Just for curiosity, what is the difference for something that isn't healing between 1k hp with 50% resist on all and 2k hp with no resist?

[edit typo]


(27 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Resons to change the shield mechanic:

1. You need to macro to fully benefit from shields in offensive setup. While key definition (in Game) might be enough, it encourages Player to violate EULA to get 100% benefit. And if you see player doing regular damage through his own shield without any time shield beeing open you can tell your self what other people give on EULA.

2. Shielded Trojar is atm able to blast 60%-90% of Mechs, a Mech setup to counter this is quite imbalanced for other purpose. A decent fitet Trojar requires no player skills to ubar "normal" fitted Mechs regardless of skill of mech player in 1vs1. For HM I assume, that it is not that inbalancing to equip counter measures but expect that shielded Trojar with good player gets even some HM down in 1vs1.


(65 replies, posted in Balancing)

I think shield itself is not the problem. The possibilities you have with shield are the problem.

And BTW Alexander you should know that your old corp was the first to introduce large fleet of shielded Gropho in Battles long time ago. Seems you showed Novastrov how to do this.


(27 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Sundial wrote:

Goffer, even perfectly managing your shots / cycle, you can lose a large % of dps still doing this.

Say your cycle time is 8s, you lose 3s of DPS on average every cycle. 3/8 = 37.5% DPS loss

That is IF you can hit your enemy in the small window, and if you leave your shields down too long it further reduces DPS and increases vulnerability.

If you use shield you are invulnerable in 1on1 until you meet someone with neuter (which is no common PvP fit).
And even simple neut equipment is not enough to crack up a good shielded Trojar.

Do you think that it should be ok to be invulnerable against 95% of PVP setup by sacrifying less than 40% of dps but still having enough dps to kill most bots in reasonable time?

In most setups in PO it is worth to sacrify some dps and equip something else instead (range/demob/ECM/ECCM/...). Your major "loss" of dps is situational when having shields most time up. In case you need more dps, but can afford to risk a hit you just let shields down and have normal dps.


(27 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

i have to agree with trig here they work well atm you get a trade off for defense but no damage offence.

As I allready wrote above, a skilled player stops shield, fires when down and starts shields again.
WIth macro usage this will lead to beeing vulnarable a time that small, that most people have higher lag than this vulnerability. This means that shields can be used for offensive in a quite effective way. And as it is "Intended" game play it is quite hard to call that exploiting.

I like the way it is. Standing is at the moment one of the things you really have to do for yourself (or find someone grinding in squad for you and have the reduced benefit)


(27 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I don't like to put logic into game, when game mechanic needs to be balanced, because game mechanics has its own logic. And therefore it is ok to have laser producing any damage and shields blocking all "damage" but allowing all other waves passing through.

I believe atm we have a quite worse problem with the fact, that you can stop shield, fire after shield stops and start again within factions of a second. As the shield bearer gets a countdown, he is able to react, while his opponent has nearly no chance to hit the slot when shield is down.

In fact the question if laserbeam is wave or partical is at the moment controverse discussed by scientists.
To the kinectic damage, it is in "reality" introduced by vaporising the upper layer of the material that is hit by laser ("laser ablation").

The major problem in doing solo pvp is that you have to to plan that you get instant way home because encountering too many enemies before starting doing solo pvp.
My opinion is that if you meet 5+ enemies beeing alone, you survive only if they are not prepared to fight (e.g, carry no weapon or have no lwf equipped and you outrun them easily) or they are quite bad. Extreme shield tank is last possibility but you usually don't start solo PvP in shield fit, you just manage to survive but kill no other.

Solo PvP is doable. If sucessfull it is in  most cases  vs Indu or vs unprepared but there are nice examples of good fights and I also remember seeing fights with 1 vs 2 in similar bots which are won by tactic and skill.


(40 replies, posted in Balancing)

I think helioptris and titan are bad examples to compare, as titan spots tend to be good and compareable near to terminal. So you can mine without much travel.
When you think in cycles,  even orange titan spots have significant more than 50 cycles, which is the maximum for alpha helioptris before you need to move. And while titan spots have
a large size with often more than 20 good spots without moving your bot, a harvester can be lucky, if he has 20 good plants (at least 25 cycles) within can reach.

I think that harvesting has bad scaling from Laird to Symbiont.

Maybe you can compare Helioptris a bit with Immentium, as Immentium seems to me to have less cycles in deep red tile than other ores and I don't know than many really large Imentium spots on Alpha compared to other ores but you should more compare it to Trilandus as there are significant differences between mining and harvesting, that lead to different prices.

I think research should be changed in a way that you can achieve single goals faster without beeing forced to research everything, but there still need to be something to research after a year playtime (for researcher enforced by large corp it will be always quite faster, but it should no be usual for soloplayer to have 100% research in first year). Nevertheless it should not be possible to focus on one item only and have this on T4 after ~1 week research.

