Guys with backbone.

Hi Winter,
  I listened to part of your interview. Don't listen to what people say, they simply fear you. Our corp was also thought of as game ruiners, and called "goons" . We honestly had a good laugh about it and just went on. Several times the goon rumor was started about us, and it was hilarious. The more people make up about you, the more they fear what you'll become. Put it another way the more effective you've become. Cast it aside, and keep killing, and moving.

Good luck to you in leadership.
If you need any help feel free to contact me, or chat, I definitely salute and hope you'll be an independent group.

btw chaos drops some nice prototypes on their heavy mechs as well, we get quite a laugh about it! YAR!

hmm interesting


(106 replies, posted in Balancing)

People were already mining far outside of stations for quite awhile now, and TOG was a good example of this.

The smart ones will be able to utilize beta without needing all the stations, in which you'll still see the larger groups complaining because instead of numbers they are using their heads. The ones that think less, will just join the masses.


(106 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga wrote:

I would definetly want to have ownership of the outposts when they go to denied access. It will make roaming and ninja mining more difficult, since the only safe place will be the public outpost, and putting a few combat bots there on off tz would make even that hard to use.

It wont affect anything, you need to be shown how to do things. There's some nice subtle secrets to using beta. Those are more up here in your head, then in the game faqs.

Anyhow the original poster asked about having more nic value for mobs in beta. After having used beta quite well for the past weeks, and will continue to be doing so, I'd say this balance is not needed. It seems to be more of a post to make the rich richer.


(32 replies, posted in Balancing)

We talked about this months ago, any boosts to magnadart just makes kains lol imbalanced. It'll be non-varying mech gangs again.

so based on this thread are the changes being implemented over several patches?


These corps above are great people. I have played multiple games and heard of them. FOOM M2S ATG, all good corps.

Please help support small pvp by joining up instead of joining .. well ...

I only want a nice handfull of good guys per time zone. That's like 10-15 or so, and if I have to be overwhelmed by a zerg for that oh well... i'll look back knowing we did the right thing.

No beta outpost ownership, no squatting... getting fat. Kills, fun and teamwork. … opcorp.jpg

Fight against the server to stand up for smaller groups. … ideo_title

Join smaller corps and work efficiently, M2S, ATG, FOOM, etc...


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Nice idea corvus, great you're putting out some ideas. Good stuff.

So I had a wierd bug today when logging in. Somehow the overlay for  perpetuum that says "terra incognita" was still displayed while in station. I was like oh my this could turn into a neat feature that the developer's could do which would make station spinning a bit more fun ( you could give an option to turn it off/on when in station ).

Why can't we have a small overlay over or bots or next to it when docked, which displays a large version of our corp logo, and beneath it a continous scrolling list of important events/details for the corp members.

See this url … t_idea.jpg

And imagine it transparent next to the robot or over it, with scrolling text instead of the white box.

Is this hard to do?

What about letting corporations pay other corporations to have advertisements or text come in to your daily feed list while in station?

Elirian wrote:

Would you mind showing how you got this number?

"T4 L-Demob Optimal range    1199.468486 m"

It's base 300 right?

Do 3x range extenders, have high skills on long distance ewar, targetting range, have a buddy intakt by you with high nexus skills and a t4 ewar nexus. Remote sensor boost.


Ldemobs are LOS affected on Dev server already, and unique modules.

As well there are plans for a Demob resist extension, 1% /lvl, reducing demob extension bonus from 3% to 2% and increasing S-demob base effect by 10%

LOS on L-demobs would be great, maybe on all demobs.

I don't know if those extra skills are necessary.

SharkWolf wrote:

Rage on broski! lol

It's true, they all rage no matter how friendly we are: … ICRAGE.jpg


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:

I can give you some instructions in politics.

Lesson 1:



As we've stated elsewhere (SovNov Statement of Intent) we're DERKA DERKA DERKA … ICRAGE.jpg

Game economy seems to have picked up, we're making tons of money selling t4 mods from kills.

Yeah we had a number of applies that blew up on coms yesterday. I mean literally they groaned and well , just exploded everywhere. If they can't handle the assault-plosion exam well.... sorry.

Real elite stuff here goes on in our coms:

[19:12:43] <Ultroth> So any aspiring digital artists in corp then?
[19:13:10] <Mara Journeyman> no
[19:13:14] <Mara Journeyman> dude 2 guys - 3guys
[19:13:15] <Neverfeldt> i have the artistic skills of a 6y old
[19:13:16] <Mara Journeyman> can do it
[19:13:20] <Mara Journeyman> I can paint hold on
[19:13:23] <Ultroth> lol
[19:13:32] * Mara Journeyman bends over and fecal explodes
[19:13:36] * Mara Journeyman sprays brown on the walls
[19:13:40] <Ultroth> if its MSpaint, i'd rather not see
[19:13:46] <Ultroth> rofl
[19:13:47] <JeanMi Requile> I can paint too hang a sec
[19:13:54] <JeanMi Requile>  ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› Blob.
[19:13:58] <Neverfeldt> that's not funny, my kid did that to me when he was 3 weeks old

Kieron Veidah wrote:

Hi, I'd be greatly interested to join, and I've registered to your forum already, but since it has apparently moved to a new domain is it necessary to register again? Many thanks.

could have been moved let me check, not sure.

