Topic: movement and acceleration

What do you think about time to accelerate based on mass? going uphill slows you down? going downhill you accelerate faster or get higher max speed? different terrain you go different speeds based on whether you're a walker or use tracks?

I think this would add a fun element to gameplay and would put less emphasis on max speed if there was acceleration involved and other factors made it so you couldn't go max speed instantly. A few KpH won't matter if it takes you a while to accelerate to this max speed, and even turning can slow you down a bit. What do you think? good ideas bad ideas? i'm a bit new here but played eve for years. It seemed like have even 100 m/s difference wasn't all that big of a deal because you had to accelerate to that speed, and your capacitor had to be able to handle sustaining those speeds. Seems like there is a huge opportunity in this game for movement to be a much more interesting mechanic in pvp than it is now. Discuss.

Re: movement and acceleration

+1 to acceleration/deceleration, that will make controlling more interesting.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

Re: movement and acceleration

It would be nice but I am not sure that these sorts of things will work well in perpetuum. It will increase the skill of movement and knowing when to turn vs when not to will cause much Q.Q

It'd be nice to see a simple system like this where it takes a few seconds to get to full speed but people will find ways around it.

Re: movement and acceleration

The other current problem is lag, many of us still constantly get lag and if you think your turning in one place but server things a different place it could cause problems. For those of us who get constant lag this could become a huge pain in the but.

If lag wasnt an issue Im down for it 100%

Re: movement and acceleration

Navigation is already bad enough in many areas due to terrain, plants and bugged autopilot.