I would propose, that future research is even a bit slower than today, but you should be allowed to focus on item group (eg. weapon, electronic equipment, nexus) Kernel-color should direct what to research in a manner more clear to researcher by eg. giving Nexus or electronic equipment also color. This would lead to fact, that a specialist researcher is earlier in a position to deliver something to market (selling T2 small autocannon is not really effective) and to the way that a corp could decide wheter to have on main prototyper or several specialised

THe usage of kernels for prototyping is on one hand a good way to ensure, that there are still kernel needed after prototyper finished research, but I think it is on other hand to expensive for prototyper who did not finish research to handle double the kernel demand and would prefer to have no need for kernels in Prototypes.


(40 replies, posted in Balancing)

I think that Helioptris is a bit too high volume compared to all other ores and plants and I can't remember Helioptris volume changing this year.

To the amount of plants needed to craft, you need only few helioptris for 1 Plasteosine, but that doesn't really count as you need lots of Plasteosine for production and you need half the amount of helioptris than the amount of titanore.
Polynitrocol and Polynucleit needs the same amount of Helioptris respective Triandlus and both commodities  are in my opinion in same amount needed for production.

Annihilator wrote:

T4 Medium plate = +1m hitsize

waiting for the first suicide heavy mech with 16m hitsize... thats a 300m AoE circle of death!

Great idea, but you would need to constant demob all enemies fireing on this Heavy, as it would be nearly standing when running full speed smile.

You just could avoid that a Heavy is killed by a bunch of shortrange small bots without good chance to take at least one of them with you wink

kk, than this is no bug but intended, shame on me smile

The usage of signal detector has no effect if I have Signal Mask active.
If I didn't miss patch note describing this as inended behavior I would like to have this bug fixed.


(31 replies, posted in Q & A)

In my opinion he major problem in old behavior was that you could land outside place to jump back and getting demobed before you could move inside teleport range so even if you'r fitted to withstand 10-20 sec fire, you might end up dead from the time you ported.

With the new locking time, you might get alphaed, but that is just in rare case for bots with some protection. And you have at least 4s to run back in tp range what should help in any case.


(11 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

When driving quite fast (Cam with T4 Frame on Highway), the client warps the bot always a bit back. This results in my Cam beeing significant slower than a fitted Kain while on Highway.

The situtaion seems a bit better if I set the Cam on follow, but still the Kains needs to wait on Cam for longer than usual resync time.

Those island might came back into usage as soon, as there is no need to blob up live there as roams tended to blob up the last weeks.

No need to fight in small number if you can be sure that whenever you flag up, the enemy is avoiding real confrontation until bringing enough friends.
While I didn't see Nex avoiding the fight in small numbers, I saw Nex beeing part of the blob that cames if you flag up. So don't say your not part of the problem. Your just not the worse part of the problem from my point of view.
I think the situation will change as soon as new outpost behavior is getting into game.

You might still see that going on roam is not a guarantee to find enemies. But you can change this, make yourself acceptable targets for others roaming, by living on beta without hiding in large blobs. In that case you might at least experience some pvp.

I appreciate that efforts were taken to allow a small base a good gameplay.

Nevertheless I would like it more to play instead of reading the forums hmm.

If it is easy possible, you shout extend the error message that you can't log in with pointer to this thread, as I think it would have helped me saving some time, if I would have found the hint whats going on a bit earlier.

Nevertheless still thumbs up for this great game. The sum of all annoying bugs in more than 6 Month is way below the list I'm used from other games.
It is quite frustrating sometimes, eg when loosing bots due to server issues and GM declare they could not reimburse, but I have seen worse things happening in other MMO.

I think passive ECM is EECM in some case. So I understand you would like to have "active" EECM with more AP vs more effect.

Seems quite nice to have such a thing, but not the top of my wishlist.

Gaulois wrote:
Grim Faust wrote:

The dev's saw fit to just white wash the culprits and I'm fine with that. Better late than never. Maybe now the game can start to grow.

The only problem I see, is that the devs are once again punishing exploiters (that's good), and a high numbers of innocent people as collateral. (that's very bad)

How would you jugde collateral damage done to you against collateral done to all you fight?
Some corps need to work hard, to get at least a few T4 fittings while the last months it seemed that m2s didn't care a sh** about loosing a bunch of T4 fitted HM.

Alone the fact that your corpmates had good equip might have lead to enormous collateral damage by your enemies.

There is nothing new in the story that a blob of Arkes can bring down a single enemy. If the one is in Gropho with shielding  it would need some more arkes than against other but there is no principal change.

In fact when getting zerged you could either run like a chicken or die like a man.

But no nerf that dev could do will change this, so we all need to live with this fact.

Skill is only needed when your in equal numbers with equal equippment.