(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

Balfizar wrote:
Line wrote:

This topic can help a little if implemented correctly, leaving assaults stealthed and not making them too op

Dude assualts arent OP play the game more one mech can easily counter a group of them. just cuz groups of assualts are used to hit solo mechs and unprotected miners doesnt mean there OP! is it the fault of 3-5 assualts if your dumb enough to solo mine or solo npc or even run around in your seq transporting epi with no escort? I think not! so stop calling assualts OP no matter what bot your in its all about ur # vs what ur attacking + ur ewar support and the use of terrain.

My leader speaks awesome words!

My heart swooons!


(4 replies, posted in Events)

Inda wrote:

Thank you to Mara Kaid to the event and DEV Mancs.

That was very fun and good for reach little bit more experience.

I have an idea, I think we should try that we can shoot off the enemy. This is an other game. (but i don t like stop in the circle and waiting for die (RODEO event))
If you can shoot off the enemy you can do more thing to survive I think, so is probably more interesting.

Any idea?

Yeah that's what people thought, and it's ok, next time we do that.

I just wanted it to be an "American" rodeo, where you ride the bull and not kill it.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

good stuff


(106 replies, posted in Balancing)

Annihilator wrote:

An Outlaw system should be implemented, which removes Syndicate protection and syndicate standings once you gain to much power or if you are working against the syndicates grand plan.

That'd be cool, I'm very use to -10 standing, but then that's off topic, and it's more towards griping about having lack of targets because they allied up the server rather then lack of balance.


(106 replies, posted in Balancing)

Its not about rewarding blobs or not rewarding blobs, being able to mine in one spot on Alpha for 10-15 hours a day is not balanced. The new Alpha islands are not, by any means, balanced. The amount of ore on them has no risk, for all the reward. And if that wasn't enough, now they got a nice amount of plants added so you can harvest and mine it all in the same place. Balanced. Not.

Sorry, but you have a full beta island with all the loot you need, why do you care? Unless you're worried about loosing power?

One good point about the new alpha islands is that they allow smaller corporations to build up resources so they can fight against the ones on beta gathering even more resources. It's clear on beta you guys can have much more resources then the ones on the new alpha islands( ie you have heavy mechs produceable etc ). There does need to be an island that's a stepping stone for corps.

Hopefully with the new energy credit system you'll get another "reward" for living there.

And again to quote, you say that they mine too much on the new alpha, yet you can mine epitron...

SAHA wrote:

Wait a moment... You've just talked about 20+ CIR rivelers mining 12 hours a day on beta without interuptions because nobody ever roams you. Now you talk about lack of reward on beta because of taking some kinda risk.

LoL if you can mine epitron 12+ hours a day and people on alpha are mining devalued minerals in comparison, then why is their an alpha vs beta balancing? Seems to me we're mining undervalues minerals on alpha.


(106 replies, posted in Balancing)

Lemon wrote:


Actually saha brings a lot of good points to the forefront. Good stuff saha excellent point about the mining bit. Indeed, why ask for more when you can mine in safety 12+ hours a day. There's a balance, and when you're saying beta is boring, it likely means more corps should be on beta.

   when I mine and load my charges there is a brief bit of client lock up as the are removed from my cargo. Similar when I get materials from the ground I get the same problem.

This has been going on for awhile now.


(106 replies, posted in Balancing)

Like usual when you disagree it's for some "bad" reason.

Beta is fairly well balanced, the decoder drops, tech drops from the good spawns there are fairly good, and the kernels 4th star plus are well worth it. We farm beta consistently and get some nice tech and gear there, while not living under the roof of a target outpost.

Let's repost some highlights here that accurately summarize points/counterpoints:

1. Drop all alliances and NAP's
3. Take chances, fighting CIR is usually lame due to their refusal to engage without overwhelming force.  A happy medium lives in between the dock up and the blob.

don't devalue nic

Beta corps that are mining Alpha are WASTING THEIR TIME. You have to transport that ore from Alpha to beta anyway, so you would be better off mining Epitron and growing Norgalis, refining it, and selling it

I am just stating the fact that you are requesting buffs to beta and discussing alpha OPness while actually your lead alliance does not promote beta itself, or rather does exactly the opposite.

