Its useful in pve too. In fact its always useful, and certainly wont be removed. Deal with it.

I still consider, for a game like this to really succeed, there should not be any kind of "ive more money than you, my game is better than yours" system. Even if its not giving a pvp edge.  Think about paintjob for example. Im sure if thinking enough about it, i should find a reason why this would affect gameplay in general.

Please, up the sub fee 1 or 2 euros if needed, peoples will keep paying.  But im sure microtransactions should stay far far away from Nia.  I hope so.

Everyone the same even playing ground.  Thats were great games build their foundations. And about Eve, Plex etc... Ok it works, but does it make the game better for everyone? What about goldfarmers, all those kind of *** that happens when you put money parameter into the equation.  For Perp to succeed, it needs more paying customers, and more concurrent players. No microtransactions, they will lead systematically to RMT, everyone know this. Peoples will find a way to link NIC to EC, then EC products will be sold with RMT.

Yeah and different options for ordering modules, the one coming to mind:  all T1, then all T2 etc...  Ordering by tiers not by module type would be useful for corp storage management.


(41 replies, posted in Balancing)

Purgatory wrote:

And yes it is inflation even if I haven't spent it yet smile

Hum no its not. Inflation as Arga said is based on market pricing, not quantity of currency in the system.

Arga wrote:

A few players with large NIC balances will not cause inflation. Inflation is caused when everyone has excess NIC which they are willing to spend on items at ever increasing values.

Exactly its not the high difference of income power between most income(vets)/worst income(newb) that creates inflation. Its the general and proportional increase of buying power (demand), wich is obviously related to the total amount of nic in the system, but also related to the even or uneven distribution of those nic.

I insist there could be gazillions of nic in the system and no inflation happens, its linked but not in the way "+1 nic in system = +x% inflation".

Oh and Purgatory, are we really talking the same thing? You make 50k plasmas PER hour, alone, with no alt support etc? Cause it change the whole maths too. When we consider all those things, the unit is character, not player. If you got an alt support, you can cut that in half.

Lol Dazamin, you had me. I nearly believed you were not making irony. Best answer so far lol.


(41 replies, posted in Balancing)

Spartan wrote:

Well so far i've added about 200 million nic into the economy by selling plasma from 3 days of farming.

What did you bough for 200M NIC?  Because if its still in your wallet, its not in the economy, its in the server NIC total. Thats not exactly the same? Well i dont know *** what im talking about, i never read economics 101 but im pretty sure its not the same. Economy is currency trade, not currency at all. If everyone of us farmed all day long but never bought anything, there would be 0 NIC in perp economy? Surely its more complex but hey, just trying to understand

and just flooded the economy with more NIC.

So you spent them then. Im ok with your statement if its the case. BUT, on the other hand, if you spent them, you helped the economy AKA the market, by making a currency movement. You prefer rich and poor, with a working market, or no working market at all?  Because one cant come on another thread, say the market is dead, then come here and say currency increase is bad. I dont get the logic in that...

Crappy new industrial kernal system.

Nothing to say, 100% true. Some deciders dont want peoples to have the medium miner modules T4 it seems tongue

Last thing, you said you farmed for three days. That dont means anything to me. Please give us a precise amount of time, like how many hours. 3 days of play is EXTREMELY relative, especially in a game like this one.

Because if your 3 days of farm equals 30 hours, you can also say its one or two months of farm for a casual... got my point?

Celebro wrote:

the Gropho is awesome cool

I knew you would love it


(41 replies, posted in Balancing)

The objective of all of you is trying to standardize player experience. The only result of this will be shallow game, with no players. Sandbox mean opportunity, becoming rich if you know how to etc...  A veteran with same EP than me maybe wont be able to do the 10M/H, so what?

In your idea of "balance" and "working economy", you want to eliminate all the special little things that make a sandbox a sandbox. Find the good spot, accept the danger, reap the reward. In what *** game were said that veteran and long time followers should not get many more income per time played?
Your calling about inflation, everybody with a sense of logic know with such a small playerbase, it wont happens.

Biggest corps = internal markets, no NIC influx in open economy, no inflation.
Small corps/players = no NIC production power to make inflation incontrolable.

