(10 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

TBH: I would do NPC agresive anyway.

The problem of new AI that NPC's can run to anywhere on island. What if just apply some timer?

1) If some player pulled a NPC, it marks and trying to kill exactly this player or any other who participate in fight (react on shooting/EW/support).
2) Define their area, where the NPCs been pulled and if mark ends (in a minute stopping the shooting/EW), NPC's will back with renewed 100% HP/AP.


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Yes. I would offer some distress beacons, that would protect area around it's deploying. If owner leaves the area - NPCs are gone away too. Only one wave and only one beacon per 1km radius (of course), no loot, and other balanced stuff.


(94 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Keywords for this topic: Moral, Jita, Killing the game, personal interests

...About what the latest posts? Poor guys came to their beloved place to shoot some beacons and... remembered that it was fixed?.. ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu fuuu


(28 replies, posted in Bugs)

It is strange. I have no same problems. Of course i have no so many accounts. But three clients works fine.

I have a big lot of it. Some shared to my charachters and i don't want to see it in my list. Please clear it all.

yeah... invisible blob of noobz...

BTW: Idea is really nice. But i would remain sparks in to owned OP.

Is that new players? Wow... So noobs able to use heavies and mk2 ewar mechs?.. (or this is a noobs with access to shared veterans accounts)

oh really? so where is that bunch?

Noob: Hi! I wanna play this wonderful game!
Veteran: Let's go, but you will suck the next two years in PvP.
Noob: Lol. Looks like i spent the money for wrong game. See you in two years maybe then. smile

Ludlow Bursar wrote:

Three of the examples I mentioned (new island types/configurations, specialised bots and meaningful roles for smaller bots) are about PvP oriented content.

I doub if DeVs have enough resources for quick development the new content. By your point they must create a new (pve)game.

You standing on the point that newbies should not be available to hi-end content. But are you sure that EP amount is a content? Ability to use same bots, same equipment totally not means fully researched prototype database, good teamplay/social skills/status and other stuff.

Ask yourself: You have quite much EP and is it enough for you? Have your corp have an own outpost with 100% stability with lots of miners around and good security squad? Who should fill this places? How long you ready wait for this? ("this" means the time when there will be lots of ppl, who will be able to do something)

Ludlow Bursar wrote:

Why does the new player see the need to compete with the Vets from so early in their Perp career? Could it be that there's very little to do or to strive for in between Noob and Vet.

Maybe because of Perpetuum-online about PvP? The game designed for competitions. If the DeV's wanted to create a PvE game - they would did it. But perpetuum exactly PvP oriented game with some economic aspects. Gamma is a giant PvP content. The ppl just need to able to get it.

Syndic wrote:

There's a way to gain EP.

It's called "wait like everyone else".

How long they have to wait? You didn't wait. You had a maximum EP and equal conditions. In what the others worse than you? Just because of they didn't knew about the game before?..

Ludlow Bursar wrote:

The fundamental problem underpinning perceived EP gaps is lack of content.

What kind of content?

Behold the root: Ep issue presents.


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

Bump for the Blackout while he in rage. smile


(16 replies, posted in Bugs)

Maybe would be better just cancel AOE damage taken by NPCs?..


(16 replies, posted in Bugs)

you have to be patient... The new system need to be adjusted a bit...


(16 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

definetly it should be an elven race.

seriously: What force should drive them? Just magic?..

Ville wrote:

It could be like an interference emitter.

How abut some numbers though?..

TBH: The current system of "interference emission" are non applicable. Last trend the pvp is a speed race. And how you will decide the need for using anti-nexus charge?


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oldest "resolved": 2011-12-22 07:32:14 #244

Oldest "In progress": 2013-12-01 16:55:22 #2562

I heard that DeV Alf came back. How about to meet with players and talk a bit in GC? It would be nice to see you every week or every two weeks. I think it would be useful for all.

Ссылка на статью-источник

Как мы уже говорили в предыдущем посте, с начала выхода в STEAM мы были заняты поиском нового хостинга. За последнюю неделю мы наконец то получили все документы и доступ к оборудованию что бы начать процесс:

16 июня (понедельник), начиная с 10:00 мы начнем миграцию с наших старых серверов в Будапеште в крупнейший датацентр в Амстердаме под управлением Internap.

Internap, безусловно, имеет большой послужной список в игровом хостинге, так что мы надеемся, снизить задержки в игре - Амстердам является одним из основных центров трансатлантической сети, так что игроки из Европы и Америки должны заметить гораздо более стабильное соединение. Internap также слепили различные решения для постоянно адаптирующихся сетей, так что мы возлагаем большие надежды на них.

Теперь несколько слов о самой миграции: В период перехода, который мы оцениваем в примерно 3-4 часа (но вы знаете, как это обычно бывает), все услуги будут недоступны - игра, сайт, электронная почта, IRC - все. Для некоторых неизбежны дополнительные задержки (распространение DNS) потому сервисы начнут работать для всех в разное время: мы постараемся восстановить игру как можно быстрее - большинство сервисов уже запущены и работают нормально, нам просто необходимо синхронизировать некоторые файлы и базы данных.

Вероятней всего лучшим выбором для вас было бы следить за прогрессом миграции в Twitter или Facebook.

Пожелайте нам удачи!


(22 replies, posted in Balancing)

Chemist wrote:

Хант, а смысл тогда? Давайте сразу всем скиллы в 10? Рано или поздно, но они уравняются. Так зачем тянуть время? Сделаем пвп-сервер.
В том и смысл тайм--баз игр. Стремление к чему-либо. А так поиграются и бросят.

First of all i hope that i won't need to translate your thoughts in future. Ok, let's talk about it now:

Chemist wrote:

Let's do the all skills  to lvl 10?

We can talk only about extreme points? Lvl 10 for every one or painful process and disparity? I'm sure there are more than two ways. I'm afraid you accustomed to low population in perpetuum. And you worry about your advantage more than success the game.

Chemist wrote:

Earlier or later it will be equal. Why we should to wait? Let's do a PvP server.

About early or later - it will be only if DeVs will stop develop the game. And i really doub if any noob going to wait this time.

Chemist wrote:

This is the meaning of time-based games. Aspiring to something. Else the ppl will play a bit and leave the game.

Ok you mean  EvE right? I've played EvE online. There are impossible to leave help channel the first month (if you leave this channel - you will be reconnected after next login). So the all newbies is there. And you know what? There are almost no the new people. I would say there are same inflow the newbies as in perpetuum. You can check it - go on, try to create new account it's really easy.

Personally i leaved the EvE because of i understood: There are nothing to do for me. Totally nothing. The game is quite good, quite understandable, quite interesting. But there are totally nothing to do for me as for player. How many years i should spend to be able join any good corp. How many corps with SPY-marasmus? I don't even say about creating the new corporation which consist on new players. NEWFRESH CORPORATION IMPOSSIBLE IN EVE.

...i spending so much efforts to explain. I have to stop with that.

TL;DR: If the players can't understand it - this is a their problem. If DeV's won't understand it... Well good luck.


(22 replies, posted in Balancing)

Rage Blackout wrote:

You quitting would be a first step though.

I don't see a problem if there will be lot's of players around with same EP amount as me.