(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Trap Card wrote:

Try kiting.

Been there, done that...These are missile bots, and I have to keep track of LOS since Bap is laser.  Did I mention they have energy drain?... I'll just cross this spawn off my list. Moving on.


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Trayk wrote:
DEV Alf wrote:

It is aimed for low chance, but if it is really needed, we will increase the chance, also in every patch we will replace more and more old spawns to new random spawns (mission related npcs won't be changed )

How many more spawn changes can we expect? I am waiting until you guys are finished before I update the NPC maps on the wiki. I just don't want to waste time scanning mobs to have the work wasted.

BTW, the Elite mobs drop t4 on occasion big_smile

after the first patch they all dropped the highest tier kernals, but after the recent patch it seemed the Might Arbiter Tyrannos (forget the name) got nerfed and only drops Arbiter Mech kernals yet the assault version still drops the Overlord Assaults. Why did you guys do this?

I totally agree with you on that. This game of musical chairs they are playing with the spawns is getting old FAST. At this point, its a waste of time trying to keep a decent spawn map current.  Its making PVE farming more trouble than its worth. Which is NOT the direction they really should be taking, if they wish to retain players.


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Guys, don't you think you've gone completely over board with the NPC EW allocation? One group on the west coast of NV has not only demob and jamming, but energy drain as well.  With good skills and a load out tuned to their damage type, I managed to kill two assaults before I had to run (I was in one of my assaults).

Cap was totally drained and I'd taken more than 30% damage in that short time (even with natural (Bap) and active resist to their damage type). If its your intention to make solo farming as much of a PITA as possible, you've obviously succeeded.  My question is simply, why would you wish to do that?


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

DEV Zoom wrote:

It's based on this.

No idea about the details though, maybe some coder dev will come along here smile

Many thanks Zoom. I'm always fascinated to examine such things.


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Copine Callmeknau wrote:
Wraithbane wrote:
Fata_m0t0 wrote:

Well tnx for that guys, a Superior observer spawned and obliterated half our fleet on a 700m range. And we were farming lights->lvl1 Mesmers. This is not fun at all.... a beast appears and you can try to run but... no chance.

Wonderful... Thats what I was concerned about.  If this becomes standard, its going to pretty much finish PvE farming (especially solo).  Having a SO pop out and nuke an entire farming group is bad MoJo.

It didn't happen, they weren't paying attention while farming on a sup obs path...

How do you know that?


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Fata_m0t0 wrote:

Well tnx for that guys, a Superior observer spawned and obliterated half our fleet on a 700m range. And we were farming lights->lvl1 Mesmers. This is not fun at all.... a beast appears and you can try to run but... no chance.

Wonderful... Thats what I was concerned about.  If this becomes standard, its going to pretty much finish PvE farming (especially solo).  Having a SO pop out and nuke an entire farming group is bad MoJo.

Lonely Boy wrote:

fm DEV Zoom word in case of crashed:

"Reimbursed robots will appear at the terminal they were last at before they got destroyed, and will return with all equipment and cargo they had at the moment of destruction"

in my opiniom should be fair and normal to rembourse a bot AS IT WAS before crash, not as it remans after a death wich is not player's fault, due to a game crash.

futhermore we all know that crashes is ofter PO faults. i play other online game and it's very rarely they crash, while Perpetuum on almost daily.

just my idea, since we are customers and this is business for them.
respect the clients.

thanks for attention.

Well... in all of the time I've played Perpetuum (since right after launch) I've had 1 (ONE) client crash. The software has been remarkable stable on my system.  So much so, that I highly respect who ever they have doing their code work over there.

Disconnections on the other hand...<grin>  Its a rare session that doesn't see at least one (or more) disconnections.  Which is NOT good in this type of game.  I'm hopeful that something can be done about this.


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

0110011100001111001010001 wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

PvP in this game doesnt work without PvE backup. You cannot build youre mechs from PvP loot AFAIK, and most PvP nerds are not intrested in mining either AFAIK

HOLD on here...yes you can...its been done...it will continue to be done.

