(3 replies, posted in Selling Items)

Selling T1 geoscanner in FD in case anyone needs to scan an outpost. 500k. Almost as new. Optionally would trade for chasis scanner.


(9 replies, posted in Q & A)

Ville wrote:

Kind of like a mercenary Corp?

A mercenary terraforming corp. Sounds like there's a niche to be filled in the market.


(191 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Why do you bump if we aren't recruiting Lemon?


(9 replies, posted in Q & A)

He can always pay someone to help him no change needed.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs)

Why dont you just disable the command?


(21 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Ville wrote:
Hunter wrote:
Ville wrote:

I don't like this idea, too complicated.  All I want to hear in the background is the sound of my slugs in my Mesmer Reloading!

The changes will not touch you because of you on atack side.

Oh really?  Where is Dream's Base at then?  Because I think the only ones providing a successful base defense is CIR.

We blew it up a bit.


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

Ville wrote:

I have a great idea for combat missions its called a battle sequer/lithus gun slots or even better you could use the repair bonus on your Scarab!

Hey I remember long time ago videos of haulers in eve ganking gankers. They were pretty fun.

+1 why not


(3 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Don't fit a shield and a plate.

cool stuff


(56 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Tux wrote:

I would support this if all t1 items were put on npc loot tables including nexus’s, shields etc.. .

Honestly everything in the game should be able to be looted from either NPC’s, Missions or Artifact Hunting. This list should include EVERYTHING ..prototypes, Robots, Teleports, Construction blocks, Injector Charges, containers, Structure CT’s … it should all be open for hunters to hunt for.

In that case bots should actually blo...group like players and act like so.


(28 replies, posted in Balancing)

I think we should get some offices that we can walk around in gamma station, with sexy assistants and all that shizzle.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's growing all the time. But it is shrinking more.


(165 replies, posted in General discussion)

He'd put turrets out of *** too.


(20 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Who did this thing?


(45 replies, posted in Q & A)

The lights are designed to look cute.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

MPC main terminals (and main terminals only) can now enter emergency mode multiple times
New: Freshly deployed main terminals are invulnerable for 72 hours.

Nobody else sees anything outright broken with this?


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)


I see we are finally returning to the botapult, one of my proposals that get closed by Zoom for "not being serious".


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Put a few turrets on the other side of the terraformed wall, go trolololol on the jumping mech as it lands.



(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ville wrote:

I'm sorry Nebs blew up your kain mk2 http://perp-kill.net/?m=view&id=248768

Ah I can undestand why he mistook them for NPCs.


(21 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:

Not many games doing this.

F2P games i have seen yet tend to only show "server population "low - medium - high - full"
subbed games with Instanced servers seem to show accurate numbers more often.

would you want the accurate number in a location where only subbed player can see it (agent selection screen) or before that, where you only need a client to show?

the later probably will never happen -> remember the reason the grafical online feed was removed wink

In that case they are better off removing the count and the member list of gc. A new player is nto going to see the graph, but the chat channel. And an old player doesn't need anyone to tell them what the current population level is...


(136 replies, posted in News and information)

delete moi


(21 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Ludlow Bursar wrote:
Syndic wrote:

Accurate information on how many accounts/people are playing the game for everyone, so no guesstimates have to be made off General Chat population which is frequently in the 20-30's these days.

But why would you want to know?

Because for new people it makes online population numbers look a bit less worse than when they just look at the numbers in general chat. Is that that hard to understand?


(136 replies, posted in News and information)

bleu wrote:
Thador Caeli wrote:
Line wrote:

5 pages of discussing, and 90% of them are mostly offtopic, politics, *** and endless arguing. Deploy the patch DEVs, just apply those changes that were offered somewhere here. Deploy, and get back to PvE development to attract new players.


Changes can be made from that point rather than changes made to changes that are not yet tested. Let's walk forward  not talk in circles

Sometimes you have to walk in circles to assess your position and situation, and walking blindly forward makes you fall down a cliff.


(21 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

It can't be worse than people looking at general chat and extracting conclusions from that...