(4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

not in a year
as player getting into the mining mechs, and haulers are availiable now, the market will fill with offers soon.

after the last beta-wipe, it took around 3 or 4 weeks until the market was filled with offers for assault bots and even some light ewar bots.
considering that it was just about 1/3 of the current playerbase, that was pretty fast (ok, we had 4 month of EP right of the batch, and masses of cheated NIC)


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

only logical way to change attributes, would making the spark changeable (you cant change your past, but your equipment)

but the sparks just affects two attributes, and then with jsut 3 points each.
Imho, the spark needs to be a multiplier, for the previous set attributes, and the three other choices should mostly set your starter extensions.

like setting all military will give you 10 in tactics and 9 in mechatronics
using the ubenor spark will multiply those extensions by 3, and the others just by smaller factor to result in exact the same distribution as it is right now.

switching to other spark would then have a meaning


(14 replies, posted in Q & A)

im shooting more and more through terrain, and terrain cover start to become absolote for small bots with every LoS "fix".

and because missiles are the "only" working weapons ingame, we see everyone in PvP running around with missiile bots, especially the self claimed best pvp corp out there /sarcasm


(14 replies, posted in Q & A)

to which weapon class would you want to switch?

If you followed the topics around, you would have noticed that every weapon class is broken.
(grass is always greener over there!)

EM guns and Firearms using the same LoS,
Missiles are told to be the lowest DPS weapons ingame (i already hear you cry about 1 of 5 missiles missing, while your rate of fire is ultra low, compared to lasers)

it may feel for a noob that lasers and em guns consuming to much energy - but as you progress, skill up the right extensions and fit the right equipment, that "high" energy consumption especially for lasers will be marginal.


(3 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

your talking about the landmark filters?


(4 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Each level of this extension raises the proportion of relation improvement towards the contractor corporation by an additional 3% by each successfully completed assignment, and the relation will decline by 3% slower if you do harm to the corporation.

it wont decline slower - raising this extension does increase the negative standing also by 3%

additionally, IMHO the negative standing for higher rank missions should be increased to give this extension a meaning.

last but not least, there are lvl1 to lvl6 mission ins, which means, maximum standing you can get is ~8 with epic grind, because the lvl6 missions already give you pretty low gain.
would the standing gain of a lvl7 mission even show up in the log?

I will split of this into balancing if i get more response.


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

its simple - you deploy that beacon like a field container, then click on interact, choose the teleporter you want to go and thats it.

- it cant be used within 1km radius of a station/outpost
- it is not reusable
- it has low hitpoints and can be shot down
- it has a cooldown that you have to wait until you can use it
- it needs a Sequer to transport it.

in theory you could use it to get away from a camped inter-island-teleporter, but its not under syndicate protection and will probably be shot down.

the only option to use it is, your in the middle of nowhere mining, and see someone approaching on the radar - then use it to teleport to one of the three inter-island teleporters with syndicate protection area.
The fact that it starts with a cooldown right when deployed, makes the emergency beacon the only usable beacon for that, if a high-speed gank group has spoted you.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

CenDre wrote:

easiest way i can think to fix this would be to raise the height of the bots a bit.

there is no easy way. and raising the hight of the bots would change anything (the LoS calculation for small bots is way above their heads already.


(14 replies, posted in Q & A)

1. get a friend
2. go to a non camped spawn that you manage to kill together with your friend (1st star smasher, servant herald or rookie mongoose would be the easiest)
3. collect the white damaged modules,  the kernels and the ammo dropped
4. sell kernels and repaired modules to npc.
5. forget about combat missions until YOU are the one that can lock faster then the noobs


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)


just took the link from neoxx and replaced the number...


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

i dont know anything about Mac or bootcamp or whatever, just wanted to mention that the game is DirectX9 based.


(16 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

is there any other Eve feature that you want in here?


(16 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Doomviper wrote:

It's called a combat log.  For um... Combat. ....