See my sig for more info.

Do you remember a game called Shadowbane?... Do you remember what happened to it? How about Darkfall (known to some as Darkfail). Or Mortal Online? All of these games BADLY niched themselves from the very start. Why? One of the major reasons was an almost obsessive focus on FFA PvP. There is a rather limited audience for that in the modern western markets.

The typical ganking and/or griefing that warms the hearts of the Goonies (and other such) is NOT tolerated very well at all in the vast majority of the modern western market. This has been demonstrated time after time, after time.

It was a factor in Aions (NCsoft) limited ability to retain players in the western markets. I liked the art style, but the lack of PvE servers kept me from playing it.  So even AAA titles from major companies like NCsoft are no exception.  FFA PvP (full loot or other wise) is simply a non starter in the modern western markets.  Especially if the Dev's (and their investors) want a good ROI.


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arilou wrote:
Wraithbane wrote:


Niche is the way to go in a saturated market. There is absolutely no shortage of PvE grindfest MMOs. There is a shortage of good PvP MMOs. Would you rather AC risk competing directly with the established WoW and friends? Or would you rather they fill some gaps in an untapped market?

Believe me... I've been in WoW since late beta. Coming up on 7 years now(six 85's). Blizzard and WoW have very little attraction for the major player base of EVE and Perpetuum... ^^  That being the case, their audience is pretty much the same as EVE's. Which CCP themselves admits is quite a bit more than half CareBear.  Given the niche status of the game, driving away those CareBears doesn't make good business sense.


(51 replies, posted in General discussion)

A POS could take many forms. It could be an upgradeable fortress, with its own turrets, shields and armor.  Each of those would require mods, which would act as NIC sinks, and make engineers more useful.  Not to mention the repairs required after attacks.

These fortresses could become focus points for attacks from swarms of alien bots (like the forts in Tabula Rasa). POS could also be advanced mining complexes, advanced production complexes, and portals.

The only real limit to what could be done is the time and talent required to create it. Code, and art assets would have to be generated, and AC's team isn't all that large.


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

Snowman wrote:
Arga wrote:

What's the issue, PVE is carebear content anyway, as long as your PVP stays difficult does it really even effect you?

Sorry for late reply.

/me takes deep breath

how does it effect me?.. or rather how does it effect pvpers?

.. well, by sounds of things your not an Eve player, in Eve PvP, or rather 'veterans' tend to hate Carebears because the Devs make changes to the game for keep carebears happy, these changes inevitably effects them,  dumbing down, making things easier... and just making the whole pvp thing shallow.  I'll not sight specifics.

But the biggest part of the big reason that Eve players are so damn angry right now, its because CCP are showing that they are spending almost ALL their resources and the resources to develop PvE content!   Whilst the state of PvP content is in DESPERATE need of attention!

Eve built its success off the back of pvp! and the dedication and loyalty of Eve veterans who have now basically had enough and sick to the core that CCP have for years ignored PvP features that are broken and bugged to pander to the crying, moaning population of carebears.

Faction warfare is a classic example of PvP content that was added... and left, they specifically said that they wernt working on it because of working on 'other projects'

Whats worse is that it all seems to be done to make money for other games!

Dont get me wrong, I like PvE too, anything thats challenging and interactive is great and PO does need a lot of work, its still a new game from an indy team afterall (much like eve was to begin with)  but the more you dumb down content and make it soloable, the more it becomes expected... its a slippery slope.

so far the pve changes are good.. because they encourage group activity and I give +1 internets to the Devs for recognizing that and hope that any pve work continues in that fashion.

And thats why it kinda hits a nerve when players are cropping up trying to make a fuss about dumbing down the game just because they dont have any friends or are socially inadequate.

