Topic: farewell everyone

just wanted to say goodbye to all the friends I have made here this game just isn't for me.

its just not very well thought out and to much of a struggle more like a job just to stay ahead.

to the dev's think you are doing great and trying to comunicate with the players but the game is to flawed 30 sec spawn timers and ew on every single encounter outside of noob area is just ***.

EW is a special form of warfare that is used by less then 1 percent of a milatary force it is not a standard weapon carried by all.

I would sugest that the developers go create new chars on eve and see the diffrence on how its should be done vs how its done here yes there two diffrent games but come on 90% of the stuff in this game came from eve just twisted around at least copy it right so as the game is fun to play not another job.

either way to all thos who i got to meet and hang out with have great one come look me up in eve sometime.

Re: farewell everyone

Your stuff, I can haz?

Re: farewell everyone

Dadar wrote:

just wanted to say goodbye to all the friends I have made here this game just isn't for me.

its just not very well thought out and to much of a struggle more like a job just to stay ahead.

to the dev's think you are doing great and trying to comunicate with the players but the game is to flawed 30 sec spawn timers and ew on every single encounter outside of noob area is just ***.

EW is a special form of warfare that is used by less then 1 percent of a milatary force it is not a standard weapon carried by all.

I would sugest that the developers go create new chars on eve and see the diffrence on how its should be done vs how its done here yes there two diffrent games but come on 90% of the stuff in this game came from eve just twisted around at least copy it right so as the game is fun to play not another job.

either way to all thos who i got to meet and hang out with have great one come look me up in eve sometime.

Bye bye. I hope you had fun.
You must have died to spawns or something.

Re: farewell everyone

Maybe its worth 7$ to let the account EP acrue for a month and check back, things may be better for you, the devs are making changes fairly regularly.

If not, cheers and all the best smile

Re: farewell everyone

Sorry to hear players leave, but after comparing stEVE to perpetuum, (which I think OP does make a  good point.) But then accuse game as being a second job.

What about eve isn't that a second job too?

Well both games are a true sandbox and they can both be played in different ways, that is the beauty of the sandbox you can play in anyway you like. Don't like the pressure to remain competitive; then take it slowly as it comes. There are some big corps that have changed direction to enjoy the game it different way too.

I still understand your issue and tbh PVE is still lacking on different areas, Devs know that (unlike stEVE DEVS) and I am confident things will improve soon. smile


6 (edited by TeamBETAalpha 2011-05-24 16:04:43)

Re: farewell everyone

people compare it to eve cause eve online was out first lol....take eve away and this just a new game people are playing. Just like wow, everything is related to

But to the OP

Bye, see you later

We need people who will play the game for what it is and try to make it better, stop relating this game to others.

oops edit...btw how long has eve been out for lol...this game been out for...

Re: farewell everyone

true people don't want to face the fact that this game is eve with robots and thats fine it has alot of diffrences like every encounter has ew and dem eve you don't even come across a webing ship till level 4 missions.

and even then there is a way to escape if you know what your doing perp no way to escape no way to avoid ew no options what so ever except speed and to get speed you must buy insanely expensive prototype mods cause light bots can run faster.

being run down by a mob you just killed 30 seconds ago dem so that the t3 mech your fighting can blow you up is not my idea of balanced pve fun

as for my stuff already gave it to my corp to anyone out there who reads this and wants a good corp I would truely recommend Tog there a great group of guys who will go out of there way to help you anyway they can.

Re: farewell everyone

PVE. Your doing it wrong. It's NOT Eve with bots, using EVE tactics is your problem, play Perpetuum while in Nia and you'll be much more effective. We posted many tips for you to help, but if your mind is stuck on "eve" then perhaps that is where you will be most happy, since Perpetuum is not going to be rewritten to be Eve with bots.

9 (edited by Hello Kind Sir 2011-05-24 17:55:35)

Re: farewell everyone

I'll definitely agree that NPC EW bots are a bit too strong in the early moments of a players career.  It's not that an EW bot will mean death however, it will mean that the spawn is off limits to someone in Light/Assault bots because of the strength.

Everyone is a noobie at one point and it's quite limiting for that new player to be restricted to non-EW spawns for quite a long period of time.

Re: farewell everyone

Hello Kind Sir wrote:

I'll definitely agree that NPC EW bots are a bit too strong in the early moments of a players career.  It's not that an EW bot will mean death however, it will mean that the spawn is off limits to someone in Light/Assault bots because of the strength.

Everyone is a noobie at one point and it's quite limiting for that new player to be restricted to non-EW spawns for quite a long period of time.

ewar is a *** even when you're not a newbie.  the only real way to combat it is to not get hit .. range is its only weakness really.  you can kite stuff once you have decent long range targetting and fast locks .. if you watch the pvp videos you often see mechs with 2x sensor amps for that reason; it works in pve too.

Population graphs

<GM Synapse> please don't abuse our fresh players before blowing them up. And for god sakes, don't do that after it!

Re: farewell everyone

Some spawns are not meant to be solo'd, just because a player can't solo them doesn't mean the game is broken, as players get more powerful the size and variety of spawns agents can solo increases.

This is true for the assignments too, level 2 combat missions are so much easier with a second player (not an alt, a real person) it's not even a comparison.

If somone wants to play solo, then they have to play the solo'able content.

TOG is a great corp, members shouldn't have to be out solo doing anything, unless it's by choice.

To all newer players reading this; The solo game is difficult and frustrating, if you don't want this type of experience then you'll need to be more socialable, or play a non-mmo.

