Merkle wrote:

Kains and Mesmers are not sub par, at least as a fully maxxed out blue pilot I do not feel that way.

I do think what your seeing tho is that when you go against red you see a major bias toward them winning, and rightly so.

Kain vs Artemis = bias towards Artemis
Kain vs Tyrannos = strong bias towards Tyrannos if shielded

Kain is even required to drop a weaponslot if like to equip a drainer or neuter to overcome at least shielded castel.

For Messmer situation is other, but you don't see that much Messmer in Pvp atm.


(9 replies, posted in Balancing)

+1 for replace Indu Nexus Bonus on Scarab

As Scarab is haul bot, there would be only use for speed nexus bonus, but that would increase scarab speed with nexus above Lithus speed. The only reason I would use a scarab for Nexus support on mining op is, if it would get Fast Extractor Nexus Bonus and I have >10 Riveler on spot.

I have no problem, with Scarab role beeing limited to haul large amounts.

BTW Indu nexus itself is only reasonable for those who are not capstabel at all during mining without nexus, as for all other cases your usually fine with Recharge Nexus and Fast Extractor. Maybe if that would change, there would be some better place for Bot with Indu Nexus Bonus


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

When I visited a gamma base, I made the error to active signal detector to see all buidlings at once.
This required me to kill perpetuum in task manager as the instance freezed forever (>3 mins), while my other account there was working normal on.
I consider this similar to freeze I experience on beta, when doing signal detector near a lot of npcs or explosion dmg on beta. I guess there is a lot of sync traffic between client and server in that case.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

First: My market is not dead. I do buy and sell orders and have enough transactions.

Second to the static vs dynamic ore spots I see pro and cons for both.
As I allready expected direct after introduction of dynamic spots, my time spend on mining dropped significant. If I have 60 mins online time, it is not reasonable to search next ore spot, drive there scan, mine and haul home. With static spots it was normal for me to mine even if I knew I'm only 30-45 min online.
For member of larger corps the situation changes, as it is no deal to join a mining op.

On the other hand there is now a reason to be good in geoscanning. In older times, I used no geoscanner in 9 out of 10 mining ops at all, which was not as intended I guess.

And the dynamic spawn now has a better scaling of mineral spots to miners on the field. With static spots I remember times when spots where always in light green until after each patch they were filled again to red.

Tux wrote:

•    Light class support robot (in armor repair or energy transfer)

This is light ewar. I rember an old corpmate that used to support even large battles with repair Cam due to sveral reasons.
You are not forced to do ewar in these bots.

I like the general idea of having some mechanism that helps "Newcomer" to get a bit nearer to older guys, but I dislike an instand EP boost.

I would consider two points mandatory:
1. It should not be possible to bridge the initial learn month concerning EP in a way that gives you instant EP boost. I think it should still be valid, that a new created agent can't control HM in the first 4 weeks in game.

2. It has to be ensured, that there is no point in which an "older" player is worse than a newer player concerning EP.
Eg boost EP by 50k for all below 250k with player with 249k ending with 299k and a player with 251k still having 251k would be a nogo for me.

From these two premises I would rather thinking about a temporary "device" that doubles your EP gain for up to 2 weeks that is useless on agents with more than 200k EP (values of duration, gain factor and max EP could be discussed).

Hi Nibbles,

I understand form your post, that you are unsure about your role and goals and I want to line out, that your goals and roles are free to you, also free to modify whenever you like.
This is unconvienient for a lot player. A often set goal is to enter the bigest bot in best equipment.
This will take a lot of NIC as well as several weeks until the EP are available.
Followed by the goal beeing able to have enough NIC, to replace this bot, when you loose it tongue.

For the mix of combat and industrie in one agent you should be clear that a agent spending no EP in financial/mining/industrie but all in combat will be faster to have maxed combat skills. But after 3 months playing, the difference between lvl6 or level 8 is quite small.
A Miner will be faster having full benefit from mining, when not spending EP in combat skills, but again, after 3 month it is not that big deal, if someone gets 10 or 20% more ore per hour, as long as you have fun playing your agent.

Nevertheless a good number of Miner/Harvester have spend some EP in "Combat assistance" which is the logical role of a Miner/Harvester, while I know some people who spend EP in their Combat char for Indu skills like Repair/Recycling to be able to earn money without having an dedicated Indu Account.