Its a matter of a few clicks and typing in another word to change that name.

also, please share your knowledge about how this would benefit macros
- and why they should not remove the combat log then for combat, as it could benefit combat macros?

those "emtpy" areas some times contain the stuff for the industrials wink


(22 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

also, running the same client several time is causing heavy database corruption in some cases


(49 replies, posted in Balancing)

DEV Zoom wrote:

That can be deceiving though, since most of the time you are observing the terrain from above, not aware of the slight bumps on the terrain.

thats a matter of the plain shading for 75% of the playtime (night, and around midday)
without propper shadows, its hard to see a bump...
and those with deactivated shadows its 100% of the time.


(17 replies, posted in Q & A)

RE standing only affect time and NIC


(49 replies, posted in Balancing)

XrayIT wrote:

At the moment missiles are of the type fire and forget, with a specifique LOS calculation.
while during the same time laser or EM, bullet are not.
It will be reallistic and interresting to make them not totally fire and forget.
let me explain what I'm thinking :

Like in 99% of any MMO i know, the LoS for Missiles is calculated at the moment they are fired. If the target moves into cover AFTER that, the missile will still hit. At this point, missiles dont have any advantage over Turrets.

Actually, the missiles having a slight disadvantage because their DAMAGE is dealt later, and can be absorbed by a shield that was activated After launch.

Projectile weapons do instant damage, but got a straight line LoS, where the Missiles having an arc LoS calculation.

When you say, Missiles got great range, than that is only half true:
Missiles having great range on cheap equip and low tech, but it doesnt expand whith better launchers.
Lasers and EM guns on the other side, get the higher ranges on expensive equipment only.

Its not a bug, its a "missing feature"


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

tech 1 kernels give you maximum tech 1 knowledge
tech 2 maximum tech2 ...
tech 5 give you all + bonus

the closer you are to having everything researched, that the kernel provides, the chance of learning something is getting smaller.

in short terms, that means, if you are researching tech1 kernels, you are always "near having all possible researched"

Kernel research doesnt exclude already finished knowledge from the ammount of possible results!

Melia - you have two options:
1. running
2. having a sequer with a mobile teleport beacon with you -> but you will most likely lose the sequer in that process, unless your fast enough and using the emergency teleporter.
Actually, that means to use that option, you need either a friend, or an alt + multiple clients running. have fun wink


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

... or it shows that you have to do them about 200 times first, before you can do the more risky ones.

Outlaw wrote:

maybe ? they buy a better robot or not that is ppl choice
also remember arkhe mk2 can fit 2 mining laser so i dont know what miner wants a castel for example

like i said earlier that simple fact will be a influx of unwanted robots and that is bad for the economy

hmm, you dont know?
1. sell all the combat equip you got from that missionline - then you got your money for argano
2. aquire a decoder, reverse the combat bot - and have your first low cost production.
   - actually, to aquire the decoder of your own, you will probably have to go out in that castel wink
3. at last - recycle it, get a few comodities for your first production, or to sell on market

not at the beginning.

Right now, the moment you hit deploy, or click on your agent that had logged out while on terrain, your Mech/Bot will spawn on the terrain, visible for everyone and with syndicate protection.

  1. anything around you can already lock you during that time

  2. if you crash for whatever reason, your bot will stay longer then the syndicate protection there

  3. you can't see your own spawn animation

  4. a undock or log-in process can't be canceled

  5. player with slower machines are even more handicapped on open-pvp zones because of 1.

  6. Syndicate protection has to be long enough to cover any loading time, while the "molecular instability" has to be even longer for the sake of the pvp guys.

If you change the system, that it first shows you loading screen, and then spawn your bot,

  1. lower syndicate protection time

  2. eventually invent an abort option for undock/login

  3. lower that damn "molucular instability"

  4. less unfriendly customers that lost bot due to dock/log crash