ATG is a great corp for you to work with, and they have some really good pilots. I would suggest trying them.

Our recruitment is fairly limited right now, and I really only take guys that have good teamwork skills and the ability not to fecal explode on vent.

**EDIT: Link still works.

Like check this guy out:
Jakob Miller, applies to our corp and m2s at the same time. Really good idea!

Saramara wrote:

We are definitly getting some good pvp lately. Thank you TOG for playing with your heavy mechs alone on the beta islands.

Here's another kill with ATG on it.

Good stuff having pilots with ATG to work with. Solid.

Lupus really did a good job putting the points in a succinct manner here:

Again, nobody said anything about making them all the same, nor about making the Seth "uber".  What is being indicated by the data is that the Gropho has significant advantages over both the Mesmer and the Seth.

    The AP issue should be glaring to everyone, and no one can deny the Gropho's advantage there.  Any addition of modules increase the AP usage on the Gropho, but that also is the case with the Seth and Mesmer, and they are already starting with a negative net regen.

    The other 3 issues that stand out, is that as the longest range heavy mech, it probably should be the slowest.  Looking at all the other Pelistal bots and mechs, you find that all of them are slower than the comparable Thelodica and Nuimqol bots/mechs.

    Either that, or it should keep its speed and have it's range reduced further.  This would be consistant with the other bots and mechs (excepting the waspish, which I wll leave for another to show how insanely OP t can be).

    Thirdly, the fact that the Seth has a shield bonus, which no other Thelodica bot has, and that all other Thelodica bots/mechs have either an AP regen bonus or a resist bonus, plus lacking the AP regen to handle a shield tank, should be a clear indication of an issue.

    EDIT:  Again, on the damage issue, many here convienently forget that missiles go over landscape features that turrets do not.  Therefore, as far as actual applied DPS, the Gropho probably has a higher rate of actual delivered DPS,, with fewer shots hitting landscape features. Whereas the Seth does have a significanly higher DPS, as noted in the original post, over a 800 m range, the likelyhood of getting a clear shot can be significantly reduced, thus "balancing" it's DPS potential.


It's clear the gropho has a significant advantage that has been utilized over several months.
Most intrusion gangs used by attackers consisted of grophos with long range, kiting/shield recharging.

I don't know why the developers wouldn't balance them so that we could see varied intrusion gangs instead of grohpo x 8 , rr/logsitcis, ewar zenith..

I do like how lupus notes several key components to the balance of the gropho vs other mechs:

Note: The most significant item that stands out here is the AP usage and recharge, with a recharge rate approx 4.89X GREATER
than the AP usage of all 6 weapons running.  This is unique to the 3 heavy mechs, in that the Gropho is the ONLY heavy mech
that has a recharge rate in excess of the energy expended running weapons.

and secondly he notes the optimal range:

The second item is the optimal range, even after the 10% reduction in range that
medium ballistic missiles received on 06/17/2011, the Gropho still has the longest optimal range of
any heavy mech, and is also faster than the Seth by almost 6 kph.

thirdly defensive bonus:

Now for the defensive bonuses, and this is where logic breaks down completely.  The Gropho’s weapon 1.43AP sec usage, with a recharge of 7.00 AP/sec,
leaves the Gropho with a recharge of 5.57AP/sec to apply to shield damage absorption, so the low AP usage of missile launches makes sense,
since there is sufficient recharge to handle damage applied to shields.

A good change of them might make the heavier mechs on par and vary up gang composition.

This change seems to be appropriate:

-Reduce the range further on Grophos.  Thelodica, as the “sniper” or long range specialists, should have the longest base ranges. Also penalize it more for charging shields, so it's on par with the others.


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

AeonThePiglet wrote:

But right now? Lolno. What we are right now is a bunch of duders that don't mind engaging a superior force and exploding because we enjoy fighting.

Really good spirit here Aeon, you guys have it right.

These guys just made a nice java app that lets you see detection ranges given your opponents ability or yours!


Join them, good pilots and dedicated leadership. Don't need to be in a larger group where you are getting pvp kills with 15 guys .... lol

Fun entertainment 2v(5+) from lord balfizar himself!

Join some smaller corps in this game and help make it diverse instead of one main zerg!!