The start specialisation leading to your start skills. You get a bit less than 10k (~1week of EP) for free with these start skills as well as several NIC you need to spend when purchasing the extension later. This is the only loss, you will have, when you detected later that you start in "wrong" corp. Regardless of combat/indu/commercial or if you detect too late, that you would prefer laser instead of EM or so.

A very profitable way for a miner to join combat with someone else would be to support a fighter with an mining/harvets bot fitted with energy transfer, remote repair and remote sensor. This support bot gives the fighter a decent boost as the fighter is then able to fit fully on dmg and neglect repair/energy.

If you check corp farm actions you see usually several of these support bots, as these boost farming significant. In my opinion these supporter are more important than a bot dealing dmg for succesfull farming on challenging spots.


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

I use Kain and Messmer and use them a bit different. With Kain, I used to equip LWF a lot, while with Messmer it is seldom LWF equip. With Kain I use seldom Weapon Tuning, while for Messmer, you fill your head slots with weapon tunings to get best dmg. You need to think twice before using EWAR with Mesmer due to Akku, with Kain you could perfectly use ECM or demob.

Since several month I experience sometimes strange lag spikes and it seemed to me, that my ISP experiences some traffic shaping in a part of the network I believe to be property of German Telecom. This issue is especially during European main time (19:00-21:00 CEST), but not limited to.

Today I see an additional effect, the routing seems to be complete different, than normal.
But still a lot variance in ping.
With Pingplotter, I never got the same max lag, than I was shown ingame, which I believe is an effect of traffic shaping, as I guess ping plotter uses different packagesize than the game

Target Name:
  Date/Time: 30.08.2012 07:38:46 to 30.08.2012 07:47:01

Hop Sent Err PL% Min Max Avg  Host Name / [IP]
7    34   0 0,0  10  73  12 []
8    34   0 0,0  10 277  37 []
9    34   0 0,0  26 147  30  []
10    34   0 0,0  27 123  31  []
11    34   0 0,0  26  94  28  []
12    34   0 0,0  25 124  28  []
13    34   0 0,0  27 171  31 []


(88 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Thanks for the flowers Ville, but in fact Remedy has usually around 20% more payed accounts than BKK. It has  some differences in corp structure but is in no ways worse than BKK.

Actually I'm still missing the point of improvement against the actual system, that cargo load has no impact, but the weight of each equipped modules decreases the max bot speed with the lighter a bot, the more impact is given by each module.

Been there, done that.
The major problem with sell orders beside the major demand, is that in the end you spend a lot of time (and some NIC) placing these sell orders, just to learn, that after 30 days, no item is sold and all effort was done in vain.
Maybe I would have sold items, if I would have offered them below production price, but I'm not that hero to give a way NIC for those buying my stuff.

Annihilator wrote:

fact. commodity 1: factional ore
fact. commodity 2: factional ore + factional plant
fact. commodity 3: factional ore + epriton
fact. commodity 4: factional ore + colixium

+1 this is quite simple and easy to understand. ATM it is quite hard to plan what resources you need for production without a full fledged spread sheet even when producing only a few light bots and T1 equip (what I actually have and use, but don't like for everyday use).

I think it is ok, to need a lot of different resources for T4 equip, but a light bot like yagel should not need 7 out of 12 different raw materials with 1 plant beeing from "enemie island". That would be ok (still not ideal) for assault, but not for smallest player produced bot in game.


(56 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

My experience with general developing  is: No group of developer is able to came out with that "evil" ideas, that final user will have. So I don't expect flawless solutions, but I appreciate, that the Devs wait until they removed all (for them) obvoius problems. And  accept that this is no easy task, done in 2 days.


(7 replies, posted in Balancing)

Shutdown without consequences would be ridiculous. I would like to see a Gamma outpost beeing something that eases the defence, and avoid a light roaming group of 2-3 bots to even come near, but it has to be possible to do some damage to outposts with less than 100 HM.


(56 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

In my opinion, the flaw is not the fact, that you need that many kernel to learn everything, the flaw is, that you have no real choice to specialise in a small direction that allows to finish some relevant items with lets say 200 Kernel by selecting not only kernle size, but also give choice for instance between weapon, ewar or nexus when reserarching.