The last poster really hits it. Given I roam your lands, I'd say you're using your land far less then norhoop does, yet still asking for more. I can't believe you'd ask this with the way noralgis grows on beta. You should have a solid line of t2 mechs up on the market which would give you further money.

I'm quite sorry but you took the land, you wanted it, others are using beta land a lot more then you are, so start using it. Get ready to loose some bots.

Nice video, and lots of fun stuff to do with us. Farming, industry, and some fun team-orientated pvp as you can see above.

No blobs thanks!


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

Edit: Keep it relevant and civil please. - DEV Calvin


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

Edit: Keep it relevant and civil please. - DEV Calvin


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

Red Bishop wrote:

From that stems a lot of the current problems we have with overall balancing: More specialized bots call for rarer materials or more difficult means of production, allowing for a nice opportunity to  magnify the gap that should exist between alpha and beta living.

You're a corp that has access to resources to make heavy mechs, and you're giving advice on how much resources should be able to make a small assault bot? Don't you find that ironic?

You're kind of looking at costs from a group that has owned, lived, harvested beta for awhile. While on the other hand smaller/newer corps don't have said access, so why should they be penalized for using light bots to raid your island?

That being said, we don't even know what the amounts will be, but let's hope it's not like a mech in costs.


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

Alkorez wrote:

I dont see what the issue is and y this change needs to me made.......a gang of assualts is easy to counter....only change i see needed is to make it where assualts cant use maskers and bam problem solved

It was too powerful. Wave upon wave of assault bots were killing people left and right...

Looking forward to stealth assaults and hoping they'll work good with a bot to complement them, and that they aren't crazy expensive to make, which will help newer players enjoy them.


(4 replies, posted in Events)

  This event took off with dev mancs helping. This is one of the first events I've done in conjunction with the developers and it turned out MUCH BETTER then I'd hope! It was very fun to do. It was our first time doing it, so this post will serve to report the results how it went, and then I'll follow with some short cons/pros:

We had the following people in attendance( Roughly 15 people observers/participants )

alex(CHAOS) & Mara Kaid ( 62nd ) : 4:42
Kanogi (62nd ) & Inda ( HUN ) 12:15 *** 2nd place
Selmak to ra ( GITS ) & alena ( AET ) 3:43
WARUX & SAHA (ATG) & (M2S ) 18:24 <-- winner.
Responsor (62nd) & Dev Mancs ( DEV ) 7:04

What happened:
Well contestants brought out 2 assaults tanked fit, and were to sit in an arena that was terraformed by the developers. In this arena wave after wave of spawn would come at them. The spawns comming were of mixed colors of 3. Here is the spawn order as we saw fit:

1st spawn:
3 RGB lights / 1 ewar

2nd spawn: 2 minutes later
3 RGB assaults ( RGB = red/green/blue )

3rd spawn: 2 mins
3 more RGB lights

4th spawn: 2mins

5th spawn: 2 mind
3 more RGB assaults

6th spawn:
3+ more heavy mechs

3 observers...

It was a blast watching people use the cover, the trees and bouncing aggro in order to tank the monsters. All bots were replaces by the users. We had open coms.

My team did ok for moving around. Kanogi's team did very well and lasted several moments. Dev Mancs team did very well staying awhile. ATG and M2S's team lasted very long utilizing the wasps and something else hahaha..

I took pictures:

http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq18 … rodeo1.jpg
http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq18 … rodeo2.jpg
http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq18 … rodeo3.jpg
http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq18 … rodeo4.jpg

In some you'll see the observer spawns and such!

The devs actually made a nice arena, and I encourage people to come, this was t1 fitted assaults and lower. The dev team had just t1 fits.

We will do this again, but require more people to move around instead of standing still.

Winner was Warux and SAHA congratulations, with KANOGI and INDA runner up.

Thanks to dev mancs for doing this, and I hope the developers will do more events and work to help add dynamic content to the game that isn't pre-programmed in.

Thanks all, we will try to do this again sometime soon!


