Just show a warning in the mission description window that the mission won't give standing increase.
Better yet, always show the actual (not base) standing increase in the mission description.


(35 replies, posted in Balancing)

Explosion damage mechanic is good as it is, nerfing it would be a step backwards.

Trial players can see the market, but it's empty for them, creating an impression of a dead game.
Please make it visible, just disable buy/sell.

(Posted on behalf of Mr Scroplex from RSC.)

It's not happening anymore. /topic


(15 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:

what is a corp? what defines its? WHERE is it?

actually, it would not change much - The container for production knowledge just moved from a dedicated prototyper agents up to Corp-Ceo.

Researching into an undestructible persistant instance - wow, sounds really great. your sick of your corp? just kick everyone, transfer CEO to an alt and "safe" the researched data there, join another corp and use your alt to invite best prototyper of your new "home" into your old corp for production...

You immediately assume an ill-intentioned CEO. While the topic is about how to make life easier for the good ones.

I also like the idea of pooling research from individual members.
The best we can get is:
* players have personal KBs
* corps have corp-level KBs into which you could feed kernels separately
* KB that is actually used for production is the sum of all members' KBs and corp-level KB, i.e. the "pool".
With this system players will be able to split research holding responsibility betwen themselves and the corp in any proportion they see fit and none of eaten kernels will be wasted.

Pooling should also help individualist corps immensely.

I've crashed 7 times during the past 2 days when opening various corp storage folders.
The crash happens right after you double click a subfolder in a storage.

Another person in my corp also experienced a crash once under the same conditions.

Lucius Marcellus wrote:

I am in awe of the logical and argumentative reasoning.

It was just a summary of my 5-week presence in this game. I use suppressors almost daily.
There's a nice balance between EW and DPS bots on light/assault level. (Not sure about mech/hmech level.)

UPD: Aw, already nerfed. And combat mechs boosted. *** happens.

EW is fine as it is (at least suppressors and ecm), please stop these "nerf ecm" threads.

Jasdemi wrote:

Why don't you do it?

Because people treat them as spam and get angry?


(54 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:

L4-L5 star mechs were NEVER available on Alpha.

They were (L4 mechs on Tellesis at least). And probably still are, if the random spawn mechanic haven't removed them (it shouldn't).

Yohey wrote:

>>> AFK mining is limited by your cargo...
Actually it's not a problem too smile . You can easily automate moving the resource from cargo to container via simple Autohotkey script or similar soft. It's not interfering with game, simply moves your mouse. Number of cycles per tile can be balanced between bots\pos and alpha\beta accordingly to prevent anything gamebreaking.

Thanks for introducing us to CHAOS scripting practices, Yohey. I wonder if devs are still blind to these kinds of activities.

And I was wondering why some people call mining an AFK activity (hint: for legit miners it is not).

This system is overcomplicated (with double over) for a simple scenario of farming in a group. It also assumes a particular workflow (or "gameflow").

Small stuff and incremental enhancements have a greater chance of being implemented. Like
* better repair controls (mass repair based on price and health threshold).
* better stack splitting controls (multipart percent-defined splitting, maybe multiitem splitting).
* quick market valuation of a selected group of items.
* squad-level loot rights control.
* timers in squad (useless to 99% of people so not sure about that).

PS. you're bound to have management and trust problems in a corp like ICS-ZN.


(69 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks for the summary!

Zombiepilot is NOT completed. It works extremely bad.
Terraforming was canned? What's the source?
I think that artillery and AOE weapons are the same thing.
Idk about continents, but 2x2 island is certainly in the works.

Seing who targets who would be a bit too easy.
But I'm all for better indicators in landmarks and elsewhere.


(54 replies, posted in General discussion)

Level 4 NPCs were available on alpha for quite some time. And it should stay that way under the new system.

Older players will get much more extra EP fuuu

Other than that, all good.

The only significant problem with knowledge base mecnahic is it's dependence on one character.
Lots of clearly defined specialization paths (with minimal overlap) may improve this, but honestly, any other solution to the above problem is welcome.

Also, the past observer farming as a T4 fast track for some corps bugs me a little.

I've withessed this effect two times on the same spot (can send a screenshot if you need).

I thought it was intended. Like those small white whirlwinds or eerie sounds from the buildings, it contributes to the atmosphere of an alien planet.

Ville wrote:

I got working as intended when i asked the GM =/

I've heard similar BS from a russian GM yesterday. Dear DEVs, please tell us this is a joke!

I mean, I don't like afk miners and they have to be dealt with, but this bug spoils all the fun for legit miners too.

Allow squad invites to work without leaving the squad first.
Fix max number of targets parameter display in bot info.


(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I think the world is large enough to suport the current population.

I'd very much prefer a few more developed islands rather than (2 stations, 3 gates, 8 belts) x 100 model of EVE.


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Immortal troiars clearly need some adjustment.
And the fact that only old and wealthy characters can use them makes it even worse balance-wise.

As for the hmechs, ZUBO made a very good argument. 10 people in hmechs are better than 10 people in assaults, end of story.


(37 replies, posted in General discussion)

Make a dropdown menu of indy facilities. Long dropdowns are hard to use, buf if you keep it short (4-5 entries) it should be ok.


(6 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I'm having terminal FPS problems for 2 days already.
Previously docking has always increased FPS, now it's very sluggish.

@OP, absolutely horrible idea.
* Any kind of access restriction will discourage people (in many ways).
* Gate camping is not the type of PVP to promote.
* Perp islands are not EVE systems and teleports are not jumpbridges. EVE has loosely connected systems, Perp has well connected islands. We need more travel freedom, not less.

@Hugh Ruka
I'd prefer something less magic. Like the ability to create stashes (small and hard to find containers with 24+ hour timers), so you can dump stuff and come pick it up later.

Sidenote: a lot of threads seem to take on the low population problem from the wrong direction, e.g. by introducing some forcing mechanic to artificially "liven up" the situation. If something doesn't work well due to low pop, we should just wait for more people to join. Period.