Whilse NeX style does encourage independence, people still get together in small groups for mutual benefit.. and and sure that style will work for them and that its members still feel part of a whole and not part of a tax income

Here we go again... So, CCP should pander to the *fraction* of the player base that is out numbered at least two to one by CareBears? The literal river of tears I've heard from PvP types in game after game, is that CareBears are "ruining" the game!...  In fact CareBears are what keep many games in business. You do realize that this exercise is about making a sufficient profit to keep the game running, and perhaps expanding?

One doesn't get that, by driving off the greater part of ones player base (which in game after game, after game in the western markets is the hated CareBears). It seems difficult for some people to grasp, but not everyone is interested in PvP.  Hopefully, the Perpetuum Dev's don't give in to the howling, and drive off their own CareBears. Its not six years ago, and games like EVE and Perpetuum are already niche.

Next, forcing grouping also tends to niche a game. Look at the original Dungeons and Dragons online as one glaring example of that. I leveled to cap after launch, but then left because one could do almost literally nothing without a group.

With the introduction of henchmen I've gone back and played the game for a bit.  If Perpetuum goes down the forced grouping path, its bound to lose players who have no interest in such. As for the rest, its less than obvious that people who prefer solo, are "socially inadequate"... ^^ Some simply prefer that path.  As long as a game allows that choice, why should either faction care?


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:

ok, your fail vision is that:

...they're meant to be a juicy target for new players right?

no, they are not. They have been meant as tough PvE experience to spice up boring macro-farming/mining

that they turned out into farming objects due to imbalanced kernels was the fail.
All the whining about the observers is a result of the implementation of observer kernels.

IMHO they should be removed from their loot table completely.

btw: Assault nerf? there was a HUGE assault boost, and a few smaller ones, and the HUGE one got adjusted later

"Spice up"?? Oh, you mean to make mining a PITA in addition to being boring?... ^^  The idea of roaming Observers is more than a little sadistic, given that miners are not intentioned as combat rigs.  I guess thats included in the over all making mining more "challenging" (to appease certain parties...) mind set.  The game barely has enough players as it is, continued "balancing" is likely to drive players away.


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

Robophiliac wrote:

I run 5x T4 small lasers and a T4 small launcher on my Bapho with 2x T4 Laser tuners and the T3L I farm take 4-5 salvos to kill.  My lasers are currently 198% damage.  The T3A take even more salvo's to kill.

My point remains however.  Between the triangle nerf(which I personally stopped doing after my first month cause I couldn't stand how mind numbingly dull it was) and the plasma drop "adjustment" it will take newer players even longer to make any decent money and be able to afford decent equips.  Since going to pvp in T1 gear is almost guaranteed suicide all these changes do is lengthen how much time will be required by newer players to feel they can "afford" to go pvp.

Exactly. The Dev's seem to be shooting themselves in the foot here.  Its going to take longer for new players to get up to speed, and in the process we are likely to lose a larger percentage of them. Its also going to take longer to replace bots lost in PvE or PvP. I really have no idea what they are attempting to achieve here.

I suspect we are seeing a version of whats known as Ghostcrawler Syndrome (way too much focus on spread sheets and data mining, and not nearly enough on what makes a game fun to play).


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

AeonThePiglet wrote:

Yeah I started with the belief that he was just a troll, and now I'm fairly certain he's insane.

Like, he's starting from a crazy assumption, builds an enormous edifice of crazy on top of it and then goes full bore crazy at the end by saying he hates PVP.

Only rational response possible: lolwut?

Well, then I'm "crazy" too... ^^  If I had to measure my interest in MMO PvP it would likely end up being in negative numbers... ^^  The current direction I see Perpetuum going, does not bode well for the PvE faction (such as it is at this late date).

With the Dev's continuing to play musical chairs with the spawns (breaking spawn maps that take quite a bit of time to create in the first place), the nerf to plasma and other such, its becoming obvious that PvE is, and will remain at best a secondary (if that) focus. Its too bad really, as this game really needs both to survive.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

My connection is a 22/4 meg. Its usually stable,even to the Japanese servers I some times play on.  I've been seeing serious spikes over the last little while.


