(1 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Placing an advert for 262000.01 creates an order for 262000.02!

Try placing a buy advert in the market for 262,000.01 NIC. The price will automatically change to 262,000.02 NIC when the advert appears in the market.

I suspect some weird rounding error in the code.

The item I placed the order for was a Prometheus, in the Daoden station, if it matters. The same issue occurs if you try to place an advert for 252000.01 NIC as well.

This is a minor thing, does not ruin the day or anything, but I thought you'd want to know anyways, since it does not work as expected.



(8 replies, posted in Balancing)

Necro much?


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I wasn't talking about being selling that stuff on the market - that will be way too complicated. I was talking about simple player to player trade, when docked in a station, when both players are not in the same corp. Well, even if they are in the same corp, you know.

Please remove the NPC sell orders for ammo. By now, for sure more than 1 player (actually whoever cares enough to research the kernels) can produce any of the ammo that is not a mission reward.

Also, the presence of the NPC sell order is just a ceiling for the ammo prices. Make it so that players control the price and the free market operates as it should.

If you are absolutely opposed to the idea of removing the NPC orders, at least double the price of the NPC-sold ammo.


Pick one thing, and do it right. There are the following roles:
1) mining (with specialization for different ores)
2) harvesting  (with specialization for different ores)
3) recycling (with an extra extension to increase yield of two materials)
4) refining (with specialization for different ores)
5) prototyping
6) production
7) repair

So if you are keen on mining, pick a pair of refining+mining skills and run with that, and so on.

As for allocating EP, the way I do it is, I would pick the skills that I need for starters and spend them in the most cost efficient manner using the perpetuum planner.

Keep in mind that you will need some support/auxiliary skills, such as Diplomacy, the skills to pilot a bigger bot (the sequer or the mech-miner), navigation, CPU and reactor skills etc.

I would just try and decide what the chars of the starting toon should be first, then spend maybe half of  the free EP and resolve to not spend the other half for the first three days no matter what, and keep constant notes on what I feel is lacking. After three days, you will glad you kept 10K EP unspent tongue

Good luck.

Recognizer wrote:

the % increase of a CT may differ depending on the item you are reversing, but its not random.

have you thought about "dimishing returns" ?
im not sure about that, but i will ask the right DEV about it.

I basically have a NIC and availability issue - else I would try creating 10 CTs for the same thing with a decoder of a different level and report findings here. I can only reverse engineer so many items with (the hard to find) NIC that I have got.

I just check with the two factories, and you are right.

level 1 factory: 8hr 57 mins 27 secs
level 2 factory: 7hs 12 min 57s

Level 1 factory: 52min 39s
Level 2 factory: 42min 24s

Level 1 factory: 22min 9s
Level 2 factory: 17min 51s

So higher level factories only save you time, not materials needed.

In my humble opinion, you should think of changing it so that they use less quantities/resources.

In my not-so-humble opinion, you should update the help to read:

If you move the cursor over the icon of the facility you may see a level marker (I, II or III) after the facility's name. That marker defines the development level of this facility: level I has a relatively longer production time, level III on the contrary produces output much faster! Search for the most time-efficient factory facility by traveling between terminals!

Recognizer wrote:

factory efficiency = needs less time
material efficiency = nees less material

Its not a bug, its a feature. Working as intended.
Wording of the help will be changed, hopefully.

I am talking about the Material efficiency, since it is the quantity required that does not change between the two different factories.

In game help text specifically states:

If you move the cursor over the icon of the facility you may see a level marker (I, II or III) after the facility's name. That marker defines the development level of this facility: level I has a relatively bad working efficiency, level III on the contrary works really efficiently. Search for the most economical solution by traveling between terminals!

So assuming that most economical refers to "uses least resources" (and not uses less time), it is a bug as reported. That said, I will run back to the factories and check on the time efficiency too.

EDIT: removed inappropriate text dissing helpful people.

Sorry if I am a little miffed.

Short version: I tried three different CTs at factories with two different levels, and I get the same quantity of needed materials at both factories. This is broken, since Level 2 factories are supposed to be more efficient.


I have the following three CTs, with the following needed Qty. of materials at the following two factories:

My skills are:
Basic Production Efficiency at level 3.
The material ratio is 9% and the relation ratio is 7% at both factories.

Factory A: The Level 1 factory at the Asintec Alpha terminal

Item 1:
Laird CT, with 64% material efficiency
Qty. Needed:
Titanium - 2520
Plasteosine - 720
Isopropentol - 1296
Metachropin - 360

Item 2:
Small sonic energy CT, with 52% material efficienty
Qty. Needed:
Metachropin: 357
Priluminum: 357

Item 3:
Universal Harvester Charge CT, with 43% efficiency
Qty. Needed:
Titanium: 213
Plasteosine: 106
Isopropentol: 106

Factory B: The level 2 factory at Dari outpost.

The qtys needed for all three items above are the same!

I spent a half a million on getting the Laird CT done so that I could try something other than charges (since I thought it might be a problem with too few required quantities not being affected by the change in factories). I also travelled back and forth between the factories, and lost some more NIC by having to extract the CTs from factory A.

The in-game guides mention that factories with higher levels are more efficient, but this is not true in practice.

Also, another player confirmed the same behavior with Level 2 and Level 3 factories - he had the same material needs at both factories for the same production job.


Recognizer wrote:
Rayna Von Savant wrote:

Same problem happens when "extracting" CTs from factories. One CT lost 5% efficiency, another lost 6%.

thats no bug, thats a feature.

CT damage has a random factor implemented

But the first issue in the original post I made is a bug, then, since level n decoders should provide ((level n - min level required for item) * 5)% efficiency for the CTs?

Or is everything related to percentages just a crapshoot?

Same problem happens when "extracting" CTs from factories. One CT lost 5% efficiency, another lost 6%.

Shouldn't this be filed under bugs/feature requests?

It would also be handy to have the slot info on the robopedia.

I have the same issue.

I am trying to Reverse engineer a Laird, with a Level 4 decoder.
The resulting CT attributes lists the following:

Material Ratio: 64%
Time Ratio: 64%

The Bonus for the Level 4 decoder is listed as: Bonus +3

So, shouldn't the material and time ratios be 65% each. Is this a rounding issue?

This is not the only rounding-related issue I have seen. I have even seen what looks like rounding issues when it comes to market orders. An order I place for, say 15.59 NIC magically becomes 15.58 NIC (or 15.60 NIC) when posted - but that is the content for a different bug report, which I will write up when I encounter it next with details.

This bug has been fixed this last patch. Thanks!

The patch notes for the day read:
"'''Fix:''' An issue with drone kernels prevented players from fully gaining knowledge from them during research."

And I am pleased to say the bug is fixed. I learnt something new from kernels today.


It would be nice to be able to change the transparency of the UI windows, so one can look at, say, the relations window while travelling. Even with autorun on, I keep bumping into structures, plants, and un-travellable regions if I have any windows open, since I can't see where I am going.



(0 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)


Currently, the transactions log shows purchase adverts when placed, and sell adverts when the items are sold.

I need to be able to see at a glance what was the purchase order that I had, that got filled. I cannot do this from the Transactions log in the Agent Profile sheet. For this, I have to check the Event Log.

The only way I know of to see the Event log is to click on the tiny gold coin at the bottom left, when it appears. Also, once I open it and close it - I cannot open it again until something else gets sold, cause it disappears!!!


Create a transaction log with a list of transaction ordered by date/time  in reverse.
This log should have all information regarding when either NIC, or items are obtained or sold/given-away.
When a purchase advert it placed, this will show the amount of NIC being deducted from the character. When someone sells something to the player through the purchase order, the item that was sold/bought will be shown (without a NIC amount).

Also, the transaction log could use a separate column that should quantity, in addition to amount. It is hard to remember how much I bought some ammo for, in order to sell it, when I log in after 24 hours smile

Thanks a lot!

( I am still doing one forum post per request/bug since a Dev said its easier to track. Let me know if I should do walls of text instead).

Thank you!


(44 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Eastern US. The address in my profile is correct. Please let me know if you need me to post the city here.


(44 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I am experiencing very high lag, at off-peak times too now. It is so bad, that if I set the robot in motion in a straight line, 9 times out of 10, I don't move past 500 meters.

Please fix.

+1, the landmark window needs improved features!

Sorry to bug you, but since I can't learn anything - when will the patch be deployed, any idea?

Please allow us to trade or exchange damaged goods in station. Undocking umpteen times just to get stuff to an alt or friend who can recycle much better than I is exhausting, and it is not like you can pvp, pve, and do everything solo - at least it is meant to be a social game.

A warning when damaged goods are being traded would be fine by me.


+1. This, and how the percentages for production/industry add up - both should be clear from in-game descriptions. Right now, it is clear as mud.

+1. You do realize you can out-source most of the fancy niche features that players seek just by letting them build their own? An API for retrieving data would rock. An advanced API to make the repetitive tasks easier (think WOW api for addons) would be absolutely fabulous. Make it more than a game!


(19 replies, posted in Balancing)

The problems are:

  • You don't get enough in rewards - you can barely afford the ammo, and that's it!

  • The drops are worth nothing - an average mob drops aprrox 800 NIC worth of loot that can be recycled, and maybe 1-in-5 drops a decoder worth 8000 NIC.

  • The levels don't scale with regards to effort/reward

  • The relations gains are trivial and painful - doing the same thing 50x over for gaining better standing is painful - worse, the standing gain seems to be good for nothing if you are a combat character

Seriously, if I am not to blow things up and get rewarded, why would I continue playing the game if I am a combat character? And if I am NOT a combat character, why would I play the game if there are no combat characters to consume what I produce?

I will watch this space for a month maybe, but the game needs a good face-lift when it comes to productive, rewarding things to spend a player's time on.

More variety in the drops, more drops, more rewards, increased rewards for higher-level assignments, increased variety of assignments are all possible fixes. Devs need to re-think how PVE works. All PVP-ers start with a little PVE to get their NIC-situation fixed.