Да вы все хороши, пока спите зубами к стенке.

People are leave the game. One by one. Everyday.
DeVs, check recent events: Neptun leaved the game. He also leaved open-access container under shinjalar with 24 kU resources. Is this laziness?

1) Because of this is content and DeVs spent a lot of time for it's development.
2) It won't balance anything. The overpowered alliances anyway will stay overpowered.
3) The first one who will suffer - it will be noobs. Also they are first who will leave after such changes.

Gremrod wrote:

Subject states it all. The game was a bit harder, but more fun when these did not exist.

Dude, there was not more fun. I remember the time when i awaited CEO about hour, while he back from domhalarn to atalica for some important business and that was definetly not funny.

The problem not in the Sparks... Leave it as it is. The problem in powerful of one alliance and weakness the other. Sparks removing won't help you because of CIR quite rich to able themself dedicated account in the each outpost and under each entrance to beta island.


(63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:
Hunter wrote:
Supremacy wrote:

200 islands, thumbs up

BTW you're right. There are should not be populous islands. Little corps should be able to dissolve in the gamma for some time. And this is should be a luck to find any noob base. Else we will have same beta islands.

even with 500 gamma islands, its kinda easy to find any noob outpost. you just monitor the beta-gamma teleports for activity and follow anyone hauling terraformer charges, field container or any other deployable stuff in higher quantities wink

And what?.. Ok, lets call a super hero for help - Captain-Obviousness. Do you know what he said? - He said that we need more beta-islands and abilities to jump by using interzones.

I want to remind you that most part the terraforming was intended as fortifying. Fortify the islands been directed to cover the assets.

The DeV's already reimbursed your spends. They moved all your assets in to alphas. Now it's safe. That's it.

No need to reimburse anything else.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

xara wrote:

Thats what bug trackers are for...and I'm pretty sure they have one.  Now this can be added to it.  Squeeky wheel gets the grease.

Yeah yeah smile



(63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Supremacy wrote:

200 islands, thumbs up

BTW you're right. There are should not be populous islands. Little corps should be able to dissolve in the gamma for some time. And this is should be a luck to find any noob base. Else we will have same beta islands.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

I think the guys still remember my shout on the Domhalarn. - After blowing my trojar its ressurected and after undock ICB terminal i saw the TMB terminal in the middle of island... And *surprise* i could even dock in there. wink


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

xara wrote:

Does not need to be any more easy mode.  A bugs a bug, even if it benefits me.

Main point not in the benefit... Problem in the DeV's time. They haven't it to solve such little things.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

TBH: this is a global bug. Robots not always dies after blowing up (and many ppl know that).

My advice: Don't share this bug to DeV's... roll


(39 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

It's hard for me to read walls of english texts. So i'm sorry if i'll repeat another one.

The economic model rejects such features as account/charachter transfer/giving. EP boost - yes, multiaccounting - maybe, but definetly not charachter/account transfer.

Preamble: The regular fit for mechs and others are profile weapons and nothing else. It happens because of non profile equipment have an extra mass and reactor/cpu usage.

My suggestion is:

Every kind of weapon should debuff it's target, If another kind of weapon will shoot debuffed target - it should suffer because of combo effect.

For example:
If missile strikes a target, then EM gun inflicts more damage on it. Laser will have more chance of critical strike.
If EM weapon strikes a target - lasers will decrease AP regen. Missiles - will decrease it's speed.
and so on...

Also would be cool to implement the type of damage combo effects.
thermal+seismic=additional crit chance.
kinetic+thermal=shield penetration percent


(60 replies, posted in General discussion)

Burial wrote:

Leaders motivate people. If they can't motivate themselves, they can't be expected to motivate others.

Syndic wrote:

Main reasons new guys give us for stopping playing;

- Grindy PVE/bad missions
- Boring game/nothing fun to do outside PVP

You know... I play Dota 2 last time. There are no leaders and PvE. Moreover PvE - is a stupid waste of time (personaly for me). Also no need to motivate me to play Dota - this game just fair and interesting.

BTW: There are absolutely no balance between classes and picks, but there are one of the best kind of balance at all.

No, i don't think that perpetuum should be like dota (cause of different concept). But i think that ppl loses should not be fatal.

The problem not in the sparks/mobility or resources. The problem in the impossibility to win the powerblocks that consist of veterans. There are lot of accidents total wipe the noobs on the killboard.
Also there are mistake in opinion that: High-end content should be able to veterans only. That was a greatest mistake ever.


(23 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

long time ago in galaxy far away


(62 replies, posted in Open discussion)

I've played it and... I can't say anything good or bad about this game. This is another one MMORPG - nothing more.

Now the game on early access stage. I hope the DeV's going to sell a special packages with specific robots and additional EP amount after release (like a deluxe edition packs). No?


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

the searching and mining process are same. The difference in that everyone will try to kill you.

I'm sure that much more ppl dies because of crimes compare to aircrushes. Someday Ukraine will spend their last rocket and this area will be safe too.


(19 replies, posted in Balancing)

Lemon wrote:

Hunter <3

He was using Sarcasm roll

Yes but OP could not get it.


(35 replies, posted in Balancing)

idea is good but not complete.


(19 replies, posted in Balancing)

Lobo wrote:

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..... erps stacked with rep tuners were totally unkillable totally.

TBH: You wrong here.

Dude, the devs have a plan. They woking on it...


(19 replies, posted in Balancing)

Norrdec wrote:

Nerf ERPs.

^ This