All is all about is not inflation ,admit it. All this is about is: Why a guys could make ten times more than a yougling in the same time? Wake up, it always existed.  If my wealth production capacity was the same of a newbie/ half time player, i wouldnt farm at all.  And Lucius wouldnt sell his T4 mods at over the top prices (no personal here, you follow the trend), because nobody would spend 8M for example for a T4 med shield, or 65M for a HM MK2 like i did.

You guys talking about inflation?  Care to show the stats, because ive seen someday ago Heavy mechs MK2 at not so much more than production cost.
Show the maths, show the curves, then we will talk about inflation and how to circumvent it. If it exist at all.

Arga wrote:

Again though, I'm not even sure there needs an adjustment. I only put this one out there because Indy income is 100% dependant on the market while ratting is 100% independant of it

What? Ratting income is 100% independant, but what do you do with all your NICS? Spend them on the market. Or leave them in your wallet, in that case theres no inflation, just NIC volume increase. But some seems to confuse those two parameters.

Inflation 1rst reason is peoples make easy nic too fast. But the 2nd and mandatory reason for inflation, is sellers inflating their prices. Everyone could be billionnaire, and no inflation happens. If nobody would up his prices, we would end up with increased buying power for "money vets" and same buy power for newbies (if its your problem with inflation). If you up the prices in line with NIC in world (and not in economy, cause adding NIC in economy is always a consequence of upping prices (given a fix amount of players/transaction, lets not overcomplicate it) , not the other way around), then yes newbie will have a hard time buying anything.

So...  if you really care about inflation, and fear big farmers will create it, remember the only deciders of inflation is the sellers, producers etc...

Alexander wrote:

Elites and artifacts are the only way to find beacons. hmm

I have looted an indus lvl2 of a silver hauler spawned from a dynamic spawn, so you can also get them that way

All MK2 "assault" mechs does

Celebro:  all depend on your playstyle, but believe me, i resetted from blue to green, and from a pve (i do many of this so i can say ive some knowledge) standpoint, gropho is far superior to mesmer.  Maybe your dps will be lower, but everything else is simpler.  Acc management, LOS, range etc...  Im so happy i took this decision, cause i now enjoy (well the word is a bit too much) pve more than ever. Its more cool, less stress, less micromanagement (except if your using actively the shield), in fact simpler. Oh and also, im solo pveer, so i got for example ganked once in a mesmer. I can assure you that if the same situation happen now with my gropho, i wouldnt have died at 500m of the island main terminal. Shield switching IS hard to manage, and consume a big part of your attention. But its sooo strong. No way to get killed against same level opponent except from drainers/neuters

Shaedys wrote:

How do you distinguish from that which is REALLY OP and that which is within acceptable if people don't complain?

You begin by looking at what you produced with COMMON SENSE.
You test, you internally balance, apply  then you consider if the majority is ok with it. The problem is, theres no poll that every player have to answer, so youll never know the exact true feeling of the whole perp playerbase.

Consider the problem the other way around:
There will ALWAYS be QQer. Does that mean a real perfect balance can never be achieved? The answer is no.

Smokeyii wrote:

I'm sorry, I was being honest.

*I like honesty

I'm sure that raw video unedited, would have been preferable.

*Edited or not, there was no opponent, so the video is shallow obviously. If he made those editing thingies is because theres nothing to show, so i guess he tried to "fill" somehow the vid.

Sometimes I can be overly abrasive in my applying The Truth.

*Ohh.... so "The Truth" with capital T comes from you... what an humility demonstration smile
Its not the truth, its certainly not "The Truth". Its just your personal taste man. All you wrote is subjective, nothing objective.

Or maybe I should start running around shooting video of me doing stuff that is rather pointless

*Outpost taking is pointless... your certainly right but lets pretend. What do YOU do to improve the game, the community, the ingame story, peoples interactions?  Nothing.  You just come here, spits your poison then happily look reaction from your useless troll...

and spamming "America, *** YEAH" on the screen, putting it to music and posting it on the web for everyone to see. That make you happy then cobalt?

*No need to make me happy, i already am by nature. Seems to not be your case, and im sorry for you about that.

