Arga wrote:

More ninja miners would be awesome, course as the price went down, it would be less enticing ... roller coaster!

agree; more targets.

the price has been fluctuating quite a bit recently but it's still "high" according to people who buy it and don't mine it.

Arga wrote:

I'm speculating it has something to do with the repair/commdities return ratio being driven by market somehow.

Edit: or somehow being able to recyle production and get more mats then you put in

the exploit that i found (happened to me by accident actually), reported, and demonstrated would have handed out unlimited fittings without any production required.

all i have to say is i have a feeling it's more than one thing.  i have seen some evidence to support that belief and i have (renewed) faith in mancs, calvin, and others.


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

I've been watching these back to back.  They're long, old, but hilarious.

Campana wrote:

Crepitus, what does insurance fraud have to do with this...?

I fail to see the logic ^^

Maybe you should re-read the OP.

DEV Calvin wrote:

It has come to our attention, that some players have come into illegitimate possession of significant amounts of robots, equipment and other commodities. The magnitude of these exploits have helped these players to affect the whole landscape of Perpetuum.

All accounts, equipment, commodities, knowledge bases and NIC in relation to these exploits have been removed from the game. We also have suspended several accounts that we could connect to these illegal activities.

We are certain that from now on Nia will be a much more interesting and rewarding place to be, and are looking forward to a new age in the political landscape of the game.

The exploitable mechanism has been fixed.

We warn all players, that we will deal with such offenders with utmost severity. If anyone has further information regarding the issue, now is the time to come forward and share it with us privately at We will keep pursuing this issue with full effort.

*** YEA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll take my sig off now.  I don't think it's likely necessary any more.  I also hope this nets the people abusing the exploit I reported to Mancs.  Keep up the good work guys, the downtime is worth this 10,000,000,000 times over.

Annihilator wrote:

its simply the epriton and norlagis requirement in some really basic modules.

IMHO Espitium, Briochit and Alligior should be a component that is replacing other components starting at T3 and more at T4.

the value of a t1 or t2 nexus, signal stuff, tunings is not high enough to justfy the "elite" components in them in such high concentrations.

Agreed.  I was looking at t1 signal maskers yesterday; they're ridiculous.


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

yea.  that's why when they said hotfix i screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in general.. and took a nearly 4 hour nap .. to see it's still down ;/

Simply removing the requirement to prototype t2+ items as the only valid way to get a CT would go a LONG way in filling the market and leveling the playing field.

Let people RE everything and the markets will fill.  There are already corps in game whose goal is to make the market viable who are being held back by this pointless glacier in the road.

Simply removing the requirement to prototype t2+ items as the only valid way to get a CT would go a LONG way in filling the market and leveling the playing field.

Let people RE everything and the markets will fill.  There are already corps in game whose goal is to make the market viable who are being held back by this pointless glacier in the road.

This never happened pre-patch.  Only Perpetuum is affected, no other programs.  System volume is unchanged.  Happened on both clients simultaneously, both client sound settings are unchanged in Options from what they were.  Does not happen every time.  I'm specifically talking about a USB mouse.

Both packet latency and fps wise.  It's very jerky, while mining (I play 2 clients at a time usually) the mining client has a 10-15 ms increase (not a lot but more than none) in ping while mining but not otherwise. 

Every mining cycle makes clicking other tiles and what not very jerky making it much harder to lock new tiles than it was pre-patch.

Nice work on ground scan without having to show it on the map, and the scanning folders are nice too.

a lot of people don't even read forums.

Louise1 wrote:

Mining jobs had a bit of a surprise in that respect: why do we need an “area”-based survey if afterwards we make a smaller “tile”-based ? Seems to me we are doing the same job twice just to get an useless arbitrary “first” result. Did I miss something ? Is there any other purpose in the game ? And what to think about those designations”xx-nnnnn” ?Is this a remainder of a developing idea, which never has been worked out and just lingers ?
The mining itself is straightforward enough: it is shooting without shooting ;D.

You don't have to use area scanners if your skills are good enough and with a decent scanner you can just run around with universal tile charges and get good results.  I personally hate area scans.

Understand that islands tend to have a bias in the minerals they possess, for example Attalica (the one with which I'm most familiar) has barely any liquizit or stermonit at all but it has lots of titan and immentium.

Also understand that unless you have 100%+ scanner accuracy your results are lying to you by a certain amount; so finding big fields is easy small ones are hard.

EDIT: I prefer waypoints to using the scan results for telling me where stuff is but with the new system that auto sorts stuff out that might change (I haven't tested it yet).

DEV Gargaj wrote:

We added a diagnostic feature in the client that can help us find out where the network congestions are:

1. Open the console (`/~ key by default, can be reassigned in the keyboard settings)
2. Enter openprofiler to open the debug window.
3. Select the tab "traceroute".
4. Press the TRACE button and wait until the process finishes. (It will say "Statistics sent." once it finished.)

What this will do is perform a standard ICMP traceroute and send the data to our server, after which the server will do the same internally to get statistic data from both routes.

Hopefully this will highlight where the failing routers are.

Will do, thanks for adding it.

Doesn't work, even if set to markets in range.  Just doing show all and markets in range and then clicking through things one item at a time still works.  There are no orders at the terminal I'm in, maybe that's Working As Intended (but I doubt it).

