(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dr Hari Seldon wrote:
Cons wrote:

Not to turn this into a PvE vs PvP thread, because thats not its intent. But, the OP has several good points.

Although, I strongly disgaree with her assertion that 99% of the gaming population is PVE  and <1% is pvp. The fact is, 99% of the population is like me and is somewhere in the middle. People want both. That said, the OP is right about it in general because PvP is nice but a VAST majority of people spend their time doing MOSTLY PvE.

EVE has always been a sucessful game. But the populations didnt skyrocket until more recently when the added PvE content was implemented.

Unfortunately, PvP'ers tend to be most vocal in forums. They are a very vocal minority.

This IS a PVP vs. PVE thread, masquerading as "concern for the game".  The PVE content in EVE is still mostly garbage.  Even in High Sec, War Decs are where the game is.  Without PVP, there would be no player drama, and player drama is what makes EVE fun.

Perhaps to you, this is true. But others have different perceptions of what fun is.  Personally, I can't think of anything thats "fun" about the typical PvP gank fest. In gank fest games, one has to be looking over ones shoulder all of the damn time.

While that may add "spice" to some peoples life, I'm not one who considers that to be a positive.  I play games to unwind and relax, not to add additional stress. 

I suspect that the Dev's have not considered the economic implications of some of their PvP fans remarks and attitudes, on this and other forums.  Because of those, I had completely written this game off.  I suspect thats true with many other CareBears as well.

EVE has demonstrated that a game can be PvP centric and still attract more than its share of CareBears(and their money...).  I see that potential in Perpetuum if the Dev's wish to pursue such a course.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Vexrak wrote:

You guys are getting massively trolled.

People stupid enough to share the ops attitude and opinions do exist, but they would have never come to a game like this in the first place.

Almost true. I'd written this game off as just another gank fest myself.  But the lesson of EVE and its player base statistics tells the tale.  If the Dev's want to remain a small niche game, by all means have a total focus on PvP. On the other hand, if they want to grow into something like EVE, then learn from their lessons in regards to PvE and PvP.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kroth wrote:

I'm a carebear but I like swimming with sharks. Stop making generalisations about 'carebears' some of us also accept the risks in a PvP game and find it adds excitement. Just need to approach the game for what it is and play it to its full.

Being one of those horrible CareBears from another game... EVE... ^^ I must say that they are pretty much on target. CCP is VERY pro PvP, yet they have been forced to evolve Concord to its current state, and to develop the high sec ROE as they exist today.  Why? Simple. To protect their business model.  They have admitted themselves that well more than half(something like 60% plus range) never leave high sec.

That's in a VERY PvP centric game.  Some players may be a mix of PvP/PvE. Many are not.  I personally have had much more than my fill of gank fest games, and simply will not play them. I had written off this game, when I first heard of it, because of that. It wasn't until I ran across a forum post on MMORPG that mentioned that PvE was possible that I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did.

But unless this reality is kept in mind, the Dev's will be slitting their own throats. Sure, go big time PvP, but keep in mind the CareBear reality that exists. CCP has done that, and look at EVE's progress.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks, just started the other day.  It looks like I've discovered a game with a learning wall like EVE's. ^^  If I hadn't played EVE for years, I'd not have a clue how this one works.