*Nobody teached you that criticize and mock something that you've not shown to be able to outmatch, is rarely a good decision, and often makes you a fool in others regard.

Smokey at some time we were in the same corp. I saw someone honest and respectful at that time. Maybe the game makes you a bit too "bitter"? Criticizm can be good and often useful.  But what you did is just add some "negativity" where nobody asked for it. You could have criticized and say the same things, but on another tone and words. But you preffered to troll, its your decision.

Men, what the hell with all those balance and change reclamations. There are more important things to think for devs than your little feeling about shield bonus not being useful.

I was blue, i rerolled green. I LOVE the gropho, I LOVE the shield bonus. In fact it saved my gropho MK2 and its ridiculous cost more than once. Learn to micromanage and youll find its the best bonus for gropho, and it can give you a serious edge in pve/pvp. 100% LIKE the gropho bonus. Dont change plz.

You CAN use the shield while doing dmgs.  With the proper extensions and enough tuners, you can go under the 5s shield cycle time. Dont change it please. In fact dont change anything from now on about balancing. You DEVS lost too much time with individual requests, i want this, i want that, this is not good, ect...  Just consider when something is REALLY OP or really useless, and i dont see anything in game corresponding to that definition.

Peoples will ALWAYS have something to whine about, because everyone want everything that fits them gameplay style.

In fact, those kind of behaviors shows a will to bend the game to ones personal taste; while the logic would be the players adapt to the rules the DEVS and their vision of the game produce.

Concentrate on POS, terraforming, content. DONT cater to the "im never happy with what i have" crowd because there will always be one. If i was to decide something on this forum i would temporarily (until big content/feature/game mechanism patch) close "feature request" and "balancing".  Its simply not the time for this. 95% of gropho users are absolutely happy (ok i created this stat out my arse but you got the point) with shield bonus. Why change it then?

I use shield and missile, i use them at the same time, and i like it. I like the way you made it. Just wanted to say that.  Because the peoples happy with something rarely or never come to forum to say it. Leaving you with a false "community taste" impression.

I have QQed several times on the forum. It was always after a big gameplay change. I didnt "created" the problem. I came to QQ for something i liked that got changed, and adapted my playstyle. What you do is even worst, due to your personal taste you want to change the game for everyone, forcing me to come here to defend my gropho with its shield bonus that is perfectly right and balanced and useful. Dont like shields? Blue and yellow will welcome you with open arms...


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Takeo Prime wrote:

Devs, AWSOME job thus far, ignore these pointless requests and I look forward to seeing you work on new features instead of taking time to grease sqeaky wheels for over critical players.



(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:

*bump* since i still think this would make the game better and more balanced

Yeah yeah, help the devs with your omniscience about this game, give them the good balance that you found with your non biased point of view, ask for changes that would need an entire revamp of module/fitting system, cause its the priority atm, and all development power should be allocated to such non trivial modifications. Make my life better, i thank you in advance.


(41 replies, posted in Balancing)

So you guys want a working market, but also want to lower the global server nic creation....  Just fyi, im the kind of players that can make good amount of nic/h solo, but im also the kind of players that buy some mods/bots that i dont have access to otherwise, at high prices. Ok for higher sink, not ok for lowering income = very bad idea imo.

Annihilator wrote:

will cause whining of certain forum players for sure wink
(because it would lower their Kernel/minute farming rate)

Lol at this. You guys speak like you all are some sort of game design consultants. You are just players, and until proven otherwise, you dont have any greater insight about the game that anyone else. So please cool down about all your change this/remove that/balance this/nerf that, because it sucks certainly some development capacity for the devteam; and excuse me but who whine? Who create topics? The whiner is the one that defend actual balance, wich has proven for a year to somehow work, or the guy whining because he cant make all that nic? Ill explain you someday Lucius, its all about fitting, extensions, and obviously some player skill/reflexion...

Sundial wrote:
Cobalt wrote:

Lol smokeyii what do you do for others except whining, belittle and despise others work?

He stood by himself for what he believed in, where others can only stand with many around them.

Sure you made my point. He did nothing for others.

Even with a "not so perfect" video, at least Triglav did it for others to see it.

