farewell. time to cleanup my hdd from perp copies.
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Hunter
Posts found: 1 to 25 of 701
1 2017-09-05 16:44:55
Re: New devblog: Perpetuum is dead, long live Perpetuum (50 replies, posted in News and information)
2 2016-11-13 17:59:12
Re: Eve online f2p talk (russian) (37 replies, posted in Open discussion)
Hunter wrote:f2p in EvE starts in few days. Going to celebrate perpetuum dead there!
P.S. TBH i glad that everything ends. It's good idea to burry perp by this way.
Бесплатно будешь кататься на самых стрёмных шипах типа Архе тут. На этом бесплатность закончится. За остальное - абонентка.
Крузаки это по местным меркам штурмовик. Хватит погонять. А вообще у меня другие интересы.
3 2016-11-13 13:01:55
Topic: Eve online f2p talk (russian) (37 replies, posted in Open discussion)
f2p in EvE starts in few days. Going to celebrate perpetuum dead there!
P.S. TBH i glad that everything ends. It's good idea to burry perp by this way.
4 2016-11-10 12:08:18
Re: Medium Firearm AP consumption (or any other weapon) (45 replies, posted in Balancing)
i'm even not going login after patch. I heard enough.
Full capacitor discharging after six shots in pretorian gropho.
5 2016-09-29 16:47:33
Re: Booster node energy consumption (5 replies, posted in Bugs)
Zoom... The ppl scares even step on beta. Everytime we shoot their bases - they only whine on forums. If (in any universe) perpetuum online will grow up and ppl start run in ganks 100 ppl+, turrets will die instantly without boosters. I dunno for what situation can be applied turret boosters. Simplier way - use t1 terminal, placed nearby colixium spot - nothing more.
P.S. Anyway. If this is not a bug and we can free shot remained gamma bases... okay.
6 2016-09-29 05:29:28
Re: Booster node energy consumption (5 replies, posted in Bugs)
It's very simple, you only use as many boosters as you have energy for.
2700 AP consumption against 3000 AP incoming from energy well. So i have to choice between facilities and defence?
This looks pretty weird if i have to find some extra energy spots specialy for turret boosters.
By my opinion the fully defended and fully functional base have to be enough 1 energy well for 1 week. It would be fair. No?..
7 2016-09-28 14:49:45
Topic: Booster node energy consumption (5 replies, posted in Bugs)
I don't know when it started, but now (for example hi-tech) booster node consumes 60 AP for each connected turret. Every booster can be connected to 15 turrets. It means 900 AP consumes fully connected booster node. Remember that you can connect 3 booster nodes to the each turret we have 2700 AP requires for boost 15 turrets (not too much turrets for defence).
I think this is too much energy requires for turrets boost (or a bug) cause of Energy well gives only 3000 AP.
Now i understand why so many defenceless outposts around.
8 2016-09-28 12:48:52
Topic: Energy fields, MPC and you. (4 replies, posted in Balancing)
Q: Do you know how long 1 energy field can feed 1 facility (with boosters)?
A: 5 days.
err... WHAT?!..
P.S. There are possible install 8 different facilites. Yes. You have to install new energy well every 12 hours.
9 2016-09-24 11:49:32
Re: Scheduled server downtime - 2016-09-23 (39 replies, posted in News and information)
Hunter wrote:Jita wrote:Also can you issue warnings and 7 day bans to the people who know full well that this is broken, exploit content and are still using it in PvP instead of reporting it.
Lol yes. We have to be banned
Do you think game developers should take no action against people who don't report exploits and broken content and use it in PvP? This game has a LONG history of allowing exploits and game breaking actions to be done with absolutely no consequence so it's hardly a surprise people keep doing it.
This is a simple experiment from DeVs:
1) Make things imbalanced.
2) Watch on reactions.
3) ??? - Profit!
10 2016-09-24 10:14:19
Re: Scheduled server downtime - 2016-09-23 (39 replies, posted in News and information)
Also can you issue warnings and 7 day bans to the people who know full well that this is broken, exploit content and are still using it in PvP instead of reporting it.
Lol yes. We have to be banned
11 2016-09-24 08:58:51
Re: Scheduled server downtime - 2016-09-23 (39 replies, posted in News and information)
Basicaly... Thank you DeV's. New toys works as needed.
12 2016-09-18 07:37:33
Re: DeVs, how about some extra money for you? (20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
Yes Jita. We all know you not going support this project. Your main goal here - separate the community, troll and other bad things. If you would want help - we would see you in the game, you would support ideas targeted to growing up perpetuum. Thanks for another one trollpost.