- Choose your role. The following list covers only most important roles:
* Miner/Harvester (Supply with raw materials)
* Refiner (Convert raw materials into commodities needed for production)
* Recycler (Convert loot into commodities)
* Producer (build bots/equipment/ammo using existing CTs)
* Prototyper (Do research and produce prototypes)
* Reverse Engineer (Create CTs using existing CTs, Bots, Ammo, T1 Equip)

- An agent covering all roles will be no expert even after spending 1 Mio EP. Start with focusing on only one role, although it is likely to cover more than one of the roles above after spending a time in game.

- A producer gets now benefit of research of the items he produces, but this can be neglected as beginner, as extensions will have more influence.

- The easiest role for a beginer without large corp support is Miner/Harvester.
- Refiner and Recyler can be seen as support roles that can't support you with a NIC income in their role alone. But every corp needs one of those supporters.

- Some roles require a good standing to be on maximum efficieny (e.g. refine) other benefit slighty from standing. Miner& Harvester are the only roles above that require no standing at all.

More Information can be found at
A general FAQ is available at

Creating CT (Blueprint)
A CT is created by combing an item that can be used for CT and a decoder in a reverse engineering facility. There is a minimum requirement for the decoder, the usage of a better than needed decoder increases the quality of the CT.
The CT quality is based on the extension „CT efficiency“, the tier of the facility and the decoder level used.
The CT generation consumes the decoder and item and an amount of NIC depending on the time needed. The faster the combining is performed the less NIC is needed. The time depends on Tier of the facility, standing to that facility and the extension „time efficiency“.
Items that can be build into CT are:

  • Ammo/Charges (1000(1250) pieces)

  • Bot Prototypes

  • T1 Equipment

  • T2P-T4P Equipment Prototypes

The prototyping requires to reseach kernels to unlock the prototype. Once a prototype is unlocked it can be produced using the prototype facility. The prototype task needs commodities, fragments, smaller tier equipment and NIC. The amount of materials depends on the appropriate extensions, the amount of NIC depends on facility tier, standing and extensions to reduce time for prototype creation.
A prototype can be unlocked by corp (with appropriate corp setting) or by yourself to produce. If both are unlocked, you need only 50% of mats for the prototype.

The productions requires to install a CT into the factory.
After installation a selected number of items can be produced.
The amount of materials needed for production depends on the quality of the CT and extensions. The amount of NIC needed depends on quality of the CT and production time. Production time is reduced by extensions, tier of the facility and standing.
Removing a CT from the factory to install other production degrades the CT quality (There is a extension to decrease this loss up to 0).
Every production cylce performed degrades the quality of the CT by 0.1 for Ammo, 1 for equipment and 3 for bots. A 100 CT for bots will be 70 after production of 10 bots.
Your CT is considered 50P better than it is for material consumption if producer and his corp have unlocked the research for that item. 50P difference are a rather small benefit later in game (~1-2%, depending on facility, extension, etc)

The research is performed by consuming kernels. It is at the moment the most NIC consuming roles you can choose in the game to research equipment.
You consume kernels to get RP, which can than be spend to unlock items for protoyping in research window.
There are six kinds of kernels:
C = Common
H = High Tech
I = Industrial
N = Nuimqol
P = Pelestial
T = Thelodica

The C are used for most kinds, the H usually to unlock high end content like T4 Equip
[Edit: Update to Research Patch and added, that bots are now produced from prototype only]

Raw Materials:
Getting raw materials means finding a place to get them, and use time to mine/harvest.

There are two principial kinds of raw materials:
1. Organic get by harvesting plants
2. Minerals (Ores & Liquids) get by mining the surface

For each color of island (blue, green and orange) there is one ore and one plant missing, so you need to change island or trade to get all possible raw materials.
There are the following special raw materials:
Noralgis (organic) grows only on plants seeded by player, grows on every island, on beta/gamma better than on alpha.
Epitron (ore) only mineable on beta island
Colixum only mineable on gamma, needs gamma building to mine.

Finding plants to harvest:
Drive around and keep your eyes open. If you target a plant, the landmark info window shows in yellow text its name and in brackets the number of cycles to harvest.

Finding minerals:
Equip geoscanner with directional scan for the appropriate mineral. Do a scan to get the direction to the nearest mineral spot of that kind, until you are above the mineral spot (X in directional scan, or be sure by triangulation) then use tile based scan for this mineral to get a picture of tiles. Red and large are the tiles with most cycles,  dark green and small the worst spots to mine.
Attention: The accuracy of the scan result is limited and bad accuracy leads to wrong information. The tier of the geoscanner and the extensions „Basic Geochemistry“ increase the accuracy of scans as well as the bot bonus of Argano and Termis.