Re: farewell everyone

The only thing in the ops post I agree with is the spawn times.. not that I want to wait 5 minutes.. but by the time I am finished killing the 4th or 5th bot, they are already respawning.  It is kind of fast.  But I just deal with it.. I haven't died to one yet.  :-)

Re: farewell everyone

WoW is in some other direction....L2P....kthxbye

"like Kalsius, a shameless carebear and jitalover" - Syndic

Re: farewell everyone

Kynes, with 2 players, you do sit around waiting for spawns.

It's 'high stress' farming some spawns solo, 1-2 hours of continual button pressing, but the rewards are very good even for the 'easier' non-EW 2 star light spawn; about 3M/hour after selling 'goo', kernels, and commodities from recyling mods and fragments.

Maybe the spawns are a little out of balance toward multiplayer advantage, but that's a recurring theme in Perp, the solo game is Hard mode.

Re: farewell everyone

Um, you went there Kalsisus smile

Re: farewell everyone

Arga wrote:

Um, you went there Kalsisus smile


Perp does need a better new player experience, corps can help in this, but there's something you can never patch......

"like Kalsius, a shameless carebear and jitalover" - Syndic

Re: farewell everyone

Cerp, Yep I run 2x sensor amps, not just for the range, but for the relock speed. (PVE) With ewar you can out-cycle the ECM with a fast lock; Shoot lock breaks, relock and shoot, lock breaks, etc. EW have almost no armor, with an assault and a weap stab/Prec 10 lasers hit 100% and 3 relocks they are dead.

The down side is your getting drained and damaged, so while solo it's really hard to farm this way. Add in a remote repper alt or friend, and they can hit you with a Med-Rep a couple times and there's no reason to back out (so demob doesn't mean anything since your not kiting or moving). But, it's not really Solo if you have a rep-buddy, and they can also remote-amp you too.

What I've been finding, with a Rep-buddy, is that ewar tend to 'run' away, and you can't chase them without getting into the rest of the pack and getting out of range of the repper.

If your out doing Mechs, 3 is even better, 1 rep, 1 assault for the EW and a DPS mech.

Re: farewell everyone

Arga wrote:

Kynes, with 2 players, you do sit around waiting for spawns.

That is true.. I guess I am speaking from a solo PvE perspective.  But like I said, I haven't died, I learn to adapt!

Re: farewell everyone

Kynes wrote:
Arga wrote:

Kynes, with 2 players, you do sit around waiting for spawns.

That is true.. I guess I am speaking from a solo PvE perspective.  But like I said, I haven't died, I learn to adapt!

come visit us on nauwy, we might be able to help you out with that hehe big_smile

Re: farewell everyone

TeamBETAalpha wrote:
Kynes wrote:
Arga wrote:

Kynes, with 2 players, you do sit around waiting for spawns.

That is true.. I guess I am speaking from a solo PvE perspective.  But like I said, I haven't died, I learn to adapt!

come visit us on nauwy, we might be able to help you out with that hehe big_smile

Traitor! tongue


Re: farewell everyone

Celebro wrote:
TeamBETAalpha wrote:
Kynes wrote:

That is true.. I guess I am speaking from a solo PvE perspective.  But like I said, I haven't died, I learn to adapt!

come visit us on nauwy, we might be able to help you out with that hehe big_smile

Traitor! tongue

sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me smile
...I only left a corporation...tis all i dids  sniff sniff all the kids call me traitor on PO

22 (edited by Smokeyii 2011-05-24 22:10:30)

Re: farewell everyone

I kind of agree, I think EW is a little bit too powerful in this game, and having almost every 4th tier and above robot have some kind of ew a nuisance.

Then again, it's not like NPC spawns are exactly hard. All it takes is a couple more people with dps and they drop so fast. You can just forget about doing them solo.

In pvp it's pretty easy to get jams on people. That's not to mention the fact that you can also be sensor supressed into not being able to lock. And then demobbed until you're stationary. Just sayin, it's a bit too powerful imo.

*edit* sorry forgot to adress the OP.

Best of luck in your new adventures. Perpetuum isnt for everyone.

Re: farewell everyone

I have to admit, I am slowly losing the perspective that Perpetuum is eve on the ground. I just wish I could sell my damn eve accounts so I could pay for this big_smile

Re: farewell everyone

your right not every spawn can be soloed and yes I was given tips and they were working well i was fighting a spawn that only had 3 mobs 1 mech and 2 lights doing ok until.

I killed the ew lights no problem engaged the mech it was half dead when all the sudden one of the lights respawned ran 500m from its spawn all the time i am running in other direction away from it. said light bot overtook my mech dem my mech and the mech i was fighting anilated me.

how could this have been avoided? you tell me the light could outrun me and was able to dem in optimal range of a mech which shreded my mech. there is no counter to the ew and everythign has it.

and i don't mean every spawn has an ew bot every single spawn regarless if there is ew bot in the group has ew thats just retareded fought a t2 mech other day had dem ecm and neut all on the same bot along with full arary of weapons. I understand the need and uses of ew what i don't agree with is the fact that its on every single spawn except the noob bots outside the main term

but it doesn't matter maybe 6 months from now this game will be playable but you die hards can keep telling yourself that nothing is wrong and maybe you truely beleave that but when less then 200 people log onto a game at peak time hell at any time that tells you

1. your wrong
2. thos who are quiting have a very good reason to.
3. you have prob been past the first 3 months of ep so long you truely have no idea what the game is realy like for a new player

Re: farewell everyone

Don't worry about it Dadar. So many people in this community get off of being elitest jackasses. They've been around for years and have had far to much sway with the devs in the production of this game.