(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

We did it guys! Perpetuum has now reached 70% positive reviews on Steam, after Ville edited his negative review to positive.

As you may have noticed, I have been doing some marketing recently by giving away 28k+ credits, yielding about 15 positive reviews. After the giveaway finished, I mailed over 100 new player to bribe them into reviewing the game. This worked pretty well, resulting in over 30 fresh reviews.

Thanks to all the participants! \o/

Now let's keep it from falling back to mixed.

If you haven't reviewed the game yet, go to Steam and do it. Mail me ingame to receive your 10m.


(25 replies, posted in Balancing)


Gotta remove the internal corp market for this to work.



(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:

This will be in the next devblog too, but I wanted to put it out here: spark teleports will be removed as a whole once we're done with the teleport&highway rework of all islands.

They were introduced as a band-aid for long walk times, but with that being solved through "natural" ways, their negative effects will finally outweigh the positive ones.

Awesome. While I've grown very dependent on spark teleports, I fully support this change. Thanks!


(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Jita wrote:
SunnyJester wrote:
Tonnik wrote:

The balancing is based upon a population with mainly new people doing low level rats. As 95% of ratting is vs mech and heavy its perceived that the kernel balancing is wrong but that's a population problem, not balancing.

For once I agree with Jita.....so the question is how do you make it better when the population is low that doesn't water them down when the population increases (I know it is a pipe dream but let me dream)

You do level 1 beacons

SunnyJester wrote:
Jasdemi wrote:

Patrol Beacons drop a good amount of common kernels. This generates demand for mission tokens = more people encouraged to run missions = win/win

This is not solo content.....

Ain't anyone got time for that, playing with other players?!


(6 replies, posted in Balancing)


Why should industry assignments take considerably longer than transport missions? You still have to undock and collect items.


(20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Altera wrote:
SunnyJester wrote:

Well it works today, not sure what happened yesterday.....

Insert trolling posts below vvvvvvvvv

Sir, even I would not troll mentally handicapped people. What do you think of us? sad


(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Patrol Beacons drop a good amount of common kernels. This generates demand for mission tokens = more people encouraged to run missions = win/win

Sunny, make daddy proud!


(3 replies, posted in Buying Items)

PM SunnyJester. He still has some ICE for sale to keep his corporation afloat.


(1 replies, posted in Open discussion)

$6 for Borderlands 1 and 2 with all DLCs I think. One of the best bundles I've seen on it so far.


SunnyJester wrote:
Jasdemi wrote:

Red NCPs on alpha2 were removed as a band aid fix due to rampant griefing. As AI stuff is now fixed, I hope they're coming back asap. Made alpha2 life much more interesting.

9) Sure, but you've been around for a long time. When NSE first started, we went through blood and tears to get a seth, now we can produce gamma terminals with ease.

Yet your corp still had to sell me 40 ICE few days ago, to acquire some NIC. I'm not judging, but get off your high horse, son.

I sold 40 ice (23 to you btw) because I do it every thime there is a sale...I like to have a big balance as a corp leader.  Dont be a troll....


Red NCPs on alpha2 were removed as a band aid fix due to rampant griefing. As AI stuff is now fixed, I hope they're coming back asap. Made alpha2 life much more interesting.

9) Sure, but you've been around for a long time. When NSE first started, we went through blood and tears to get a seth, now we can produce gamma terminals with ease.

Yet your corp still had to sell me 40 ICE few days ago, to acquire some NIC. I'm not judging, but get off your high horse, son.


(1 replies, posted in Q & A)

Have you thought about selling the game on the Humble Store yet?
There are only a handful of MMOs there, and most of them being EVE Starter Packs.


(31 replies, posted in Balancing)

Illiathos wrote:

By trying to deter people from botting you are by my opinion using wrong measures that hurt the whole population, like reds in alpha 2. For bots, just get recognition software and actually ban the people. And no, multiboxers arent botters, but the devs are trying to put both down for some reason.

As for dev Zoom, i believe that delivering an item for mining is just unnecessary and brings a lot of pain without any gain. If i really want to multi missions, i can still get my 12 accounts on them and have goffers, its going to be a pain, but its not going to make me any less op that i am atm.

Who gave this guy drugs? Or is it just failed attempt at trolling? Can't tell.
While you're at it, why don't you suggest to remove the transporting part from Transport missions? It's silly and unnecessary.


(31 replies, posted in Balancing)

The only thing they're fixing is that you must go back to any terminal after mining or harvesting, as intended. Not buying millions of materials from market and spam assignments in less than one minute. In my opinion this is clearly an exploit.


(24 replies, posted in Events)

The giveaway is over. The winners are:

Anilusion                  18000 Credits
Seraphim(Rasnath)    8000 Credits
JcJet                            2400 Credits

Something seems to be spamming your Q key. The window which pops up is asking you to press a key you wish to assign. Have you tried using the chat ingame?


(31 replies, posted in Balancing)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Our idea is that along with the minerals you need to deliver a "mining log" (or harvesting) item that drops after you finished the mining objective.

+1. I like this one.

Annihilator wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

Our idea is that along with the minerals you need to deliver a "mining log" (or harvesting) item that drops after you finished the mining objective.

so, you "force" every squad member to deliver an item that is created in their cargo?
or better, every squad member that participated in the gather process (thats an important difference!!)

*edit: what would happen if someone from the gather group has to log off? Mission doomed to FAIL? (similar to construction and transport missions)

From how I understood is that there would be only one certificate for every mineral. Whenever the required material amounts are reached, the certificate will be added to the agents cargo who triggered the objective completion.

Here's an example from how I see it working:

Assignment X requires you to gather 30000 Helioptris.

Objective A: Gather 30000 Helioptris
Objective B: Deliver 30000 Helioptris
Objective C: Deliver 1 "Helioptris Acquisition Certificate"

Agent A, B are working on this assignment.
Agent B's harvester cycle causes objective A to reach 30000 Helioptris. Agent B receives 1 "Helioptris Acquisition Certificate".


(5 replies, posted in Balancing)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Just some info: relation penalties are 20% of the positive gains, and Diplomacy reduces this to 10% on level 10. So 3% wouldn't work at all smile

Ok, I misunderstood the Hungarian math. It's very well worth to get it then. Case closed for me. big_smile


(5 replies, posted in Balancing)

The new diplomacy extensions feels pretty underwhelming for such a high complexity. I think it should be at least 3% per level for people to even consider spending any EP.

/discuss away


(24 replies, posted in Events)

Less than 3 days left until the final drawing.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Apart from bigger mineral deposits, there's more active market on alpha 2 islands, higher level missions and NPCs. You're not bound to your starting faction, you're free to go to any other faction islands without any disadvantages.

I'd take more demand for tokens, thus more people running missions over content for 1-2 players or bots per island.

+1 for removal of static spawns

Celebro wrote:

Don't see emails that the game is -50% off as well as credits ICE etc, why? Come on guys

Do it nao!