***NOTES(Stuff I forget to mention that is fun)***
One of the participants didn't have a teammate and dev mancs helped him.
The arena monsters would agro the contestants a lot OOPS.
sometimes the spawns were redone several times to aggro the rodeo guys
Europeans have different view of what rodeo is.


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

AgY wrote:

Mara: If thats the goal then devs should remove the ep system or a large part of it.

Agy: your mechs are still a decent fighting force, and one person with more ep, can count for several people in assaults. Put a weapon stabilizer on and watch assaults one shot/two shot. I think you're not recalling how utilized a solid ep character can be in a better ship....

Lemon wrote:

On the note of setting up good suggestions and changes that could be implanted I am sure we could get a group of veterans together to hammer out what we as a collective group think would best balance the game....

Well I'm a veteran, and any changes that help newer players as well old ones have fun in a pvp environment is one I'll stand behind. I think in this discussion we should involve younger players as well. I really think that there's a bad assumption here and that's only "veteran" players can see direction. Which is untrue, many of us have years of pvp experience by now.

As you said agy, let's carry forward. I don't think only veterans should be privy to this.

More players = more fun.


(111 replies, posted in Q & A)

Now are starting to see a setting where newer players, and younger corporations can get in some kind of bot and be competitive in a raiding style/fighting without having to skill for a mech.

This change has added a variety to the gang mix that will allow more players to x up in alliances and pvp. With more people able to pvp, more will play the game and enjoy it on a level they may not have been able to before. More people playing without having to grind weeks/months for a competitive game brings in more people to have fun and try out pvp.

More targets on a similar playing level = more fun for all.

Clearly the assaults wont dominate the scene, old builds are still viable, lemon's tank is still doable, just not as powerful as it was before. Heck even the new skill should and will help, he still has the old build ( as if that wasn't good enough still ). All the gangs we had still exist.

Back on topic:

With this change it's my belief that pvp is heading in a direction that ALL members can enjoy. Newer and older. If the direction of the pvp is made so that only older people can fight, it's kind of not fun for newer players. Scaring off newer players, makes your game dry up. Why do only newer players go towards tacklers? Why can't they get in assaults and sneak/blow stuff up. Now they can. This change separates perpetuum from eve. We never saw guys getting in covert ops ships in day 4.. this is great!

thanks man, it's fun to knock em down

no problem guys glad to help you out. Want more  corps in game.

Annihilator wrote:

on a Seth this means:
150AP every 2s for 20s = 1500 AP for one activation!

LoL we killed a heavy mech when they forgot this... hahahahah wink


(0 replies, posted in Selling Items)

Selling mk 2 castels have 7 in stock, 4.5 mil nic please. Thank to beta islands for funding this, always a pleasure to use your noralgis yarr

2212-06-17 05:20:10


Robot: Seth

Corporation: 62nd Infantry Mobile
Robot: Arbalest

Corporation: 62nd Infantry Mobile
Robot: Baphomet

Corporation: 62nd Infantry Mobile
Robot: Baphomet

Corporation: 62nd Infantry Mobile
Robot: Arbalest

Corporation: 62nd Infantry Mobile
Robot: Waspish

You don't need to own a station on beta and get in heavy mechs in order to fight people. As you can see it doesn't work.

This fight was 5 assaults, 1 ewar vs 4 heavy mechs and 1 mech. We didn't step down, we stepped up. They lost the mech to,  to us, with 4 heavies covering the mech.

Look at the people you're fighting with and think about how they fight. If they're stomping
people with whatever force necessary and not using much skill/coordination do you really want to be a part of it? Do you really feel great about being part of someone that runs with 4 heavies to take on 5 assaults and 1 ewar?

Not myself or the 62nd, thanks.

There's tons of groups in this game besides ours that will fight and think with some decent pride. Look around. The one with the loudest bark often will whimper.


(4 replies, posted in Buying Items)

Up on market 7 at 5 mil! Enjoy!

Respect to another pvp corp. Join them for a different group to fight with.

http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq18 … oodjob.jpg

Grats to my corpmates.


(11 replies, posted in Open discussion)

That kid need to play some hon, and get stomped on