13 2016-09-17 06:13:44
Topic: DeVs, how about some extra money for you? (20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
1) I'm sure there are lot of ppl who ready to spend some money for ICE purcahsing, but they can't.
Why they can't? - Because of EP accumulation still works on account - not on charachter.
Many ppl here has Steam accounts and don't want use multibox software. EP accumulation on account means useless the second charachters. If you split EP accumulation - you will have some extra money from ICE and other stuff sells.
This is easy money for you i think.
2) Why there are still no paint shop?
3) How about sells the DLCs with black mechs/heavies?
4) How about sells the aegis items? (new brand module, that can be possible buy only for perpetuum credits. If robot dies with equiped this module - he goes back in to the terminal)
and so on.
14 2016-09-17 06:05:47
Re: Server troubles? (23 replies, posted in General discussion)
By info from DeVs that was provider issue.
15 2016-08-10 09:18:04
Re: Recycling Extension is laughable ... :( Can I have my EP back? lol (21 replies, posted in Balancing)
Just fyi, I was on Gamma...
nuff said
16 2016-08-07 07:01:49
Re: Vektor is just too slow. (46 replies, posted in Balancing)
He's right Inda. With speed Vektor will be imbalanced.
17 2016-08-04 12:30:15
Re: Piece of shlt instead of GF on intrusions. (27 replies, posted in Balancing)
I have no desire play the perpetuum because of stupid PvP content and lack of PvE. This is not my fault and not my problem. I just informed DeVs (once again) that i've played a bit their game again, but can't stay here cause of out of interests. I'm not going run intrusions all/every day and chase mices on betas. Maybe i'll back again, maybe not. For now nothing hold me here.
18 2016-08-01 16:00:50
Re: Piece of shlt instead of GF on intrusions. (27 replies, posted in Balancing)
I can't understand you Ville. What's a wrong with you? Your guys calls a blob even PvP in equals conditions.
However instead of misrepresentation i would like to be clear for everyone: The people dislikes when the game become to work.
1) The war never goes for one outpost on island. Every time the factions fight for a whole island. There are need too much time to get it. This is stupid.
2) Like a rats people prefer ninja intrusions instead of battles.
...Basicaly there are lot's of aspects that been spoiled by intrusions 2.0.
I will repeat once more but last here: The ppl won't really play intrusions. This is worthless. The ppl won't build gammas - this worthless too.
19 2016-07-30 11:10:53
Re: Piece of shlt instead of GF on intrusions. (27 replies, posted in Balancing)
That means that DeVs intent: out of pvp and out of active players. Only angry eyes looking from outposts.
20 2016-07-30 09:23:42
Topic: Piece of shlt instead of GF on intrusions. (27 replies, posted in Balancing)
Dear DeVs... Intrusion 2.0 been crap since it's start. Our enemies don't want lose their bots every day. They not interested fight for 10-15 stability and risk. I remember how many people leaved after that patch.
It was obvious mistake since implementing. The time confirmed that.
21 2016-07-28 19:27:51
Re: Albion and WoW: CIR division. (37 replies, posted in Open discussion)
I aggree. PvE games like WoW will be better for CIR. Have a good luck.
22 2016-06-25 08:02:33
Re: Ok DeV's, it was too much =) (112 replies, posted in Balancing)
ok, how do you like this: i played about hour and i got about 3k EP with lowest multiplier on server (cause of my EP amount ~3 mil)?
Got a DeV profit from this? - nope
23 2016-06-25 06:45:53
Topic: Ok DeV's, it was too much =) (112 replies, posted in Balancing)
Just balance it to earn some money:
1) Current EP reward only for accounts with booster active
2) Accounts with no boosters should get 1/4 EP reward. Or less.
3) EP reward for Mining on alphas = 1/4x
4) EP reward for Mining on betas = 1/2x
5) EP reward for Mining on gammas = 1x
6) Mining liquids reward need to divide to 2 as well
7) Bring back red roaming NPC's on alpha islands to avoid AFK mining.
P.S. We are all understand this is a test period and it has to be changed. So feel free about changes and don't forget about your fees.
24 2016-06-24 11:40:16
Re: Scheduled server downtime - 2016-06-24 (28 replies, posted in News and information)
at last...
25 2016-06-13 04:49:35
Topic: Access teamplates (3 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
I want some features in my corp to be set by default:
- 1 lvl access storage
- Limited access to research database
- maybe something else
Can you add a feature to configure defaults for new members?
Posts found: 1 to 25 of 701
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