Topic: Ideas for debate

I've heard and read alot about current issues with gamma islands, teraforming, and outposts. I don't think the devs ment for teraforming to be manipulated in such a way that it has to limit players from accessing game content. So I thought of a few ideas...
Jetpacks, a module that would allow a mech to jump a set hieight (based upon weight) and come down with a controlled landing.
It would:

  • use a great deal of accumulator to activate

  • be limited to a few forms of mech(s)

  • be directional based upon momentum/direction traveled when the module was activated...
    (ie no movement is straight up & down again. forward at 50KPS would result in a forward direction of similar speed.

  • cause damage if landing on an impassible tile and the mech would tumble down till it reached a passible tile or in case of water, die. if falling down a slope caused enough damage the mech would explode. landing to far into water and well looting the wreck would be difficult to impossible.

  • make the mech easy to hit due to line of sight

  • during the landing have trusters slow the mech down so while landing a mech would be vulnerable and after landing be a bit slow to accelerate moving. (landing would cause the mech to hover a few meters above the ground for a few seconds [1-3 ish])

  • maybe disable the targeting system of the mech while it's using the jetpack module to jump.

  • require a few seconds of charging before launching the mech into the air, based upon mass of the mech
    (accumulator consumption, landing, and charging time should slow the process enough that it can't be abused for a fast way to travel)

  • have a nice animation for the charging, launch, glide to ground, and landing sequences

Yes those walls would be a burden no more... and for city structures well make jumping over them impossible by hitting an invisible/visible side wall of the building. landing on a another mech would be funny but not safe for the mech landing as it will tumble and take damage.

Re: Ideas for debate

corporate colors for mechs: allow corporations to set a color theme (maybe strip bars, stars, etc) on the chasis of a mech to further show that the player is a member of such corporation.

3 (edited by Arjha Shanoo 2012-07-17 15:06:42)

Re: Ideas for debate

that again?

Just to name the two of the search result at the keyword "jetpack":

Edit: other topics to be found under "jumppack", "jump jet"; and thats just the topics about it - there are several posts in other topics too

Re: Ideas for debate

I'm not a big fan of he idea of jump jets.  Infact I think its a bad idea entirely.

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Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Ideas for debate

Put a few turrets on the other side of the terraformed wall, go trolololol on the jumping mech as it lands.


Re: Ideas for debate

I've always liked the idea of jumpjets/jetpacks. Why not add more mods and complexity to the game? Your specifics are pretty fair, though not so sure about game mechanics accommodating water and slope damage. There definitely need to be drawbacks to using it.

It could even be an entire class of bot or derived from the new hover set. Hopefully we see some new bots soon even if this ain't one of them. Eventually would like to see something like this, though.

Sparking to other games

Re: Ideas for debate

Rex Amelius wrote:

It could even be an entire class of bot or derived from the new hover set.

Just had to think about a bot looking like a grasshopper roll

Re: Ideas for debate

Arjha Shanoo wrote:
Rex Amelius wrote:

It could even be an entire class of bot or derived from the new hover set.

Just had to think about a bot looking like a grasshopper roll

Baphometh MK2 ?

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Ideas for debate

Hmm Starship Troopers style (the book not the film).

Would give FCs the opportunity to say on vent "Let's bounce - who wants to live forever"

Re: Ideas for debate

Or light hover bots with a very high slope capacity?

Re: Ideas for debate

Say it: you want flying bots big_smile

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Ideas for debate

Yes, give me a flying heavy mech with heavy missile launchers.  That would be a fun, perhaps not so fun for those on the recieving end.

Re: Ideas for debate

I raise you your heavy mech with heavy missiles launcher, to a flying heavy mech which is propelled by heavy missile launchers!

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Ideas for debate

Admiral Snackbar wrote:

Yes, give me a flying heavy mech with heavy missile launchers.  That would be a fun, perhaps not so fun for those on the recieving end.

hmmm, Seth with 6x AAA could look rather nice as counter yarr

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Ideas for debate


I see we are finally returning to the botapult, one of my proposals that get closed by Zoom for "not being serious".

Re: Ideas for debate

Trebuchet Arkhe launcher?

topic seems to be filled with sarcasm and derailing comments big_smile

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear