Here's how we deal with things we find questionable:
Just before our base was destroyed, we found a bug. We tested it, discussed it, and thought it'd be clearly exploitative. It would've allowed us to destroy every single base in the game. no matter how many turrets it had, or what kind of tech they were. So, did we go and test it out in the field cuz we could and no one knew about it? Nope, we reported it, and waited ... not using it for a whole month until it finally got patched.
Now, chaos uses mechanics that arent known to most of us. All i'm asking for are definite rulings on their legitimacy, and limitations. If these tactics are being allowed, i think every corp should know about them. hence the detailed discussion of the details here.
Edit, and i did mean vertical distance. the teleport after undocking placed them around 200m vertical (2d) distance. This isnt considering height and was checked using the radar marker.