NPC shooting disconnects look like a game bug, not a connectivity issue.
(Props to Mephiston for highlighting those "fastqueue parse errors", I never noticed them before).

"bonus EP cost by spark selection" means back to attributes again.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

That's what you get for posting a wall of binary junk.

There's a server issue with all beta islands (unable to deploy/log in to terrain) and the server restart is expected.

I just want to remind people that what DEV Alf said is "subject to change".
Whatever the new system will be, I'm sure no one will actually lose time, EP or acquired extensions.
(And hopefully no one will gain a disproportionate advantage either).


(21 replies, posted in Balancing)

Annihilator wrote:

not more teleports... highways yes, but inner teleporters should cease function in the near future.

Where did this come from? Less teleports will break the game, literally.
Highways themselves are mostly useless due to their meager speed bonus. The only good ones are those connecting various teleport chains (including inner teleports).


(21 replies, posted in Balancing)

How about a few extra teleports and highways on alpha islands? Civilized territories should have better infrastructure.
(Bonus for making these teleports syndicate-directed, but player-built.)


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

For Opera, put the lines I've quoted above in a text file with .css extension, then right click on any forum page -> Edit site preferences -> Display tab -> My stylesheet field, select the the created .css file here.

For Firefox, install this extension, open its options, press "Write New Style", fill in any name and put this in the large text field:

@-moz-document domain('') {
    body { background: #111 none !important; }
    .brd .item-subject .hn a, .brd .post-author a, .brd .post-byline a { color: #fff366 !important; }
    h1, .blue { color: #fff366 !important; }
    .post-byline, .post-link { color: #ddd; }

then "Save".

For other browsers, try googling for "per site user css".

You're reading it wrong.

The current EP cost multiplier ranges from 56 (most specialized) to 89 (least specialized). DEV Alf talks about making it constant 75 across all extensions.

Apparently, any kind of specialized build could suffer from this change so it won't be that simple.


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've used this user CSS to kill the background pic and recolor names and topics back to yellow:

body { background: #111 none !important; }
.brd .item-subject .hn a, .brd .post-author a, .brd .post-byline a { color: #fff366 !important; }
h1, .blue { color: #fff366 !important; }
.post-byline, .post-link { color: #ddd; }


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

The ads are awful indeed.

And you have so many nice pics, why not use them?


(5 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

These file names are just display names with non-alphanumeric characters (except hyphen) replaced with underscores. What's the problem with precisely matching them to dictionary.txt entries (translation tokens)?

Automating it is obviously infeasible, but the devs probably can collect usage statistics (e.g. distance/damage of each shot made, usual fittings etc) and make balancing changes based on that.


(3 replies, posted in Bugs)

I think bot's max targets display bug is still there too.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Switching to the "race of the month" (or "build of the month") is definitely not the way to react to balancing changes.

But yeah, this thread should end.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga, you're basically saying a new player has to wait 180 days to participate in PvP in a meaningful way. This is BS.

When I entered EVE a few years ago I considered it a great feature that a group of newbs can take on a "veteran" and have a chance to win. Without waiting for half a year. WIthout grinding through 50+ levels. Most games have it wrong, luckily, Perpetuum is not among them.


(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Any function hidden behind the shift key should have a visible and clickable alternative (like a menu entry). Or it will take months for people to discover it.
Reading the manual back-to-back, let alone patch notes, is not the first thing you do when you start playing the game, and some never read it at all.

UPD: I'm all for reading the manual back-to-back, but obviously this approach is not very popular. Even if the manual is well-written and comprehensive, like the Perperuum's one.

Bigger islands! The most exciting thing I've heard yet.

UPD: NPC eggs are also cool. tongue

Remote trade is good, no objections.

But remote storage manipulation should be either free or not available at all. Paying NIC for simply dragging stuff around is pure headache.

Мы можем запросто краудсорснуть перевод, например, вот так (меняю емейлы на права редактирования, ну или скачайте как Excel файл).
Вопрос в том, примут ли разработчики результат этой деятельности в плане QA, копирайтов и т.п.


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

Eve has demonstrated clearly that these kinds of incentives won't bring people to nullsec (~ beta). They'll just make the current beta dwellers more powerful, adding to a (perceived?) imbalance between alpha and beta.


(15 replies, posted in News and information)

Better a good blog than a rushed patch.


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Reduced travel and PvP activity, direct benefits to larger corps, more "must do"s for ordinary players.
Sorry I don't see any positive side to it. (Except it being logical in the theoretical/lore sense).

Unless you're doing a login trap, I don't see how it could be a problem.
And login traps should be discouraged.


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Unless there's a specific goal you want to achieve with this feature (like, discourage large roams), I'd say no thanks. The travel is a hassle as it is.
And I don't think we need another obligatory farming duty (EC).