(4 replies, posted in Balancing)

Yeah, we're still gonna test it and see how it works.

Join smaller corps and help the small scale pvp of the game. Limited recruiting. Thanks.

WilliamH Bonney wrote:
Mara Kaid wrote:

Dude there's so many basic corp features that need to be implemented before alliance features are in.

Um, I don't care what happens "first" to be honest.  Yeah, corp controls need looked at too, no one is arguing against that.  This is just something else I'd like to see them giving a thought to.

lol what about terraforming, that'd be more attractivbe then an alliance feature. come on. Want to join a game that has the same sandbox stuff, or a new feature like terraform? I know which one I'd choose.

And do a ton of industry and ask me then how fun it is refining

Dude there's so many basic corp features that need to be implemented before alliance features are in.

Here's a basic one that everyone would appreciate:

Have it so that your producers can use a corp fed mineral hangar when using production ie the mats are actually taken from there instead of from your own personal hangar..

You know how much that would shorten production?

Have it so your recycler/refiner can recycle/refine from/to a single corp hangar.

Terraforming as well.

Also, i fully support what the devs did, and I don't support saps take able by alliances, it would counter the design. Numerous people have posted thoughts and ideas on this.

If you need a game mechanic to show your identity, something is wrong.

Let me give it to you as a member of a smaller alliance that lives on hokkogaros, and enjoys the pvp there. These kind of suggestions are so that mega-alliances can form and make it pretty stale for the game. Reread what balf said, and others from ATG.

Balfizar wrote:
Ol Timer wrote:

My concern is that the game is slowly becoming one large mock-corporation rather than a PVP centered game. In my .

it already is and ur corp is also part of it as i said the community here has failed itself

You make some real good points here.

It would be pretty funny if one allowed alliance mechanics in, when really there is just one mega-alliance in game now.

This has got to be the most one-sided push for a rule I've seen novastrov do yet.

Just like friedrich said, and he's designed games, mechanics to promote bigger numbers or make it easier just encourage massive groups which aren't needed.

even the nova member here realizes how it's killing the game for them lol.

Sundial wrote:

While I don't disagree that this would be useful, I think this is not immediately needed. Its a good idea William, but I don't think the game is ready for it.

Yes, while it is a good idea, it's not ready for this stuff.

Not signed, this is a propaganda move by the people wanting to have more blobs into the game, and does really nothing but allow them to sit on their haunches, having an alliance effectively removes the benefits smaller corps get from the new intrusion system.

check a piece of the modt from their intel channel:

"http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topic/3479/player-conglomerate-suggestion/ post your support for alliance features pls"

Check this as well

Now, defense of said Outpost can be conducted by all player sub-corporations to strengthen the control of that Outpost, and all sub-corporations receive the same benefits from the Outpost Facilities (refinery, factory etc...)

Aren't we trying to avoid this?

We are now conducting randomized surveys of the population of nia, and our first results are in:

http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq18 … cy_fun.jpg

Juan Valdez wrote:

Ugh, I always forget to swap back to Piglet. Derp.

Coordination, teamwork, and persistence, we have new guys in our squads, and they have an awesome time, you can do this using some of the fits mentioned in this thread. That's new guys too.


When your enemy has to rat in heavy mechs just to *feel* safe, you know you're being effective using these ideals.

Like fighting? Like smashing up vets that enjoy picking on newer/smaller corps with numbers?

Join the smaller corps in game, and take a stand. Don't get absorbed into the fold, split from it and be proud of something you've done as a small group of individuals.

Still not zerg recruiting, want quality and character vs numbers thanks.

Application process is involved, not elitist.


(106 replies, posted in News and information)

No alliance mechanics, discourage blobbing. Thanks.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)


How many people have the time to sit at a spawn though and keep going at it. And the resources, even if it's happening, you need a good group to do so. It' not like one guy can solo 5.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

A lot of people voicing concern over this have tech trees, it's not that bad, i've only seen 3-5 observers spawn and this is a great way for people to help complete a tech item in a tech line.

Good stuff for newer player groups.

If it is a bug then adjust it thanks.

Congratulations to 62nd guys for having fun in game....

http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq18 … PETUUM.jpg

Good video here, nothing like ganking people on hokk island:



(6 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

William Bonney wrote:

So, I guess I should live by the rule of "never say never" here though.  Eh, made a mistake, I admit it.  Have np's doing so yarr

You only need t2 gear to really roam and kill. We've done it on multiple islands. I've seen you out on your own, and you're doing fine. The politics in this game are one sided right now, and it's pretty droll to get involved. You can also use beta without living on it.


(106 replies, posted in News and information)

We need to avoid mechanics which lead towards alliances, and encourage mechanics that encourage help smaller corps. This way there is more diversity. Unfortunately people tend not to think about the health of a game, and only think in terms of large power blocks having empty stations.

The developers made the right choice in developing this.

I'll say this again and again, you don't need superior tech or a huge friendly force to win against an enemy force. Good tactics,teamwork motivation and fun win out in the end.

Work with the smaller corps in game and get some great pvp.


(106 replies, posted in News and information)

Friedrich Psitalon wrote:

No corporation IS forced to recruit in all time zones just to be beta competitive. Most heavily dominated islands will sit around 90-95% anyhow, because they'll get all the SAPs they're online for, and on the occasions they have no one on, they'll lose maybe 1 in 2. (Less if it's a Specimen, I'd imagine.)

The only thing an alliance feature would do right now is allow oversized entities the ability to dominate larger swaths of landscape, which I get the distinct impression is NOT the intent of this system.

You make a good point here fried.

I really think the devs want corps to spread not form an entity that controls multiple stations without using them.

This is good news for a lot of smaller corps. big_smile

Looking for some good people. Thanks.

What a way to start out the new month!! That's by getting some kills! July top perpetuum killers, low-fat arhke fed diet too!

Good luck guys.

This corp has some great guys with good personalities. I'd suggest them.

Arga wrote:

Sorry I don't bump you guys as much as I used too. 62nd has consistently walked the walk, from starter tournaments to encourage new player involvement in PVP, to doing that PVP themselves!

Through all those lean months, they managed to find new and better ways to enjoy the game, as well as help other do the same.


Thank you arga, it's good to see you as a corp keep plugging at it.

As for my corp, I will still be doing limited recruiting despite the changes. Again as i've said, I will have a good small group of guys that get along, rather then a large group of people. If I have to loose to these kinds of standards or suffer, I'll gladly do it. Thus while I will recruit, I will filter well.


(43 replies, posted in Balancing)

well this topic is done, they just doubled mineral rates

good guy has stuck for awhile now.