(44 replies, posted in Balancing)

The theoretical best you can get in the factory compared to nominal component list is ~56%, since CTs are already capped at 100%. And in case someone forgot, Factory L4 gives no ME bonus, so most of the material efficiency comes from extensions (~250k EP, not counting # of lines and time bonus skills) and remaining bits from reputation (which is a *** to grind). While recycling is only 40k EP.

I don't know why some people suddenly want to nerf factory production, no reason for that whatsoever.

UPD: so capping recycling at 50% as Alexander proposed is a probably good idea, except the road to this cap should be smooth with L10 skill + L4 refinery peaking at 50%.

Bombs are for walls, not for PVP.


(44 replies, posted in Balancing)

Revert skill nerf, instead nerf L3/4 recycling facility so that exploits are not possible (if they were possible in the 1st place).

Good, but has to be visually realistic. And terraformable big_smile

Same idea applies to movement speed and was suggested a few times.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Norrdec wrote:

It will make it faster too.
To max out 2 "ways" of playing on one character you would prolly need 8 years (looking at the fact that to max all skills you will need about 16years)

Each sub-profession only takes a few months to perfection.


(28 replies, posted in News and information)

DEV Zoom wrote:

For now they will all be seeded for NIC on the market.

All the new stuff suddenly lost its appeal. fuuu It's player bought structures, not player built.

Annihilator wrote:

don't we agree that the teleporters as only long range travel method have to be changed anyway?

only in your imagination


(16 replies, posted in Balancing)

All was said already in I2.0 thread. Don't feel like repeating it.

What you call "benny hill" is what I call "chance to defend".

I would also like a read-only folder access type, in addition to full and write-only we have now.


(26 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

These will go well along with LOS-ignoring lasers. And probably LOS-ignoring EM guns too, because your BLUE argument is invalid.

NO corp standing to NPC. it was the worst EVE mechanic evar. fuuu

Mineral deposits are fine as they are. Better fix I2.0 instead.


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I'd prefer shield-penetrating ammo and/or weapons. That would be available blue/yellow pilots.


(6 replies, posted in Bugs)

Try unplugging the gamepad (if you have one).


(24 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Somehow, shore-to-shore transport sounds awesome to me. (Or shore-to-shore mobile teleport). big_smile
You can't just drop it into the current system, but it will shine as a part of a global trabsportation system rebalance.

Navigation is already bad enough in many areas due to terrain, plants and bugged autopilot.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ragequit is expected but stating your reason would be nice anyway.

Massively had an article with links to tournament result blog and videos.


(20 replies, posted in Balancing)

EVE taught us why this model sucks. Google "moons" and "ice" if you don't have first-hand experience.


(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

U trollin or what? PVP success is measured in ISK, i mean NIC.


(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

Celebro wrote:
Mark Zima wrote:

**The only real benefit of being on beta is epriton access. And you don't need to own an outpost for it.

Define 'real benefit'.

Final cost of production, ability to sustain PVP.


(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga, you could disagree all you want since you have no idea of what you are talking about.
I'm sick of theorycrafters arguing with experience. Go put your assets in a lockable outpost and defend a few 1 hr intrusions. For a few days straight. For very small benefits of actually owning the outpost**. THEN shine with your infinite wisdom.

**The only real benefit of being on beta is epriton access. And you don't need to own an outpost for it.


(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

Before ragequitting I'll put a list of steps necessary to fix the [s]completely broken[/s] incorrectly balanced system within the current framework:

1) Remove outpost lockdown completely, like it never existed. It will also automatically solve alliance problem (at least the largest part of it).
2) SAP attack time and SAP defence time should be equal, forces necessary for capture and defence should also be equal. This will move stability balance to 50 and allow to maintain facility levels (at least) comparable to the previous system.
3) The whole intrusion event should not consume more than 30 minutes of game time per day. One 20-30-min event daily would be reasonable and will reduce burnout.
4) Optionally (and the only benefit for defender): allow outpost owners to move the next event +-1 hr relative to the scanned time. This should reduce alarm clocking, but will disadvantage the attacker.


(22 replies, posted in Q & A)

The myth of transparent clustering (it talks about java middleware but the message still applies)
Nevertheless, in theory, nothing prevents you from creating erlang-like or terracotta-like middleware. It all depends on how island instances are structured.

Alexadar, HPC dev studio from Intel is unrelated. It's all about offline scientific number-crunchers.

PS. Requesting the "Perpetuum Server Architecture" blog.