Area scan charges are the old system but can still be used. They say for a larger area how many percentage of ore is in. Typically you strip the island until you found spots with more than 1%. Good spots should be over 5%.

Refining Raw Materials to Commodities
The raw materials can be refinedto commodities using a Refinery.
The amount of materials needed for one commoditie depends on the Tier of the facility (T1 & T2 on alpha, better on Beta and Gamma) as well as the level of the extension refining and the standing to the terminal owner

[Edit: Standing and island to find epitron  updated to reflect changes in game]

This guide shall give a first step into production and related topics for new players. It reflects the most common questions I read from beginner, but it shall not cover all possible topics for an experienced producer.

- Basic Production Overview
- Raw Materials
- Finding Plants
- Finding Minerals
- Refining Raw Materials
- Creating CT
- Prototyping
- Production
- Research
- Tips

Basic Production Overview

1. Raw Materials → Commodities  (Need Recyling Plant)

2a. Fragments + Commodities + NIC→ Prototypes (Need Prototype Facility)

2b. (Basic Equipment | Prototypes) + Decoder + NIC → CTs (Need Reverse Engineering)

3. CT + Commodities → New items (Need Factory)


(165 replies, posted in General discussion)

Actually before the ore spwans got modifed, a good Epi-Field was near Initia under a random NPC-Spawn.
We did this several times as corp action, shilded Termis with some shield harder instead of tunings and at least 4 better more fighter. It went ok, but there were losses on mining bots, as they got dmg from time to time mostly if a Mech or HM explodes to near.

With the new modification that container gets dmg on beta, I consider it quite frustrating, as you could not avoid having NPCs blasting next to miner/container. A blown miner is not as bad, as a blown container after 60 mins mining of a corp.

And some spawns are with the recent modifications that hard, that I would not mine under them as corp even with 10 players available.

First thing to improve this situation would be the introduction of "Shilded container" that withstands dmg from bot exploding next to them.

Than I would _not_ stop ore spawning near NPCs in general, but prevent ore spawning under some "hard" spots.
Especially ECM and neuting is quite frustrating as miner, plated Mech and HM do too much area dmg.

I think there should still be spawns left with small bots where you could have fun as corp to allow miner getting ore next to them.


(44 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Lwf is must have for roam, yes. Must have for tackler, but nothing else. I did roughly the first two month of my char pvp without simple because I could not afford to loose T4 lwf in pvp and it would have been ridiculous to pvp with T1 lwf.

* First corp thief in Perpetuums history.

just to highlight which corp you are actually joining

There is no need for having one single hub. It will come out, that you sell ammo, T1 equip and small/assault bots in larger numbers on the old alpha islands, while HM & T4 Equip will have better sales at Tellesis and Hershfield. ATM Telessis is bad trade hub, as there are not too many different small corps living around there and you can't get rich trying to sell stuff to CIR.
But this is just valid at this moment and might change quite fast.
Market means a place where good producers live and seed market and where there are enough players with market demand. As soon as 2-3 small corps found a new alliance with one internal producer to support alliance need,  market on this point drops significant. While market will grow as on a point as soon as 10-20 new player with demand for better stuff move in that location from old alpha island as next step in char development.

Actually it is no duplication on first glance as you have no assets more afterwards, but beeing able to Pvp without fear of loss and use this in an intrusion is for me something that clearly should have consequences.

If nothing else, you forced the defend squad to be active in full numbers for long time and prevented them to gain your stuff with which you are attacking.
For one time this might have been a fun experience for both sides, as defending SAP is often booooring. But in the end you forced the defender to activly defend for long time with full force, when otherwise it would be ususally the case that you wouldn't have come second time after loosing first wave which would have allowed the defenders to get some kernels or similar while defending SAP.

The major bad effect of M2S duping was that one side could PvP without fear to loose anything, while the other side cared for their losses. This had a more psychological consequence than material and leed to a lot good player leaving the game as feeling it would bring them nothing to pay any further the supscription and be active member of community.

If you got a consense with AIG in before the attack, to have a lot of fun on both sides, than no harm is done in this special case, but in general such actions leave marks in game population and terefore should have consequences.