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Let me get this straight... Under the new system, the size and/or class is random? The size can be dealt with easier than the class. A different class would require an ammo change. Which means that stacks and stacks of different ammo would have to be on hand. Decreasing an already small cargo space. 

Not to mention random EW and/or Demob. This is going to make solo farming more and more impractical. Is this intentional?

Not to mention the chance of an elite spawn, of some random class. No doubt with EW and/or Demob.

While we are on the subject of spawns, all of the ones I had land marked on NV appear to have been moved. Is it your intention to break spawn maps on a frequent basis?


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

Snowman wrote:

oh god here we go again, more crying about not being able to solo.

Snow, you play your way, and we will play our way. Games such as this that force grouping tend to have a rather limited appeal... In other words, they are much less profitable than they might other wise be. There is room in the game for lone wolves as well as corporations.

Purgatory wrote:

Will the world end in 2012?

And more importantly, will John Cusack save us?

No, and not a chance. ^^ Even John Carmack can't save us. ^^


(44 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

Level 1 transport missions are able to be completed by combat player with just the combat bot. Apply 7k EP for sequar and combat pilot can do up to level 4 transport missions.

Indy player can not complete level 2 and above combat missions without putting as many EP into combat as a combat player would need.

All 4 of the active 'omg transport ruining game' threads all seem to miss that point.

Yes, you can make more NIC doing transport mission than combat mission, but no one is prohibited from doing so.

If you want 'Equal Balance' and the same payout for either type of mission, then you also have to figure out a way either for both combat and indy to do combat assignments or so that each can only do their assignments.

This is the same for all mission types, including mining, scanning ect.

Unless 'balanced' means combat characters get their choice of ALL assignments with equal compensation, while indy players are locked out of bounty/recover missions?

Good points. The only problem being that the triangle runs another risk... That of dying of sheer boredom (much like mining)... ^^  NO Zoom, this does NOT mean we need more Observers wandering around to liven things up...<grin>  In this type of long term game, certain parts are simply going to be less entertaining than others.


(51 replies, posted in General discussion)

Gold. ^^


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, I'm just not playing for a few days. The EP generates no matter if I'm on or not, and I'll just pick things up again after things get sorted out. Thats one more spot for some of the new players.


(52 replies, posted in General discussion)

Atlas wrote:

Yea I think the claimed problem notability though the user that came down hard on it seems to be some what trolling probably unintentional. Not supposed to delete an article before the author has reasonable time to justify it. With such issue if it was filled with gibberish I might not be so hard on the person but it was a pretty dumb delete do to how fast it happened. roll

Welcome to the "wonderful" world of Wiki... Filled with shadow politics, back stabbing, power trips and all of the rest of the political dynamics that such a system encourages.  There have been quite a number of articles about what goes on behind the scenes. Its not pretty. ^^  The best thing I can suggest is to get links to game sites like MMORPG, Massively, Ten Ton Hammer and other such. But if one of their internal editors has taken a dislike to the game, good luck keeping anything you post from being deleted.


(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

I would like some Ice Cream please... everyone else can have cake - for PIE al a mode.

Make mine PIE as well. Everyone knows that The Cake is a Lie! ^^  PO isn't for everyone. This game has a lot of potential, and hopefully they will get a break now, and pick up several thousand former EVE players. Retaining them is going to be the trick.

No problem guys, take your time and fix the issue. But this is NOT the best time to be turning players away... ^^  Of course, when has Murphy ever picked good times for one of his antics?  I'd imagine getting things back up and running is your HIGHEST priority right now.  You could end up with more players, sooner, than you ever imagined. ^^


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Xini Nemesis wrote:

Make everywhere beta. Problem solved.

Wrong. Then you lose almost all of your PvE players. Personally, I have ZERO interest in the PvP aspects of this game. Losing more players to give the gankers more targets is not cost effective...