Not just when they're listed, so I can see when they're gone instead of having to dig through my storage or try to remember what I had listed yesterday.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Gargaj wrote:
Crepitus wrote:

Some of us are still trapped at work ;/

Yeah, I know the feeling...

Oh wai--


No Sleep Til Brooklyn.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

How's it going?  Some of us are still trapped at work ;/

It looks good on paper

Everdead i wrote:

All in all my conectivity is usually fine.  There have been a few bad times but that coud be my ISP.  Once issue that I have on a regular basis is with auto run.  I play almopst every day.  It seems one or 2 days of the week auto run enters periods where it stops every 20 - 50 feet.  Start it again, runs 50 feet or so and stops, repeat, repeat.  When this occurs the game is unplayable except for mining (assuming you have the patients to get to a mining spot).  Can you do somthgin on the coding side so it is not so sensitive to the "blips"?

you're definitely not the only one and they're aware of it .. it's because the movement is server side to prevent hacked clients from teleporting or speed running everywhere so any little hiccup in your connection with the server stops you cold. 

it is absolutely infuriating.  there are several hops between where i am in the US and the servers in Hungary that are the issue and i know they're basically the same for everyone if you look at some of the other threads about lag and disconnects.

listening to the podcast right now while in game.. comments to follow.

- I agree about the community.  Glad Mo survived, it's been a rough tornado season thus far, and it's good to see people aren't trolling their 'enemies' real life bad luck.

- I think it's odd that none of the other new corps, many with quite a few members, were mentioned.  AET/SUNDER/FOOM being the biggest of the new corps that I've seen.

- My reading of the 62nd post is that they still have a lot of bad blood with CIR and Syndic and do not want to be on the same side as them, other forums confirm this as does my past experience being in 62nd myself .. I have seen Balf and others headed to Nova solo several times since.

- AXE did not show up for the Uria intrusion you mention, it was way off time wise for everyone that could have shown up.  I no longer speak for AXE (I was PR/HR manager during my brief tenure), however this is what happened: 

Basically after the TBA incident, AXE was labeled a liability for possible spies and was excluded from a lot of pertinent information and is probably why you don't see them around much because no one tells them when anything is going on.  Communication within the Hoop Alliance has always been bad anyway with language, time zones, and paranoia being the main culprits (my opinion obviously).

Norhoop is basically F-NAVY, their pet corp xxSIxx, and CHAOS .. like AXE, SK got left out of the loop and the last time I saw them they were still based at Initia.  62nd was blue and reset, HUN left, AXE is still technically a member but left out of anything of importance.  To me what's interesting about this is how closely it mirrors what happened with Dom Alliance; you need only read between the lines of Syndic's post about reforming to Novastrov to see the parallels.

I also suspect some of the speculation about these things by Gremrod in particular wasn't all above board and I would have liked to have seen Kalsius call him on it.  This seems like fishing for intel first, and second I know your guys have been at Brightstone every day for awhile so you should know who is around there.

- Smokeyii's thread was Epic; agreed.

- New Player tips: Check the wiki-in-progress

- Speed boost module: I was reading the beta forum archive last week at work, and one of the ECorp ideas was to have the ability to just press shift or something and get a sprint that pulls from your accumulator like you're saying.  I think that's a good idea; but I also think the base speed of *ALL* bots should be increased 20 or 30 kph; travel times are ridiculous even in t4 lwf and nav 10 in nearly everything.

- In your face mechs, took a massive hit with explosion damage.. glass canons are even more glass; I've pretty much been forced to back off and change ammo types to have the range not to be dropped to half by an explosion.

- Well done as usual, I enjoy the market analysis and battle recaps the most probably (I don't understand why I can find so many videos with Google that aren't on the video thread). 

I have asked the CEO of FOOM to post in your thread about being on the panel.  I hope he does and I hope you'll welcome him.

EDIT: As usual I'll continue adding while I'm listening.

5.7 hours average ((weekdays + weekends)/7) ..

getting pretty bored though; not sure how long i'll last going in to summer where i'll be off work for 2 months. 

2x the land mass with the same pop = half the pvp or less with the current political landscape being a factor as well.  i expected to see a lot more small alpha corps trying to ninja mine on beta and i've seen none of that and only a couple coming out for transport.


(0 replies, posted in Bugs)

If you have your private storage showing storage at a terminal that you're not at when production finishes and the product is at that terminal you have to not just click off of the storage for that terminal but collapse and expand the window to get it to refresh to show what's new there.  Same thing if you have buy orders there.


(0 replies, posted in Bugs)

When your sort friends by name it stays that way til someone logs off or on and then it shuffles again.  Very annoying when watching for spies.


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hello Kind Sir wrote:

I'll definitely agree that NPC EW bots are a bit too strong in the early moments of a players career.  It's not that an EW bot will mean death however, it will mean that the spawn is off limits to someone in Light/Assault bots because of the strength.

Everyone is a noobie at one point and it's quite limiting for that new player to be restricted to non-EW spawns for quite a long period of time.

ewar is a *** even when you're not a newbie.  the only real way to combat it is to not get hit .. range is its only weakness really.  you can kite stuff once you have decent long range targetting and fast locks .. if you watch the pvp videos you often see mechs with 2x sensor amps for that reason; it works in pve too.

Alexander wrote:

And fixed about them.

Current focus is on making assaults and mechs different.

But, they are different.  Assaults are virtually useless and mechs aren't.