Oh and before criticize someone stuff, prove you are able to do better.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Trap Card its obviously possible, if you dont have full time active.  "Older account" means the account was created before.  That dont equal total time of activation.

Lol smokeyii what do you do for others except whining, belittle and despise others work?

Im not often commenting devblogs, but i have to say im impressed. It is very realistic, and finally we are freed from the legs moving like flies wing (unrealistic, it would need a massive amount of energy to move those legs forward and backward so swiftly).  For those who think its more animal like, and not enough "robot" like: care to studie a bit about zoomorphism, youll get all the answers you need there. The locomotion part of the robots are zoomorphs (except the wheels but this case is simple):  spider like legs, lezard like legs, biped like legs.  The true good animation for those is what they came up with = zoomorphist animations. Its 100% logical and they couldnt do otherwise, to maintain the physical and energetic consumption realism.

Thats as simple as that.  You need to make an animation, where the "feets" when touching ground, must not slide too much, but the body goes forward at the needed speed. Logically, the more the speed, the more the distance between two steps (horse trot/galop analogy). But for the old method, they just decided to accelerate the animation, retaining the "ground touching point" spacing. That ended with so fast legs and high frequency of complete movement for light EW, they looked like flies wings, moving too fast for we could see them clearly.

I feel like they made something that looks like lizard movement (due to legs shape and ratio to body height) they will certainly chose something different for different morphologies. Im a bit in modeling/animation, all i can say: great job, very realistic, not too much twitch.  Hope that will be realistic on 45° slopes too, why not.

I always loved object shapes (well except robots heads i feel like too big, smaller heads would help with the "huge robots/world" feeling. Imo the vagabond head/body ratio is perfect, more to the head is too much imo), now i love animations too smile


(1 replies, posted in Selling Items)

Nm seems you got an offer far beyond my reach yikes

Alexadar wrote:

My request will be to remove static NPC spawns, and make this beacons much accessible to get.

Annihilator wrote:

agree with alex*

before wraith and cobalt jump in here: everything with adjusted reward, like a roaming npc leader has 100% chance to drop kernel, static small fries having a lower one.

Im absolutely not against more roaming npcs. Just adjust speed/DPS/signal of those groups so you can avoid them in most cases. A hauling group with many lithuses for example should be defended, but not only from pvp and scarce pve on a pre-determined (and avoidable) path, but also random roaming groups, that are "randomly" moving. On the other hand a single roaming player on beta should be able to avoid "bigger" than him. That also would need a mechanism to let solo miner have some way to do their stuff on beta. Never proscribe solo play of the gameplay balancing equation, even in beta imo.

And more access to "remote spawns" aka distress beacons, wich is great for group pve because of fast access and timing. And also some "really" rewarding and challenging geographically static npc spawn. Almost all spawns can be soloed in beta, and by soloed i mean reaching respawn/destruction balance (ok,ok speed of destruction is always a factor of effectiveness, even more with group respawn, but it get somehow dissolved in respawn time).

Yeah the maximum npc difficulty should equal 100% chance of death if big error against them, even for veterans, even in small/medium groups. It is balanced that way now and offer a real challenge.

Lets wait for heavier chassis ingame to see even more challenging pve. Because i think the game misses something in the area of "biggest threat possible". Maybe change the way pve HL is handled, why not use POS as an opportunity to do this?

Once we have our new islands adapted for structures creation, why not make the faction npc build highly defended structures, at random locations, preceded by roaming activity etc...  What is most fun and realism, a giant robot/monster/whatever with 1 billion HP, that take a 40 players group 1hr to kill, or a giant fortress defended by swarms of low npcs, defensive turret structures, and maybe some observers or a little stronger opponents at the center near the loot.

From a lore/evolution of game perspective, i think implementing npc actions inside the POS system will be essential to develop the "war against natives" aspect of the persistent world. Once we get further inside Nian empire, we will obviously encounter ennemy structures. I think those structures should be almost all destuctible, except some key buildings. After that its easy to regularly adjust aliens response level to be in line with the story.

Kaldenines wrote:

[troll] I presume you live on Alsbale?  Why would you care if the other islands are populated or not, none of the inhabitants of Alsbale ever venture out to other beata islands...[/troll] tongue

You presume wrong smile