^^  Perpetuum needs to be much more conservative of the players they do have, in order to insure they can continue into the future.